
The Tower Merchant is too devious

Kuber Walton, stripped of his wealth and branded as a 'traitor's son,' faces a desperate choice: flee his homeland or face dire consequences. However, destiny takes an unexpected turn. ————— [You have been summoned to the Dimensional Tower] [Accept] [Reject] ————— Kuber's decision leads him into a fractured realm divided among the Neutral, Holy, and Demonic Factions. In this world of chaos, he finds himself wielding the unique power of the 'Tower Merchant' class. This power enables him to procure anything from different towers and dimensions. Join Kuber in his adventures, marked by cunning schemes and thrilling action. As he navigates this treacherous landscape, his ultimate goal becomes clear: "Young master, do you aspire to become the wealthiest being in the world?" Alvin Lewis inquired, his gaze filled with curiosity. Kuber, sipping tea as he surveyed a distant heavenly city, replied, "Why, you ask? To purchase this very world." ————— #Manipulative mc #Action #Romance #No harem #Vampire #Non-human protagonist ————— If you like the content, then please support the author with gifts or reviews.

Cryo_Knight · Fantasie
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75 Chs

Elemental Dice Duel

A minute later, the beastman emerged from the room and approached Kuber with careful steps.

"Time for you to head in, Squad Leader Eldric," the beastman informed with a yawn, exhaustion evident in his manner.

"Sure, I'll do just that," Kuber responded, his tone laced with an arrogant flair designed to avoid suspicion.

Upon stepping into the room, Kuber was greeted by a pervasive odor of sweat that seemed to emanate from the giant figure before him. The interior of the room defied expectations, proving far more spacious than its external appearance suggested.

Seated upon a black throne crowned with a skull, Grendar lounged, a massive beer stein in hand. Beside him sat a female minotaur, her appearance hinting at captivity. Unlike their male counterparts, female minotaurs bore a stronger resemblance to humans, a trait probably responsible for her unusual allure.

"I heard you're not here to collect a bribe this time, Squad Leader Eldric," Grendar mused, taking a hearty gulp from his colossal beer stein. His relaxed demeanor suggested a laid-back atmosphere.

"I've come to take something from you," Kuber replied, his lips curling into a sly grin.

Grendar's gaze narrowed as he peered down at Kuber, leaning in with curiosity. "And what might that be?" he inquired, his voice tinged with intrigue.

"I initially needed a special item, but I realized I lacked the credits for it. That's when I got the idea to acquire those credits from you—no intimidation or bribery, just a good old-fashioned gamble," Kuber explained, pacing back and forth as he addressed Grendar.

A burst of hearty laughter bubbled forth from Grendar, infectious in its joy. "Well, well! That's an interesting proposition, my friend."

"Alright then, what's your stake?" Grendar's voice was laced with excitement, his grin reflecting his eagerness.

Kuber answered by producing the credit coin he'd obtained by stealing from Eldric. "This is my bet. How about you?"

Grendar also revealed a credit coin from his possession. "You're going all in with your credits, huh? I'll match that with all of mine."

The exchange took place without any suspicion, mainly because the credit coin in Kuber's possession was a unique, custom-made one solely for Eldric's use.

"What kind of game shall we play, then, Squad Leader Eldric?" Grendar asked, his tone anticipatory.

A wicked grin etched itself onto Grendar's face, his hands rubbing together in eager greed, thrilled at the prospect of acquiring Eldric's credits—or more accurately, Kuber's credits.

"You pick the game," Kuber responded, his expression serene, hinting at a subtle confidence.

Grendar's grin widened even further at Kuber's response, interpreting it as an invitation to claim his credits without any contest.

"How about an 'Elemental Dice Duel'?" Grendar suggested.

In this gambling game, players rolled a specialized set of dice, each representing one of the elemental forces: fire, water, earth, air, and wood. The dice were enchanted to display symbols corresponding to the elements. Participants placed bets on the dice rolls, predicting the combination of elements that would appear. The interactions between the elements could result in various winning or losing combinations.

"Sounds good to me. Let's do it," Kuber replied nonchalantly, seemingly indifferent to the impending game.

"Alright then, before we begin, let's establish a contract to ensure neither of us backs out from our agreement," Grendar proposed, prompting Kuber's smirk. The latter fetched a small chair from a corner, dragging it over to where they stood.

