

Synopsis “The Tra Grade S” is a book illustrating a story of the experience of a young boy, named Divine who grew up as a cypher and mystery solver. Divine was born in a family of twelve siblings. As the eleventh born, he has a supernatural endowment, which reflects in his gifts and talents. His endowment gives him the rare ability to decipher things and events even before they occur. The rare ability of Divine works in a way of aligning letters from words to form acronyms that communicate deeper thoughts. He does this by fetching out the encrypted thoughts to reveal deep secrets. The deciphering of Divine's inspiration often paints the bigger picture of knowledge hidden from the ordinary eye and the revelation of Divine will make him the most sought after. Dive in, as I take you on a swift trip into the heart of Divine’s world of unconventional knowledge. His experiences started as a dream that never looks like a dream... DISCLAIMER: This book is a work of Fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, happenings, locations, and occurrences either are the products of the writer’s mind's eye or used in a made-up manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or definite events is only coincidental. I have tried recreating events, locales and conversations from my memories of them. To maintain their anonymity in some instances, I have changed the names of individual and places, I may have changed some identifying characteristics and details such as physical properties, occupations and places of residence. discord link: Licensed by AnD entertainment. #TAG# #sci-fi#,#mystery solver#,#cipher#,#supernatural#,#faith-base#,#Anti-religion#,#system#,#mind control#,#AI and Robotic#,#Alien# This novel is ongoing....you will not regret reading this book. It will open your eyes to deep and alien knowledge of our present-day world. I solicit your supports. Your power stone votes, gifts and leave review feedback.Thanks

Pattyegah Ikwue · sci-fi
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170 Chs


While watching…, the chopper drew nearer and nearer, and I can now hear the sound. It soars past the roof of my building and starts hovering around the perimeter of my house. I can now hear the sound becoming horrendous from the spinning of its rotor as if it was dropping directly on my roof. I could feel the vibration, as my heart vibrates alongside and my heads spin, while I try to blend my thought with the unpleasant music from the chopper hovering over my roof…. I started having a strange feeling, as sweat streams down my crown to my feet on hearing the sound of the chopper. I could not imagine what seems like a dream, is now playing before my naked eyes... A few minutes after, the hovering chopper started lowering into my compound. I could see people afar, from my backyard. They were watching in great amazement, wondering whom the chopper is coming to pick. I ran into my room, lost in thoughts, now trying to accept the reality of what is happening. How were they able to know my exact location? I could no longer organize my thoughts, seeing that the chopper is dropping right into my compound. However, deep down in my heart, I already know, they are not coming for anyone, but me. I ran into the room, shut the lock of my door, I ran in with my wife and my daughters. We were in the inner room, very frightened, as my wife already knows what is happening, but my daughters were too young to understand what is happening.

Daddy, something is making noise outside, what is it? My inquisitive daughter, Enninad asked to know. “It is a helicopter, it landed in our compound”, I told her in response. “Are they coming to carry you?” she asked, while my wife was dazed in fear, speechless, not knowing what to say. I did not even know what to answer my daughter, but ended up telling her,

“I am going somewhere for a seminar, I will be back in few days.”

“Daddy, I will go with you…”, while she was still talking, I looked at my time, and it shows 6:58 pm. I heard a knock on my door. The sound of the knock; seem to penetrate the core of my heart, because it did not sound like the usual knock from my neighbours or any visitor.

“Someone is knocking on the door”, my wife said to me. I responded, “I think the people have come to pick me” and motioned toward the door.

Who is there?

“The agents of the eye” the voice from the other side answered coarsely.

I opened the door, and immediately felt goosebumps. I could not see the face of the person standing right in from of me; I only saw a figure of a man dressed in a black mafia suit from head to toe, putting on a black coloured hood. The appearance of this personality standing in front of my door left a chill in my entire system. I was frightened and did not want to show it. I saw his very terrifying face completely masked up. His eyes were blazing like coal in a red furnace. I was so frightening, as my heart stops beating for some seconds, and started beating out of proportion, completely off. I felt sick, because of the sudden secretion of adrenaline. I found myself now shivering uncontrollably. The amazing thing about his voice is the fact that it echoes and resounds from a distance even when he is just right before me. A distance away from my door was the chopper resting, looking like a massive dragonfly and I saw another man, similar to the one in front of me, standing by the door of the chopper.

