
Anne & Mary, Mysterious Heroine X,Artoria Pendragon (Saber)

Anne & Mary Pt. 2


A pair of swimsuits, dramatically different in size, float in the breeze on clotheslines as their owners, a duo of familiar bisexual pirates make out nearby in a quiet, secluded lagoon. Anne Bonny sits in the shallows of the lagoon, while Mary Read kneels on her lap. The larger of the two rests her hands on her lover's hips, their tongues intertwining as Mary in turn slides her small digits all over Anne's body.

Their lips press together with a certain casual eagerness to them. They are not in a rush, they have nowhere to be. It's just the two of them out here, no Master to submit to, no one to disturb them. And as much as both pirates love the Master of Chaldea, they also love one another. This time alone that they've been able to snatch away… it's precious to the two of them.

Mary's hands eventually stop roaming, coming to Anne's breasts and settling there. The white-haired pirate shows off just how skilled she is with her small fingers as she plays with her companion's chest, her digits squeezing and groping and moving across the pillowy tits in all the right ways. Soon enough, Anne is moaning into Mary's mouth, the bigger of the duo squirming in the cool lagoon water as Mary works her sensitive chest over.

This continues for a time, neither of them wanting to truly end their kiss, neither of them wanting to stop what they're doing for even a moment. But where Anne gives in to her desire to continue and would likely do so forever if Mary let her, Mary eventually pulls away. As their lips separate, the white-haired Servant looks down at Anne's chest, and then at her own. Her expression is forlorn as she compares the two of them and finds herself wanting. A low sigh exits her lips as she shakes her head.

"I… I wish I could be more like you, Anne. Even if you say I'm pretty, even if Master likes me… I can't help but dislike my scrawny, unsexy body. E-Especially when I compare myself to your beautiful form. You're just so gorgeous. And I'm… I'm not."

That gets a scoff from the blonde pirate of the duo, and a moment later they've swapped positions as Anne lays Mary back in the shallows of the lagoon. An 'eep' leaves the more petite woman's lips, and she stares up at Anne, even as the blonde smiles back down at her. Her own hands come up now, running over Mary's body, playing with her form as she leans in and plants a kiss on Mary's nose.

Then, she pulls Mary's small frame up a bit, easily manhandling her lover into position as she places the white-haired pirate's small chest at eye-level. And more importantly, at mouth level. Mewling noises leaves Mary's throat as Anne proceeds to play with the small body beneath her. Groping her hips and her thighs, licking and sucking at her petite breasts. Eventually, she pulls her mouth back and cups Mary's small chest with both hands as she gazes into her eyes.

"I love your body, Mary. I love your cute little tits. Look how nice they are? They fit perfectly in my hands."

As if to illustrate, Anne squeezes and massages Mary's small little titties ever so gently, drawing a gasp from the white-haired girl… and a smile. As she blushes at Anne's praise, Mary's gaze falls upon her own body, a slight smile beginning to form across her face. However, that smile quickly turns into a frown as she looks at herself, TRULY looks at herself… and finds more lacking than just her petite frame.

Her eyes have fallen upon the myriad of scars that cover her naked body now, and Mary can't help but shake and tremble a little beneath Anne, even as her lower lip wobbles.

"But there's nothing pretty about my scars. They're so ugly… they make me ugly. How can you ever even gaze upon my naked flesh with anything but disgust and distaste, Anne?"

A low growl leaves her blonde lover's lips, and the next thing Mary knows, Anne has her chin in hand and is forcing her to look her in the eyes, rather than continue gazing at her scars.

"You are NOT ugly, Mary."

The funny thing is, Mary almost believes it when Anne says it. It's obvious that the blonde believes it for some reason, though Mary can't possibly fathom why. Perhaps Anne is delusional? Something of her thoughts must show on Mary's face, because Anne is quick to continue, using her free hand to gesture at her own body as she explains.

"I might have a sexy bod. I might be bodacious and stacked and lewd and all those other words our adoring Master likes to use to describe me! But do you know what I see when I look at you? It might be the same thing Master sees, it might not! But what I see when I look at you is a soul so radiant that it outshines all others! What I see when I gaze upon your scars is the part of you that makes you the beautiful, strong, brilliant, and altogether simply AMAZING woman that I love!"

Mary finds herself staring up at her lover, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. Anne responds to this by sealing her statement, her fateful words, with a powerful kiss. While there's a certain level of passion to it, it's not a particularly deep or lewd kiss. It's simple and chaste, her lips pressing into Mary's with neither of their tongues in place as Anne tries to impart every bit of her emotions and her feelings onto her white-haired lover.

At the same time, she's gazing down into Mary's eyes with such love that Mary can't bring herself to turn away. All she can do is stare at Anne, and she continues to do so even after the blonde pulls back from the kiss and begins to trace Mary's scars with her fingertips. The petite pirate trembles beneath Anne's touch, nibbling at her lower lip as the blonde pays worship to her scars, as she lays soft kisses across the lines all over Mary's body, as her fingers run over them and recognize them and don't HATE them in the same way Mary does.

