
The Tomboy who captured the CEO’s heart

A romance story between a handsome, cold CEO and a tomboy. Story contains mature content as it progresses. Logan Adams, CEO and heir to the Adams Enterprise falls in love with Mia Montoya, a half Spanish/half American tomboy with a mafia father, who turns his sad life into an interesting one. Logan was heart broken for years and didn't think he will fall in love again after Selena left him at the alter, until Mia came along. He asks Mia to sign a contract to be his girlfriend and get paid just so that he avoids going back to Selena but Mua falls for him in the process. Even when he acknowledges he has feelings for Mia, he decides not to be with her for fear of hurting her because he still had strong feelings for his ex-lover, Selena. There are many obstacles in the way of their love like; Logan's former lover Selena who is hell bent on destroying his life, the mistakes of both his mother and father haunting him, their age difference, Logan is six gears older than Mia as well as their status differences. Things get heated when Logan cheats on Mia with Selena. Mia flees the country from the deep hurt and later on discovers she's pregnant for Logan. She decided to keep the baby away from Lagan and especially Selena but fate has other plans for them. Are they meant to be?…

Thee_Prax · Teenager
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27 Chs

chapter 2: The only love I now know


'Why do you always make me do this every single year' I asked my mum

'Because you are good at how you do it, even if you don't want to admit it' she answered.

She was trying to convince me to go to one of those universities again to give some kind of orientation to those students. She does this every single year and I'm always looking for ways to escape it every year, but she's good at convincing me.

'Why don't you send Lorenzo this time mum, I have an extremely tight schedule this week' I lied to my mother because that was not true

'I'm not sure you will really like us to do that, you know your brother. Do I need to remind you of his reckless ways?' my mother asked me

Lorenzo Adams (Renzo) is my only younger brother and the black sheep of the family.

He keeps doing all the things we are not allowed to do as mother describes him, but I'll say he is free spirited and I wish I could be like him sometimes. He just goes around doing whatever pleases him and not caring about anything.

He's always smiling unlike me, I have heard people say I'm cold. I think I have always been that way and dad made sure of that. Dad said, as the first son, I am meant to protect and lead as well as take over the family business so I understood that from a very young age.

I love my family and that is the only love I now know because after everything, they stayed, they have always been here unlike Selena.

I was brought back to reality by Lorenzo, he just threw a magazine in front of me.

'Hot gossip Logan, people think you are gay. Why wasn't I informed of this recent development' Lorenzo teased me with a laugh.

'This is nonsense. Social media is always looking for who to traumatise. Don't let it get to you son' my mother tried consoling me

'It's fine mother, I'm okay' I assured her

The truth is, I was not bothered about the recent news and I don't blame them for thinking such. Ever since Selena, I haven't been with any other woman and I will be 30 in a few years.

'Renzo, can you handle one of those yearly university talks I always do?' I asked my brother even though mother already asked me not to get him involved.

'I told you to do this yourself son, Renzo can not handle it. He might even spoil your reputation at the school' my mother said to me

'What do you mean mother, of course I can. I am capable and up to the task, don't sweat it Logan, I'll handle it for you' he bragged and patted my shoulder.

'Meet me later in the office then, I'll fill you in on everything you need to note' I told him.

Lorenzo agreed and then left a few minutes later.

'What are you going to do about the news?' Mother asked me with concern

'Nothing mum, I won't make a sound' I told her honestly

'It's been 5 years already, don't you think it's time to move on?' she started again

'Mum, I said I'm fine and I have told you countless times that I already moved on. Why do you always have to bring up this issue?' I lashed out

'Because you changed for the worst' mum yelled

'People change everyday, people make changes in their lives everyday. Why is mine an issue?' I asked her in a high pitched tone.

She kept quiet.

'I'm sorry for yelling mum, forgive me' I asked for forgiveness

'It's alright son. But I don't think it's right that you changed because of Selena, you closed your heart, you became cold, she's leaving her life, she's gallivanting and obviously meeting new people but look at you. If you keep living like this then she has won and you lost' mother rushed her words

Everywhere was quiet.

'You want to talk about this mother, fine let's talk' I said

'You know what she did to me, she broke me. It could have been better if she loved me in the beginning then fell out of love with me along the line. But that was not the case mother, Selena never ever loved me even for once, she used me, our relationship was all part of her plan, and you know why she did that because of Dad, he broke her sister's heart' I yelled

'Yet you still live under the same roof with him, you sleep on the same bed with him, you know about all his numerous affairs, I know you know but you act like nothing's wrong' I yelled even louder this time.

'Don't talk about your father in that manner, he's still your father' she warned me

'Is he' I cried

'He's my husband and whatever problem we have, that's between us. You have to let go of all the anger and hatred in your heart, you have become so bitter and cold son' my mother pleaded

Just then Lorenzo came in, I'm sure he must have heard mum and i arguing.

'Come on mum, I'll take you home' he said to our mother

I pressed my hands against my forehead, I didn't think I'll revisit this topic today.

'You should try talking to your brother Lorenzo' I heard my mother tell my younger brother before they completely exit the door.

Lorenzo was back almost in the same minute he left.

'I already called the driver to take her home' he said before sitting down.

'You should be mindful of mother's health Logan' he said to me

'Tell that to your mother, I didn't do anything. She brought up the topic' I argued

'She's just looking out for us, for you. You know she means no harm, she has your best interest at heart' now I don't like what he's doing

'Enough, I get it!' I stopped him before he could continue his sermon.

'Concerning the university stuff bro, this is everything you need for....' I didn't get to finish my sentence before Lorenzo cut in

'About that bro...I'm not sure I can make it, something urgent came up just now' he scratched his head.

The whole situation just sucks.

Why did my father have to be the reason for my pain?

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Thee_Praxcreators' thoughts