
The titan world

Aot but with more titans a lot more

DaoistIDLx5A · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Chapter 4 the noble Ben

After eating bob Ben un transformed the titan bodys disappeared and Ben resumed his position like nothing ever happened as another week passed

POV water empire

"Where is the acid titan!" I shouted to myself then I thought back"he last said he was going to slightly change his pathing to see someone called the child sniper but it could not have been the child right?"" Maybe just maybe that child sniper has a titan or is guarded by one for some reason"

POV narrator

Ben was just doing the thing he had been doing the past 5 seconds shooting people then on the radio a man's voice came out of it"you are to retreat to the lizard river" well whatever Ben thinks as he shoots the final guy and Ben moves over the course of 3 days then Ben found a battalion of soldiers and he walked in the battalion as all the adults gave him glances but then Ben found a tiny group of non adults like him Ben walked into the group and they looked at him

Ben pov

Am I an outcast or something? Because they looked at me that way so I said"hello?"

"You your new here aren't you""yes""well let me explain things to you""you see this is a award ceremony where based on your contributions get awarded if your contributions are immense you may even get a titan of a titan user that has been slacking and has no good connections""so why can't I sit here" they did not know what to say so I sat there then after a hour of waiting a guy walked up on stage and said"all of you have at least made a minor contribution so let me- i mean my workers list your rewards" as he walked off stage then workers came out and started listing rewards then My turn came"the child sniper apparently killed thousands the higher thousands near ten thousand in 2 months that is a lot and his reward is a noble house hold and in the fire empire all Nobel houses have titan patriarchs so basically we will give you super regeneration titan" I walked up to the stage the worker glared at me enviously"what you want a titan go on the battle field and kill almost ten thousand in 2 months" I was not afraid to show these people up"listen here you little shit we would have to normally kill 30 thousand""listen here you big shit did you forget I am 12 and you in your late thirties" as I walked into the room that I was being led to and the room was just a hallway that led to a chained up man and there was a syringe that had a note on it that read inject this in you to transform in to a titan I took the syringe and pocketed it and transformed into my titan form then approached the man who tried his best to get away but could not so he bit his tongue if he succeeded in escaping now he would be chased down to the ends of the fire empire but he could join the other empires but his family would be tortured but (unknown to me his family and friends all died)

POV battle narrator

Gage hp 500 rr 1 hp every second mrr 1 per minute mental health 69

Ben hp 400 rr 15 every minute mrr 3 per minute

Gage rushed at Ben and punched him in the face

Ben hp 400 to 380 Bens nose fell off

Ben turned his fist into string and rapped it around gage and turned it into acid

Gage 500 hp minus 2 hp per second

Gage roared and tried to rub it off on Ben but Ben shot more string at gage and cut off his arm

Gage hp 499 to 440

Gage then decided to rub it off on the walls and he did it

Gage decided to run away he tried but failed as the walls were to strong

Ben had enough so he punched gage in the scull

Gage hp 442 to 410

Gage then thought let me just kill the kid So he punched at Ben Ben was shorter then gages 18 meter titan so he had to lean down Ben of course dodged he could see it coming because gage had to lean down So gage was in an awkward position and Ben took advantage of this by smashing gages spine then

Gage hp 411 to 390

slowly turned his hand into a blade and slashed at gage gage who was still on the ground even after 5 seconds tried to dodge but failed getting his back slashed open and Ben did a dick move by putting acid in gages wound

Gage hp 395 to 380 minus 2 hp per second

Gages wound on his spine would heal the top first and thus locking the acid in him it would only take 4 seconds gage got up and ran at Ben and hit Ben square In the face making Ben fall on his ass

Ben hp 384 to 360

Ben on his ass turned his toes into string and sent them at gage gage leaped over the string and then kicked Ben in the scull cracking it

Ben hp 360 to 330

Gage now was yet again in a awkward position with one of his legs on Bens head so Ben took advantage of this by grabbing gages leg and by putting more strings in his arms he could now throw gage and so Ben did right into the wall

Gage hp 376 to 340

Gages bones where broken and so he could not move so that allowed Ben to get up and rush at gage Ben picked him up and continuously smashed him into the wall then threw gage into the chain wall

Gage hp 338 to 300

Gage while being thrown bones regenerated and got back up after landing gage was running at Ben Ben on the other hand had all of his strings attach themselves to gages arms, legs and head ripping all of them off

Gage hp 300 to 0 tbhp 100 to 30

Then Ben used another bath of strings to eat gage gage could do nothing as he was eaten

"Let's review this fight gage was very stupid this whole fight he forgot to take advantage of his titans power of regeneration when he was injured if he kept his cool by staying far away and made ben unable to move it would have been all good he could go in attack retreat and heal attack and repeat until ben is his food