Confronted with such honestly, confronted with such love… Mary can't do anything more than accept Anne's words as gospel, now can she? When the blonde finally pulls back altogether, looking down into her eyes once more with a hopeful smile on her face, Mary returns it, shooting her a smile of her own, one filled with pure love, joy, and ultimately happiness.

Of course, they aren't just going to spend an eternity gazing into one another's eyes all dopey like. The moment passes, though the feelings between them do not. Their love for one another has never been stronger, even as Anne flips herself around and promptly sits her naked, glistening wet pussy lips on Mary's mouth. The white-haired pirate is a little surprised at first, but as Anne grinds her cunt across Mary's face, she's quick to grab her lover's thighs and start licking and lapping at her pussy.

The bodacious blonde moans, tilting her head back as she undulates across Mary's skilled tongue for a few brief seconds. The petite pirate is quite good at what she's doing, and it shows in how quickly Anne feels her pleasure building within her. Not to be out done, the blonde quickly lowers her own face down between Mary's skinny legs.

Grabbing hold of her lover's twig-like legs, she spreads them wide and plants her mouth between them, eating Mary out just the same as the other woman is doing for her. Of course, given the differences in their stature and heights, Anne has to scrunch herself up a little bit, her spine curving as she buries her face between Mary's creamy thighs.

But the blonde doesn't mind that, not even a little. What matters to her is Mary's happiness, and she tries to express that in every deep, penetrating tonguing that she gives the other pirate. Mary is quite responsive, moaning into Anne's own cunt lips, and quickly and eagerly returning the favor with her slightly smaller tongue as it darts this way and that. Her nose bumps against Anne's clit, drawing a gasp from the blonde pirate and a retaliatory chin strike to Mary's own little nub.

It's both an expression of pure love… and perhaps a bit of a competition. They are both pirates, after all. Famous pirates at that, renowned enough that they'd become Heroic Spirits in the Throne of Heroes. Or, technically, one Heroic Spirit, given they'd been summoned together. This made them more than just a pair of lovers, at the end of the day. It was like they were soulmates, and not the modern definition, or even in fact any definition of the word that mortal humans had ever tried to use. Their love, their devotion, and their adoration to one another ran so much deeper than it ever could for a pair of mortals who claimed to be in love.

They were, in the end, one being. But that didn't stop them from trying to one up one another in a somewhat playful way. As they continue sixty-nining, this became more and more apparent. Anne would rub her cunt all over Mary's face, all while using her fingers to trace the outline of Mary's pussy lips. Not to be out done, Mary would hurry to use her fingers as well, and the both of them would of course continue to use their tongues to equally great effect.

The pirate duo was trying to see which one would cum first. They were trying to defeat each other, trying to make one another cum so that they might be able to playfully lord it over the other later on. Of course, this led to greater and greater pleasure for both of them, even as they tried to hold back and suppress their individual releases until the other finally gave in.

But, they were both far too evenly matched for such a thing. As most of their competitions tended to end, the ultimate result… was a tie. A mutual victory, a mutual defeat… how it was described mattered not. In the end, neither won. In the end, both won. They came together, their pleasure just as closely linked as their minds, bodies, and souls as they squirted all over one another's faces. Mary lapped up all of Anne's pussy juices and Anne did the same for her diminutive lover.

Even at the height of their respective pleasure, they're attentive of one another. Even as ecstasy and bliss crash over the both of them in equal measures, they happily drink down the other's juices, slurping and swallowing to their heart's content. And afterward? Well, of course it would be more of the same, right? Anne slides back down off of Mary's face, turning in the shallows of the lagoon once more as she kisses her petite lover deeply.

This time, there is most certainly plenty of tongue once more, though they spend equal amounts of time cleaning each other off with said tongues as they do intertwining them. Mary moans into Anne's mouth and Anne moans into hers, the duo truly a perfect pair as they play with one another and make out quite lazily. Enjoying the afterglow of their sixty-nine, their hands wander over their bodies and the lagoon water is used to great effect to finally wash them both off.

That was after all, the reason they'd come over here in the first place, ostensibly. They'd been here to clean themselves up and what not, though neither had managed to focus on such a task for long before they were exploring one another's bodies and making out in the lagoon shallows. Now though, with their libidos temporarily calmed, Anne and Mary are a little quicker to wash up, after which they crawl out of the lagoon, heading over to where they've hung their bikinis on hastily constructed clotheslines.

Once the two are redressed in their perfectly fitted swimsuits, they walk back onto the beach where everyone else is, wide smiles on their faces and hands clasped together. Grinning a little, Anne glances over at Mary and gives her a wink.

"You know, you're my other half, Mary. And you always will be."

That gets a slightly dry look from the petite, white-haired pirate, as she slides her gaze up and down Anne's body pointedly.

"More like your other quarter, Anne… mm, but yeah, you complete me too."

They both smile at each other then. The lines might be cheesy, they might be a little silly… but they're also completely honest and utterly true. They're nothing more than two halves to a whole, in the end. Summoned together, registering as a single Servant… the pirate duo went down in history together, and now they'll spend the rest of their existences together, whatever form that existence takes, in the end.

Of course, while pretty much everyone else is off doing their own thing, be it sunbathing or playing in the surf or shredding waves further out, the Master of Chaldea notices them returning immediately. Their Master turns to them as Anne and Mary walk up, a knowing smile on his face as he cocks his head to the side.

