
The Timid Gangster With Time Power

Hello authur here. As of 02/12/2020, I am going on hiatus. It might be a short while, maybe long, maybe this message here does not even matter as no one really cares yet but I just wanna tell yall bout it. Reason being that I have some offline priorities. I do no thave much time and I have started getting busy in life. So yeah... I'll still try to write here and there. Peace out Whatchu you looking at?! Look at me again and I'll beat your ass up! Ahh!! Whatever, I'll let you go for now cause you're a hottie. My name is, Papi Bugsy. I know right?! It's soo Gangster. Well since you're hot, ill let you in a little secret. To be honest, I'm was a damn pussy... But that was before and now I'm the damn boss of this school. Sitting on top of this one of a kind throne, made from all the bullies that had bullied me before. Kneeling before me, everyone I look down upon, are worshiping me like I'm the king. How did I came to sit on this throne when I was only a pussy two years ago? That's because at that time, I realise I had a power. The power to control time. What? Speak louder if you wanna ask something!! Ohh... You wanna know how I got this power when I was 15? Fine, I'll tell you the secret... The secret............ Can be found if you continue reading this novel... K fine. I accidentally found out whenever I made someone fear of me to its peak, I can go back in time. If you want to know more, just read.

Living_Otter · realistisch
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19 Chs

I succeeded in time leaping albeit with a weird method...

*ding doing dang deng*

"Okay everyone! Back to your damn seat, c'mon chop chop!"

"Kuza, can we have PE today?" (random guy student)

"yea Kuza, it's been so long I haven't exercise that my chest are getting fatter~" (random girl student)

"Hey you two, shut your trap up and it's teacher! Don't call me by my name, and gimme some respect! And it's not fat, you know it too and stop squeezing them up!"

"ehh~okaayy teacher~" (girl student)

It was the first period after the lunch break and they all went back to class. Papi and Danny are both classmate, same as Derrick and Johnny. Mari too was in the same class, class 3A. Papi went back to his seat , which was right beside Danny, Derrick and Johnny at the back as teacher Kuza's class was starting.

So what on earth was that... I don't think it's time lapse as I really had experience it before. Not once but twice as well. It's more like a time leap, but how did that happen... Arggh! I really don't know. Think, Papi, think!... Wait, okay let's trace back what I did in both of the time leaps

Firstly, I fall down and got punch. No way that's what made me time leap. Then I made Danny angry and he punch me again. Right after that... I licked the food... No way either! But at the end what happened both times was that i went insane and started assaulting Danny and I time leaped.

Is that really it? I'm really curious....Should I try assaulting Danny again? What if it didn't work and I make Danny angry again? This is bad, I should just give up.

Right then when Papi was about to give up, a group of student passed by the class while chatting loudly. The group of four girls were coming from the direction of the cafeteria, seeming to be late for class.

"Ahhh, better hurry! That damn teacher is gonna explode again."

"I-I'm so sorry Amy, I didn't mean to be late-"

"Shut up Bella!"

"Hiik!" *shriek*

"It's all your fault for being so late with our food! Damn shorty, you can't even use your short ass to squeeze into the queue!"

"Hiiik! I-I'm sorry Amy."

Ahh... So she's just like me, someone's slave for everything. Buying food, carrying bags and stuff, how pitiful. But doesn't she look quite familiar? Ahh, I remember! She's Bella, Bella Iza from class 3C. We were friends from the same neighbourhood, that's it. We used to play together at the neighbourhood park with Danny too, but wasn't she smart? Why would she be in the C class rather than the A class.

Ahh... I remember. Student in our school weren't allocated in classes according to our academic, but rather the school left it to the student to decide among themselves. I guess I'm lucky to be in the A class since I'm with one of the biggest bully in our school. I don't have to fight for a seat in the front class...but the downside is the constant bully. If only I could control time, if only I know how... If...

Wait... Bella and I were close right? We were close friends since we were young, why don't I ask her to help me. If I ask nicely, wouldn't she allow me to test it on her? Okay, that's it, I have decided. After school ends, I'll go and find her.

*ding doing dang deng*

"Okay class, you guys can- Hey hey! I'm not finish here! Claaass!!... Sigh, forget it"

As usual, teacher Kuza is being bullied but there's no time for me to be thinking about this, I have to go find Bella.

"Hey bitch Bugsy! You coming?!"

"uh-urm, sorry but I've got some things I need to do"

"Ohh, is that so. Well whatever."

While Danny said that, in his mind, he was a bit doubtful. There shouldn't be anything for Papi to do and he has no friends at school. Though with a doubtful look, he just turned away and went on his way. After that, Papi rushed straight to the C class.

Ahh I hope she's still there. I shouldn't have been too late right? Ahh right there! Right infront of the 3C classroom was standing a girl with dark brown hair tied into a ponytail with bangs.

There she Is, the same as ever. She is still short, well much taller than before but still short. Although she's short, it's still very easy to spot her. Really though, no one is as pale as her. Maybe Mari is close to as pale as her but still, Bella still is the whitest among everyone here. I wonder If she still remember me.

"hey bella."

