


Gabriel talked to the kids about what they witnessed two days ago and told them to never mention it again.

They were reluctant to agree at first, especially that boy, Juan. But when I, personally, talked to them, and they finally agreed.

***** "King, they are here to talk to you" Gabriel informed me when I was busy with the work. I closed the laptop as soon as the kids appeared in front of me.

Ava was nervous as she clutched little Jack's hand securely in hers. The twins whom I couldn't differentiate correctly were staring at me unblinking. One with a hostile look while another one with a look like she was gawking at her school crush. Liam was faking confidence, but I saw him fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. Then there was Juan, eldest of them, who was standing tall with confidence and hatred in his eyes.

"King they-" Gabriel was cut off by Juan.

"We can talk for ourselves, thank you very much."