
The Transcendent-Mage

Harry is born into a world of magic, a world where magic is the pinnacle of every creatures being. He is first year student of the School Of Magicals where magical creatures Elf, Fairies, Humans, Demihumans and Dwarves learn about magic and how to use magic. He and his group of friends are in for a ride of their school life Transcends ordinary.

GodlyAsura · Fantasie
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6 Chs

The Order's Rise

I slowly opened my eyes, my head swirled, a nauseating feelings washing over me like a tsunami

Realization finally dawned on me m, I frantically scanned the room I was in, I was in the school nurses office and Mia was lying next to me unconscious, her body slumped lifelessly at the cot next to me her breath merely above a whisper.

<How did we get here?> wincing in pain as a sharp stabbing headache throbbed in my head.

I thought to myself trying to recall the events leading to this moment, but I was stopped by the throbbing pain in my head leaving me frustrated.

I laid helplessly on the cot, the door clicked open, the school nurse Ms Fauna emerged walking up to the the cot Mia laid.

"Excuse me Ms Fauna, who brought us here?" I managed to say my voice laced with confusion.

"Your friends brought you here they said they found you outside your dorm battered and unconscious"

"Oh okay and what about her will she be okay?" I asked feeling a wave of worry and concerns

"She'll be alright, she just had a minor injury give her a day and she'll be in perfect shape" Ms Fauna said standing up before making her way towards the exist.y

"And yes I almost forgot your friends are outside looking for you" finally exiting the room her presence replaced with that of my friends.

"What's up Harry how you doing" Liam asked as he walked up to my bed his voice leaving a subtle hint of worry.

"I'm fine"

"Thank god for Azure" Zuko said as he made way to sit on my bed.

"What do you mean 'Thank god for Azure' "

"Well she came to our dorm saying Mia invited her so we let her in after hours of talking we became worried and she thought you two were in danger so she helped us in our search and she was the one who found both of you unconscious"Zuko narrated.

"Well I guess I have to thank Azure"

"By the way how did both of you wind up there unconscious"

"I don't remember anything; it's all a blur" I said slowly as the vivid images of the attack came back to me." Mia and I were coming back from the tryouts we were going to celebrate with all of you that's when my memory starts becoming fuzzy a person jumped us and that's all I can remember"

I felt a mixture of rage and fear wash over me. I wanted to catch the person who had hurt us and make them pay. "That's all I can remember," I said, my voice trembling with emotion.

"We'll help you find out who did this to you and Mia we promise" Liam said as his hand rested on my shoulder.

"Liam, we have class now"

"Ok, Harry we got to go we'll see you later" Liam said as I gave him a slight nod as they both made their way towards the exit.

Days pased and we were finally discharged free to go back to class.

The whole class gathered in the forest by orders of the teacher, we normally did transmutation in our class but for some reason we were doing it outside.

"Good day students" Our transmutation teacher said as she stood on top of a tree.

"Today we'll be doing something different something outside the walls of a classroom" She said as she jumped from the tree landing safely on the ground. "Your work today is to successfully transmute a monster into a harmless creature"

"But Ms Elaine I thought humans are only proficient in elemental magic wouldn't this be hard for us?" A random student objected

"You're partially right Liz, but what you don't know Humans aren't only bound by elements yes they might be more proficient in Element Magic that doesn't mean they aren't good at others and if you think about it humans should be more proficient at transmutation" Ms Elaine said

As Ms. Elaine continued her explanation about the magical system and the different forms of magic, a fireball appeared in her palm, the flames so bright and hot that they lit up her face. In a flash, the flames morphed and changed shape, transforming into a ball of water, then air, before finally transforming into a shard of glass.

"This is what transmutation is all about," she said, her gentle voice contrasting with the violence of the fire. "The control over the elements, over the building blocks of the world. It's all here for the taking."

"Everything, both living and non-living, is made up of atoms. Fire is made up of atoms, as are earth and every element. Elemental magic controls those atoms, giving us the ability to control and change their form. You see, the limitations of magic are limited only by one's imagination," Ms Elaine continued. "Humans can perform other magic aside from elemental magic, but it takes knowledge and practice to master it."

"So, Liz, if you're willing to learn and put in the effort, I believe you can master transmutation and other forms of magic as well." Ms Elaine said with Liz replying with a slight nod.

