

Once they had all been put in the bus, with no particular seat arrangements Andrew quickly made his way to the back corner of the bus. He sat down and placed his bag on his lap, and immediately tried to sleep off the headache that he had.

He didn't want to be distracted once he got to the hospital. He didn't even check where Jared was seated because he knew Jared would sit with Sheryl.

His head was placed on the windowpane and his eyes were closed. It was autumn and there were clouds in the sky so he didn't pay too much attention to the sunlight. Slowly he drifted off to sleep.

Andrew was on a bus ride somewhere but this bus did not look anything like the one he was just in. The seats were made of leather and were so comfortable that Andrew found it hard not to pass out. The seats were also wide and spacious, the floors where white and clean.

Andrew looked to his side and found that he was holding hands with a girl with blond hair and green eyes. She was wearing a navy blue plaid skirt with a white shirt and she had a devilish smile on her face.

"Babe are you okay?" The girl gently put her hand on his chest. "You don't seem too well. I told you that match was not worth it." The girl sulked.

Andrew who did not know this girl was started to feel uncomfortable by the way she was touching him. He looked around the bus and saw another set of strangers. He desperately needed to get his head checked for a concussion, because the white hot pain was not diminishing.

"I am fine. I just hurt my head for a second that's all." Andrew grunted, in a voice that did not sound like his own. He was starting to get annoyed by her.

"I am so sorry. José can be such an ass." The girl gently caressed Andrew's cheek and whispered in his ear, "Maybe I can kiss the pain away?"

Andrew felt himself smirking, "Not here and not now." By the tone of his voice he could feel his annoyance morphing into anger.

The girls mischievous smile fell and anger slowly took over, "Is it because of my sister?" She scoffed, "You're still not over her are you." The girl then rolled her eyes and sat straight in her seat, crossing her arms.

"No it's not that it's just I have a fucking migraine and it hurts." He growled, "Not everything is about YOUR FUCKING SISTER OKAY!" Andrew raised his voice louder than he meant to and earned some glances his way. The girl who was sitting next to him flinched away from him, looking at him as if he'd lost his mind.

He was clutching his temples from the pain in his head, that he did not notice them staring.

Eventually, being unable to take it any longer, Andrew pressed a button on the wall of the bus and it stopped. He could hear some ringing in his ears and his head was pounding that he needed to scream because it was unbearable.

He rushed out of the bus and the moment it was far enough he fell on his knees and screamed his lungs out.

Just in that moment Andrew woke up screaming, which ended up startling everyone in the bus. He was sweating and he could feel his nose was beginning to bleed again. He felt his hands shaking. Andrew could barely get the cloth to stay on his nose.

Jared who looked back at the scream he heard, saw Andrew having a hard time. His brows knit together as he looked at his best friend struggling to keep it together. He remembered these mental and physical breakdowns Andrew used to have when they were kids. They wouldn't happened often but when they did they were severe. Jared frowned as he wondered if leaving Andrew by himself was the right thing to do.

"Sorry guys but I'm going to check on Andrew for a bit." Jared apologized to his friends who nodded in concern.

Once he reached Andrew he told the person sitting next to him to move to his seat.

"Having those wild dreams again?" Jared asked Andrew. He had meant it to come out as a joke but he could not hide the concern in his voice.

Andrew nodded, "It was just like when I was 4, the nosebleeds and the headache and the dreams where I feel like I have no control over my body. It's as if I'm in someone's head and I'm just watching them do all these things from their point of view. It's crazy. Now I know why you guys thought it was all in my imagination when I mentioned this to you guys as a kid." Andrew lightly laughed.

Jared tried to join in the laugh, "Andrew it looks like you need to go to the hospital, fortunately we are going to one, but that's only an hour away and I'm seriously concerned for you."

Andrew shrugged his shoulders, "It's not a big deal and if you're thinking of bailing on your friends for me, forget about it. The worst of this has passed."

"I don't know if your symptoms include short term memory loss but last time I checked tou woke up screaming." Jared argued.

"That's because the me in my dream was screaming." Andrew said, "And besides it was a wickedly vivid dream. I would be shocked if I didn't scream."

"You don't seem to be taking this seriously so I'm going to trust your judgment and not shaparone you in a hospital." Jared finally said, giving in, "And it's not like you're going to a rave. I mean it's a freaking hospital, if you almost die, they'll save you." He added, trying to reassure himself, so as to not worry.

"Great I am glad we're in agreement, my dear friend." Andrew, feeling proud of himself, because his nosebleed had stopped and he'd convinced Jared to go out with his friends.

Jared patted Andrew on the shoulder and stood up, going back to his seat. Once he reached it, he found Sheryl talking animatedly to the guy he had swapped seats with.

Jared, feeling annoyed, slapped the guy on the head, "Get lost." He said. The guy looked at him slightly scared and quickly went back to his seat.

Jared sat back down next to his girlfriend with a huge sigh.

Sheryl looked at him with a worried face, "Are you still coming with us?"

"Yeah, yeah I am." Jared quickly said, not convincing Sheryl one bit.