

[Garfiel: Lookin' like yer gonna cry ain't gonna change a thing. I've already made up my mind. And once I do I don't budge. It'd be like "Donmorakin gettin' stuck when y'push him"]

Watching Subaru' eyes open wide with astonishment, Garfiel continued.

The condition he spoke of――hearing it, threw Subaru's heart into a state of shock and disarray. Because,

[Subaru: Of all people, why are you the one saying this...?]

[Garfiel: Huh? 'Sit so surprisin' I disagree? Just how naive are ya? All we did was talk a couple times, I'd be pretty pissed if y'think y'understand me]

At Subaru's words, Garfiel twisted the corners of his lips with displeasure, and Subaru did the same in return.

After all, what Garfiel had just rejected was based on something that Garfiel had suggested in the first place.

In the previous world, when Garfiel could no longer stand watching Emilia getting worn down from challenging the Trials over and over, he tossed up the idea that Subaru should take the Trials in her place. Subaru, who had obstinately believed that Emilia must be the one to overcome the Trials, was shaken to his core, and, after seeing sense in that idea, he had adopted it for himself. But now,

[Subaru: I've got all kinds of emotions swirling inside that I can't keep down but... I'll forget them for now. But more importantly, why are you against it? Increasing the chances of liberating the Sanctuary can't possibly be bad for you?]

[Garfiel: Well, so yer sayin' if I'm fully on board with Granny's plans, then I should know yer idea's more efficient, that it? —But still, I just absolutely don't like it]

[Subaru: Why are you saying that like some snot-nosed brat...!]

Crossing his arms, Garfiel turned his face away. There was no logic to what he was saying, and the fact that he was going purely on his feelings only complicated the conversation even further.

From their interactions up to now, Subaru understood that Garfiel was emotional―― or, more accurately, that his priorities are primarily based on what he feels like at the moment. If appealing to common-sense was useless, then Subaru didn't know what else he could do would be effective.

[Subaru: Lewes-san...]

Since there was no point in talking to Garfiel, who had no intention of agreeing with him, Subaru called to the elderly woman in the body of a young girl who had been quietly watching their exchange. But seeing Subaru turn to her, Lewes only waved through her long sleeves that hid her hands underneath,

[Lewes: When Gar-bo's like this, there's nothing I can say to make him budge. It's unfortunate, but no matter how hard you try, there's nothing in the Sanctuary that can force him to listen. Does Su-bo want to try?]

[Subaru: I don't have the kind of suicidal tendencies that'll make me want to challenge a guy who can throw a dragon carriage... Damnit, what's with you guys?]

She wasn't approving of Garfiel's words, but since she didn't actively rebuke him, it probably meant that deep down she agreed with him. Chances are, Lewes also believed that Emilia should be the one to overcome the Trials. He didn't know how much she respected Roswaal, but it seemed safe to assume that Lewes agreed with Roswaal on the most fundamental parts.

Nevertheless, Subaru couldn't help but wonder what would happen if Garfiel was on his side.

[Emilia: ...Subaru]

Calling him with a worried voice, Emilia looked up at Subaru who seemed to be overwhelmed by feelings he couldn't explain. Reflecting the side of Subaru's face within her violet eyes,

[Emilia: I-I'll try my best, so it's fine, you don't have to push yourself. It was a bit... yeah, just a bit sudden, so I was surprised, but now that I know what is going to happen...]

[Subaru: No, Emilia-tan, you're the one who shouldn't push yourself. I'll convince this stubborn bastard somehow. And once I do that, the Trials...]

[Emilia: Subaru y――]

Emilia seemed like she was about to give in to Garfiel's words. Seeing her rally herself from her weakness, Subaru started churning in his head to think of some way to make them see reason. But, just as Subaru's mental preparation was getting underway, Emilia,

[Emilia: Subaru... even you, don't believe I can do it?]

[Subaru: ....Huh?]

[Emilia: I-I know I let you see my useless side, so now you're thinking that... you can't leave the Trials to me, so instead]

[Subaru: You're wrong. It's not like that]

[Emilia: Well, I know you're worried, Subaru. Subaru passed the Trial while I didn't even come close... I don't even have the resolve to face... the Trial, and my Past]

Even though Subaru was denying it, Emilia shook her head from side to side, refusing to accept his denial.

Negative emotions surfaced in her eyes, and her lips shivered as her face went pale. From her unsettled speech, Subaru knew this was because she was recalling the Trial and the so-called Past.

――In other words, she was at a point where she could very easily crumble.

[Subaru: You don't have to think about it――!]

[Emilia: But unless I face it I'll never overcome the Trials! Yes, that's right... I have to overcome the Trials, I have to overcome my Past….. or I will never become King. And the villagers and the people of the Sanctuary will never be able to leave...]