"With that, class begins. I will wait for you at the end of the forest, but be careful. You don't want to get lost or worse, die," As Ms Elaine finished her final instructions, she smiled at us before falling into her shadow and disappearing into thin air.

"Hey Harry" Azure creeped behind me causing me to shake in fear.

"You trying to kill me or something"

"Trust me I wouldn't use a flimsy method like that"

"Tch, I heard what you did thanks"

"O..Oh" She stuttered "The great Harry is thanking me I'll cherish it, even though I don't need it"

I rolled my eyes, my irritation kicking in as I made my way into the forest. Suddenly I felt something dash right past me leaving a gust of wind in its wake.

"See you at the end Harry Vestura" Azure diving deep into the forest leaving everyone in the dust.

I watched Azure disappear into the forest, the competitive drive within me took over, and I found myself sprinting after her, my irritation at being mocked now pushing me to win at all costs.

The sound of my footsteps and the rustling of leaves were the only noises I could hear as I raced deeper into the woods, determined to catch up to Azure before she reached the end of the forest. I refused to let her get away with her taunting, and I was willing to do whatever it took to beat her in this race.

I could see Azure racing ahead of me, her quick steps and steady pace making her a difficult opponent to catch. As I struggled to keep up, my lungs burning and my chest heaving, I knew I needed to rest before I could continue.

I stopped my chase leaning against a tree stump, I closed my eyes, breathing deeply as I focused all of my energy on regaining my mana.

Minutes passed and the heart that felt like it was about to explode had calmed down, and the shortness of my breath had also disappeared. There was not a trace of exhaustion remaining, my body that was on the brink of collapse now felt like it had woken up from a good rest.

Preparing to leave, a loud boom resonated as I jumped out of the way barely missing the explosion, as j saw that the tree behind me had been blown to bits. My heart raced, realizing that I was being attacked.

"What the hell was that, Azure if that's you it's not funny"

I glanced around frantically, trying to spot my attacker. Suddenly, I heard a loud shriek, and I felt my head swirl as my vision grew blurry. I stumbled, falling to the ground, my head still swimming.

This was not Azure it was a monster and right now I'm it's prey. The hairs on my body perked notifying me about another attack and in an instant another blast was sent at me prompting me to jumpe out the way of the second blast.

The pain from the grazed my shoulder sendingba jolt of shock down my spine. My head was spinning, and I knew that I couldn't fight this monster on my own. I had to find a way to defeat it, and fast.

With my heart pounding, I scrambled to my feet and tried to think of a plan. I couldn't stay in this one spot, but I couldn't run blindly through the forest either. I had to find a way to outsmart this creature.

In an instant, an idea popped into my head. I gathered all of my strength dragging myself behind a tree. My breath raggedy from the adrenaline rush, I closed myself easing myself from the nostalgia trying to remember the process for magic fusion.

With my mind racing, I tried to recall the process for magic fusion. It's been so long since I used it, I hope I don't mess this up. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves, and focused on the energy within me.

Slowly, I started to channel the energy into my body, my hands glowing with the flame and water orb. As I focused, I felt the energy within me grow, my heart beating faster as I felt ready to release the fusion.

With a final deep breath, a brilliant light erupted from my body. With a final scream, I unleashed the magical energy, and it shot from my hands, the fog covering the monsters line of sight.

Quickly, I dashed forward hoping to stay ahead of the monster as the fog began to clear. I could feel it getting closer, its presence growing stronger by the second.

With a swift gesture, I was hoisted up into the sky by a giant, feathery beast with massive wings. The creature's enormous antlers and owl-like face in contrast with its slim figure were both awe-inspiring and terrifying, but it was its eyes that truly captured my attention.

The eyes were like a full moon, shining bright and piercing straight into my soul "A kipine". I felt its hunger and desire, as if it could sense my every move and thought. I knew that I had to think quickly if I wanted to survive this encounter.

With the creature's talons wrapped tightly around me, I struggled against its grip, but it was no use. I was at the mercy of this monstrous entity, and I had to find a way to break free.

I realized I was at a disadvantage being so high up in the sky and knew I would have to act fast to save myself. With the Kipine readying its strike, I gathered all my strength and gathered my focus.

"Tonitru verberare" With a single, swift gesture, bolts of lightning struck the creature from all directions, sending it reeling. The Kipine's wings beat furiously as it let out a howl of pain and anger.