Something happened immediately the strange man standing in front of me raise his hand. I felt a surge of current like electricity into my eyes and immediately felt trapped in darkness. I was now gasping for air without any memory of my past. The only memory I could recall is the fact that I found myself running in the dark, without any form of light in view. Suddenly, I saw a spark of lighting and felt charged in my body. I stood up, feeling something communicating into my thought, “Say whatever you want to see and it will manifest”. I immediately, said, “Let there be light” and it all happens in a flash, as I could view from a horizon, streams of light, I think, from dispersed stars the sky because it was dark. I now realized that we were sky flying. I opened my eyes and saw the man in the hood seated next to me. Viewing from the side window, I could see an endless span of the ocean, as the light from the stars were being reflected, it was like a long span of an artistic canvas painting a background. When I looked at my time, it shows 9:09 pm. “Where are you taking me to?” I asked, and the man answered, “I am taking you to the portal of the eye because that is the point where you will be teleportation. You are chosen to meet with the council of the great by 10:30 pm; therefore, the only means, to have you arrive swiftly is to teleport you.” I have never heard of this, what I knew as the fastest means of transportation is travelling by air, using a speed jet. However, the news reaching me from this strange man is that my transportation will be by teleportation.

What is teleportation? I asked in curiosity…

Teleportation, the strange man said, “is simply a process of transforming a form of mass through the ignition of impulsive signal (thoughts) from a given station or the right point where the elemental energies controlling nature activates to connect the only energy that will destroy the current state in the current position. However, the form is transferred indestructibly to the target location, as the activation energy alters the conventional dynamics of motion, connecting now the current unit, here transmission of the charged thought to assume the very original form transferred.”

When I heard all these from the man, I was lost. I did not understand anything but decided not to ask any further question. I noticed that the chopper started lowering down, with the spinning of its rotor reducing. It finally landed in a very thick forest. I dropped from the chopper and started following the strange man into the thick forest, even as he leads the way. It was like a kind of fun to me, because I have long and dream of having my unimaginable thought come to pass. It was only two of us entering the thick forest. The second person did not come with us but remained in the chopper. I heard different awful sounds, with each of the sound echoing from a distance.

Suddenly, a wild bat flew in my direction, and I reacted out of impulse in fright, dodging it from bashing into my face. From a distance, I could now see an illuminating gate, standing alone in the midst of nowhere in the thick forest. The illuminating gate was an ancient portal. Can you see anything? The strange man asked me. Yes, I can see a gate standing alone. “That is the point of teleportation, and it opens up once in a year”, the man said. “You need to be in your relaxed state of mind to be void of fear because you cannot teleport in fear”, his voice echoes into my ear.

He was now talking to me, “Portals allegedly provides doorways to realms outside of this dimension and can be revealed naturally or released through the act of some certain rituals. It takes brevity and braveness to face the danger of accessing alternate universes, remember failure to properly open and close these ethereal gateways often constitutes a matter of life and death. Mysterious vanishings around the world, where individuals extinct into thin air, is because of the existence of portals. Those who access portals must be extra careful when interacting with them. You must be a risk-taker to be able to port into another dimension. Portal provide access to three poles of realms. Earthen, Lunar and Divine. The Eye has chosen you for this course because you have a seal of divinity. The Earthen Realm encompasses Earth and the doorways to depend on the experience you want or entity you wish to meet on your journey. The Astral Realm or the heavens, provide a home to the immortals. It oozes ethereal energies and retains the most influence and prospect of the three realms. It is less a place and more a feeling of comfort and joy, a kingdom of righteousness and peace. Every human passes through the Spiritual Realm on his or her way to the afterlife. Dynamism, control and sensitivity of peacefulness permeate this realm. Depending on a person’s lifestyle or state of mind, they may exist in both the Earthen and Spiritual Realm simultaneously and you are qualified for this that was why the Eye has contacted you. What you seek to know, is seeking you and as you travel through the portal, keep your mind away from negative vibrations even as they flash through your mind.

While he was still talking, I saw that we are now standing before the ancient gate and the temperature around the gate was very odd, like something, I have never experience. All of sudden, the ambience of the environment started changing and I saw colours, radiating and the auroras were so beautiful and glorious. I heard the sweet sound of music, coming from a distance beyond time, as the atmospheric condition was now fully charged. Divine, the strange man called my attention, and say, “You are now at the energy vortex, be ready, it is the time to port when it is exactly 10:30 pm”. Looking at the time, it shows 10:20 pm. “Remain in your meditative state of mind. Never allow any negative thought to creep in, else, you will attract all the negative vibrations from the elemental forces in this forest and you cannot survive it”. He said to me, “When you notice a shift, step in while relaxing and focusing on a spot of your chosen colour, say as you think the words that symbolize your intentions. Hang onto reiterating the phrase until the plug of the colour begins to get higher and dazzling, forming a portal to the other realm; they are waiting for you to share your knowledge”.