Taking her by the shoulders, Subaru desperately called out to her, but Emilia shook her head and did not seem to hear him. Or rather, the more he tried to stop her, the more obstinate her will seemed to become,

[Emilia: I can't let you babysit me forever, Subaru. I can't. Just not long ago, Subaru got hurt so badly because of me... I, don't want to make you carry my burden anym...]

[Subaru: It's fine that way. This might be a bad way of putting it, but you're already helping me as much as I'm helping you. It's all about putting the right materials to the right uses, right? I'm the one who has better the affinity when it comes to Trials. That's all there is to it, and nothing else. It just seems like something I can do, and something I can actually do faster. I don't find things I'm good at very often. There'll be plenty of opportunities for Emilia-tan to do your best later on]

[Emilia: Isn't this one of those huge opportunities now? If I always look away from unpleasant things, and keep running away... then what will I become?]

――If only he could've screamed "What's wrong about running away."

If running away from things you don't like, shying your eyes away from painful things, and turning your back to difficulties could allow you to live in peace, then that's not such a bad way to live. Subaru himself had lived this way, trying to distance himself from hardships to the best of his ability.

So he knew―― that even though it's a cowardly way to live, there was no reason to condemn it.

But still, now. Right now, when Subaru should have understood and approved of the weakness facing up against Emilia's stubborn heart――

[Subaru: ――――]

Why couldn't he utter a single word of what he was thinking?

In front of Subaru's silence, Emilia closed her eyes and turned down her face. His hands that were still on her shoulders could feel her body temperature rising as if she was having a fever, but Subaru didn't know what he could do.

And, watching their exchange,

[Garfiel: Hah. Yer free to fight it out as y'like, but listenin' from the side, sounds to me like Emilia-sama's got'a point? Fact is, the Trial's been prepared to be challenged by Emilia-sama. Suddenly stickin' yerself in's just...]

[Subaru: You shut up! You... you don't know anything yet...!]

[Garfiel: Huh?]

Subaru exploded at Garfiel, who made it sound so easy without realizing what kind of feeling that was going through him. Faced with Subaru's rage, a dangerous aura began to emanate from Garfiel.

But once again, Subaru ignored his threat and glared at him fearlessly.

[Subaru: Do you have any idea what will happen if you keep pushing this on her? Do you think I can just calmly watch as she gets hurt, worn down, and falls apart? ...What would I be if I…]

[Garfiel: ...I don't get where you're coming up with this stuff all of'a sudden]

[Subaru: You're thinking in terms of conditions and merits, but did you think about Emilia herself even once? I know if she overcomes the Trials, the payoff will be huge. But, you're not counting the wounds she'll get or the tears she'll shed to get there... or what she herself wants]

In the previous world, even though he had seen, closer than anyone, how thin Emilia had been worn, how weakened she had become, Subaru never uttered a word to stop her.

If it's her, if it's Emilia, then she will be able to do it. They had cornered her, pushed her beyond her limits, and only then had they realized it. There was no point trying to explain this feeling to someone who had not experienced it.

That was the curse of Return by Death that stabbed at Subaru this moment.

His situation was that only he knew the truth of what happened in the last world. Since neither his knowledge nor his words would suffice, the only thing he could do was to speak from emotions,

[Emilia: What... do you know, Subaru?]

[Subaru: Emilia?]

Feeling a tug on his sleeve, Subaru lifted up his head and saw Emilia's eyes opened wide, staring at him. Emotions were swirling within her violet pupils, which were drowned in surging tear drops that would fall and disappear.

With tiny movements, Emilia shook her head from side to side, muttering [No, no...] as if rejecting something.

[Emilia: Do you know? Subaru, do y...do you know… about my Past?]

[Subaru: Wait, calm down. Take a deep breath. The conversation's just taken a bad turn, so…]

[Emilia: Wrong, you're wrong... I didn't, mean to... I, just... just]

Once again, Emilia returned to the state she had been in within the Tomb, immediately after the Trial.

Confused, disoriented, beginning to ramble incoherently, her violet eyes that were wet with tears reflected Subaru within them, without seeing him at all.

She reached out her fingers and clenched onto Subaru's sleeve as if she was going to tear it off,

[Emilia: I, Everyone... even Mother, I... but no, you're wrong. It's not true. It really isn't. At the time I... really... I]

[Subaru: Emilia, what are y...]

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Holding tight onto Subaru, Emilia desperately rambled on. Unable to understand the meaning behind her frantic words, Subaru could only pray that his sincere, meaningless consolation could get through to her.

When, in front of the helpless Subaru, a shadow suddenly moved. It was,

[Subaru: ――Ram]

Without stopping to respond to his call, Ram slid herself behind Emilia. Reaching out her hand, she gently covered Emilia's mouth. As the silver-haired girl's eyes widened in astonishment, Ram quietly uttered [Forgive me],

[Emilia: ...ah]

And suddenly, Emilia's body began to powerlessly collapse to the floor.

