
Chapter 3: What does she want?

"What did you find?" I asked Dinah as she hurried to take her laptop. Not even half a minute later she came sprinting back and quickly flipped it open. She pulled up a chair next to me and started opening multiple files.

"For a while, I've been doing research, like we used to. I couldn't help it. So you remember the name of that CADMUS doctor?"

"Yeah.... Lillian Luthor or something like that..." I said confused as to why that information was of any importance...

"She's the mother of Luthercorp's CEO, Lena Luthor. So I started digging into it, because I wanted to find answers for you. Once we'd find out more about them, we could find a cure for whatever is going on with you." Dinah explained. "I've been really worried about you y/n, and I knew there had to be a way to help you."

I get why Dinah was worried. Ever since I escaped I've had these intense waves of pain come over me. So much that I'd always collapse at random moments in time. I've woken up in hospitals many times, confusing the shit out of all those doctors. Maybe it had nothing to do with the injections... But I highly doubted that. Because every time it happens, my eyes turned a weird shade of gold they even lit up in the dark, which I must admit, is very cool. Yet it didn't make any sense.

The plus side was that I became stronger. Not supergirl-strong, but still insanely strong for a normal girl like me. I was finally able to open jars without Dinah's help. 

"So what did you find?" I asked as Dinah opened up a file.

"It was a message sent from Lena Luthor to someone. I can't figure to who they are though. The information is al encrypted... "

"So could you decode it?" I asked pointing at all the colourful weird patterns running across her screen, if you kept staring at them for too long they looked like they were moving.

"Yep, with the new tech I got last month and a couple of adjustments it worked in less than a minute." Dinah said, pointing at a small device that was plugged into her pc.

"That's awesome, seems like you still got it after all these years." I smiled at her. " So what did Lena say that was so shocking? What does it have to do with me?"

"She got her hands on the files of every CADMUS experiment including yours. Someone retrieved it for her out of the old CADMUS department where you were held captive. After supergirl threw her mother in jail, everything there was left as it was. For some reason there had been no investigation. I bet there was money involved from Lena's end to keep everything as it was."

"Why does want those files? Did she mention anything about that? Why such a long time after the escape. She doesn't want to restart it, does she? " I questioned.

"She's searching for one of their experiments, someone who escaped the project right before supergirl saved everyone. I suspect that she's talking about you. The person she talks about seems to fit your profile. Everyone else was evacuated and rescued, except for you. There must be something about you... I highly doubt that she has good intentions though. I wouldn't trust a Luthor." Dinah said with a serious look. She was almost never the serious one, so it meant things were probably pretty bad.

"Fuck that, I don't trust her either! We have to get those files Dinah!" I panicked. " She can't find out it's me! What if she wants to continue her mother's work? I can't have that happen again, Dinah. I can't..."

Dinah pulled me in for a hug and waited for me to calm down a bit, she always used to do that when I got anxious. After a few minutes she pulled away.

"We got this y/n. I've planned everything. The person will deliver the files in her office at 20h30. She'll be there at 20h 40 to pick them up. We got time to get them, don't worry."

"What do you mean? How did you plan to do that? I can't just walk in there and get those files within 10 minutes. There's security, alarms, locks..."

"When did a lock ever stop you, y/n?" She grinned "Besides, Normani is on her way and she'll help you break in. I'll be outside Luthorcorp in my van hacking into the security system and checking if everything is safe. According to my calculations you can do it in 20 minutes but you'll cross one of them. So you'd have to take an alternative route, I don't want you to walk right into Lena's arms."

One hour before we had to leave, Dinah gave me a black face mask, gloves and a black hoody. Nothing suspicious at all. A bit later Normani arrived. I ran towards her excitedly "Mani! It's been too long. Where have you been!"

"I've been training for this day y/n, I joined another group on the other side of the country. It wasn't the same though, I missed all of you. I really did. When Dinah called I made my way back to National City as fast as I could." We hugged each other tightly, since it had been ages since we'd seen each other.

"Finally, like old times." Normani let go and clapped excitedly while I sighed. I must admit that I missed this too. Even though it was dangerous. Having Normani with me gave me a bit more confidence. We used to get paired up a lot for missions, because we worked together quite well, but still. There were always risks involved, and during those missions I had never been a target either. 

"I guess I have no choice then" I sighed, following Dinah and Normani towards the van. "let's get those files."


When we stopped near the company, Dinah gave us both earpieces.

"Put these in so I can keep contact." She spoke as she set up all her stuff. In the back of the van, the walls were covered with screens, wires, buttons. Dinah must have been preparing for this for a long time. I was glad she did, even though we agreed we'd stop. What if she didn't, and Lena got her hands on me? I shuddered at the thought.

Normani and I got out of the van and walked towards the side entrance of the building. Behind a tall green container, you could see an iron door. It looked like a heavy one too.

" Dinah spoke trough the earpiece. 

She must be watching us with the hacked security cameras. 

Only she would be able to what was happening in real-time, while the security guards inside were watching footage that repeated itself from the night before. An old trick that Dinah had used a lot in the past. Hopefully they wouldn't notice.

"Which floor do we need to be on?" I whispered trough the earpiece. 

Fucking hell, as if it couldn't get any better. Luckily I had more strength than the average human so those staircases really weren't as tiring as they seemed. I would have offered to give Normani piggyback ride to the top floor since she didn't have weird powers, But Normani was able to keep up with a good pace, she had always been the most athletic one.

I could feel the adrenaline rush trough me, the higher we got the stronger I felt it.