
The Transfer Of The Ages

One man tired of his boring life, passed away at a predetermined age. A goddess took pity on his poor life and decided to give him a second chance. But things might be more than they seem at first glance. Will our MC live out a new, exciting life? Or will it be just as boring as the last? Find out in the next episo.... I mean, find out by reading now! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hey everyone, author here, I am alive and back. I decided to rewrite a good majority of the chapters to provide more details and add a bit of life to the story. I hope you all enjoy! English IS IN FACT My native language, so if you see spelling errors, let me know through comments because I will fix them. Check out my discord! https://discord.gg/vFb9ZcajzY

Oshimura · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
69 Chs

The Twenty First

"The guild master and some well known assassination group known as the Moon's Claw were the ones to target you. The guild master and everyone in the guild feared you for having such a high level and amount of power that they saw you as a threat and sought after the help of that group." After she said that the machine went off notifying me that she didn't lie.

"Good job answering that question. Now, Question two! Where is the base of this assassination group? Surely you would know something about that Miss secret assassin?" Her body twitched then shivered as I made that last statement. I checked her status earlier and instead of saying clan it said she was a part of that group she mentioned and that she was second in command. Oh how lucky am I to find such a boon of information.

"I can tell you where our hideout is if you keep me alive." This girl has the guts to even make such a statement. When she said that I felt like a vein was going to pop out of my head.

"You have no say in this matter, either you tell me now or I will get the information out of you with magic. Now since you decided to say something like that you deserve some punishment." Before she could say anything I stabbed her legs and arms into the wall of the room and she started screaming before I put a gag in her mouth to shut her up. After a while she looked in my direction red faced still full of tears, but she finally quieted down. I took the gag out of her mouth and continued the interrogation.

"Now that you understand your position in the matter, speak of all the prime locations of your group's bases. Lie to me once and I will give you a taste of pain worse than death." After that she decided to confess to me where their base of operations were. Apparently assassin groups were a regular thing in this world. Her group's base was in the deep end of the slums of the city I recently left.

Looks like another visit to the city is in order. This will give me a good chance to train my new little rat ninja and my child. After she finished telling me about her group I ended her life again without a moment's notice and burnt the corpse. When I exited the room I called Divinus and Sicarus to me. When they arrived I brought Elaine with me as well.

"Alright you three I will give you an important task that will also help you level faster. You will assist me in taking out this stupid assassination group called The Moon's Claw that was dumb enough to target me." After that we headed out through the portal and entered the city in the dead of the night.

We took a quick turn down the main road into the slums of the city. Not long after we arrived at the base of the group. I kicked the door to the other end of that room and yelled inside.

"What's up Bitches!?" My voice was heard throughout the slums and woke up all the assassins in the base. They however never got a chance to say anything. It was a one sided massacre.

After the altercation with the group Divinus evolved to an Advanced Swordsman and Sicarius evolved to an Advanced Thief. While we were surrounded by endless bloody corpses I breathed in slowly and calmed myself. I decided then and there to test the capabilities of infinite storage, when we walked outside I thought of taking the entire place into the storage and lo and behold the place was consumed by a black void.

When I looked at the storage a huge list appeared that was organized by categories like housing, monster materials, and corpses. I could also search for a specific thing with a simple thought. It was a good idea to explore this further. Although the only limit of this ability I found was I could only store things that I technically 'owned'. Which means that after we killed that group I became the owner of that building.

Afterwards we exited the city and went home for the night. When I woke up the next morning I spent some extra time in my bath to go over some thoughts. It seems that we can't go into civilization yet. If people see me as a threat and think they can take me on then I will become so powerful they would piss their pants before even having that sort of thought.

When I got out of the bath I reached the conclusion that we should take a few months or maybe more to grow in my newly 'acquired' dungeon. When I exited my room and went downstairs to breakfast I told all of my subordinates of my plans to enter the dungeon and they all had excited looks on their faces. However I decided that we would spend about 7-10 hours each day in the dungeon then exit and rest for the day. After everyone resolved themselves we headed to the entrance of the dungeon to be greeted with a screen in my face.

[Welcome to the Dungeon of Nightmares Master Nemesis! Would you like to enter the dungeon?]

Did the dungeon just talk? Not only that but it has enough sentience to form a proper message and question. It also called me master.

"Do dungeons normally have sentience?" I asked the dungeon not expecting an answer but to my disbelief I got one.

[Normally under no circumstances is a dungeon able to obtain sentience because they run on an automated system created by the system that governs the world. The reason why I gained sentience was due to the unique power that Masters mana has given me in this world of yours. Due to this my dungeon has grown extremely and I even obtained an avatar body.] As the dungeon finished it's statement a blue light surrounded the front of the dungeon entrance and once it disappeared a girl with green hair and eyes wearing a white one-piece appeared.