"And what have the two of you been up to, hm? How was your 'shower'?"

Anne and Mary share one more glance… and then they separate from one another, only to come back together with their Master in the middle of them. The pirate duo immediately hang off of Shigure's arms as they grin giddily at him.

"We had a magnificent shower, Master."

"Maybe next time, you should join us…"

"Ooh! We'd LOVE that!"

The Master of Chaldea just chuckles as Anne Bonny and Mary Read rub themselves against him needily, both of them nearly moaning with suppressed need as they grind along his sides. They will always belong with each other… but that doesn't change the fact that they both belong TO their Master. The Master of Chaldea is the only man the pair of bisexual lovers will ever welcome into their bed. And he knows it too, if the way he slides his arms down their backs and grabs a nice handful of both of their asses is any indication.

"Oh, don't worry my dears. I'm sure that next time, I most definitely will."



Mysterious Heroine X


Mysterious Heroine X, as she went by in this world, was a very serious sort of individual. After all, as a Saber of the HIGHEST caliber, she had to always be focused, always be on guard. Especially when there were so many other Sabers, all clogging up the pipes and what have you. It was her job as an Anti-Saber Decisive Weapon that performed fair and square surprise attacks as a knight (also of the highest caliber!)

With her mysterious magic sword, Secret-Calibur, she delivered blow after blow to her Master's enemies. And boy did the Master of Chaldea have a lot of enemies for her to take on! In fact, X had been able to train herself up on her Master's foes, ultimately becoming quite the strong Saber indeed. It brought her ever closer to her goal of becoming the best Saber of them all!

The thing was, the Master of Chaldea really had been good to her. X couldn't deny that, the way he paid her such attention, the way he showered her in affection and raised her as a Saber (because of course she was a Saber! Definitely not an Assassin! Anyone who said as much would taste the blade of her Secret-Calibur!) until she was just… well, the best of the best.

She really was amazing, wasn't she? A smile spreads across Mysterious Heroine X's face at that. She was the best, and it was all thanks to Master. And that was why she was here now, standing outside of his door, mustering up the courage to knock. N-Not that she didn't already have the courage or anything of course! She was a heroine after all, courage was the name of the game! She just… she just needed to figure out exactly what she was going to say.

X knew she wanted to thank her darling Master for all he'd done for her. But a simple verbal 'thank you' just wasn't enough! She had to… she had to pay him back somehow for taking such good care of her. What would a man like him want though? Tapping her finger against her chin, the Mysterious Heroine strikes her thinking pose, a very serious pose as she contemplates just what she has to offer the Master of Chaldea. After all, he's so big and strong and handsome… he probably doesn't want for much. What does she have that he needs?

Aha! That's it! Smiling brightly, an idea pops into X's head. She'll tell him her real identity! No one knew that, given she came from another land and another world. She had been very careful to disguise herself, so he should be just as in the dark about her true name as everyone else! So, she would tell him. Her Master had earned that much at least, right?

… Definitely! Now she just needed to knock. She just needed to reach up and knock…

Before she can second guess herself any longer, Mysterious Heroine X raises a small fist and raps it against her Master's door. A moment later said door slides open and the Master of Chaldea peers down at her from the other side.

"… Yes, X?"

Beaming at being addressed by the nickname he'd come up with for her (Master was so smart!) X pushes her way inside.

"I wanted to talk to you Master! It's very important!"

"… Very well."

And with that, he closes the door behind her and turns to face her as she realizes she's suddenly in the middle of her Master's quarters, his bedroom… Ah, this is…


Shigure regards the Servant known as 'Mysterious Heroine X' with some amusement. She really is a cutie, which is probably half of why he puts up with her. Her petite frame, her succulent ass accentuated by her cute booty shorts, and most of all her best feature, her taut, smooth belly. It all added up into quite the spectacular visage, even if her rough and sporty ensemble ostracized her a little from the other Servants, due to its strange appearance when compared to everyone else.

Still, as she'd explained to him, her blue muffler was a symbol of courage. And her cap… well, it was apparently what she used to conceal her identity from the world. Shigure hadn't asked if that was because it was supposed to hold back the ahoge that sprouted out of the front of the cap at all times. He also hadn't actually pointed out the ahoge sprouting out of the front of the cap at all times…

It was just too amusing for him to ruin it. The whole situation with X was amusing to him, and even now with her glancing around furtively, like she thought he wouldn't notice her realizing she was now in his bedroom alone with him, Shigure was still amused.

"I… uh… uhm. Well, that is to say… I want to thank you, Master!"

Shigure lifts a brow at that, but now that she's started, X plows through as she always does, a bright smile on her face.

"Yeah! That's it! I'm here to thank you for everything you've done for me! But I need to pay you back, the only way someone as cool and awesome as me can!"

His other brow joins the first. Wait, was she going to… nah, that couldn't be it. He was just living too much of a life of debauchery these days. His mind was perpetually in the gutter. X was NOT about to proposition him. But then, what other way was the 'Mysterious' heroine going to do so?

"I'm going to… reveal my secret identity to you Master!"