"Alright then, let's proceed as you suggest," Kuber replied, his tone compliant.

Grendar's brow knitted in evident confusion, his gaze flickering around as he grappled with the situation. He couldn't quite fathom why Eldric was so accommodating, adhering to his requests without a hint of protest. One thing was certain—Grendar's mind was not well-equipped to navigate the complexities unfolding before him.

"Here we go," Grendar announced, retrieving five dice from his inventory, each immaculately white. He also produced a contract-like form.

Taking the contract from Grendar, Kuber pricked his finger, allowing a drop of blood to fall onto the document, which absorbed it promptly.

"Excellent, you're committed now," Grendar confirmed, retrieving the contract and stowing it back in his inventory before picking up the dice.

"I'll begin," Grendar declared, releasing the dice onto a nearby table. The dice clattered and spun before coming to a halt.

"I'm placing my bet on 2 fire, 2 earth, and 1 wood," Grendar stated, indicating his bet just as the dice settled.

As the dice came to a halt, markings became visible on their surfaces. Two displayed water symbols, two bore fire symbols, and the last one showed the wood symbol. Grendar's expression soured as it became evident that he had lost this round.

"Well, looks like I've been bested this time," Grendar muttered with a hint of displeasure etched on his face.

Kuber couldn't help but marvel inwardly at Grendar's audacity. Despite having the opportunity to cheat and secure victory, he chose to play it straight, a surprising twist that didn't align with Kuber's expectations.

Taking the initiative this time, Kuber picked up the dice and sent them rolling across the table. Observing the results, he declared, "I'll wager on 4 water and 1 wood."

Unfortunately for Kuber, luck wasn't on his side this time. The dice revealed one water symbol, three wood symbols, and a single earth symbol, signifying his loss in this round.

Grendar seized the opportunity to gloat, his smirk irksome as he taunted, "Seems like luck's not on your side, Squad Leader Eldric. Let me show you how it's done."

With a confident expression, Grendar scooped up the dice, ready to make his own roll.

"I'm placing my bet on 3 wood, 1 water, and 1 air," Grendar declared, his grin more pronounced this time. However, there was a newfound confidence in his demeanor that Kuber couldn't help but notice.

With a self-assured smirk, Grendar rolled the dice, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. As the dice clattered to a stop, Grendar's elation became palpable—the results matched his bet exactly: 3 wood, 1 water, and 1 air. While Kuber suspected foul play, there was no concrete evidence to substantiate his suspicions.

Grendar erupted into jubilant laughter, clapping his hands like an exuberant child. "Haha! Victory is mine! Your credits are now mine," he chortled with unrestrained glee.

Grendar's demeanor shifted, his sneer aimed at Kuber once more as he leaned in, eyes wide and malicious. "Well, Squad Leader Eldric, it seems the outcome is clear now. Fun little game, wouldn't you say?"

Kuber maintained his composure, responding evenly, "Indeed, it was quite enjoyable. Regrettably, my luck didn't favor me this time."

Kuber's face fell with a sense of disappointment, his eyes narrowing as he glanced downward. "It seems luck wasn't on my side this time," he murmured, his tone tinged with regret.

Grendar's brows furrowed in bewilderment at Kuber's apparent acceptance of defeat. "Is that all? You're just going to concede so easily?" he questioned, a look of confusion playing across his features. Grendar found it difficult to comprehend why someone of Eldric's stature, a respected Squad Leader, would readily admit defeat without resistance.

With an amiable smile, Kuber sought to reassure Grendar, "Yes, I acknowledge my loss and will honor our bet by giving you this credit coin. There's no need to be concerned—after all, we've formalized our agreement with a blood contract."

"Well then, I suppose you're right, Squad Leader Eldric. You should fulfill your end of the bet," Grendar conceded, his skepticism gradually waning.

True to his word, Kuber pushed the credit coin across the table, his expression composed and serene. Rising from his chair, he declared, "I'll take my leave now."

With a farewell nod to Grendar, Kuber pivoted to exit the base. Yet, as he reached the threshold of the room, a commanding voice reverberated through the space, freezing him in his tracks.

"Hold on a second, Squad Leader Eldric. Don't believe for a moment that I can't see through your little scheme," Grendar's deep voice rang out, resonating within the chamber. His words were laced with anger, his expression now one of fury as he remained seated upon his imposing throne.