
The Tomboy who captured the CEO’s heart

A romance story between a handsome, cold CEO and a tomboy. Story contains mature content as it progresses. Logan Adams, CEO and heir to the Adams Enterprise falls in love with Mia Montoya, a half Spanish/half American tomboy with a mafia father, who turns his sad life into an interesting one. Logan was heart broken for years and didn't think he will fall in love again after Selena left him at the alter, until Mia came along. He asks Mia to sign a contract to be his girlfriend and get paid just so that he avoids going back to Selena but Mua falls for him in the process. Even when he acknowledges he has feelings for Mia, he decides not to be with her for fear of hurting her because he still had strong feelings for his ex-lover, Selena. There are many obstacles in the way of their love like; Logan's former lover Selena who is hell bent on destroying his life, the mistakes of both his mother and father haunting him, their age difference, Logan is six gears older than Mia as well as their status differences. Things get heated when Logan cheats on Mia with Selena. Mia flees the country from the deep hurt and later on discovers she's pregnant for Logan. She decided to keep the baby away from Lagan and especially Selena but fate has other plans for them. Are they meant to be?…

Thee_Prax · Teenager
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27 Chs

Chapter 19:Not my boobs


'Put that over there, no don't do that' I kept giving instructions that drained almost all of my energy.

Today was the grand launching of the new product. I wasn't only going to do a presentation, I was also in charge of all the arrangements at the event.

'Screw you Logan!' I cursed in my head

Guests have already started arriving and it was making me nervous.

'Relax, you will do just great' Henry told me. It was like he saw through me.

'Thanks Henry' I said

'We are starting in a few minutes, you've got this, yeah?' He said and asked

'Yeah' I simply replied.

The MC took over the stage and started with the programme of the night, greeting us all and giving special greetings to the high ranked officials in the room.

From one thing to another.

'We now welcome the president of Adams corporation on stage' the Mc said

Claps, cheers, and even some whistling could be heard, girls were gawking at him like he was a prey.

'Good evening everyone' he greeted, he looked so fine this evening. His hair was well styled, his tuxedo was exquisitely cut to fit him only, his suit screamed of a fashion euphoria.

'Thank you guys so much for making it here today, Adams enterprise is here to offer you the best again as always with this new product' he said

After talking about the product to the people, he did something that left me in complete awe.

'Special appreciation to the student interns who have single handedly made this idea come into realization' he said

'I want you guys to not focus on me tonight. There's this young lady, she's beautiful and very talented, she came up with the idea for the marketing strategy of this new product so we let handle it. She did the work, come up here Mia' he said unto me.

Hear him appreciate me like that sent me to cloud nine, why can't he always be that way.

'Thank you so much sir, thank you everyone for coming.Well, God gave the idea and my team and I did everything to deliver it for you all to see. Keep trusting and enjoying the services of Adams Enterprise, thank you' I said and left the stage while the crowd kept cheering.

'You were so good out there' Sophia ran up to me

'Sophia, you came' I squilled

'I couldn't miss it even if I wanted to' she laughed and I hugged her

'Two guys couldn't take their eyes off you the whole time you were talking up there' she said

'What are you talking about?' I asked her even though deep down, I wanted to know who those were.

'There, that's one' she said pointing at Henry who was approaching me as we spoke

'You know Henry, he's just a friend' I whispered to Sophia

'I am your friend too, in fact your best friend but I know I didn't look at you that way' she whispered

'What way?' I asked

'Quiet he's almost here and I'm leaving' Sophia sang herself away

'You did great up there tonight and all these, you did well and red is definitely your colour my lady' he said

'Thank you Henry and we all did great Henry so stop being so modest' I said

'You never accept a compliment, do you?' he laughed

'Sometimes' I said

'I could accompany you to the hospital if you want, I don't mean now of course, for your mum's surgery that's the day after tomorrow right?' he kept rambling

'Henry, I get what you trying to say' I laughed at him

'But it's ok, I'll be fine' I told him

'After all this is over, lets go out my treat ok' he said

'Sure Henry' I hugged him

We stayed that way for a few seconds.

Someone coughed behind us, it was Logan when I looked.

'Run along boy, your boss wants to talk to this particular student' Logan said

Henry was embarrassed but he walked away still.