Wait, what?! Shigure has to bring a hand up to his mouth as his eyes widen in shock. X sees this of course, but she takes it to mean he's just utterly surprised at this turn of events. She even nods to herself, not realizing he sees it, as if unsurprised by his surprise, as if expecting his reaction. In reality, Shigure isn't shocked or surprised by X's declaration. At least, not in the way she thinks he is.

No… it's more that he's having to harness every ounce of his willpower into not bursting out laughing right into the ridiculous Servant's face. Mysterious Heroine X has always been an oddball, but even if she refused to be labeled as an Assassin, she made a fairly strong combat Servant. So Shigure had used her frequently in battle, he'd leveled her up, he'd made her stronger. And all he'd had to do to make her happy was never call her Assassin. He figured she just got off on being called Saber or something.

But this? The Master of Chaldea could scarcely believe his ears. Did X REALLY think that he didn't know who she was already?! Did she REALLY think she'd managed to hide her identity, when there were practically half a dozen other Servants running around with her exact same face? Given how she was smirking and crossing her arms over her chest even now… yes. Yes, she did.

"That's right, Master. I know this is a bit of a shock, but I've decided its time. You've proven yourself trustworthy, and I'm going to show you exactly who I am! You can't tell anyone else though, okay?"

Not even giving Shigure a chance to respond, X reaches up and prepares to grab her cap and muffler. Was that truly going to be her big, dramatic reveal? Was she going to pull those garments away, as if either of them concealed any part of her identity to begin with?!

"Here it goes! The truth is, Master… I'm-!"

Shigure can't help himself.

"You're Artoria Pendragon."

If this were a sitcom, Shigure figures right now would be the perfect moment for a record scratch. X, also known as yet another incarnation of Artoria Pendragon, the King of Knights, freezes up with her hands clutching at her blue muffler and her cap. Her lips open and close uselessly and soundlessly for a moment, before a low keening sound comes out of her throat. Finally, she finds words again.

"Y-You… Master… you already knew?!"

Shigure cocks his head to the side, inwardly grinning like a loon, while outwardly putting on a confused façade.

"Was I not supposed to? Isn't it obvious? Your ahoge is sticking out of the front of your cap."

X's hand immediately comes off of the side of the cap to grab for said ahoge. When she latches onto it, it stiffens in shock as she does the same. The cute, petite blonde tenses up… and then breaks down, falling to her hands and knees in a picture-perfect depression pose, straight out of some anime. Shigure could practically see the storm cloud over her as she hung her head.

"Master kneeeeew! My ahoge was sticking out all along!!! How could I let this happen?!"

Shigure can't quite help himself. He chuckles, causing X to tense up all over again as he laughs at her expense.

"Were you really trying to keep it a secret, X? You didn't even actually hide your face. Your muffler only ever hid your neck from me!"

Another incoherent whine leaves X's throat, and she pounds on the floor of his room with her tiny, yet powerful fists. Shigure smirks, even as he begins to grow hard. What can he say? Teasing cute Servants is a massive turn-on for him.

"X… get up. As your Master, I command it."

Sulking visibly, the blonde Servant slowly does so, her eyes still downcast until Shigure places his fingers under her chin and forces her to look up at him. When she does so, she finds his own face very close to hers, as he leans down to meet her level. Their lips are only a few inches apart as Shigure speaks.

"You really were terrible at hiding who you truly were, X… but in the end, I didn't mind. Because I like you for you, for who you want to be, not for something as meaningless as your 'true identity'."

And then he kisses her, punctuating his teasing with a deep, tongue-filled lip-lock. X's eyes go wide and she blushes atomically as their tongues intertwine and his lips press against hers quite insistently. She squirms for a moment, but a moment is all Shigure needs to make his intentions clear, before ultimately, he pulls back and leaves his darling 'Mysterious Heroine' to recover.

Recovery doesn't seem to be something X is capable of though, as she stutters and stammers, babbling senselessly from sheer embarrassment over the sudden kiss. Her ahoge is even straighter now, completely and utterly stiff in shock and surprise over what Shigure's done. And as he regards her, the young Master of Chaldea realizes that X truly has no idea what to do next.

She's more innocent than some of his female Servants, and just as innocent and naïve as some of the others. Chuckling as he re-assesses his plan of 'attack', so to speak, Shigure steps in closer, invading X's personal space as he embraces her and runs his hands over her back. She goes stiff in his arms, looking up at him from where he has her trapped against his chest with uncertainty in her watery eyes. She's not going to cry, but she was certainly close before he kissed her.

"You know, X… I can't believe that all this time, my loyal Saber has been lying to me. I thought you were my best. I thought I could count on you…"

X's eyes go wide and the tears almost fall again, before Shigure continues on with his smile still wide and on the edge of wicked.

"I think the ONLY possible way you could ever apologize is by giving me this cute body of yours to play with to my heart's content. I think you should let me do whatever I like with you. Only then will you really be able to make up for lying to me all this time. Don't you agree?"


She blurts out the answer before even fully processing what he's said. That's alright. It's just perfect. Of course, this means X goes shy the moment after she agrees, ducking her gaze until he pulls her head back up again and gives her another kiss. She melts into him at that point, moaning against his mouth. What follows is a frenzy of clothes pulling, as Shigure works X over to his bed.

