
The Time I Reincarnated as the King of Knights?!

Dying is a part of life and if you're lucky maybe there's some kind of heaven or afterlife, but I didn't expect my afterlife to be reincarnation. I know reincarnation is a belief already present on Earth, but meeting someone calling themselves "The Author" was totally unexpected. After making some decisions, I start my new life as the King of Knights in the world of Tensura and try to see what kind of impact I can have and maybe find someone to get close to.

BeIi4l · Anime und Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 8

"Artoria, wake up. Artoria, wake up. Artoria, wake up. Artoria, wake up." I felt something hitting my helmet. I opened my eyes and saw RImuru extending part of his body to hit my helmet.

"I'm up Rimuru. You don't have to disturb me like that."

"Well, I've been doing that for the past five minutes! The dwarfs have come back and are setting us free."

I looked out of the bars of the jail cell and saw Kaido as well as the three dwarf brothers Garm, Dord, and Myrd. 

"Hey slime, I have to say those potions you gave us were like a miracle!"

"I have to agree with him. I lost my arm, so even if I lived I wouldn't have a job after. You saved my life with those potion!"

'Shouldn't he be happy about that? I don't know about the compensation workers get here in Dwargon, but if something happened while you were working, he might have gotten lifetime support or something. Well, I guess that's how the mind of a dwarf works.' It was just a little thought I had, but hey, I'm not one to judge someone's thoughts, until I hear the whole explanation. 

Kaido came closer to the cell and used a key to open it up and to also express his thanks. "I have a lot to thank you for and I don't know what I could possibly pay you back with for saving the three brothers lives. So, if you have a request, I'll do whatever I can within my power to help fulfill it."

RImuru sprang up with joy and quickly said what he wanted as a reward. "Can you introduce us to the best blacksmith you know of and also explain the currency of this place?"

Kaidou seems kind of surprised at the request, but it's probably due to him being kind of surprised at what Rimuru requested since it was very little compared to what he did. "Of course I can. In fact, I personally know the best blacksmith in Dwargon. I'll take you to him while explaining all about our currency and showing you around the place."

After that, me and RImuru finally left the jail cell. I had to say it felt nice to walk again after being in a jail cell for that long. Not to say that it would affect me, but I guess I'm still getting used to not being human anymore, at least race-wise. 

Eh, who cares, being human is overrated anyway.


I have to say, Dwargon is a very industrial-looking place. One thing I wanted to know was how did no here one seem to be suffering from some kind of breathing disease. The place was built into a mountain, so where would all the smoke go?

Well, not my nation. Not my problem.

Kaido was a really cool guy. He was earnestly doing his part of the deal and explaining the currency of Dwargon while he guided us to the best blacksmith.

One thing I noticed while going through Dwargon was the amount of people observing my equipment. I could sense them wanting to go up to me and inspect it, but out of respect and totally not me letting a little bit of my aura out on them so they would leave us alone and end up making this trip longer than necessary, we finally arrived at Kaijin's workshop.

Even standing outside we could hear the impact of a hammer on steel. The heat could also be felt. For me, it didn't bother me at all even with my armor on, but I know it was hot, it just didn't affect me in any way. 

Kaijin opened the door for us and we all entered. My first impressions were that it looked like a really humble blacksmith workshop for someone of his skill level, but I'm not the blacksmith expert so I'll let him do his thing. 

His shop had all the basic things you'd expect from it. A furnace, an anvil, various tools on the wall, etc. There was even a small display of weapons on one of the walls. 

"Hey Kaijin, I've brought two people who want to talk to you. You probably know one of them already."

The three dwarf brothers who were saved also came out when the Kaido shouted out to Kaijin.

Kaijin for his part was still hammering away diligently when Kaido shouted out to him. He only gave a slight grunt in acknowledgment of our presence. 

"Hey Kaijin, that's the slime I was talking about that saved our lives in the mines from an attack." One of the brothers exclaimed at Kaijin and that seemed to get him out of his hyperfocus on his work. 

"Ah. so you are the slime that saved my brothers lives. They've been talking about you for a while now. I have a lot to hank you for. Is there anything I can do to repay your actions?"

"I was wondering if you could get together some workers for us. There's this goblin village I'm in charge of and we could use people who are good at building houses, making clothes, and other technical skills to improve our village's quality of life,"

"I could do that, but unfortunately I'm currently backed up on an order of magic swords. There's supposed to be some kind of war so one of the ministers placed an order of twenty magic swords, but supplies are running short and I don't have a lot of time left to complete it."

"Why would you even accept such a monumental task like that? I'm not doubting your skill, but with how good you are you would surely know what your limits are."

"It's cause he was mocking me and making fun of me! He was stomping all over my name and dragging me through the dirt, so I had to accept to show that I'm the best blacksmith in Dwargon for a reason!"

I decided to speak up on that one. "Kaijin, there's nothing wrong with taking pride in your own hard work, but when you let it define you it becomes a problem. I don't wanna sound like a know-it-all (even though I kind of am in this situation) but It's clear this minister was trying to purposely get you mad."

Kaijin finally got a good look at me. He was going to say something but he just stood there looking at me like a hawk. He appeared to be shaking a bit. His hands, which were shaking went up to his goggles and took them off. His eyes were wide open as if he saw a ghost or something.

"You…Who are you?"

"If you're asking my name it's Artoria Pendragon, I came here accompanying Rimuru, the slime who saved you brothers lives."

