
The Thing!

a creature that can't control its love for blood and fear is brought to the world of magic and monsters. it wishes to see all life in despair and in agony. this will be a type of horror where the monster is the MC. It's a fantasy but where monsters are very rare and there rarely seen in certain places. So I welcome you to the fantasy horror story.

Oaks_lad · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Unknown entity

An object descended from the night sky it made no sound at all as it came close to the trees.

Within the object, multiple self-automated computers were moving about they were clicking things and typing stuff in a foreign language on their computers.

[dropping purge] the message a lid across the screen before everything inside the ship stop moving before something shot off the bottom of the ship.


It landed on the ground, breaking some trees in the process but it landed. What landed was a metal pod that hissed as gears and latches started to open. A grey hand grabbed onto the latch before pulling itself out and jumping onto the ground a small capsule shot out of the pod and it was caught by the creature that stood up at a max height of 6. Feet 6 inches. It opened the capsule and inhaled the fumes inside.

'I understand.' the creature said in a foreign tongue. The fumes it inhaled were its memories along with its orders.

'Shin? What an odd name. ' shin told himself as he pressed his gray hand on the capsule and crushed it before he looked at the pod. The pod started melting before the shin started to slowly move backward.

He saw a light running through the trees. Shin turned his head towards the light to see a bipedal figure running towards him. Shin started salivating instantly after seeing that it was something living. It crept away slowly behind a tree before throwing a rock at the tree to the side of the man running.

'WHOS THERE!' the man was out of breath and breathing heavily her swung his light towards where the sound came from before he heard something that brought shivers down his spine

It was a cackle, it was a cackle that couldn't belong to no human the way it repeated the laugh in the same pitch as if it was on repeat made it so

Much worse on the man's mind.

The man pulled out a gun and fired at where it came from. The cackle quickly stopped and the forest threw silent so silently that he could hear the blood pumping in his ears.

'COME OUT YOU FUCKER!' he held as he ran towards the tree he turned the corner to see a gray hand disappear from the tree farther down.

'The fuck?' he ran to the tree and turned the corner and swung his flashlight at the corner but nothing was there. He heard some rustling behind him and he turned and fired a shot.

He heard the round hit a tree before there was rustling beside him. He turned to see something walk behind a tree, he started to empty the clip on the tree before he stopped after he heard a yell.

He walked up to what he shot to see that it was nothing but a child he shot. ' oh my God billy!'

'The hell have I done!' he dropped the gun and his flashlight as he went to grab the child but something grey grabbed his hand before sticking its tongue through the man's head.

Shin started sucking the blood out of the man through its tongue and it ripped open his skull before opening its mouth and feasting on his brain.

The creature grabbed the man's head and pulled the two halves apart completely ripping his skull both in half and off.

It moved towards the body of the child before it stuck its tongue into one of the bullet holes that hit the boy in the heart. The creature started sucking out every bit of blood, it could get from the child before it crushed the boy's head and licked up the brain matter that was left.

Suddenly a light shined on it before it was followed by the scream of a boy. In the light was a grey creature crouched to the ground with a dead body under it along its back it had spines poking out its back, and its tongue had blood dripping from it as its hands clenched onto what was left of the head of the body that became its victim its eyes where like rubies how red they were and how empty they looked.

It opened its mouth and revealed sharp white teeth with black saliva dripping from them it made a slight crackle that sent shivers down the boy's spine as the creature backed into the darkness. The boy raced back home as fast as he could.

All he could hear was the pumping of his blood and the thudding in his eardrums... He didn't want to die even if it meant killing another person. The boy soon made it home but it stayed on his mind that there was a creature somewhere out there that could brutally kill someone without a second thought.

He sat there with a blank expression on his face in his house as he stayed close to his mother. No matter what the mother asked him he only responded

'In the woods. T-the woods...' it was so quiet that every time he said it the mother couldn't fully hear the words so she brushed it off as something startling him. But he had seen animals such as bears and mountain lions.

When he saw those predators he was never scared of them and knew what to do so this put the mother on edge when her fearless baby boy was so scared he couldn't leave her side.

She turned back to put the dishes up right then something slammed up against the window. The boy screamed as the mother looked on in horror as there was an arm of a man stuck to the window completely severed from the rest of the body. and drained of blood as if nothing was ever running through his veins.

'HONEY CALL 911' she yelled upstairs to the father. The boy's vision started to fade as deep in the darkness of the woods he saw something sitting by a tree.

Something grey with red eyes was staring back at him with a smile on its disgusting face

If you don't like gore and an alien MC plus horror and fantasy then this isn't for you.

Oaks_ladcreators' thoughts