In short order, Shigure has his darling, ridiculous Servant on her back with her booty shorts hanging off on of her ankles, and her underwear pushed to the side. Interestingly enough, her underwear seems to be part of an open-front leotard instead, now that he's seeing her taut tummy in all its glory and paying attention to the rest of what she's wearing.

Of course, his eye is still on the prize, even as he gleefully presses one of his palms down on said tummy, rubbing X's smooth belly to his heart's content. Why yes, he had longed to do exactly that for quite a time now. No, he didn't think that made him all that much weirder than any of the other activities he liked to take part in with his Servants.

Grinning like a loon, Shigure uses his other hand to guide his cock to X's small, bald entrance. Her pussy lips are already wet as he begins to push in, and the blushing, unsure Servant moans and mewls when he starts to penetrate her. But Shigure is impatient. She's tight, and his slow method is only taking longer because of this. Rather than spending the next five minutes taking his cute blonde Servant's virginity, the Master of Chaldea decides to go with Plan B instead.

Rearing back, Shigure doesn't even give X time to whine in disappointment at the lost of his phallus, before it's inside of her once more, this time FAR deeper. His cock fills her to the brim in one single thrust, and Shigure can actually FEEL it through her taut tummy, his member stretching X out in a way he can't do for some of his other female Servants.

At the same time, his eyes are drawn to an interesting change that comes over X's face… and her hair. When he penetrates her and fills her with his cock, slamming right up into the entrance of her womb, the pupils of X's eyes become heart-shaped, and even her ahoge twists itself into the shape of a heart, before staying that way, apparently permanently.

Shigure can't help but laugh at that, even as he uses his free hand to grab hold of X's side, so he can fuck her properly, all while continuing to rest his palm on her cute, taut tummy.

"You really are the silliest of my Servants, Mysterious Heroine X!"

He only gets a moan in response, as the petite blonde wraps her legs around his waist as best she can, not getting ALL the way there, especially with his thrusting, but still giving it her best shot.

"Mm, but that's okay. Do you know why, my cute little Servant?"

Leaning in close, Shigure lets X wrap her arms around his neck as well, even as she tries to draw him into a searing kiss with her considerable strength. However, in the end X isn't ACTUALLY a Saber. She's an Assassin. Her strength stat isn't as high as it is for some of the other Artoria-types. And as far as Shigure is concerned, his own strength is on par with some of those Artoria.

Given this, she can't quite drag him the rest of the way down to her lips. Not until Shigure lets her, and he doesn't do so until after he's said his piece. Leaning in close, his voice a murmur as he continues to fuck and pet her petite form, Shigure grins.

"It's because I like things a little silly. And I especially like them when they're cute and oh-so-fuckable."

And then he's kissing her, and X's eyes are rolling back into her head as she ahegaos on the spot. Their tongues intertwine for a moment, but hers is just too wild, writhing about inside of his mouth. Kissing her feels like riding a bull, and eventually Shigure pulls back in order to fuck her properly, his hand still on her tummy as she moans and squirms and wiggles beneath him.

"L-Love… love you, Master! D-Do it! F-Fuck me! Fuck my cute body! Love you, love you, love yoooou!"

Shigure is honestly impressed that X can even get those words out, and even then, half of them are slurred as she cums again and again around his cock, looking like quite the silly, wanton little slut. But that's just fine with him. He quite likes the look on her face, like she's been fucked senseless when he's not even done with her yet. It goes quite well with the feel of her tight passageway clinging to his member, squeezing down around his meat rod as it pistons in and out of X over and over again.

He was telling the truth when he told her that she really wasn't just another Artoria, not to him. She'd made something unique of herself, and while she might share the general Artoria features like her face and her ahoge, she was really all her own person, when it came down to it. And that made the experience all the more special as her insides finally milked his load from him.

Cumming, Shigure groans and arches his back into the petite blonde, even as X experiences one final orgasm as well, her heart-shaped pupils rolling about in her head until he's finally done filling her with his seed. As he pulls out of her and flops to her side on the bed, they both slowly but surely come down from their respective orgasmic highs.

But even once she's calmed down, X's newest features remain. As she turns onto her side to look Shigure in the eye, the Master of Chaldea sees her heart-shaped pupils and heart-shaped ahoge still fully in effect, completely permanent, or so it seemed. And as he took that in, X spoke, her voice softer than usual, her cute little lips moving to form words that he never expected to hear from her.

"F-From now on… I'm the Assassin-Class Saber, Mysterious Waifu X… and I will always be here for you Master, as the sheathe dedicated to your glorious sword."

It was the Assassin part he never expected to hear, to be clear. The rest seemed pretty par for the course given his track record with his Servants. Chuckling, Shigure pulls X in close, cuddling his newest 'waifu' as he kisses her forehead and lays back. A nap sounded good right now… and as his hand finds its way to X's taut little tummy for one last rub, he's quite ready to go to sleep, completely and utterly satisfied.