At exactly 10:30 pm, I noticed an aura and knew deep down it is time for me to step in. I stepped in, and was all engrossed in the light; the ambience was not of this world at all. However, I realize my mind journeying me through like the swiftest jet ever created. Suddenly, I found myself in the United Kingdom, now standing alone in a large space, but could see the inscription on the skyscraper tower indicating “UNITED KINGDOM”.

As I motion toward the structure I have never seen in my wildest imagination, I saw mighty towering amber-like and golden walls, enclosing me. I saw copious watchtower rising high, intimidating me and displaying and menacing fully ornamented glamorous platform above as my eyes capture the sight. After some minutes, I saw a flashy white limousine car drove and parked in front of me, as the front door opens up and the driver in black google motioned toward me. Sir, “We are assigned to pick you up and take you to the venue of the council meeting, where the world is waiting for you.” I walked into the car and sat comfortably on the seat, with the feeling of comfort untold. I have dreamt of this experience. The car was cosy and the air smells nice with natural deodorant as if we were trapped in the fragrance of a queen-of-night flower. I feel like a celebrity-driven alone in a limo car by a driver that I know, not his identity. The building I saw that was close, amazingly, when the car took off, we started travelling a winding road and was going round and round, climbing a cliff. Viewing from the point we are, I saw the point where we were standing, from my estimation, we were now like 100 feet from the ground level. The car drove into the tunnel-like opening and park. A man in black cassock walked out of one of the carved pavement in the rock, where there were seven of such payments, with staircases leading underground.

“Divine, you are your welcome to the Volta vault and I am Arima, assigned to lead you in to meet with the great minds, before your presentations, which will be done to your students. We know you have a new principal and we are signing you for that and you will be one of the aces of a great mind. We are going down to the inner chamber where you will meet the meeting is holding, follow me.” The man in cassock said

I follow the man in black cassock as we started journeying down the pavement, following the staircases. I could see different ancient symbols, some inscriptions in red and black, very weird symbols. The dust smell ancient and I noticed I was beginning to sneeze because of the irritation. At a point, we got to a level, and I noticed entrances to a network of rooms and tunnels. As we kept going, I also discovered a multilevel settlement of living spaces, scullery, chateaus, chapels, staircases, and flaxseed, which yields linseed oil squeezed out to produce lamp oil to light the underground apartment. There were artefacts including grindstones, stone crosses and ceramics indicating the place was in use by ancient men. There were also airshafts and water channel, but I could not imagine how possible man could dig down this deep into the earth and fashion a place like what I am seeing in my naked eyes. In my mind I ask, “What kind of technology could have done this?” I started seeing some pearls, pieces of diamond and gold littered on the ground as we kept going deeper. We have been going down for more than an hour now. They were burning lantern on the walls of the pavement and we arrive in a round room, wherein the heart, there was a massive table carved out of stone. I was able to look down from the staircase, tending the direction of the rooms. I saw as we moved toward the room, relics and over thirty men dressed in similar cassock the man who picked and led me down the pavement was wearing. The men I saw were old, looking very ancient and had their heads facing down in a meditative state, round about the table and were chanting in strange words. In their midst was an empty seat, while, one seat unoccupied apart from the empty seat in the middle. My instinct told me, the seat in the middle should be a reservation for me, while the other unoccupied seat, should be meant for the man that came to pick me up. I was terrified, because these men were, looking very weird and ancient. My instinct was right, as I was ushered to sit on the empty seat in the heart of this strange men, while the man that came to pick me up, also took his seat. My eye caught some mummified human remains; they were also sitting opposite, facing the direction of our gathering. Saturating the chamber is the smell of incense and I realize, I could no longer breathe well. I was gasping for air and started coughing, feeling dizzy. I noticed a figure emerging from thick darkness wearing an amulet with a blue eye in the heart. Before the figure was strange alien look beings kneeling round about the candlelit. I noticed another chamber from the one we were in. They were chanting incantation in a strange language. They had a compound microscope and surgical equipment. While I watch, I saw them mixing up something in a conical flask. All of a sudden, I passed out but seeing what was happening in my mind’s eye. I saw people wearing nose masking, with corpses littered everywhere in the streets, the street that was once populated, now left empty. School closed, churches no longer converging and people are now starving to death.

I woke up to find myself in the hospital with a ventilator supporting me to breathe. I could not believe it, but my memory was just processing what had happened and had a flashback. They summon a fast replicating virus from hades and that virus is not even the problem. They have their underlying motive summoning the virus that will replicate with the thought impulse of men watching certain programs on the Internet and listening to certain music. The sole purpose is to install the Artificial Intelligent System. However, the virus is only a forerunner of what is to come…, all the people I saw in the hospital were dressed in black, but they were all whites...