
The Times We Had

Sha Sha who lives her life in a small city met with a man who turns her life upside down and he was so good-looking! Even though he has a strong appearance which may lead people to thinks he's a bad boy and bad influence to our FL, but he's actually a gentle and sweet guy! Nevertheless, their love story had so many obstacles, ups, and downs, and yet, they still strugglingly stay together. This is a story about a sheltered girl who learns new freedom in her world. The times she had for her first romance with the one she loves in her life. A sweet and bitter experience throughout her journey, one-lifetime love. Add to your library if you like this genre. and don't forget to bug me at discord : https://discord.gg/87PSsH

voiletevergarden · Urban
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23 Chs

Trust Me

Sha Sha's POV

I was startled when he said that he wants to teach me how to be beautiful. I mean…I am ugly and if I do these kinds of changes, doesn't it make my parents worry?

Be beautiful means...I need to wear what I always want to wear freely right? If that is, I don't think I can do that..not when my parents are strongly against it. "My..my parents wouldn't allow it." I give him the reason and I peek at little, looking at him who scrunching his eyebrow while looking at me.

"Your parents wouldn't allow it?" I know it sounds so ridiculous. But, it's the fact. I could only say those words inwardly though.

"Because?" He asked me again. And I blushingly avert my eyes to the side. Mutter it slowly as I was so shy. "It…It'll make me..look like a..cheap person. I…I..mean the clothes are too..too revealing."

I was ready to be laughed at but all I could hear is silent. Not a single word coming from him. As I can calm down and don't feel shy as before, I slowly look at him again.

"So..you're not used to wear something that's revealing? Hm…I think it can be adjusted. Everyone can be beautiful and wear something comfortable as they like." he said with a serious tone. I was still in dazed looking at how handsome he really is from up close.

"If that's the case, then..I'll teach you a minimal way. Come on, let's follow me buy something." He held my hands gently and smile at me. Really, I wonder if he's an angel who sent by god or what.

Except for his outer look, he really is gentle toward me. Like a real man in the novel that I've read. The kind of hero that every girl ever wants.

"Wa...wait..." I said as touch his arm a little. Stopping him from going further. He looked at me and he tilts his head a little.

"Why? Are you not feeling well?" he asked and I shake my head.

"No…" I pointing my index finger in the opposite direction. "The mall is in this direction," I said and I saw his face turned red a little. Maybe he was embarrassed.

"Oh, really? I thought…" He looks behind and he suddenly turned silent. There's nothing in the way he headed earlier. It's only a building of an apartment and multiplex stores at the side of the alleyways.

"Shall we?" I unconsciously pull his sleeve and walk to the main road. We walk side by side and he was quite a chatter I must say. He likes to ask me questions and I answer each of them and sometimes, I laughed too. He made me feel comfortable being around him even though I still attract people to look at my boots.

"Her hair is already pretty, but it's also too long. Can you cut it to medium length and not too short? Her bangs…leave it be. It's cute to have a bang. Emm...I think brown dyed will match her skin." He said to the hairdresser as the guy then looked at me.

The guy who works here is Sandy. He's a bit 'bent' but he is a nice person. He always goes to charity work every weekend and sometimes we group together to distribute the flyers and help peoples in need.

"And….you are?" Sandy looked at Andrew from his head to his toes. Maybe he was just being protective of who I was hanging out with.

"Sandy…he's my neighbor. He's a good guy. Don't worry." I smile at Sandy and he sighed.

"Fine..since you said that he's a good guy, I'll just let it slide. But, Sha Sha…is it okay to cut your hair? Aren't you afraid of your father?" hearing the last question, I warily smile at him.

"It's okay. It's not too short anyway." While I said, Andrew took a seat next to me, whispering, "Is your father against the woman who had short hair?" I know he's asking out of curiosity, but I still want to answer him properly. I don't want him to misunderstand my father.