Arturia Pendragon (Saber)


Arturia had a problem. The Saber-Class Servant knew she was being ridiculous, she knew she was being emotional and altogether… feminine, but that didn't change the facts. Even knowing what was happening, recognizing and combating it couldn't hold it back forever. No, in the end, reality was reality, as much as the epitome of Saber might not have wanted it to be.

Put bluntly, more and more in the past little while, Arturia had found herself lusting after the Master of Chaldea. After HER Master. Despite knowing that he was a massive pervert who had absolutely no compunctions about doing the worst of things to her fellow female Servants, Arturia hadn't been able to truly combat the rising tide of respect and even reverence that had been developing within her ever since her summoning.

He'd been blindsided by all of this, after all. She knew that… and yet, he'd taken the reins of Chaldea in hand and he'd led them all to victory after victory. His vast improvement in strategy, in fighting, in commanding his Servants on the battlefield, combined with his great charisma, had lit a fire betwixt her thighs that Arturia had been unable to put out no matter how hard she tried, no matter how much she loathed herself for it.

In the end, she had to make a move. She had to… had to find a way to get it out of her system. That was why she'd left the note for him. That was why she'd arranged for him to meet with her in her room, where she could control the battlefield, where she could stay in command of her emotions and what went on between the two of them. He would arrive soon, no doubt, and she would be forced to explain exactly what was going on.

But that was fine. This was fine. Everything was… fine. Right up until the knock comes on her door and Arturia goes stiff as a board, knowing exactly who's on the other side of said door. There's only one person who was due to visit her at this time after all.

"Arturia? I received your note."

And that just confirms it. The Master of Chaldea's voice floats through the closed door. Swallowing thickly, Arturia makes sure her own voice is completely clear and pristine as she answers him.

"Come in."

She has to… has to keep her confidence. So, sitting there regally, perched on the edge of her bed with one leg crossed over the other and her hands clasping her kneecap, Arturia presses her lips together and watches as her door opens up and Chaldea's Master steps inside. Her Master, at that. He's young, but that just makes his achievements all the more impressive and all the more arousing, much to Arturia's frustration.

As he closes the door behind himself, locking it as well, he glances around before finally turning his gaze towards her. Lifting a brow, he cocks his head to the side, stepping forward before ultimately stopping at around the middle of the room. As he gets closer, Arturia's struggles to keep herself calm and composed, at least outwardly, become more and more difficult. She fidgets here and there, once or twice, just small movements… but they betray her nervousness to an observant man such as her Master nonetheless, this she has no doubt of.

"Arturia… here I am. What was it you needed to talk about?"

She wonders, briefly, what he thinks this meeting is for. Perhaps he believes she's finally ready to confront him over what he'd done to Mordred, or Arturia's other incarnations. But no, the King of Knights, the epitome of Saber has long made peace with that. Mordred and the others… they're happy, even if they'd perhaps needed a little push to get there. In the end, the young Master of Chaldea had done what he needed to do to secure his power and their loyalty, and she could respect that, funnily enough.

Or perhaps she was simply looking back on his actions with rose-tinted goggles because of how she felt about him now. Either way, in the end there wasn't much Arturia could do… except confess. She wasn't the kind of woman, the kind of King who beat around the bush. She wasn't about to string her Master along with vague ideas of what she wanted, what she knew she NEEDED. No, better to just come out and say it.

"Master, I require your assistance. I need you to fuck me."

There, it was said. And obviously, it was not what the Master of Chaldea expected her to say either. The young man's jaw drops open, and his eyes go wide for a moment as he just stands there in shock. He recovers remarkably fast though, another positive attribute that shows just how quick he is to react to change. Schooling himself, even as Arturia feels another burst of lust for him right then and there, her Master clears his throat and shakes his head.

"I… was not expecting that. You need me to fuck you? Why?"

He was asking her why? Did he ask the others why, before he fucked them? Arturia's grip on her knee becomes a bit tighter as her digits dig in. She refrains from gritting her teeth, but only barely, even as she speaks in clipped tones.

"Do I need a reason, Master? I have been lusting after you, of late. Your prowess on the battlefield has made you a worthy mate to my more… animalistic instincts. I have asked you to my room so that I might get it out of my system, so to speak. You will fuck me this once. We will have a… one-night stand. And then we will never speak of this again."

She knew better than to meet in his quarters for this. She knew what happened to the female Servants who dared to enter that particular web. For a moment, there's silence. The young Master considers her for several seconds, before finally grinning.

"Alright then. I'm in."

Hmph, of course he's in. Now if only her nerves weren't acting up so much. It takes every ounce of Arturia's iron will to clamp down on her more emotional responses. Her more… feminine reactions to his cocksure grin and his hands moving over his form to begin undressing. As he exposes more and more of himself to her, Arturia shuts her eyes and then allows her own dress to astralize, along with every other stitch of clothing on her, leaving her as naked as the day she was born.

There she sits, her legs still crossed, and her body exposed, even as her Master tosses his boxers aside, leaving his cock hanging between his legs for her to gaze upon. He is… well-endowed, or so Arturia believes. Certainly, bigger than most she's seen in her time. Regardless, she stares as he finishes pulling off his shirt, and she keeps staring even as he finally walks forward, now just as naked as she is.

