
The Thing!

a creature that can't control its love for blood and fear is brought to the world of magic and monsters. it wishes to see all life in despair and in agony. this will be a type of horror where the monster is the MC. It's a fantasy but where monsters are very rare and there rarely seen in certain places. So I welcome you to the fantasy horror story.

Oaks_lad · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Curiosity kills

'Well, now we are pretty deep in the Everlin woods.' a man said as a group followed behind him. 'but isn't this where those two people were found killed, mutilated, and dismembered why would you bring us this far in?' she stayed close to some of the tall men and made sure she didn't stray too far away from them.

A little boy walking with a toy and a giant smile on his face while singing a song from a show he listened to a lot stopped abruptly before looking to his right and seeing something grey slide behind A thick tree.

He stayed there and looked at the tree as everyone kept walking. Not too long he looked back at the group and started walking toward them again, but something grabbed his head and a loud screech rang through the forest as the child was dragged into the trees before blood poured down from above and multiple cracks and the sound of breaking could be heard.

Shin let out a cackle from the trees that made everyone's blood run cold before a person jumped in front of the crowd and summoned a ball of fire in his hands. 'Fireball!' as the man shouted this the ball of fire grew as it flew out of his hand and slammed into a tree and exploded.

The tree fell but the explosion illuminated a creature in one of the trees it was lanky and big it looked absolutely dreadful they heard it jump away from the tree it was on and the tree that was hit by the fire was now burning bright. Everyone ran passed the tree and made a break for the road they came from as it was the closest exit they had.

'DONT LEAVE ME!' the girl that had been staying close to the big men was now turning into a straggler. They saw her trip and scream as her voice was dragged up into the trees and above their head, the screams continued as they heard them get closer and closer before stopping.

Blood splattered on some people's backs before a head was tossed and slammed into the back of someone's head knocking them out and tripping two others.

Shin jumped down and crushed one of the guy's heads before grabbing a girl and sticking his sharp tongue through her heart before grabbing the last dude by his head and crushing it.

Shin looked at the last four that made it to the road and struggled to get in the car. Shin picked up the body of the bugger male that had been killed.

The four people struggled to get in the car fast but they ended up getting it to start up and quickly put the pedal to the metal then a window broke as the dead decapitated body of a member of the group was thrown in before they heard a loud scream as the passenger side door was ripped off and the girl in the seat was dragged out into the woods.

They didn't attempt to stop and help her they kept driving even with the corpse in the car they cried and screamed and cried all the way to the police station.

As they turned down the road to the police station with their a deceased friend in the car they wept tears of happiness before their car went out.

'Dont worry we are practically there we just need to get there and they will escort us home and deal with the rest.' they stumbled to get out of the car. The whole experience had made the last three people lightheaded the last girl to get out the cat fell to the ground gagging.

'This is so fucked is so fucked up!' she said before throwing up on the ground. 'Yeah I know but we can make it out of here.' the man said as he smiled at her to try and cheer her up but even he knew that was impossible after experiencing this.

Soon he turned around to see the girl that was next to him looking into the car before backing up slowly.

'What's wrong?' the man asked before looking in the car from where he was. To his horror, he saw that the creature was on the passenger side dragging the body out of the car.

'FUCK RUN!' he yelled out loud to get the attention of the girl on the ground and they took off toward the police station. One of the officers was outside and they screamed at him at the top of their lungs.

Luckily they got his attention and he started marching over to them but as he was coming shin jumped onto the guy's back pulling him to the ground and sticking his tongue through his head and started sucking.

'AAAAHAAAAAH!' the girls started screaming as the blood got on them and the cop immediately pulled out a gun and started firing bullets of fire at the creature.

Shin moved his body in a very fluent manner and each bullet skid by its body before it slashed at the last two lady's backs the cut was very deep and the creature dashed back into the forest.

The ladies went inside with the cop with the slashes on their backs the cuts were extraordinarily deep and had a black liquid in the cut that dripped out with the blood.

The girls were quickly escorted to the hospital which was an extra mile up the road. they started having a hard time breathing before they got there and on further inspection, after the doctors took a sample of the black liquid they noticed it was some sort of unknown bacteria that can both slow the blood flow and clot the blood while it flows which leads to heart attacks and death.

The ladies soon took their last breath that night as their lungs were no longer pumping oxygen to the blood and the brain wasn't getting enough oxygen itself. The crowd of people that night didn't stand a chance.

Shin is a creature born from terror, fear, and blood.