
The Time I Got Reincarnated As An Extra

"A Villain is just someone whom the Hero failed to save at the end." [WSA ENTRY 2024] ________________________ 'Huh, I recognize this window.' A boy muttered staring at the interface in front of him. After being shot to death because of helping an old man, a teenager is brought to life by the Goddess of the Void, Zephyra. He is given the choice to reincarnate and kill the hero after he annihilates the Ghouls in the world of the very novel he loves. Torn between the choice to transmigrate or follow the flow of life and death, the boy chooses to take his second chance at life along with the power that is granted as a gift to him by the Goddess. As he traverses the world in the new body of Amon Ashford - a character who was never supposed to exist and his past unknown-, he has to use his knowledge of the future to the best of his ability. Will he follow the Goddess's orders or will he carve his own path? ___________________ Though this is my second novel, comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated for me to improve!! Join the discord server for illustrations and much more: https://discord.gg/MqHVHHzfxu Please go check out my other novel: Coming Down From Olympus Thank you!!

Tsukasa0 · Fantasie
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191 Chs

Spending Money [2]


Amon sighed deeply.

His body shuddered, trying to run at the spot, but he quickly controlled himself.

"So as I was saying-" 


He sighed once again.

He tried to continue and ignore it, but the voice interrupted him again.

The clerk was also looking at him with worry, expecting him to act like the hero and rush there.

He had already learned his lesson before, there was no need to prompt him to rush in again.

He really didn't want to go there and get a repeat of that.

So he opened his mouth to try to speak again.



Amon coughed.

He facepalmed himself and turned to go check at the entrance.

Arriving there, he quickly moved to the side, in order to avoid being seen.

Right there, he saw a first year student constantly asking a girl for her contact information.

"Please stop yelling so much, I'm just asking for your information so we can start out as friends. I just find you pretty." The boy tried to reason.

The girl waved her bag, trying to wave the boy off.


Looking at the interaction, Amon waved it off.

So it was nothing serious.

However, just as he was about to go back, the girl suddenly used her wind element to wave the boy off.

2 weak wind blades manifested around her and launched themselves at the boy.

Fortunately, the boy was able to react perfectly and created an earth barrier to stop her blades.

But the attack didn't stop just there as they kept manifesting and targeting the boy, who kept defending them as well.

Amon's eyes widened.

Their conflict was expanding and it might just hurt the furniture around them.

Not wanting to use blood again, he took a quick glance around him.

Not finding anyone there, he quickly used [Void Blink] to appear behind the girl, unnoticed.

Using his lightning element, he quickly zapped the girl, making her attacks stop and body shudder with a little pain.

Holding the shoulder for some seconds, he let the girl down when her body slumped unconscious.

Fortunately, because of the smoke released by constant slashes, the boy was unable to see him use the lightning element.

Realizing that the attacks had stopped from the other side, the boy also stopped and look at the girl finding her unconscious.

He looked at Amon, the cause of it but in the next second, a sudden wind current pushed him off his feet, sending him sliding across the floor.

Amon looked at the boy who crashed into the wall and then turned to look at the source of the attack.

There, he found Liliana walking towards him.

She entered the shop and immediately looked at him with disdain and coldness.

She analyzed the girl's condition.

"What the hell were you and that guy trying to attempt with this girl?" She demanded.

Amon's gaze didn't waver and his expression remained the same as well.

He had somehow already expected this when she was walking towards him.

"What do you mean?" He asked, tilting his head and feigning ignorance.

Her cold frown deepened.

"Don't try to play dumb, why is this girl unconscious with you standing over her?"

He felt a cold grasp of wind closing in around his neck.

Fortunately, the clerk quickly arrived to his rescue.

"Just a second ma'am! This young gentleman isn't at fault here, he just helped resolve the issue."

Liliana alternatingly looked between the man and back at Amon.

But then, she gave him one last cold glare before waving off her hair and walking off.

However, not before muttering some words….

"Like I would believe that...weak and coward."

Amon looked at her back from a distance before shrugging it and heading back inside.


What was that?

Liliana had come for shopping after the classes to get some new clothes before she heard a cry from a girl.

Usually, she brushed it off since it was not her duty to take care of them.

However, after the constant screaming, she decided to check it out since she was near the shop anyways.

After arriving, she immediately saw two students fighting each other.

It was more of a misunderstanding but after seeing the cause, she started to leave since it was none of her business.

However, she stopped when they started using elemental powers.

Using elemental powers inside the City Centre was strictly prohibited and she thought that it was her job as the 3rd rank to stop it.

It was while she was walking that she was the boy from the elemental test.

He was placed last in the first year rankings so it wasn't someone she should actually know or care about.

But he had taken her eye in the test where he had intentionally sliced himself to use his element.

The [Blood] element was one of the rarest derivant elements so it was natural that nobody expected it.

Though she hated weak weapon and didn't bat an eye at their suffering.

But those who actually didn't accept their weakness and strived towards making themselves strong were the people she respected.

Even though it was a bit of a masochistic approach, she respected the man for trying his best to score high.

She saw him sighing as they both started using their powers, but the next thing that happened completely shocked her.

A large wind blade collided with the earth, creating a large amount of dirt while also making her unable to see.

But when it cleared a second later, she was surprised to see Amon completely gone from his spot.

And when her eyes landed on the girl, Liliana saw him standing right behind her with his hand on her shoulder.

As surprising as it was, it turned into unbelievable for her when he used the [Lightning] element.

Didn't he have the [Blood] element before?

Then how did?

It didn't make any sense.

Dual element clovists didn't exist in the world.

He couldn't have dual elements.

In the end, she concluded that he might be another [Copy] element user like Ren.

Or it might have been lightning from an external device.

But even then...

She looked back at the shop entrance, now empty.

"Amon Ashford."

Then she turned back and started walking.

"I'll remember you."


Thanks for reading!!