Arturia isn't sure what to expect when the young man reaches her and the bed, but tenderness is not it. He takes her by the hand and slowly encourages her to scoot bad onto her bed, until she's laying upon it rather than sitting on the edge. Then, he crawls on top of the nude King of Knights, his hands moving from her arms to her slim form, running up and down her sides before ultimately settling just below her supple, small breasts.

He grips her body right beneath her armpits and uses nothing but his thumbs to tenderly massage her small mammaries. At the same time, his mouth goes to Arturia's neck, where he sucks and nibbles at her sensitive throat. The blonde King is left to endure all of this, gasping and moaning beneath him as he attacks her in a way she is completely unprepared to fight.

But then, Arturia knew that it would be like this. She knew her own experience did not measure up to her young Master's, she knew that the Master of Chaldea would not be some virgin whelping that she was taking to her bed. No, instead he was like a full-grown dragon, claiming her body, claiming HER without so much as a by-your-leave.

She'd asked it of him though. He didn't need permission, he already had it when she outright told him to fuck her. And now he was taking his time, moving slowly, playing with and teasing her body to his heart's content. It frustrated Arturia to no end, and she found herself growling a little bit, in between mewls and moans.

In response, the young man slides one hand away from her chest and down between her legs. Her growling quickly turns to squeaks and whimpers and whines as his fingers ghost across her eager and ready slit, running up and down her puffy pussy lips, before finally diving into her body. Arturia writhes and wiggles beneath her Master, shivering and trembling and shuddering at his experienced, explorative touch.

He's all over her, really. Is this… is this foreplay? Perhaps it is, though Arturia wishes she'd specified beforehand that she simply wanted him to fuck her, not… work up to it like he was. She didn't need MORE reasons to lust after him, she needed to get him OUT of her system entirely. That was what this was supposed to be about. Instead, she was almost ready to cum from his hands alone, her nipple hard beneath his thumb, her neck stretching as she tilts her head to the side to give him more room, and her pussy juices coating his palm as he drove his middle and ring finger in and out of her cunt again and again.

It was all just too much. And then it was over, as he drew back, pulling his mouth and his hands away from her. Most importantly, the hand in between her legs, which rather than falling limply to his side as the one on her chest had, moves instead to her mouth.

"Open, Arturia."

The King of Knights' eyes widen as he presses his messy fingers against her lips. At first, she doesn't open up. But its almost as if her Master expected as much, judging by his exasperated expression.

"Arturia… if you want to fuck me tonight or any night, you WILL obey me."

She wants to tell him point blank that this is a one-time thing, that there won't be any other nights, so he doesn't need to worry about that. Instead, Arturia finds herself coerced into opening her cute, pouty lips wide. The Master of Chaldea slips his fingers, wet with her juices, into her mouth one by one, watching with a smile on his face as she swirls her tongue around each, cleaning them all over.

Arturia knows she's blushing up a storm as she does so. This is… this is quickly getting out of hand, but the fire raging within her, the need for her Master's cock and a night with his body… it's never been more intense. She's burning up right now, she's filled with lust and desire and… and a million other emotions she doesn't want to confront.

All of that said, Arturia doesn't know what to do anymore. Luckily for her, the young Master seems to have a pretty good idea of what he wants. Once his hand is cleaned of her cunt and instead covered in the secretions of her mouth, Chaldea's Master pulls it away from her mouth and instead covers her lips with his own. Arturia's eyes widen at the kiss, his tongue slipping past her defenses and easily dominating her mouth, even as she feels a sudden, certain pressure down below.

He's penetrating her, finally. But this wasn't how she expected it to go. She knew more about her Master's sex life than she'd ever really wanted to, knew how he'd taken some of his female Servants and twisted them into… into mockeries of themselves. She'd honestly expected to have to fend off a beast tonight, to have to combat a wild, brutal conqueror of a man.

She would take his rough fucking and she would come out the other side better for it, satiated and never interested in doing it again. But that wasn't to be. Instead, he was staring into her eyes and kissing her as he slid his thick, hot shaft into her drooling quim for the first time. Its… its everything she hoped for, and more than she ever thought she'd be able to handle. As he begins to fuck her, as he finally starts to take her, Arturia wonders just why she thought she could handle this. She wonders, even as she wraps her arms around his neck, kissing him back just as fiercely, even as she surrenders to him entirely.


To say this was how Shigure thought his day would go was an understatement. But as he fucks orgasm after moaning orgasm from Arturia Pendragon, King of Knights, he can't help but enjoy himself. Sure, he already had Moedred and Boobturia, and even Mysterious Heroine X. Sure, this Arturia was basically a less developed version of her Lancer Counterpart.

But hey, sometimes flat was just justice. That's how it was. And sometimes tits were great too. In the end, Shigure wasn't picky whatsoever, and with Arturia giving him such an opportunity, how was he supposed to resist? A one-night stand… hah! He'd break her down over the course of their 'one night' together, and then they'd see if she didn't come crawling back for more.

Though, as he pulls back from her lips and reaches up to caress and molest her slight chest, Shigure wonders if Arturia will last even as long as the night. Her face is already red, flushed and flustered as her mouth contorts in pleasure from each orgasm he draws out of her. Her eyes are filled with desire, with lust, with plain old need. Its clear how badly she wants him to keep fucking her, even as her insides clench down around his pistoning prick time and time again.

