
The Times We Had

Sha Sha who lives her life in a small city met with a man who turns her life upside down and he was so good-looking! Even though he has a strong appearance which may lead people to thinks he's a bad boy and bad influence to our FL, but he's actually a gentle and sweet guy! Nevertheless, their love story had so many obstacles, ups, and downs, and yet, they still strugglingly stay together. This is a story about a sheltered girl who learns new freedom in her world. The times she had for her first romance with the one she loves in her life. A sweet and bitter experience throughout her journey, one-lifetime love. Add to your library if you like this genre. and don't forget to bug me at discord : https://discord.gg/87PSsH

voiletevergarden · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
23 Chs


Andrew's POV

I woke up at the same time as yesterday. The number on my clock is 4 am in the morning. I sit up on the bed and sigh while rubbing my face with my palm. It is so hard for me to sleep soundly these past few days. I think it might be because of my condition which is getting worse.

After a few minutes, I stayed on the bed, I finally decide to go on exercising and work out for my body figure. Yeah, I like to build up a few muscles on my body. Maybe to attract more women? I tittered while thinking the stupid reason behind why I like to build up some muscle.

I put on some clothes and wear my sports shoes before I start running down the sidewalk along the beach. There are no people on the street and it's really quiet. This small town…really quiet which I start to love it.

I move in here to feels and see someone's memory. Someone I missed so much and she's important to me. Just before I closed my eyes, I want to know why she like this place so much? That's the reason why I came here. But, on my first day here, I met with a weird person.

I think she's an introvert person. She's a person with a small world in her brain. Nevertheless, she has stunning brown eyes. Her face might be dull to people's eyes but for me, if she has a little sense of fashion, she might be the most beautiful girl in this town. She just doesn't realize it.

I ran until the sun shone brightly and I took a short walk to the town. I huffed and wipe the sweat on my forehead before I head into the Cafe who I heard is quite famous for its coffee. I think of relaxing a bit before I went back home.

Just after I give my order to the barista, I saw my neighbor enter the cafe too. She looks…a bit unusual than before. I think she's done her best to look better today.

She was wearing a drape white dress which is quite classic to me and when I look down, I almost chuckle. I held back my smiles and look at those cute boots which striking in orange and green color. 'She must be in a hurry to not notice the color of her boots.'

"Sir, your drink." the barista said as he handed me the coffee cup. I took out my wallet and pay for the drink. Before the barista guy handed me the receipt I saw my neighbor was struggling on opening her stuck zip.

"Pay for that lady too," I said with a low voice to the guy and he looked at me with a bit confused.

"Which lady, sir?"

I'm pointing my finger to my side and the barista nodded his head before he taps my card for the second time and he handed it back to me with the receipt.

I took the card and the receipt before I went to find a seat near the window. I enjoying the view of this town. They have so many cobblestone building and the color of this town is really something. I feel like I was in a different time zone.

I have always lived in a busy city where there are so many tall buildings and people on the streets. Either it night or day, the city never dies and never been too quiet too. But, here…it's really calm and I feel really relax ever since I came here.

"Are you…Darian?" the voice whom I familiar with suddenly makes me turn my head to the direction behind me. It's my neighbor again.

'Oh, what is she doing here?' I thought while sipping my coffee. As I ready to return home, I heard about their conversation.

'Hmm..interesting.' again, I want to butt in her business and I sat there for a few more minutes.

Until I heard about how that fat guy insulting her, my hands were shaking in anger and I was ready to punch the guy in his face.

Splash! I saw a few people in the cafe start to look at their direction as I standing up. 'This might end badly.'

Just as I thought, that fat guy had a gut to raise his hand on a girl! In a flash, I held his hand from hurting my neighbor which squirming in fear. The anger on my heart is burning like a blazing fire.

"Yo, fatty, take it back the insulting you just said to her," I said as calm as I can. Even though I could hear my own voice trembling with anger.

"Who're you? Back off, you shit." the word he just said make me raise my eyebrow a little. Ah~, you're asking for it. Don't blame me then.

I twisted his wrist and he screams like a little girl. "AHHHH…let go, you bastard!"

"Sorry, what? I can't hear you. Oh, wait…I actually didn't hear you apologize to her yet." as I want to twist his hand more, I suddenly felt a little touch on my arm, pulling me softly.

"Andrew..that's enough," she said while looking at our surrounding. Yes, I know we attract attention in this place and people start to whispering to each other.

"Apologize to her!" I urge the man as I don't want to let him go yet until I heard the word.

"Fuck off! Why would I apologize to that bitch?!"

"Andrew..please..there's no need for making it a big fuss."

I was upset with how little did she think of herself. "Sha Sha, your parents did not raise you to be insulted like this. Why would you let this scum insult you and your family? It's better if you not marry this stupid, ugly scum." Seeing how sad she looks like right now, I..once again sighed.

I release the guy's hands and grab on Sha Sha's before I walk out of the cafe. Meanwhile, Sha Sha silently following my step. We walk for about five minutes at a strange alleyway until I stop my pace and turn to her.

"Um..do you know where this is place? I think I lost the way."

Looking at her surprised face, I scratch my head a little. "Sorry, I was too caught up with my emotions that I didn't realize where we're going."

"Pfftt! Hahaha.." she laughed at my reason. I think it's my first time seeing her laughed like that. It's beautiful.

"Hey..I'm serious," I said as I too hold back my laugh. I know but I think this is hilarious.

"Sorry..sorry..and um…thanks…for earlier," she said and wipe her corner of her eyes. Just when she looks up to me, I smile at her and took out my handkerchief from my pocket.

"Yeah, sure. Is this your first time wearing make up?" I asked as I wipe the black eyeliner which already ruins because she wipes it using her finger just now.

"Um..yes." She said and look so embarrassed. I know, it's not easy for her to open up to another person as I know, she's an introvert person.

"Mind if I fixed it?" I lift up her chin so that she could look at me. I'm being serious with my word. She can trust me, so I want her to look into my eyes.

But maybe I was so confident that I can only look at her eyes for a few seconds before I avert my eyes to the side. There's a weird feeling creep in my heart as I look deep into her eyes.

"You.." she shyly said and avert her eyes too. "Do you know how to fixed my make up?"

Nodded my head, I smile at her. "Of course I know. Come." I bring her to the near water fountain at the end of the alley. I wash my handkerchief with the mineral water I bought at the store near the fountain and start to clean up her messy face.

She closed her eyes obediently while I was cleaning up her make up. To see her skin up close, I can conclude that she had nice skin that doesn't need to apply a thick foundation.

Her skin was clear from any freckles or blemish. She had a natural beauty look like I expected. And now I know her problem is…she doesn't aware of her own beauty and she doesn't know how to make herself beautiful.

"Sha Sha, do you have any basic makeup at your home?" I decided to ask her so that I can clear up my suspicion.

And when she shakes her head, I nod my head slightly. I guess I was right. She doesn't know how to make herself beautiful.

"Do you want to learn?"

"Learn what?"

"Learn how to be beautiful. I can teach you and give you my opinion as a guy."

Sha Sha bit her lips. I saw some worries on her face. "I…I don't think I can.."

Upon hearing her reason, I arched my eyebrow. "May I know why?"

"My..my parents wouldn't allow it."


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