
The Time of Space Itself

An orphan boy that wishes for a new life to forget about the traumatic past given to him by the fate of the gods. See through his life and relationships to find out what he will do to achieve his dream.

Ej_Lovely_Boy · Aktion
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3 Chs

A shower incident

After an hour of driving, we soon made it to a large 2 story building that I estimated could have at least 5 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The car was parked inside the garage and we all got out.

The bodyguard from before opened the door inside the house as I walked in with Mr. Dowell, who led me to my room and told me that the bathroom was right down the hallway. I got all my things put away and decided to take a shower and went to the bathroom by Mr. Dowell's directions. I walked in, forgetting to lock it, and grabbed a towel from the racks of towels from small to large. I started up the shower, a bit confused on how the buttons worked, but figured it out.

I walked in after getting undressed, the water being very cold. I enjoyed cold showers, but would mostly take hot ones to help with my sore body, which was almost every day. I began washing my hair, which began to drape over my eyes, clinging onto my face a bit. As I finished up and turned the water to warm, I thought the door opened. I figured it was my imagination until I saw a dark figure through the shower curtains and panicked a bit slipping down. I groaned as I fell back on my ass. The figure pulled the curtains open, or at least I think, and reached forward as if helping me up. I quickly grabbed a towel and covered and wrapped myself up.

I focused and recollected myself and looked at the figure that spoke, "You alright?" His voice was a little older sounding but gentle. I looked at his face, which struck me in awe. His faces features were sharp, but his expression and brown eyes gave off soft and gentle. He looked like a model for some magazines. "Yeah, I'm fine... who are you?" I ask, and he scoffed, which gave me a bad feeling. "I should be asking that as you are in my father's house. Who are YOU?" he asked me. I looked down. "Mr. Dowell kind of adopted me I guess? I was just coming back from the orphanage with him, was led to my room, and then went to shower." I say a bit truthfully.

Tulios thought: "What did I do...?"