"What is someone like you doing in a goblin village? The Jura Forest isn't the best place to be in."

Oh, that definitely hit Rimuru a certain way if the way he's squirming about says anything.

"Actually, I live there. Anyway, why do you seem so fixated on me?"

'It's obviously my armor, but I want to know what he will say about it.'

"Your equipment." He said in sheer awe and wonder.

"What about it?"

"Everything. Everything about it. Can you do this blacksmith the privilege of holding one of your pieces of gear?"

'Woah ok. I knew he would say something, but does it really warrant that kind of talk and praise? Or is he in the process of being humbled and getting knocked down a peg. I'll let him hold Excalibur, it's not like he can run away or anything.' 

"Sure, here you can hold my sword. Only the sword though."

No way am I going to put Avalon in his hands. It's a mythological-grade piece of equipment. If I'm not wrong they can kind of choose who can wield them and have their own thoughts and stuff. I'm not trying to see what happens if someone tries to wield it. At best, he can't lift it. At worst, there could be some damage to him.

I took Excalibur out of its sheath and…it looked good. It looked very "swordy". It's only one of the strongest swords out there, no big deal.

I'm kidding. 

Upon taking Excalibur out, there was a certain "feel" and "aura" to it. There was a special kind of golden glow to it. The blade looked like it was made of gold even though it wasn't. The blue handle and gold hilt just made it look beautiful. "Majestic" wouldn't begin to fully describe it. I've already used it once, but this is the first time I take a really good look at it.

I put it in Kaijin's hands and he was treating it with extreme care. I don't think it was necessary though. It's not like dropping it on the ground would put the tiniest scratch on it. But I guess it's part of respecting the weapon or something for a blacksmith. 

Kaijin was inspecting the sword to the best of his ability. I don't know what he is able to pick up from it but he knows more so I'll leave it to him.

"Who made this sword? This doesn't look like something that can be made by even the best dwarfs or blacksmiths out there. I've never seen anything like this. It's not even made from magisteel either. Can you please tell me where you got this from or who made it?"

'What do I say? That it was made from some fairies who were god-like in power? That it's a divine construct meant to kill other god-like beings and stuff? Wait, Excalibur right now is supposed to be a "Legend" grade, but I'm not sure it's supposed this strong for its rank. Is it at the "tipping point" of legend rank before evolving into "mythological" grade? Doesn't matter it will evolve when it evolves.'

"I would tell you Kaijin, but only if you agree to Rimuru's offer and come back to the goblin village with us."

'Haha, your curiosity will be your own downfall Kaijin. You will not be able to resist the knowledge you could gather from my answers. Wait, Rimuru still has to copy his twenty swords before he can really think about it. I doubt he will just abandon all this and leave on a whim. It will land him in hot water with Dwargon.'

"I really wish I could but right now, the order I'm working takes more importance."

"Hey Rimuru, I'm sure you can help our blacksmith friend here can't you?"

"Huh? I can?" RImuru seemed to be knocked out of some kind of stupor like he was distracted.

'What does he mean 'I can?'' I go towards RImuru, pick him up and hold him face-to-face.

"Rimuru are you joking with me right now? You are a slime and it's obvious you have some special skills and powers. Put them to work and help our friend Kaijin here alright?"

I put him back down and he got to work. He threw out a chunk of magisteel that sparkled like a rainbow, but after looking at and holding Excalibur, Kaijin didn't react as one would expect, but the three dwarf brothers and Kaido showed more of a reaction. 

Rimuru tried to attract Kaijin more, but just having a chance to know more about Excalibur still beats that out. Should I feel sorry for kind of stealing the show?... Nah.

Rimuru then proceeded to take one of the magic swords that were completed and swallowed it. Then he copied the sword and spit out 20 identical copies. The faces of shock on everyone in here were kind of funny.

I kind of feel bad for Kaijin now, to be honest. First, he gets shown a sword that defies most of what he knows and he can't follow that knowledge without kind of betraying his nation and then a slime just makes his hard work kind of obsolete in a few seconds. 

He'll get over it, he's a tough guy. He will welcome the challenge with open arms. This is merely a setback that will expand his view to a broader perspective. 

Kaijin after some thinking to himself made a decision. "Rimuru, once again you have my thanks. With this, you have saved my skin once again. I have to say I probably did get a bit too prideful when taking this order. I'll be more mindful from now on. And regarding your request, I can definitely help you there."

Rimuru literally beamed with a sunshine glow around him. "Thanks a lot man. How long do you think before you are ready?"

"Calm down there RImuru. Let's celebrate first and then we can talk business later. There's this bar that has some elves that serve you! You will have a fun time, I guarantee it!" 

I tried to stop Rimuru before he went off into fantasy land, but I was too late. He may not be saying it out loud, but he was totally mumbling about elves in his mind and this isn't due to me knowing already. It's so easy to see by the way he's wiggling around and some slight mumbles that would get out.

"Well, I'll join you guys as well."

"Uh…Are you sure? It's mostly a place catered to male guests. You might not be comfortable." 

"I appreciate the concern Kaijin, but I'll be fine. Trust me."

"Alright, give me some time to clean up then we can go."

Kaido left shortly after, saying he had some work to do and couldn't stick around longer. 

Sometime later, we were finally heading to the Butterflies of the Night. And I'm sure Rimuru was still mumbling and fantasizing over it. I get it, trust me I do, but chill out a bit.