
The Time I Became A War Golem

Oh hey! Welcome! It's a pleasure for me that you stumbled here and found this story. What? What exactly is this story? Oh you know, it's like those run-of-the-mill Isekai stories, the main character dies and then gets reborn to another world, fights all kinds of evils and stuff until they finally get a happily ever after. I am the Main Character in this story, your's truly Nigto Zed. In this story, you would follow my life (of course) in the World of Gaia, where I would be involved in fights of both Good and Evil and also the ones inbetweens. You would also read about some of the lives of the people that I meet here in their perspective so it's not all me. Oh well, enough with this. Again, I welcome you to the World of Gaia, wherein, Man and Demi-humans alike experience the two sides of Life, The White and Pure along with the Black and Stained. This is the story of both Suffering and Healing. Of both Successes and Failures. A world where Souls paves the way to Destiny, and where Relationships ensures Victory. This is the World of Gaia and this is also the Story of the Time I Became a War Golem. Enjoy! (Being published in Royal Road.)

Zero_NHAS · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Prologue: Good Job My Son, Now Get Isekai-ed!

Hmmmm... How should I start? Ok, there got it. There I was, standing in front of an Elven slave, my back facing her while in my right hand; was a rusted and chipped claymore.

My left arm completely missing and the socket where it should be attached is 'broken' though still 'whirling' in an effort to convey inputs to the missing appendage. Wait, who am I? and why the heck am I standing in front of an Elven slave-like some sort of a Hero wanna be?

Well let me answer that, I'll answer the first one first obviously. My name is- wait... was? Hmmm... Yes, was. My name was John Scot, I'm the eldest son of Raymond Scot and Alexa Scot and I have two siblings named Clara; my sister, and Dash; my little brother. And I died... Along with my whole family.

You're wondering how? Truck-kun decided that he needs to do his job and send someone to another world. We were riding home from the mall when we got semi-trucked if you know what I mean. Wait, considering that you are reading this then I assume that you are familiar with these kinds of stories; then yes, you know what I mean.

Jokes aside, it was sad, tragic even. Oh well, back to my story. I won't go into details about the collision and the other grisly stuff so let's skip to where this sad day became a very happy day for me.

No, I'm not a sick psycho that relishes the suffering of others, much less my family. I am talking about the time we found out that Afterlife was real. I and my family were religious and still am now. It was really amazing to know that the things you believe are actually true.

So how did we find out? or rather, I found out? Well, after I died, I found myself in a void, I was surrounded by black though I can tell that it was not darkness, because when I checked if I can see my arms and legs I was able to. Though it was not exactly the afterlife that I imagined, and that gave me some spook.

I was even worried that it was my eternal punishment; I'm not exactly a perfect goody-two-shoes so yeah. But as the dread was slowly creeping into my body, I found a light shining in front of me.

I was not able to observe it for a long time and actually make it register in my head because it suddenly started shining brighter. I tried shielding my eyes with my arms from the glare but my sight still got overwhelmed by the light.

After I felt that my eyes have settled and adjusted to the brightness, I lowered my arms and was shocked when I saw the thing that was emitting the light, I was so shocked that my jaw dropped. It was a person. There and then I was sure that this guy is an Angel. Though his clothes did not match the wardrobe I imagined him to be in.

He was wearing a pure white suit over a white shirt with a matching white tie, his pair of dress slacks are also pure white along with his dress shoes. He looked like a businessman that has a very huge liking for white clothes.

He also has a handsome face that can make girls fall for him with just a glance, his eyes are amber and I don't if I am imagining it but it's like his eyes have a fire inside them burning, not like the figurative fire but literal fire. His pure white hair was sleek and shoulder length. He looks perfect in every sense of the word, and I can feel the power radiating from him.

I can feel that with his voice he would be able to command the seas and even the mountains. The only missing thing was wings, he doesn't have one.

Even without the wings, I was certain that he was a Messenger of God and that also added to the dread that I was feeling. But then, the words he spoke swept them all away. "Fear not young man, I am not here to condemn you or judge you; for your life is still not at its ends." He said with a smile so literally bright that I am practically blinded. Hahahahaha! Just kidding. Though his reassurance really helped me calm down. He then continued speaking.

"I have been sent here by the Creator in his Name and Power to inform you; John Scot, son of Raymond Scot and Alexa Scot, that you will be an instrument to the Almighty Creator which created the Worlds in which his Children inhabits; he will appoint you as one of his Warriors in the World of Gaia, in which position you accepted and have qualified even before the foundation of the world."

And that's when I lost him. So there I was still processing to myself that I am practically seeing a vision from Heaven after I died and in that vision, I am being told that I would be a warrior of some sort. Call me stupid but, yes it didn't make sense to me.

And I did what a perfectly normal person would do in this kind of situation, I stared at him with my mouth still hanging open and drool threatening to escape my mouth. My brain at that point was broken so yeah, that's all I did.

I didn't have the time to like freak-out and start asking questions, no I didn't have that kind of brainpower. Instead, I just repeated his words in my head over and over in hopes to make some sense to them. But as you can see, I have nothing. I stared at him for like a full minute. I think that's when he started to get really worried, I can remember him snapping his fingers on my face to get my attention, which is not really what you would see an Angel do, he tried several times but he failed, and that's when he resorted to shouting to my ears.

