
The Tower Merchant is too devious

Kuber Walton, stripped of his wealth and branded as a 'traitor's son,' faces a desperate choice: flee his homeland or face dire consequences. However, destiny takes an unexpected turn. ————— [You have been summoned to the Dimensional Tower] [Accept] [Reject] ————— Kuber's decision leads him into a fractured realm divided among the Neutral, Holy, and Demonic Factions. In this world of chaos, he finds himself wielding the unique power of the 'Tower Merchant' class. This power enables him to procure anything from different towers and dimensions. Join Kuber in his adventures, marked by cunning schemes and thrilling action. As he navigates this treacherous landscape, his ultimate goal becomes clear: "Young master, do you aspire to become the wealthiest being in the world?" Alvin Lewis inquired, his gaze filled with curiosity. Kuber, sipping tea as he surveyed a distant heavenly city, replied, "Why, you ask? To purchase this very world." ————— #Manipulative mc #Action #Romance #No harem #Vampire #Non-human protagonist ————— If you like the content, then please support the author with gifts or reviews.

Cryo_Knight · Fantasie
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75 Chs

Establishing the Clan

"Excuse me, but didn't you mention that we were headed to a unique destination? Why have we ended up here?" Darryl's confusion was evident as he questioned Kuber's actions. They currently found themselves standing before the Merchant Association branch in Capital City.

"Indeed, I did mention that we were heading to a place that could potentially transform our lives, not just any 'special' place."

"But how does this location hold the potential to change our lives?" Darryl, Luna, and Leona directed their gaze at Kuber, their expressions a mix of irritation and curiosity.

"Well, let's take the first step and enter the building. Perhaps then, you'll understand." With a gesture, Kuber led the group through the grand entrance.

"Welcome!" The booming greeting from a staff member caught them off guard, causing a slight startle.

"I am here to initiate the process of establishing a clan."

"Ah, excellent! Please, come this way." Guiding them, the staff member led them to the only unoccupied counter.

"Yes, how may I assist you today?"

In a melodious tone, a female receptionist inquired, her long blue hair cascading down her back, and her dark black eyes exuding an air of enigma.

"I'm interested in registering for a clan establishment."

"Ah, I see. Kindly provide me with your Merchant ID."

Handing over his Merchant ID, Kuber felt the weight of a judgmental stare due to his somewhat worn newbie attire.

"Are you absolutely certain about this? While there's no specific rule against newcomers forming a clan, isn't this a bit too hasty?" The receptionist expressed concern, her voice laced with sincerity. But Kuber was not one to easily be dissuaded.

"No, waiting isn't in my plans. Time is of the essence," he asserted confidently.

"Very well, sir." Retrieving a form from her inventory, she presented it to him. "Please affix your signature here."

"Is... Is there no automated registration terminal or similar device this time? Just this manual form?"

With a perplexed expression, Kuber inquired of the receptionist. This was his first experience with mundane registration tasks since his arrival in this unfamiliar world.

"No, there's no requirement to inscribe anything onto a stone slab," she responded with a light-hearted chuckle.

"Got it."

In the following moment, Kuber meticulously began filling out the form, entering each piece of information step by step.

After a brief span of time, Kuber concluded the task and extended the completed form to the receptionist.

Curiosity gleaming in his eyes, Darryl asked Kuber, "So, what name did you choose for the clan?" Luna and Leona also fixed their attention on Kuber, eager for his response.

Kuber began to reply, only to have his words cut short by the receptionist.

"Is everything accurate and final?" The receptionist inquired politely, her gaze fixated on the form.

Kuber nodded in partial affirmation.

Seizing the moment, she collected the form from Kuber and placed it onto a pristine white slab.

'Ah, so there was a slab involved after all,' a thought crossed Kuber's mind, eliciting an inward chuckle.

Suddenly, a new system interface materialized before them.


[Your Merchant Clan has been established]


[Guild Name] – EonReach Guild

[Guild Owner] – Kuber Walton

[HQ Location] – None

[Market] – None

[Ranking] – 67,456

[Type] – Independent


"EonReach Guild? Why select this name?" Leona's annoyance was evident as she posed the question.

With a sunny disposition, Kuber responded, "Patience, Leona. The reasons will become clear in due time."

"Do you intend to remain an independent guild or seek sponsorship?" The receptionist inquired politely.

"I opt for independence."

Kuber's resolute choice was a daring one, given that thriving in this world often necessitated some form of support.