I saw my opportunity. With the creature's magical essence weakened from the lightning-powered assault, I attempted a spell I had yet to fully master. I needed to act fast, or risk ending up as this monstrous creature's next meal.

With a heavy exhale, I mustered up the strength to perform the intricate Transmutation spell. The energy surged through my veins as I slowly invoked the spell, feeling the magical energies crackling around me.

I watched, mesmerized, as the energies crept out and surrounded the vicious monster, seeking to neutralize his powers. The monster let out an aggressive, ear-piercing shout, determined to destroy my barrier.

Time seemed to slow down as my mana levels continued to drain at an alarming rate, and the barrier began to dissolve under pressure. Despite the mounting danger, I remained focused and determined, chanting the final words of the spell.

"Transmutatio materiae!" I exclaimed, feeling a surge of relief as the Kipine was engulfed by the rift and torn apart by the forces of nature. I watched in amazement as the Kipine's energy dissipated, leaving behind the faint, swirling energies of a newfound creature.

Suddenly, I found myself holding a small, playful Avacanis with miniature wings and four paws, each with its own mythical patterns it's eyes like a solar eclipse dark yet alluring. Despite the danger I had just faced, the Avacanis' innocent aura brought a smile to my face.

I couldn't help but grin as I looked down at the tiny creature, wondering how I could have ever taken it for a danger. The little Avacanis chittered in what seemed to be a language of its own, making me wonder if it was trying to tell me something.

The realization hit me with a start I was in the air and falling at an alarming rate. I looked down at the forest far below with a sinking feeling in my stomach. The Avacanis in my arms let out a series of squawks, its tiny wings flapping furiously.

I was helplessly falling as my encounter with the kipine already left me weakened I closed my eyes preparing for the impact but suddenly a wave of energy washed over me my mana replenished.

I felt the magical energy course through my veins, a surge of power unlike anything I'd experienced before. With all my might, I willed the air to do my bidding, summoning a massive gust of wind to cradle us in its grip, slowing our descent enough to break our fall.

As soon as we touched down, I took a deep breath, still feeling the rush of adrenaline neglecting the injury from the fall. I looked down at the Avacanis in my arms, its playful energy a stark contrast to the terror I had just faced.

"That energy just now was it you?" I stared at the Avacanis, its tiny wings still fluttering as it chittered in what seemed to be a language of its own, making me wonder if it was trying to tell me something.

"You know what, little one?" I said, my voice still shaking with a mix of fear and adrenaline. "I think I'll name you Theo."

The Avacanis gave another squawk, its tiny wings pulsing with what I hoped was agreement.

"Now let's get out of this retched forest before we encounter another monster"

Theo's face toughed, and we set off into the dense forest. Not long after we finally made it out of the forest, Azure and the teacher waiting at the exit.

"Took you long enough, Vestura thought you wouldn't make it"

"I kinda wish you didn't make it out"

"Oh please, I see you made a new friend" Azure said as she motioned to touch Theo who growled at her sending her backwards.

"I see he dislikes you as much as I do" I said unable to contain my grin, stroking Theo's small head.

"Nice job making it out of the forest, you successfully transmutated a monster and also earned yourself a familiar"

"Thank you Ms Elaine"

"Familiars are a huge help as they help to replenish a mages mana and also protect them"

"That must explain how I immediately regained my mana" I exclaimed staring at the Avacanis in my hand.

"Now that you're here we'll wait for the others before heading back"

We waited patiently, while I interacted with my new found familiar. Hours past and the others finally arrived some looking better than most.

"Only a handful of you successfully transmutated a monster, the rest of you failed" Ms Elaine heaved a sigh her voice laced with disappointment "We'll be heading back now to make a detailed report of your for transmutation analysis" She added, turning to leave.

The others looked disappointed too but accepted the fact they had taken an L for today.

As we made our way back to the school grounds, the failed students chatted among themselves. Their conversation was tinged with disappointment and frustration, but they seemed to be trying to make the best of the situation.

Passing a group of our classmates who had successfully transmutated a monster, I heard a couple of them whispering about me, claiming that I had cheated. The whispers turned into glares, which I felt like were directed at me specifically. I tried to ignore them, but it was hard to shake the feeling that I was being judged unfairly.

The urge to confront them was appealing but I didn't bother. After what felt like an eternity we finally arrived at the school grounds. The busy and bustling atmosphere of the halls welcomed us.

"Remember I'll need your detailed report before the end of the day. You're free to go" Ms Elaine said before leaving us in the massive school hall.

"Come on Theo, the school library awaits us"

Me and Theo arrived at the library, the peaceful and quiet atmosphere giving me ease as I dived into the world of books.

As I started my report the tension from earlier slowly faded away. For some reason it felt like the Library had a soothing spell in it. Hours passed and I was finally done with my report.

"Harry, can I talk to you?" Mia's voice startled me from my work, bringing me back to reality. I looked up to see her standing a few feet away, her eyes fixed on mine.

"Of course Mia, what's on your mind?"

She hesitated for a moment, then began to speak. "It's about what happened to us that night..."

Her voice trailed off, and I knew exactly what she wanted to talk about the dread of that night coming back to me like a opened wound.

"Isn't it strange that we can't remember anything, and anytime we try to remember we're filled with dread"

"Mia, I understand what you mean. It's like there's a barrier in my minds, and no matter how hard i try, i can't seem to remember anything from that night. It's as if my memories is being blocked but my soul was marked"

I take a deep breath, hoping to calm my nerves as I continue. "Maybe it was dark magic"

I glance up at Mia, hoping that she was on board.

"I don't think it was dark magic, maybe it was something worse I studied every dark magic book in this library and they aren't the same" Mia said as she sat beside me.

"Maybe you're right, Mia. I'm not sure if it was dark magic or something else entirely. All I know is that what we experienced that night was terrifying. The feeling of darkness and the sense of dread that we couldn't shake even after all these years... it's like there's some kind of force at work, something evil and malevolent"

"Maybe we can ask Azure if she knows anything about this. She's a dark elf isn't she, she might have an insight"

"No way, I refuse there's no way in hell I'll ever ask Azure for help even if we do we don't know for sure if she'll help"

"Come on, don't be like that Harry she saved us didn't she"

"Still the idea of asking Azure of all people for help is daunting. They're a lot of dark elf in the school you could ask"

"Harry, she's one of the strongest first-year Elf, she'll be more useful"

I thought about it for a moment and realized that she had a point, it would be sheer stubbornness if I denied us potential help just because i didn't trust Azure.

"I guess she'll be more useful, fine I'll ask Azure to help us I can't guarantee she'll help though"

"Thank you Harry I can finally lift this weight from shoulder" Mia exclaimed as she jumped onto my body pulling me into a tight hug.

"Oh I almost forgot I wanted to show you someone meet Theo my familiar" Theo jumped out landing on Mia's lap as her face widened sending her to an excited shriek.

"Oh my word Harry he's so cute where did you find him" Mia bellowed pulling Theo into her Bossom playing with his wings.

"It's a long story though"

"Awwn, his wings and the pattern on his skin are adorable"

"Let's not get carried away here, I still have my report I'm yet to submit we'll meet up later" I said standing up from my sit as I gestured to leave.

"Harry wants to take you away from me" Mia said putting on a sad face Theo following suit.

"Fine, you can take care of him I'll come back for him after I'm done with my report"

They immediately ignored my presence as the pair continued their playful antics. I sighed, leaving them in the library to their games. With a shrug, I turned to make my way to the transmutation classroom, which wasn't far from the library.

As I rounded the corner, I saw the classroom ahead with its door slightly open, beckoning me to enter.

I approached the entrance to the Transmutation classroom, drawn in by the sounds of conversation that seemed to echo throughout the room. I couldn't quite make out the words, but it was clear that Mr Black, Ms Elaine, and Mr Atticus were in deep discussion.

I leaned in closer, eager to hear what they were talking about.

"A new group has emerged in the school," Mr Black said solemnly. "They call themselves 'The Order.' I fear that even some teachers may be involved in their madness."

Ms Elaine nodded in agreement. "The magic they wield... it's not natural, and it has the potential to create chaos if it falls into the wrong hands."

Atticus's eyes widened. "Demonic magic? But the school has been clean of that influence for years. How on earth did it find its way back in?"

Mr Black took a deep breath. "We need to investigate. This is a dangerous power that no student should have access to."

Ms Elaine stepped forward, her voice fierce. "This is a priority. We must put an end to this before it spreads any further. We can't have any more incidents like what happened with the Phoenix Order."

"Shhh, this is not a conversation we need to have here" Mr Atticus said immediately becoming weary. "Someone's at the door"

I gasped as my whole body became numb unable to move, with the fear of being caught.