'When did you get here, why did you have to talk to him like that?' I asked

'I was here the whole time but why would you see me when you were so engrossed in hugging that boy and if you needed a hug that bad, why didn't you come to me?' he said

'Whoa! Whoa!' I waved my hands in his face

'What is wrong with you, why would I come to you if I needed a hug, we aren't friends besides you are my boss, what will people say' I said

'You forget that you are my girlfriend now' he said

'Fake girlfriend, emphasis on the word FAKE' I said

'Come here' he said dragging me down the hallway away from the party

'Stop this Logan, Logan you are hurting me' I kept saying

He pinned me against the wall

'I thought you said I was your boss, why are you calling me by my name then?' he asked me

'We talked about this, from the date yeah, it just grew on me, but I'm always careful not to call you by your name at work' I said

'It grew on you, that's nice to hear. But I'll like that you call me that at work' he said, surprising me and he smiles after seeing my reaction.

'We will need to convince everyone that we have a thing going on this week' he says again

'Something is up with you and I don't want to be the one to figure it out, I'm going back to the party' I said leaving him there.



Mia took my breath away for minutes with her looks, she didn't wear any of her usual clothes tonight.

I should look for a way to let her remain in the company and attend all company parties looking this way.

She wore a handles, red, jumpsuit that flushed to the ground showing off her beautiful curves that I never thought she had, her back was exposed from her neck to her waist, she even let down her hair this evening and her brown eyes stood out.

Since Selena, I never admired any woman the way I did Mia, what has she done to me.

'Sir your dad is here' Kevin said

'Why can't he just stay at his house, you too Kevin, can't I have a proper talk with a lady without you spoiling things' I asked clearly pissed

'Sir, he's already here' Kevin said again

'Logan' my dad called but I didn't give him any respond

'Everybody is talking about this new product, I must admit the idea was great and the marketing and advertising plan was on point' he praised me

'This is Mia. That idea and plans you are congratulating me for, they are all hers' I said and left the scene

I didn't want to prolong the conversation with my dad, I didn't want to lose my cool.

I was going to join the rest of the party when a waiter was walking towards me. I stopped him and grabbed a drink.

'Sir Logan' Olivia called me

'Hey you!. I'm so proud of you guys' I told her

'Thank you sir' she said

Then I staggered and almost lost my balance but Olivia grabbed me by the arm and tried to steady my movements.

'Sir, are you ok?' Olivia asked me

'I don't know' I answered truthfully

'Let me take you to a room' she said

'But why?' I asked her

'Sir, you are obviously drunk. It would be bad for your reputation if people see you like this at a company launch' she told me but I couldn't understand.

'I'm not drunk. That was the only drink I had since the party so I can't be drunk unless…..' I didn't finish my sentence

'Unless someone drugged you. Let's get you settled in a room so no one sees the almighty Logan Adams in this state' she said and I obeyed.

I let Olivia walk me down the rooms in the hotel. I needed to get whatever was in that drink out of my system then find out who dared to do that to me and for what purpose.

My vision suddenly became blurry and my body also became hot.

'Leave, you can leave' I cried just when I reached the door

'But sir, let me take you to this room' Olivia wanted to protest

'I can't make it any further,you can go. I'll just rest here' I ordered

I now suspected what must have been put in my drink. I felt the urge, the hotness, the rush, so I asked Olivia to leave me.

I struggled to locate the bathroom so that I could get a cold shower. The room was dark when I came out from the bathroom.

I didn't feel any better after showering. I kept groaning, my bulge was growing, my veins were popping out and my I was sweating profusely and shaking.

I lay down in the bed and my hands touched another body. I wasn't alone in the room.

I moved my hands around and touched again.

'No. Not my boobs, don't touch them, they are tiny' a female voice spoke in the dark barely audible enough for me to hear. I didn't have the strength to laugh.

'They are perfect' I whispered and she shivered

I didn't hid to her warning still, I touched her breasts again, they weren't that big but they were soft and I loved that my hands could contain them perfectly.

I lost my cool. I ran my hands all over her body, all she could do was whimper and sigh and mumble a few words I couldn't hear.

These reactions of hers excited me, I felt the goosebumps her skin produced due to my touch.

I leaned in and took her lips in mine, she kissed back only that she was gentle and I wasn't. This kiss sent electricity through my spine, like I had been longing for it.

'Please' she begged

I lost all my restraints and pushed myself inside of her.