Shigure's certainly enjoying himself, but even as he plows the King of Great Britain in her bed, his eyes wander a bit. Not far… just to Arturia's nightstand, where he finds the Servant's crown resting. Alighting upon the crown of the Once and Future King, Shigure can't quite help himself. An evil idea starts to fill his thoughts, even as a wicked grin begins to spread wide across his face.

Reaching over and snatching up the crown is the work of a moments, and Shigure happily takes the time to properly set it atop Arturia's brow, making sure that her ahoge remains poking out from under it, even as he continues to pump in and out of her cunt the entire time. By this point, the epitome of the Saber-class is barely cognizant, already half-exhausted from his constant pumping and the nonstop pleasure he's been visiting upon her.

But she's not so far gone that she doesn't notice what he's doing, her own hands coming up weakly as she shakes her head, trying to keep the crown off of it.


"Shh, Saber. It's fine. It's fine."

His soothing words settle her down, though she does whine a little even as he bats her hands away and they in turn fall limply to her sides, a sign of her giving up. At least, for now. Because Shigure has another stage of his evil little plan that he's going to put into motion VERY soon. For the moment though, he simply fucks her, enjoying the sight of Arturia in her crown, even as her face continues to contort time and time again from the pleasure his cock inside of her cunt is giving her.

Eventually, he feels it rising within him. His release is only moments away when Shigure pulls out of her and presses down on her shoulder to hold her in place as he takes aim at her face and head. Arturia has only a few seconds to realize his cock is missing from within her, and even less time to realize what he's about to do. She barely begins her weak protests, and she doesn't actually do anything at all to really stop him as he releases several thick, ropy strings of his cum all over her naked chest, her gorgeous face, and most importantly, her spectacular crown.

Moaning and writhing beneath the hot load he's laid out on her, Arturia still doesn't try to struggle, even when he pulls back and then lines his dick up with her ready-and-waiting cunt yet again. His length fills the King of Knights once again, and Shigure tweaks Arturia's nipples, even as he smirks down at her wickedly.

"I'm defiling the great King Arthur, aren't I? Sullying your crown with my seed, tainting your very kingship with my cock."

Arturia whines, unable to dispute his words but also clearly not enjoying his insinuations. That doesn't stop Shigure from making them though and fucking her while doing it as well. Even as he taunts her, he's pistoning his thick, hard prick in and out of her, slamming home into her tight, gripping cunt again and again as she lays beneath him, coated in a nice thick layer of his seed.

Seeing the Once and Future King so thoroughly humiliated only turns Shigure on even more. He's the Master of Chaldea, and he's the Master of this woman too. In the end, Arturia is his, no matter what she might like to think. He aims to show her that, fucking her as hard and as fast as he can. What follows is hours of more of the same, though for his second release, Shigure makes sure to cum inside, sparking a truly glorious explosive climax from the blonde Saber as his seed fills her womb directly.

But then, for the third and fourth releases, Shigure makes sure to unload on her face and on her crown again, enjoying 'sullying her crown' too much not to do it over and over and over again. By the time he decides he's finished with her, the naked heroic spirit looks like quite the fine mess, her naked body covered in his cum and her crown completely and utterly soiled by his white seed.

He's exhausted her entirely, and though Shigure himself could continue on for quite a while longer, he doesn't really see the point. Better to let Arturia recover so he could come at her again, chipping away at her defenses until she was completely and utterly his. Grabbing hold of her cum-streaked hair, Shigure forces the facialized Servant to clean him off with her mouth, and then he slips off the bed and moves over to his discarded clothes to get dressed.

Its only once Shigure is fully dressed and heading for the door that Arturia calls out to him.

"W-Wait… Master, wait."

Lifting a brow, the young Master of Chaldea turns about and watches as the Saber-Class Servant slowly crawls out of bed, managing to stand up on her own two feet, albeit on extremely wobbly legs as she stumbles forward until she's right in front of Shigure. His cum drips down her naked form and off of her defiled crown in rivulets, even as she stares at him with an intensity that makes him wonder if he needs to be ready for an attack. But she doesn't attack him. Instead, she simply speaks.

"All… all my life, I've strove to be the Ideal… Ideal King. My p-people died for t-that ideal. And you… you c-come in here and you defile it, you make it w-worthless through your words and actions."

Shigure just lifts his other brow to match the first, keeping his outside completely implacable. Though, a little bit of his shock shows through when Saber abruptly falls to her knees before him.

"I LOVED it! I loved every moment of it! I love YOU Master! I love you for freeing me from this ageless burden, from my own pride! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!"

Shuddering in true orgasmic bliss, the completely broken King of Knights looks at Shigure with a reverence he's only seen in the eyes of his most depraved, most debauched female Servants.

"From this day forward, I pledge my fealty to you, not as a Servant, not as Arturia Pendragon, but as King Arthur. I… I acknowledge you as MY King, from this moment on and forevermore!"

As Shigure looks upon Arturia's submissive, prostrating form, he grins wickedly and widely. Perfect.