"Are you absolutely certain? It might be wise to carefully consider your decision," the receptionist expressed, her uncertainty about Kuber's choice evident.

"I'm certain."

Kuber's unwavering determination persuaded the receptionist to cease her probing, realizing he had firmly made up his mind.

Once all the necessary procedures were completed, the receptionist handed Kuber an additional form signifying the official recognition of his clan. Thankfully, the 10 iron credits required for registration could be deferred until the clan was more established.

With the registration process finalized, Kuber exited the Merchant Association alongside his companions.

"We've genuinely formed a clan. Our ascent to dominance begins now... Haha," Leona exclaimed with exuberance, a sense of pride radiating from her.

However, Kuber swiftly intervened with a slap to her head. "Enough of that! It's embarrassing. We're attracting suspicious glances from everyone around."

Indeed, passersby had turned their attention to the group, casting doubtful looks.

"Apologies," Leona's expression wavered with remorse as she recognized her misstep.

Kuber offered a playful quip, "It's a good thing you can acknowledge your error. If only I had some tape to keep you quiet."

"Tape? What?" Leona responded, puzzled by the unexpected comment.

"It's nothing. Let's move on to another location," Kuber suggested.

"Where to now?" Darryl, Luna, and Leona inquired simultaneously, their expressions a mix of confusion and concern.

"You'll find out," Kuber replied cryptically, guiding them toward their next destination.

After an entire hour of walking, they finally arrived at their intended spot.

"Why... why this place now?" Leona questioned, her voice slightly out of breath from the prolonged journey.

Before them stood an unadorned building, devoid of elaborate design or grand entrances. A small signboard with the words "Slave Market" marked their destination.

Kuber addressed his companions, "Stay here while Darryl and I go inside to assess potential recruits."

"I'm not keen on entering such a place either," Leona pouted once again, while Luna remained silent, evidently feeling embarrassed for an unknown reason.

"Alright." Leaving Leona and Luna outside, Kuber and Darryl ventured into the establishment.

Contrary to its exterior appearance, the interior of the building proved to be unexpectedly well-kept.

A well-dressed man in a sleek black suit, much like a butler, hurried over to Kuber's side.

"Welcome! I'm Alistair Thornwood. How can I be of assistance to you today?" Alistair's welcoming demeanor seemed genuine, yet a tinge of suspicion lingered as he observed Kuber's worn attire and Darryl's unassuming appearance.

"We're interested in purchasing some slaves," Kuber stated plainly.

"Certainly. May I inquire about the type of slaves you're seeking? We have a variety available: sex slaves, war slaves, servant slaves, entertainment slaves, and more," Alistair detailed.

Kuber hesitated momentarily, contemplating the options.

"I'd like to see some fresh war slaves," Kuber decided after a brief pause.

"Of course, please follow me," Alistair gestured, leading the way down a corridor.

"Wait a second, by 'fresh' war slaves, do you mean... truly 'fresh'?" Kuber's expression shifted to one of puzzlement and slight disgust.

Alistair nodded affirmatively. "Indeed, we've recently restocked our supply of war slaves."

As Alistair turned and moved down the hallway, Kuber and Darryl trailed behind him.

"Please wait here; I'll bring the available slaves for your consideration shortly."

Kuber acknowledged Alistair's departure with a nod before settling onto a plush sofa positioned at the center of the opulent waiting room.

"Quite an impressive setup they've got here," Darryl remarked, his gaze taking in the room's lavish decor.

Kuber turned towards Darryl with a meaningful expression. "Speaking of which, how many credits do you have?"

Darryl's confusion was evident as he stared at Kuber, wondering why money would come up as a topic of discussion in this context.

"I have around 68 iron credits," Darryl replied, still puzzled about the relevance of the question.

Kuber's grin broadened slightly. "Perfect."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Darryl inquired, still struggling to grasp Kuber's intentions.

"You'll find out..." Kuber responded, keeping his intentions shrouded in mystery, which only deepened Darryl's perplexity.

"Gentlemen, I appreciate your patience. I have assembled a selection of potential candidates for your consideration," Alistair announced as he returned, accompanied by a group of individuals.

Walking in behind Alistair, a lineup of people came into view. The group consisted mostly of men, many of whom displayed visible signs of injury with bruised and scarred appearances, dressed in ragged clothing. Alongside them were robust-looking women, their musculature hinting at strength.