As bella turned around towards where Papi's at, her hair swayed and the scent coming off her hair was so aromatic.

"Ah... Who are you?"

How did I forget that. I use to have short hair but now I have long hair, covering up till my nose.

"Ah.. Its me, Bugsy.."

"Bugsy? Urmm.. I'm not sure.. Wait.. Papi Bugsy?! Its really you! It's been sooo long!"

"Hey you're too loud, let's go somewhere quieter."

"Hey wait! I'm actually waiting-"

"Shh... I can't let people see me like this. Keep it for later."

Papi pulled Bella and went around while sneaking. They ended going to the roof top as lots of the students are still in the classroom hanging out.

"Finally, somewhere with no one around. Are you good Bella?"

*pant pant*

"Wa-wait a lil... Lemme catch my breath"

Although they were sneaking around, they had to make dashed to cross the hall ways or to avoid people's eye.

"Ahh sorry, a lot of people know that I'm with Danny so they would have told Danny what I was doing if they saw me."

"pant... Okay, I'm good. So what do you want to talk about? Why did you suddenly find me?"

Wait... I didn't think this far yet. There's no way I could tell her that I have this time leap power that I wanna experiment on her right? She'll think I'm crazy! Dammit!

" ur-urmm... Do you remember when we use to play around at the park in our neighbourhood together right?"

"Well, yea of course! You, Danny and me were always together, playing tags and stuff!

Wow, it has been a long time I saw her looking so cheerful. Ahh, soooo cute! I guess she liked those days as much as I did. Well I have no more ideas, let's just do it.

" so we were very close friends right?"

"Yea... We were close.."

"We're still close right?"

When Papi said that, he took a step closer toward Bella.


Bella's face turned a bit red as Papi was so close to her. It was quite obvious as she was very pale, and little red could be noticed easily.

"ur-urmm yea..."

"Then do you trust me?"

"Wh-what do you mean by that?"

"I want to try out something and it's really important to me. I can't go into details but...please! I need your help!"

"I... I trust you! I.. I'll help you out!"

"Really?! Thank you Bella!"

"Urmm, so what do I need to do?"

Papi took a few step back.

Okay, she gave us the green light. All I have to do is reenact what happened before. First take a few step, and trip myself.

Papi walk forward and intentionally trip himslef into a wall slam.

"Hiiik!.. Bugsy... What are you doing...?"

"slap me"



"slap... Me..."

Bella was getting nervous.

'what does he mean slap him? I can't do that! How can I just slap him... Bugsy, I'm scared...'

"You said you trust me and would help me right? Then Slap... Me!!!"



I'm sorry Bella but that's it! Sorry I had to yell at you and made you scared. But it's finally at the last stage.

"ha..ha.. Hahah..HHAHAHAA!"

Hearing that sinister laughter, Bella was scared down to her bones. Her hands started shaking a little, eyes became a little more wet and she started losing the strength in her legs.

"Bu-Bu-Bugsy.... Wh-what is happening?"

Her voice was so shaky and her face turned beet red. She was literally scared the fuck out.

"HAHAHHA!..... why are you calling me Bugsy~? Call me like how you did before. Call me Papi~!"


"Call me Papi~!!"

"HIIIKKK!! Papi....whats going on..?"

I'm sorry for doing this but hang In there a little longer Bella! We're almost there, hang in there! All there is left is....

"Ahhh... This is it... Its been so long that I've heard someone calling me that~! What should I do, what should I do!! Should I... Give you a 'good work' kiss?!"

All there's left is the licking part!...


Bella instantly lost the strength in her legs as she fall onto the ground. But Papi did not give in and came closer.

"Huuh? What's this? You wan a lick? Alriiiight~! Say AHHHH!!!"


Bella's eyes and her hands were shaking like crazy. Face beet red and her body was all sweat. The sweat was seeping through her shirt and made her bra visible.

"Ohh, a pink bra isn't it? That's cute~! Ohh and what's this? You have grown quite big here~! Wait...why is there a puddle on the ground? Is that sweat...or....n-no way..."

Yes way, she peed herself right through her skirt! This is bad! Ahhh fuck it! Let's end it here!

"Here comes the lick~~! Say AHHH~~!!! "


Then everything bacame dark for Papi before his vision came back. What he saw was him in the position of the wall slam.

"Gosh... Did I succeed?... Hahaha... I succeeded!! Thank you so much, Bella!!"


"Ohh why are your hands a little shaky. Ahhh whatever! Thanks for the help Bella!!"

Although Papi didn't notice, but Bella was a little paranoid when he hugged her on an impulse.

'what just happened? How did I came back here'

While Papi didn't know, Bella had retained her memories before the time leap. Papi is just celebrating while she is still terrified.

'I'm scared, Papi... What's happening... But why do I feel safe when you just scared me...its just like before.. '

Bella thought back to when they were younger and played together at the park. Papi would always protect and take care of her. That was what made her trust him. Although he had just scared her, but his hug right now was more reassuring. Then...

"Hey Bella! Where the hell are you! Didn't I ask you to wait for me?! Kelly said she saw you coming up here with someone, come out!"

An unexpected guest appeared...