
Halloween Town

(A/N: I won't go too deep in who Arthur really is until I finished Deathseeker since it would spoil most of the plot going on there. I will be adding the truth of who he really is here sooner or later.)

Back in the present, Nesiara was burning in fury as John was holding up a barrier that blocked even the Godkings from eavesdropping on their conversation.

"I am going to kill them!" says Nesiara as John felt the same rage.

"It is time for us to make our plans," says Nesiara as John nods.

"You are right and Arthur helped us in a way already. Now we only need to build the trap that will end this once and for all," says John ice-cold as Nesiara was radiating fire.

"Yeah, revenge for our children," says Nesiara as her look could express more than a thousand words.

Nesiara wanted to release her frustration but the Gummi Ship wouldn't survive if she that. She looked outside only to find a giant mutation of a tree and a sack.

She wanted to fly over there and release her anger when John stops her and says, "We will have our opportunity but for now we need to stomach this and keep a calm mind. Also, Arthur mentioned something about accepting the strength that wasn't him."

Nesiara calmed her anger as she looked at John when she began to think about it and asks, "What could he mean?"

"You know very well what he meant to say with that," says John as he had already figured it out.

"Strength that wasn't his," says Nesiara to herself while thinking when she opened her eyes.

"The strength of a Godking. But he wasn't a Godking," says Nesiara as John shakes his head as he told Arthur's real origin to Nesiara who fell to the ground from hearing that.

They discussed it for a while before and Nesiara says, "So to defeat all of them."

"We need to renounce the strength that originated from Deathseeker. He thought that he found a hole in his contract by giving other people his powers and making them Godkings but he only created more people that can't kill those two," says John as Nesiara looked seriously.

"What about our current powers?" asks Nesiara as John smiled at her.

"They aren't the power of a Godking. But that doesn't mean we can't surpass them. We just need to get stronger than all of them without accepting the power of a Godking. That way we can save our children," says John as he sat down beside Nesiara on the ground when his head fell off again.

"Crap," says John making Nesiara burst into laughing from seeing John turn this serious situation into a funny one.

"We should keep this for us before we tell our children. Also, how are we going to reject the power of the Godking?" asks Nesiara as she picked up John's head.

"We will have to use something that only exists here just for that one moment," says John thinking about using Replicas of himself and Nesiara to inherited the power of the Godking.

Nesiara was confused as she just reread the first book which went to the end of the first game of Kingdom Hearts.

"What method?" asks Nesiara as John sighs.

"Replicas. We will try to create a replica of each other and make them accept the power of a Godking. We can rig the diced as they have done and when the time comes we will have our revenge on all of five of them," says John as he looked outside seeing that the trio must have dealt with the situation since the mutated tree sack was gone.

"It seems they have dealt with the enemy of this world. We should continue with this conversation later on," says John as he released the barrier.

"So they are done with this world. Does that mean that we will fly to the next world without us lifting a finger?" says Nesiara as John nods.

"We won't interfere with the next world either. Let them solve the problem themselves while we just make sure that nothing happens to them," says John as soon the trio returned with their usual happy attitude.

"It seems you finished with what disturbed this world," says Nesiara looking at the trio as Sora shows them the victory sign.

"We even found the keyhole which was right under the villain the whole time," says Sora as they sit down on their seat.

"Was there any lead to Kairi or the others?" asks Nesiara as Sora shakes his head.

"No, but I met the hooded man again," says Sora as John and Nesiara flinched for a moment but the trio didn't catch it.

"Where did you meet him?" asks Nesiara as Sora began to tell them.

Some moments ago, the trio was confused why the Heartless weren't attacking them or the people of Halloween Town when they find Leon sitting on a roof.

"You again," says Sora as Leon looked down at them.

"This world is quite peaceful even with all the Heartless running around," says Leon as he looked at the moon now.

"Why do the Heartless not attack anyone?" asks Sora as Leon looked back down.

"Why should they attack if they can't gain anything from the people in Halloween Town. Don't you know that Heartless only attack people that have a heart," says Leon as he turned to the Heartless that were studying a performance when Leon sighs.

