
The Time Emperor in Ninja World

Imagine waking up one day and finding yourself in the world of Naruto—not just any time period, but right when the Hidden Leaf Village was first being built. That’s exactly what happened to Hoshino Kazen. This new reality was bewildering yet exhilarating. He had no idea how or why he ended up here, but the thrill of living in this world, one filled with ninjas, battles, and legendary figures, was undeniable. But there was more. Within his mind, an old, rusted clock face mysteriously appeared, a relic that granted him an extraordinary power: the ability to manipulate time. .......................................................................................... If you want? You get to read the next chapters before anyone else! Just go to pateron get chapters in advance: patreon.com/_Vritra_ ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author 太古路的嬴无翳 RAW NAME: 火影:以时间之名,威震忍界!

The_Indra · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 5: Becoming Senju Hashirama’s Apprentice

"Ahem, big brother, mind your image a bit," Tobirama said with a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth, rubbing his forehead in exasperation.

"Oh, right!" Hashirama quickly straightened up, trying to appear serious, but the result was unintentionally amusing.

Seeing this, Hoshino Yota had to turn his head to stifle his laughter.

But Hashirama, unfazed, kept a stern face as he squatted down in front of Hoshino Kazen.

"Little guy, do you want to be my apprentice?" Hashirama asked, his eyes full of expectation.

Without hesitation, Kazen dropped to his knees, bowed respectfully, and said loudly, "Apprentice Hoshino Kazen greets the teacher."

Hearing the response he'd been hoping for, Hashirama's face lit up with joy, a broad smile spreading across his face.

"Good, from now on, you are my apprentice," Hashirama said, pausing for a moment before adding, "and my only apprentice."

Hashirama's tone was solemn and left no room for doubt. His imposing presence was so overwhelming that no one could object—not even Tobirama, who might have had reservations. He knew that when Hashirama was in this mood, there was no point in arguing, not even as his younger brother.

Hashirama patted Kazen on the head and said, "Come to my office tomorrow. I'll start your training."

Kazen nodded, and then, holding his father's hand, left the Hokage's office.

As soon as they were outside, Hoshino Yota let out a long sigh of relief.

"Dad, you really have no guts," Kazen teased with disdain.

"You little brat, what did you just say?!" Yota's face darkened. "That was the Hokage! The Hokage!"

"Yeah, I know. He's my teacher," Kazen responded coolly.

Seeing his son so calm, Yota couldn't hold back and gave him a round of "tough love" to remind him who's boss.

After a little roughhousing, Yota felt much better. As they say, happiness is often built on someone else's suffering.

Meanwhile, Kazen, rubbing the bumps on his head, silently vowed to get revenge one day. After all, revenge is a dish best served cold.

At that moment, Yota suddenly felt a strange foreboding, as if something bad was about to happen. He glanced around nervously but found nothing unusual and decided to let it go.

Turning back to Kazen, he gave him some serious advice. "Make sure you listen to the Hokage and don't cause him any trouble. Also... it's best to avoid Lord Tobirama... Ah, never mind. I guess it's inevitable."

"Even though the Hokage leads the village, Lord Tobirama is the one truly in control. Everything you do will be under his watch."

Yota frowned as he mentioned Tobirama. When he was alone in the office earlier, he had already guessed that Kazen's apprenticeship was Tobirama's idea.

Kazen noticed the concern on his father's face and couldn't help but admire how sharp his father's insight was. Tobirama Senju, the Second Hokage, was known for his hardline tactics. Setting aside his power, by all accounts, he was one of the most formidable Hokage in history. Politically and militarily, he was a genius.

During his tenure, Tobirama rapidly developed the village, establishing and refining numerous departments, proving himself to be an exceptional politician and military strategist. Reflecting on all the information he had about Tobirama, Kazen couldn't help but feel a deep sense of respect for him.

"Do you have something against Lord Tobirama, Dad?" Kazen finally asked, raising a curious brow.

It didn't make sense. All the evidence suggested Tobirama was a near-perfect figure. So why did his father seem uneasy about him? Was there some hidden conflict?

Yota chuckled bitterly, fully understanding the doubt in his son's tone. After a moment of careful thought, he replied, "No, Lord Tobirama's contributions to the village are undeniable. He handles everything, large and small."

"Then why..." Kazen was even more confused.

Yota stopped walking and turned to gaze at the Hokage building behind them, letting out a long sigh. "Maybe it's because I just can't put myself in his shoes."

He smiled and ruffled Kazen's hair. "Anyway, you don't need to worry about that. Just focus on tomorrow's training. It's going to be tough."

Kazen pouted in dissatisfaction. "You always do this—half-explaining things and leaving me hanging."

But he knew there was no point in pressing further. Instead of overthinking it, he decided to focus on the task ahead and prepare for training.

"Got it," Kazen replied listlessly.

A moment later, his eyes lit up with mischief as he stretched out his hand. "Gimme some money."

"What for? I don't have any. It's all with your mother," Yota replied without hesitation.

But Kazen smirked knowingly. "Dad, if you don't give me any, I'll tell Mom about the stash you've hidden... right in—"

Before he could finish, Yota moved like a flash, covering his mouth before he could say another word. All Kazen could do was make muffled sounds in protest.

"Shh! Alright, fine, take it," Yota sighed in defeat. Sometimes, losing a little was better than losing everything.

Still... how did this little rascal know where I hide my money?

Grinning from ear to ear as he pocketed the money, Kazen dashed off. When he reached a safe distance, he turned and flashed his father a victorious smile.


"You little brat, you tricked me!" Yota shouted, realizing he had been duped. He jumped up in frustration but had no choice but to swallow his anger.

Kazen gleefully skipped along, unaware that his father, after calming down, wore a resigned smile. "This kid still has a lot to learn if he thinks he can outsmart his old man."

Completely oblivious, Kazen leisurely wandered through Konoha's streets, buying whatever caught his fancy.

"This, this... and this too!"

"Hehe, all my favorites!"

Soon enough, both of Kazen's hands were full, and his mouth was smeared with the evidence of his indulgence.

After Konoha was founded, its economy had boomed under Tobirama's proposals and planning. Entrepreneurs from various nations saw the potential and rushed to open shops, quickly creating a bustling commercial district. While the goods were still somewhat basic, they were a big step up from having nothing at all.

Kazen was content—although, of course, life would be better without any troublesome encounters.

With so many people passing through the marketplace, keeping order was essential. Hashirama had convened a meeting to discuss it, and for the time being, members of various clans were assigned to temporarily maintain the peace. Although the situation seemed stable on the surface, there were always those who fancied themselves above others and enjoyed bullying the ordinary folk to show off their power.


If you want? You get to read the next chapters before anyone else! Just go to pateron get chapters in advance: patreon.com/_Vritra_