"Um..to my father, hair is like a crown for a woman. The longer it grew, the more beautiful we'll be. That is why if you watch a Chinese wuxia movie, there's a lot of people with long hair, isn't it?" I just said it without research it. Truth is, I don't know if it is true or not.

But I always heard that my father likes a woman with long hair. It's like a crown to us, woman. With my little explanation, Andrew nods his head like he's agreeing with me.

"But, no matter what length of your hair, you still will look beautiful. Because you have a healthy and shining hair." Andrew touch my hair softly which make me blush and Sandy saw it.

I have nowhere to hide my red face at this time. "Ehem! I think you should move to the sofa while I do her hair." Sandy save me by saying those word to Andrew and he just walks back to the sofa while waiting for me.

It took a few hours before Sandy was done with my hair. Since birth, I had straight hair and never change the way of my hairstyle. But, today…I look a bit different even though I just make a little change.

My hair looks flowy and I...

"See? I told you, you're beautiful." Andrew who suddenly came from behind of me said through the reflection on the mirror. I smiled with his complimentary.

Because we're this close, I could smell his cologne. The scent of his cologne mixed with his sweat. It makes me a little over the moon. I find it sexy and…oh my god…I blushed again!

"Wait here, I settle the bill and we're going to another place," Andrew said and walk to the counter. I hurriedly go to him to refuse his offer to pay for this but just when I reach the counter, he already receives the receipt.

While he smiling, he show me a paper bag on his hands "You have to apply this regularly. Now, let's go to the next destination."


"You feel in debt to me?" he guesses it right. I want to pay him back but before I could reach my bag, he took my hands and swing it happily.

"You have to pay me back. But, not now." we reached the Taxi stand and he pushes me to go inside the car as he sits next to me.

"To Lexis city." He said to the taxi driver and I widen my eyes. "We…across the city?" I asked. This is my first time to cross-city. Like I've told before, I never cross any city and I've always stayed at Tallis city for 25 years.

Nodded, he leans his back on the cushion. "Lexis has a place that can achieve our goal today. Don't worry, from here to Lexis just take about two hours. We'll be returning back at night."

I shivered a little. I don't know what feeling is this, but this is my first time encounter something like this. What do I tell my father? What if someone reporting it to my father? And what if….they misunderstood us going to Lexis city?

After all, I just randomly go with him, a man who I don't know much and went to another city. Even though I know he would not do anything bad to me, but, other people will not believe me if I said it! Just look at him!

His appearance always makes people misunderstood him as a bad guy. So how does a bad guy bring a meek daughter like me to another city is a good thing? This will cause a blow!

"Are you afraid?" Like he could read my mind! I slowly shake my head even though I think couldn't hide my expression at all.

"It's okay..I'll explains it to your family if they asked later. You can trust me."

I didn't reply and he reaches my hands before he gently put it on his chest, making me turn my head to look at him.

"Trust me." again, he asked me to trust him. The lights from the sun which are about to set down make him look more…dependable, trustworthy, and manly in my eyes.

I nodded my head. I guess I have to check on my sight when I returned home later. I don't know why...but today..he shows me a lot of his new sides.

I mean, I always knew he's a good guy but I never knew how good is he. Maybe…today has made my eyes open on how good he is? But, wait…is he also treat this good to other women too?

If yes then…maybe I am just like another woman in his eyes? Did he…perhaps pity me? I am pathetic, aren't I?

Did he do all these because he heard what happen in the cafe earlier? He pities me that I can't even hook up with one guy on my first date?

Oh, Sha Sha….you pick a wrong person to fall in love with.

I don't know what expression did I make afterward that made him suddenly tilt his head to me.

"Is something wrong, Sha Sha?" he asked me but I pull my hand back from him and shake my head a little.

"No, nothing." I don't know, but I turned gloom in seconds just after that thought crosses my mind.

To my new follower, check out my other novel too :

1- 10 billion to get a wife

2- Garden of love

3- The long lost love

4- My first love is my impossible love

5- The fallen Princess

6- Darling, don't run away

^~^ stay healthy you guys!

voiletevergardencreators' thoughts