
The Transcendent-Mage

Harry is born into a world of magic, a world where magic is the pinnacle of every creatures being. He is first year student of the School Of Magicals where magical creatures Elf, Fairies, Humans, Demihumans and Dwarves learn about magic and how to use magic. He and his group of friends are in for a ride of their school life Transcends ordinary.

GodlyAsura · Fantasie
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6 Chs

All Work And No Play

I met up with Liam gasping for breath and sweat dripped from my brows. In the distance I could see Liam standing behind an oak tree as the evening sun created an astounding silhouette.

Liam didn't bother to share a glance or maybe he didn't notice my presence. I tiptoed ever so slightly careful to not make an atom of noise, slowly arriving behind Liam.

"Don't do it I, I already noticed you from a mile away besides who wouldn't notice your loud pant" Liam replied his gaze unwavering fixated at the book on his palms

"You caught me. Can I sit?" I asked gesturing to sit beside him.

"Harry what did we discuss about disturbing me while I'm reading" Liam said his eyes focused on his book.

"That I shouldn't?"

Liam nodded and remained focused on his book after a while He stood up as he made moves to dust of the trace of dirt and grass from his clothes.

"Let's get going shall we" Liam said as we both prepared to head off.

As we both started to leave, Mia's voice rang out from behind us. "Wait" Mia called her tall and curvy figure blocking the identity she was dragging.

"Mia, Zuko.... why exactly are you here" Liam asked, his face filled with awe

"I was in my dorm and Mia dragged me here" Zuko said, a sheepish figure with no observable muscle, his short ginger hair somehow complementing his green eyes.

"You know what I don't even want to know cause at this point nothing you do surprises me anymore" Liam said rolling his eyes preparing to leave.

"Just trust me it'll be fun we go into the village mess around a little then head back" Mia implied

Liam sighed "Let's go"

Overjoyed she wrapped her arms around Liam and Zuko dragging them towards the village.

As we made our way towards the village, Mia's enthusiasm grew. She began to sing and dance, ignoring the stares from the villagers.

Liam, on the other hand, seemed less amused. He rolled his eyes at Mia's antics and said, "I knew this was a bad idea".

Despite his protest, Mia refused to let go of Liam's arm. She pulled him along as she continued to dance and sing, despite my initial displeasure about her involvement in our project, I found myself smiling as well.

Zuko, who had been dragged along with us, looked nervous. I could see him looking around, unsure of what to do contented at the commotion.

After a while, we arrived at the village. It was bustling with activity, and the locals were going about their daily routines. Mia, however, was undeterred by the chaos.

Liam, on the other hand, looked irritated. He shook his head and said, "Mia, we need to focus on the assignment. We can have fun later."

Mia rolled her eyes but reluctantly let go of Liam's arm. She turned to us and said, "Fine, let's get this over with. But after that, we're coming back here and having some real fun."

I couldn't help but laugh at her determination. It was clear that she would not be ignored and that she was going to do whatever it took to have fun.

And in a flash she dived into the market prompting us to chase after her, it became obvious that we were in for a treat. The smells of the different ingredients and herbs filled the air, creating an almost heady atmosphere.

Mia immediately dove into the action, negotiating with the different vendors with ease. It was clear that she knew how to play the game, and before long, we were walking out with a bag filled with all the ingredients we needed for the potion.

"Now let the fun begin" Mia said as she darted into the crowd.

Just as she said the fun had just begun- we spent the rest of the evening filled with laughter and excitement and even Liam ended up joining in the fun.

We all headed back to school as we arrived at the entrances but it was too late the guards were already standing there.

"Shoot" Liam said before pushing us in a corner. We froze in fear, the sound of boots echoing in the gates. The guards were approaching, and we had nowhere to go.

As the guards passed, we held our breath, waiting for the moment when we could finally breathe. But just as we were ready to exhale, we heard the sound of footsteps approaching again.

This time, it was one of the teachers, Mr. Black and he wasn't looking happy.

"What do you think you're doing here, students?" Mr. Black's voice was stern, his eyes narrowed as he looked at each of us in turn. We shifted uneasily, unsure of how to respond.

Liam, always the quick-thinker, spoke up first. "We uh, we went to the village to get Ingredients for an assignment and we got lost" he said, his voice shaking slightly.

Mr. Black's expression softened slightly, and he let out a heavy sigh. "I understand," he said, "but you know the rules. Students are not allowed outside after curfew, especially not at this hour."

Mia stepped forward, her voice firm and steady. "Sir, we understand," she said, "and we're sorry for breaking the rules. It won't happen again."

Mr. Black nodded, his expression softening even more. "I appreciate your honesty, and I can see that you're good students," he said. "Just make sure it doesn't happen again."

With that, Mr. Black turned and walked away.

We all let out a small sigh of relief, unsure of what to say. Liam was the first to speak up. "Well, that was close," he said, his voice shaky.

Mia's voice was quiet, but firm. "Yes, it was. But we got lucky this time. We need to be more careful in the future."

As we all made our way back to our rooms, we couldn't help but feel relieved at having gotten away with breaking the rules.