
Meeting Kushina.

Aryan's pov 

After wiping my tears with a tissue. Minato - San said. 

" It might take a while for you to be back to full health so rest up properly, ok? " Minato-san asked while waving at me while leaving the room. 

"Bye and take care of yourself, Minato-san, " I replied while waving back at him. 

After Minato-San left I thought that what should I do from here I don't have a home, no one that will take care of me, it would be nice if Minato-san just gave me a house like The third Hokage gave one to Naruto and allowance will be good to I know how to cook from my previous life so that will be help full. And I have to grow stronger too with my Kekkei Genkai. One could say that I was born to be strong but I don't know how to use it properly. 

"Man, why couldn't I have gotten an op system like they are given in other fan-fiction novels? It would have been so much easier, " I said in disappointment. 

After this I was in my thought process again that I saw the people of my clan fighting so I have a basic idea what I can do but the only thing that concerns me that despite being having a advantage at the start of that fight just because my clan members didn't kill anyone they lost that advantage I wonder why was that. 

"ahhhhhhh no point in thinking that now, they were probably chicken or something they wouldn't have any courage to kill anyone at least that's what I think it is' ' I said it in an annoying tone while scratching my hair . let's just rest form now, man this sucks I don't have my anime to watch nor my mobile or anything it's so boring as I thought that my door opened and a nurse came in for my check up. 

Author pov. 

Two days have passed since the talk between Minato and Aryan. Aryan was almost healthy and aging and Kushina made a full recovery and Naruto was moved to Kushina cabin . Minato was not completely healed but was in a position in which he could do his work properly but he was still on leave for a week for complete recovery. While it was still morning Minato was walking down the hallway to Kushina's room since she was getting discharged today and he was also planning on getting discharged because he was feeling kind of uncomfortable in the hospital. He thought that he could get more rest at his house. And while walking he was also thinking that. 

"What can I do for Aryan , he helped me saving my wife and child and simply saying thank you won't cut out for it and he doesn't have anywhere to go it would be nice if he could stay with us but for that I would have to say kushina the truth about his Kekkei Genkai but I don't want to tell this to anyone this could threaten the boy's life that power is just to dangerous if this gets to the elders or Danzo-san Aryan can just forget to have a normal life he will be chased for life in the village he saved so I would have to make sure that nobody knows it . " 

After giving it a lot of thought Minato decided to tell Kushina the truth . Minato was sure that she wouldn't tell anyone unless she was in a genjutsu . 

So Minato entered the room. 

"oh! Minato, what are you doing in my room? shouldn't you be resting in the bed right now" Kushina said it while she was packing up the bag for leaving the hospital. 

"Actually I am also coming with you to our house since it will be more comfortable for me to rest up there and my wounds are also almost healed up so yaa, I am coming with you " Minato said it while smiling a bit and scratching the back of his head. 

"Oh my gooood!! (it means God not good ok) ok u can come home with me but if I find you doing any work there while you are on leave trust me it won't end well for you " Ksuhina said it in a taunting way and while closing her fist. 

"ok, ok I promise I won't do anything " Minato said as he was scared of Kushina at that time, Oh sorry he was actually scared of Kushina during that time . 

After that Minato placed a seal on the room so that their voices wouldn't come out of the room. 

And then they fucked.... hihihihihi. 

Sorry for the bad joke u can just ignore this para this is just for increasing the size of chapter anyway. Now back to the story. 

( ok that is cringe, y did I worte that when I first wrote it 2 years ago, daam I used to suck at writing, I still do but daam.)

After that Minato explained to Kushina everything so she could understand what had happened to them and how he was able to save them and who helped him save them. 

Kushina was speechless; she couldn't believe what she heard . 

"such a Kekkei Genkai exist and not only that u are telling that the annihilation of an entire clan could be the work of The Hidden Leaf Village . I the village there are only two people who could do that they are you and Danzo , there are chances that Danzo could do that since he is kind of mysterious  and don't know how much he can fall to get what he needs '' Kushina said it in a surprised manner but cammed down as she further explained the expressed her thought to Minato. 

"But still killing an entire clan, what could he possibly get from it? Well, are you sure that this kid Aryan is telling the truth? '' Kushina said it while expressing her thoughts towards Aryan. 

"No, I am sure that Aryan is speaking the truth, Kushina, you have to trust me on that one, " Minato said sincerely , looking into Kushina's eyes and holding her hand. 

"Hey Minato, are you ok? I haven't seen you talk about anyone like this before . Are you in a genjutsu ?" Kushina said it while checking Minato chakra. 

"Do you seriously think I am that stupid that I would be under a genjutsu and won't notice it and that to buy a 4 year child give me a break? " Minato said in a joking tone. 

"ok, ok you know I was joking don't make fun of me instead, well I would like to see this  boy Aryan, if he has to life with is he has to be approved by me by passing the manners test." Kushina said it as she was getting up off the bed she was sitting on. Amd taking Naruto with her in a baby holding position . or in other words taking In her lap.

" Ok as you wish, My queen, " Minato said while smiling. 

Both of them walked for a while to Aryan's room and both were greeted on their way to becoming parents. And Minato was thanked for saving the village from the nine tails attack.

As the both of them reached Aryan's medical room they entered. 

Aryan's pov 

I was bored as always in my room. I have literally done nothing but sleep during the last 2 days. 

Suddenly two people came into my room. I quickly recognized them as Minato-san and kushina-san but I will pretend that I don't know Kushina-san since this is my first time meeting her here. 

"Good morning Minato-san, why are you here " I said it while smiling and bowing down my head 

"Good morning Aryan, I just came to visit  you and to introduce my wife Kushina Uzumaki. " Minato-san said it while showing off his beautiful wife. 

" Good morning Aryan, who are you? "  Kushina-san said while smiling at me and sitting on the nearest chair to my bed. I corrected my posture so I don't look like a spoiled child. 

"Good morning Kushina-san, if you don't mind can I say something to you " I said to her while hesitating a bit. 

"Ok Aryan you can say, I won't mind, " Kushina-san said in a simple tone. 

"It's just that your hair looked really beautiful to me, it's my favorite color too, " I said , hesitating a bit. 

"Minato ? " Kushina-san said in a serious tone.

"Yes, Kushina, " Minato said, like he was caught off guard by Kushina's expression. 

"I won't take for a no just so you know that, let's adopt Aryan" Kushina-san it in the same tone. 

"Whaaaaaaaaat? " both Minato-san shouted and thought at the same time.... 

let's go guys we have been going on great let's keep this up and get even higher. now let's take our novel even higher.

Misticwritercreators' thoughts