Yup, he did that. But that was able to bring me back, well kind of. "C-can you please repeat that?" Yup. I also did that. He complied though, he repeated it word for word. Even the tone of his voice was the exact same. And you know what I did? Process it like how I processed it from the first time, and again, my brain broke.

I again stared at him like an idiot and again he has to resort to shouting in my ears to bring my hopelessly broken brain together. I was ready to again ask him to repeat himself, even raised my hand to ask him politely, but then he probably had enough.

He stopped glowing and started barraging me with hmmm, how should I say this?... Correcting words? "You freaking little- Listen here you brat! I didn't spend a thousand years waiting for you to reach this point for me to just repeat these words! It's important and it's from the Creator himself! The Almighty God! Do you realize that in ancient times it would be a sign of disrespect?! You always need to listen carefully to people talking to you and make sure you understand. It can cost you your life if you failed to perceive the things the people that you interact with say. No wonder you didn't have a lover."

And that was all I needed for me to function correctly, this Angel's 'oh so gentle' words kinda 'gently' slapped me back to the reality of my situation, and also my nonexistent love life. "Hey! that's just rude. You may be an Angel and all but that's just hurtful. Also, I was listening, I just can't imagine it being real, what more accept it. It's not every day that you die and an Angel telling you that you will be someone important somewhere literally out of the world I lived in. Lastly, YOU SHOULDN'T MAKE SOMEONE REMEMBER THAT THEY DON'T HAVE ANY LOVE LIFE!!!" I said screaming at the Messenger of God.

How brave of me aye? I actually forgot that he's a Divine Messenger and has basically godly powers (He did say that he was sent by God himself in both his Name and also his Power) so I snapped at him, he doesn't look like he took it personally though, mostly. "There, welcome back Mister blockhead." He retorted, yes, that was his reply. At this point, I am actually doubting if he's actually the person he says he is.

"Yeah, yeah. Ok let me have a few seconds, I'll try to make sense of this- whatever this is..." Was my reply to the guy. But I did try to actually make sense of it all. "Ok, here I go. So you're telling me right now that I will be someone really important in this Gaia World?" He nodded. "And that I need to go to this World, which is not Earth?" Another nod. "Well, Foreordination is Foreordination, but did I really agree to this?" Another nod. "Ok... Still really hard to imagine that all of this is happening right now, add to that I am actually dead now..." And after that, I finished with a sigh.

With the surreal events being confirmed by the grumpy Angel, I focused my thoughts on the truth that I died with my family. It was devastating for me, but then I can't do anything cause I'm also a dead guy. And so I tried focusing on the present that I would be transported to another world and have some more things to do. "Ok... What's exactly my role in this World be?" I asked him. When he heard that, he went back to being a Dignified Divine Messenger. "The Creator requires you to come and Join 4 other Chosen to lead the Inhabitants of Gaia to the Victory over the Devil King and his minions. You are also required by the Almighty to lead the Citizen of Gaia to the Truth and also to their Loving Father and Creator."

"Is that so..." I answered him, still sad that my last moments that I was with my family would probably be the real last time I would see them for real. It was a really hard blow to me. Even after I died, I would still be left behind, and what's worst, I won't even see the places we visited when we were alive ever again.

Then as if trying to cling to hope that in my head I know already is far behind, I asked a question to the Powerful Angel. "Say... Do you think that the Creator would grant me a chance to see my family one last time before I do this?..." I didn't look him in the eyes, knowing that once Heaven has decreed something, it almost always would not be swayed.

But then, Heaven gave me a Blessing that I myself don't really consider myself worthy of receiving. "Yes, he also has sent me here to guide you to your family," My lowered head shot up straight to look at the Angel's face, I was so shocked that I was given the permission to once again meet my family maybe for the last time, I looked at him with eyes that are starting to tear up. And again I saw that bright smile of his. All of the hostilities from before were gone. Just to make sure that I didn't hear things, I asked again. "I-is it true? I c-can see them, for real?" He only answered with a nod before his glow that left him before once again making an appearance, it slowly grew brighter and brighter like from when the Angel first appeared to me.

The light once again reached a point where everything is white, but this time I didn't cover my eyes, I stared at the light head-on until its peak, and once it was there, I heard a very familiar voice.

"Yo! Why the heck are you staring at a guy like a total creep? You can get jailed you know, well, it's not like there is a jail here at this moment." Said the voice, even with the insults, I know that this voice is from my sister. And so I turned to face my right from where I heard the voice. That's when I saw them, My father, my mother, my sister, and my little brother.

And that's also when a grown-up man of 17 let his tears fall like a stream (In all honesty, I looked like a baby at that moment, snot and everything, hehehehehe...).

I run to them and threw myself to them and cried like a grown man (wailed like a baby really), and so we started to talk. This is what I was saying about the happiest time of that day, actually my life. The day that I thought that I would never be able to see my beloved family but then the Big Guy upstairs decided to answer my crying prayers. It's the kind of Miracle that I can imagine people sharing in churches and I am very grateful for that.

As I and my family we're talking, I stole a glance at the Divine Messenger and saw him smiling, but then there was another guy beside him, he was also wearing the same set of clothes as the Angel, though I can tell that he was a whole new world compared to the guy that I was conversing before.

He also has white hair though a little longer than the Messenger's and his eyes, it's as if I was staring at a burning sun but it's gentle as a mother's touch. He too was looking at us; smiling but he was also crying tears of joy as he looks at us. I gave him a small nod as a gesture of my thanks, but I would make sure that I would do more in this Mission of mine.