"But soon this peace will be over because of the Professor," says Leon warning them.

"What do you mean?" asks Sora as Leon smiles.

"What do you think will happen when the Professor completes his research and creates a heart. The Heartless will fall over it and turn aggressive against anyone that tries to protect it," says Leon informing them as the trio was confused.

"But I and the others have a heart," says Sora confused as Leon chuckles from hearing Sora.

"That is true but to the Heartless you look like the others making them believe that you don't have a Heart. Also, they haven't felt a Heart for a long time. It will take some time before they realize it normally but once the Heart is created they will know how it feels to be near a Heart again," says Leon as he looked back up to the moon.

"The moon is beautiful tonight. It almost reminds me of home," says Leon before he disappears in Darkness.

Back to the present, Sora finished telling them about the meeting when he says, "And that was all before he disappeared into Darkness. He predicted what would happen before he disappeared."

"He might have his own agenda," says Donald suspicious of Leon when John nods.

"Donald is right. He could have his own agenda," says John as Sora felt sad about the fact that someone that helped him could be using him.

John looked at the display and touched the next world when Sora pulls his new Keyblade out and says, "Look at this. It was a gift from Jack Skellington."

It was the Pumpkinhead Keyblade which was longer than the other Keyblades Sora has. The ship began to move and John and Nesiara smile at him.

"That makes nine, right?" asks John not knowing the exact number.

"Ten," says Sora correcting John.

"Have you to activate the second form of your Keyblades yet?" asks John as Sora has seen it before but he himself never achieved to replicate such a feat yet.

"No, but I have seen the man in the hood show it to me before while I was practicing the Omnislash ver.5. For him, it seemed like breathing as he activated it naturally," says Sora as John smiles at him.

"That means he is a real Keyblade Master and not just a Wielder. But soon you will be able to do the same. I have faith in you," says John as they flew quite fast arriving at the next world.

John was happy that he was back in his normal body as was Donald as the whole mummy outfit was bothering him. They could see a big clock tower rising out of all the buildings and a ship on the other side.

"What can we expect in this world?" asks Goofy as he looked at it.

"I would say a city and a ship. I don't really know going by what this world looks like," says John as he couldn't decipher more by looking at the world.

"There is only one way to find out," says Sora as they approached the clock tower.

They entered the world and it was nighttime. They overflew a city and landed the ship over the clock tower when John takes a closer look at the city from the clock tower.

"It seems like an older version of the London I know," says John as the trio was confused.

"What I mean to say is that this world resembles a place in my world," says John bringing some clarity to the trio when Nesiara sees a flying ship.

"I don't think you have flying pirate ships on your world," says Nesiara as John sees the ship.

"We don't have flying pirate ships," says John seeing the ship coming straight towards them.

He prepared to intercept it while saying, "I will hold it in place. You deal with the crew."

"We don't even know if they are evil," says Sora when the ship came closer and they saw the Heartless on it making Sora says, "*sighs* Why don't we get at least one world in which we don't have to fight."

"Is that sarcasm coming out of your mouth? I think that John rubbed more on you off than how to fight with two swords," says Nesiara with a smile as the ship came closer.

"Now!" shouts John as the ship was close enough for them to jump without revealing that they can fly.

They jump as John catches the ship and holds it in position while the trio and Nesiara landed on the deck full of Heartless when Nesiara says, "You should enter the ship. I will keep the Heartless bus-"

Nesiara couldn't finish her sentence when suddenly a Keyblade appears out of nowhere interrupting her when someone says, "Let him deal with the situation himself."

Nesiara turned into her abdomen into black smoke as the Keyblade passed through her. She grabbed the Keyblade and threw it with Leon still holding it towards the clock tower.

Leon lands with his feet first against the wall of the clock tower when Nesiara says, "Fast you three I will take care that he doesn't meddle in our business here."

The trio nods as Nesiara doesn't lose Leon from her sight.

Hope you like it.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts