
The Thrill

Kayla wakes up one morning in a hospital bed and with severe memory loss. They tell her she was in an ‘accident’ and almost all her family members are dead. Her brother, the only survivor who is barely hanging onto a thread is in a coma. She needs a large sum to get the surgery her brother needs. But where will she get the money from? She is trying her best to navigate through life in this messed up society. But will this eventually get to her and the boy she cares about? Can the thrill save her?

I_Rita · Urban
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15 Chs

: Kayla

Monday's were bleak for me as I had two double periods in maths and geography. It also didn't help that today, the rain was heavy, the skies were grey and cloudy. I had managed to go through the whole day without seeing Aziel but my last period was history so we would come face to face eventually. Over lunch Trina and I discussed how are Sunday's were and she had a lot to say as her house was always hectic with those brothers of hers. If only I could joke, argue or do anything with mine.

"Did the hospital call about koby?" Trina asked kindly.

"Yes they did, they said they finally got him stabilised but the'll need to rub more tests." I would have preferred not to think about Koby because it brought me a lot of pain.

"Well at least I've finally got a plan to get him help." Trina nodded her head and smiled to comfort me. Now I just need to get accepted.

Last period finally came around, Trina and I got to class early and took our seats. Not long after the class was filled and Mrs. Kane began to teach.

"Alright class today we will discuss what happened after the cold war, get your note books ready." Something was wrong, Aziel wasn't here yet. Was he skipping school like the other day? A feeling grew strong inside me, I felt the urgency to see him. What is wrong with me? I told him I didn't want to speak to him. As Mrs Kane spoke I couldn't help but drift into endless thoughts about him.

"Hey where's Aziel?" I asked Luke but he just shrugged his shoulders. I thought he might have known but I guess not. I glanced over to where Jasmine sat beside Trina, I wonder if she apologised for her eye or if Trina would ask why she came to sign up for the thrill. Her eye didn't look as bad as it did the other day, but it still had some purple undertones.

Halfway through the lesson, I look at the empty seat beside me, there's no sign of Aziel. Then, fire alarm siren goes off BEEP BEEP BEEP, the indoor sprinklers kick on spraying us all instantly. Mrs Kane frowned as she ushered us out of the classroom and out through the emergency exit doors.

"Calm down everyone it's probably just a test." Voices grew louder as everyone chatted on and on as we left the class. Before I got the chance to exit through the doors a mysterious hand grabbed me in a flash and it was Aziel.

"It's a false alarm trust me." he beckoned me to follow him into the janitors closet so I did. I knew it was insane but I wanted to talk to him.

He puts my hands into his and stares deeply into my brown eyes. My heartbeats quicker as mind races. But I don't want him to notice that.

"Now that I finally have you all to myself, I can finally tell you- "

"Tell me what exactly?" I said abruptly. He continued to look at me, his expression blank as a board. He takes a deep breath.

"I saw... I saw something Kayla, something horrifying." I became intrigued, Aziel's face began to change and it seemed as if had seen the devil himself. What could be troubling him? He continued.

"I went to my father's office because I knew something didn't add up about why he wanted to hurt you, so I did some digging on his computer." He took a short pause capturing my face, probably to make sure if I could handle whatever he was about to say. Come on spit it out, I thought.

"And I saw pictures of...your parents, your brother and sister, butchered, savaged as if ripped apart by a beast, laid in pools of their own blood." The grotesque description haunted me. My heart broke in a million times. My chest heaved in anguish and tears began to stream down my face. In that moment, it felt like nothing mattered anymore and the earth might as well call upon a black hole to swallow me up. Aziel stepped closer towards me and stretched out his arms to comfort me. My head told me to push him away but my heart wouldn't allow me to leave his light grip. I stood sobbing on Aziel's chest like a child. I knew they were gone but to hear that they died like that!?

"Did your father do it?" I said finally pulling away from him.

"No." Pause. "Well not with his bear hand, he could have paid someone or it could have nothing to do with him."

"What fo you mean?" I asked confused it had to be him.

"He's the general leader he would have endless images of heinous crimes and murders."

"So you think it wasn't him then." I get defensive refusing to believe he'd still defend his father after all he's done.

"No, we just need to evidence to prove he did it."

"Wait?!" My voice began to betray me as it grew louder. "I'm not waiting my family deserves justice." I began to pace back and forth getting worked up about the situation.

"Ok! Say you go to the police with what proof though?, common Kayla this my father were talking about, the general leader, who do you think the police will believe." He did have a point but I wanted justice for my family and that's my responsibility.

"Can we go somewhere and talk more about this?" He asked. I hesitated but decided to go with him, we probably need to talk it out a bit maybe I was missing something.

"Yeah." I said simply. We got out of the janitors closet at this point and made our way outside. The teachers had sent everyone home since it was already the last period. I only saw a few people still hanging around.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked politely waiting patiently for my response. I shrugged and suggested Brooks diner. He held my hand and lead me to his motorcycle. He hopped on easily then helped me to get on. Then the engine revved and the vehicle came to life. We sped off into the darkening skies the wind wafting through my hair.