
The Transcendent-Mage

Harry is born into a world of magic, a world where magic is the pinnacle of every creatures being. He is first year student of the School Of Magicals where magical creatures Elf, Fairies, Humans, Demihumans and Dwarves learn about magic and how to use magic. He and his group of friends are in for a ride of their school life Transcends ordinary.

GodlyAsura · Fantasie
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6 Chs


It had been five days since I heard about the inter school exams and normally, everyone including myself, looking forward to it.

Liam and I sat in the labyrinthine corridors of the library, the atmosphere was almost tangibly electric. The air hummed with the hum of voices and the clack of keys as students bustled in and out, hurrying to and fro on their various academic errands. The soft click of pages turning and the gentle rustle of paper added a soothing melody to the cacophony, creating an ambient soundscape that was equally stimulating and calming.

I was focused on flipping through my book, waiting for the day's classes to start. Out of nowhere, I felt a sharp pain at my throat, and I quickly realized that a knife was being held against me. The touch of the weapon was cold, sending a shivering chill down my spine.

Liam, who was sitting next to me, noticed the situation and immediately reacted, but he too was too late as he paused in anticipation of an attack, but none came. Instead, there was a loud giggle and the voice of a young female, who seemed to be the one holding the knife.

She spoke up, saying, "Oh, sit down, you couldn't touch me if you tried." I wasn't surprised, but Liam was. We both knew that our school was full of eccentric students.

Her tall and curvy figure demanding attention. She was a beautiful moon elf, with deep blue eyes and a long, wavy white ponytail. But beneath her striking appearance lurked a dangerous presence, one that sent a chill down Harry's spine.

"Azure, you're not supposed to have weapons in a library," Harry said, trying to keep his voice calm as he returned to his book. But Azure just laughed.

"Oh, you just don't know how to have fun," Azure said, waving her knife in the air. I just shook my head, feeling a sense of foreboding wash over me.

Liam, who was already standing "Harry, do you know this girl?" he asked, his voice filled with confusion.

"Sort of," I said. "She's been around since my childhood. She's... eccentric, to say the least. And apparently not afraid to bring a knife to school."

Liam just looked at me with a hint of disbelief, then turned back to his book. I went back to reading, but I couldn't shake the feeling of Azure's presence looming over me. It was as if she was staring at me with that sharp knife, ready to strike at any moment.

Azure was definitely someone I need to be wary of, as she was not only beautiful and powerful, but also extremely dangerous. She was one of the most feared first year in the entire school, she was capable of rivaling even second years.

Me and Liam ignored her as she sat on top the desk, as I read I became aware of the pressure in the air. I felt her gaze somehow like a dark cloud threatening to burst anytime.

I took a deep breath, trying to stay calm as Azure stood above me, her knife shining in the light. "Is there something you want, Azure?" I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Can't you handle a little fun in the library, Harry?" she taunted, a mischievous gleam in her eye. "Or are you just too uptight and boring to enjoy yourself?"

I rolled my eyes at her antics and ignored her attempt to rile me up. "I know what you're trying to do," I said, my voice firm, "and trust me, it's not going to work."

Azure didn't seem to care, however, and she leaned in closer, a wicked grin spreading across her face. "Have you heard about the competition in a month?" she asked, her voice laced with excitement.

I sighed and returned my attention to my book, knowing that getting involved in her games would only lead to disaster. "I've heard about it," I replied, my voice even and calm. "But I'm not interested."

Azure's gaze met mine as she spoke, and for a moment, I could feel like she was challenging me. "Suit yourself," she said, her voice dripping with contempt as she leaned back. "At least you know when something is out of your league."

I felt a tinge of anger at her words, but I forced myself to remain calm. "Azure, okay, what's your game this time?" I asked, my voice firm and focused. "What's your aim? What do you stand to achieve by me joining?"

Azure merely shrugged, a smug smile on her face. "Maybe it's a chance to show you can defeat me and prove to the school that those dumb eyes of yours aren't just for decoration."

Her words cut deep, attacking my insecurities. But I refused to let her see that they had any effect on me. "I have nothing to prove to anyone," I said, my voice even and clear. "Especially not to someone who would resort to such childish tactics to get what they want."

Azure's smile faded slightly at my words, but it was replaced with a look of determination. "Keep telling yourself that, hun," she said, her voice dripping with contempt. "Me and you both know what those strange patterns on your eyes mean to you."

Her words sent a chill down my spine "Why do you care so much about me?" I asked, trying to understand her motivation. "Why are you so invested in me joining this competition?"

Azure's smile widened once more, and she leaned in closer, as if she were going to tell me a secret. "Maybe it's because," she said, her voice low and conspiratorial. "I know something about you that you have been looking for all your life"

I felt a lump form in my throat, as I realized that she was aware of my deepest desire "What do you know?" I asked, my voice a whisper.

Azure only chuckled, as if she were enjoying the power that she held over me. "You'll just have to wait and see, won't you?" she said, her smile growing wider with each passing moment.

I felt my anger rising, as I realized that she was using my deepest desire as leverage to manipulate me into joining the competition. "I will not allow you to blackmail me," I said, my voice firm and resolute. "I will not allow you to use my past against me."

Azura laughed maniacally attracting the gaze of everyone in the library "I'll see you at the competition if you win I might just give you the answers you want"

With that, she turned and walked away, leaving me standing there, feeling a mix of anger and confusion. I didn't understand her game, but one thing was for sure I needed to join that competition.

"What was that about" Liam asked as he watched Azure strut out of the Library.

"It's nothing" I replied trying to push Azure's words out of my head

"Come on, we'll be late for our first class" I said as I made way to stand up as we both walked out of the library.

As we walked out of the library, the memory of Azure's words weighed heavily on me. I tried to push them aside, but they lingered like a cloud over my head. We walked in silence, the sound of our footsteps echoing in the near empty halls.

As we approached our first class, Liam turned to me. "Hey Harry, what's going on with you and Azure?"

I sighed, the weight of the past pulling me down. "It's a long story. We've been friends since we were kids, inseparable, doing everything together. But then something terrible happened. She was kidnapped and her parents were threatened. Her mom risked her life to save her, but in the process, she lost her life. Her father grew distant from Azure, blaming her for her mother's death. I was the only friend she had left, but she grew distant from me as well."

"After years of loneliness and trauma, we began talking again. But she had changed, she was no longer the kind, innocent Azure I once knew. She had become obsessed with me and with becoming strong. Everything became a competition, and I found myself drawn to her less and less."

"I see... I'm sorry to hear that. It must have been difficult for her to go through all of that." Liam said as he sighed is voice full of empathy

We continue walking in awkward silence until we reach the classroom.

"Liam,I need your help"I said breaking the awkward silence "I need to get stronger for the competition and I need your help"

"In what sense" Liam looked at me his eyes questioning.

"Just a little sparring and training here and there, you'll see though"

"Alright if you insist but you should know I'm way above your league" Liam said with a smirk as we shook hands.

I made my way to the back of the hall, taking a seat by myself. The professor begins to speak, going over the lecture material for the day.

After the lecture ended, I made my way to the training ground, eager to get started. I spotted Liam on the other side of the training ground, already warmed up and ready to go. He appeared calm, but there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"Let's do this," I said, bouncing on the balls of my feet.

"I'll take it easy on you," Liam replied with a slight smirk.

I shook my head. "No, I need you to go all out. I want to test myself against the best."

Liam raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? Trust me you'll die if I go all out"

"I'm sure," I said confidently. I'd been training hard for weeks, and I was ready to see just how much progress I'd made.

We both dashed forward, fists raised and eyes laser-focused. I hurled the first punch, aiming for Liam's midsection, but he was quick to glide out of the way.

Faster than anything I've seen his fist appeared directly at my face before stopping mid way creating a gust of wind. He stood upright as he smiled.

I stared dumbfounded as my heart raced, at that moment I knew it if I he hadn't stopped I would've been critically injured.

"You alright" Liam said as he began jumping on his toes.

I shook my head washing off the disappointment on my face as I nodded entering a stance again prepared for the next attack.

We both assumed our fighting stances again, ready for the next round. I took a deep breath and narrowed my eyes, focusing all of my energy and determination into my next move.

As Liam came hurtling towards me once again, I readied myself for his swift movements and quick strikes. I knew I had to be careful and pay attention to his movements, or else I'll regret it.

I waited for him to make the first move, and he didn't disappoint. His fist came flying towards my face, with my hands I blocked it sending me backwards crashing into a wall cracking it.

He dashed forward again before I could prepare for the next attack he sent his legs but I ducked his leg barely missing I couldn't feel my hands anymore my hands broken from the attack.

He advanced towards me again but I was beginning to keep up with his place slowly dodging his blows. Despite my best efforts Liam sent a kick directly to my chest as my fell to the ground weakened.

Liam walked up to me hands extended as I took it pushing myself up to my feet.

"Thanks" I said sharing a weakened smile

"Let's continue this next week" Liam said as I nodded in response, We both walked out of the training ground both of us lost in our own thoughts.