Immediately reaching out to Emilia who was falling right in front of him, Subaru breathed a sigh of relief as he managed to wrap her within in his arms. Then, looking up at Ram,

[Subaru: What did you do!?]

[Ram: Only a quicker way to calm her down. Did that make Barusu mad?]

[Subaru: I wanted to say it was too forceful... but I guess it was for the best. Sorry for all the trouble]

[Ram: It's strange that Barusu would be apologizing on Emilia-sama's behalf. Since when did you take over the Great Spirit-sama's position as Emilia-sama's protector?]

[Subaru: It's not like I was...]

"Trying to", was what he was about to say. But Subaru realized that it would have been an unconvincing rebuttal.

Since for one reason or another Puck was refusing to show his face, it was true that Subaru was looking out for Emilia even more than usual. And now, knowing that challenging the Trials was wearing her down, that feeling had only increased.

And for Emilia, now that the Great Spirit who had always protected her was no longer at her side, she was relying on Subaru more than ever before.

In any case,

[Garfiel: If she's gotta be taken care of, the talk ends here]

Watching Subaru cradling Emilia, who had been forced asleep by Ram, Garfiel snorted and spat this out.

Subaru was about to raise his voice to object, but, feeling Emilia's small movements in his arms, he unwittingly shut his mouth. And so, having lost his chance, he did nothing more except watch as Garfiel turned his back to leave.

[Garfiel: Today's Trial's the exception. From t'morrow onwards, th' one t'take the Trials'll be Emilia-sama. I won't accept ya takin' em]

Baring his fangs, Garfiel spoke his part and left Lewes' house. And, the tiny shadow behind him―― Lewes, continued,

[Lewes: Sorry, Su-bo. But I'm of the same opinion. The earlier the Sanctuary is liberated the better, but….. it would be more convenient to stick to Ros-bo's intentions]

[Subaru: What do you mean, it would be more convenient...]

[Lewes: Even if the Sanctuary is liberated, it doesn't change the fact that we will continue to be Ros-bo's subjects, under his protection. So, it would be in our best interest to avoid going against him if possible. ...I hope you do not think badly of me, it was not my intention to be selfish]

Realizing that Lewes' words must have represented the true thoughts of the residents of the Sanctuary, Subaru lost all room to object. After Garfiel and Lewes of the Sanctuary-camp left the room, the only ones remaining were the odd-bunch members of Roswaal's Mansion, plus one extra.

[Subaru: So, plus-one-extra Otto, what do you think of this situation?]

[Otto: I got the worst feeling about where this is going and I intend to keep quiet and let this pass, so would you mind not dragging me into this? ...But, if I were to give my honest opinion after listening to that conversation, I think Garfiel is right]

Otto lifted up a finger as he said this, nodding several times while watching Subaru kneel down,

[Otto: It would make more sense, whether it's for the Margrave's aims, or for Emilia-sama's as a Royal Selection candidate. I'm sure if Natsuki-san takes the Trials in her place, it could be made to become Emilia-sama's achievement, but.... regardless of how other people hear about it in the future, will the people who are currently stuck in the Sanctuary really think of it this way? And will it really win her their support?]

[Subaru: ...I understand that too. No matter which way I think about it, letting Emilia be the one to liberate the Sanctuary will be most beneficial, but...]

[Ram: ...but Emilia-sama is incapable of overcoming the Trials?]

Ram's words kicked right through Subaru's indecisive muttering. Yet, in front of her refreshingly blunt attitude, Subaru grew calm.

[Subaru: As far as I can tell, I think it'd be too much to expect quick results. I don't know what exactly happened in Emilia's past... but I'm sure you both understand that we don't have that kind of time, don't you?]

[Ram: At the very least, I would like to see this end within three years before the Royal Selection is decided]

[Subaru: That's being way too patient about this!]

That was probably some kind of joke, and since she said it with a straight face, he could pretty much rule out the possibility that she was being serious. As if understanding Subaru's meaning, she nodded,

[Ram: There is also the burden of the refugees, and the matter of food supplies. Looking at this in the long term, it's unrealistic to keep sustaining this many people]

[Subaru: Well, that's the gist of it. They're already stressed out as it is after being suddenly forced to evacuate. If they stop receiving enough food on top of that, their discontent will explode. And for the Sanctuary guys, there'll be no point in keeping the hostages if their own living standards start dropping because of it ――at least, there'll be no point in keeping all of them]

[Ram: You think Garf will start culling the villagers?]

Ram's voice became slightly more animated as she asked this.

Subaru raised his brows at her rather unexpected reaction, and even she herself seemed to be surprised about her own attitude. But, stroking her forelocks in order to distract away from it,

[Ram: I would rather not think about it, but with Garf's personality, it is possible. If it really comes down to it, he won't hesitate to follow his own priorities]

[Subaru: He's kinda like you in that. My opinion's the same. ...So, I'd like to suggest that we free the hostages from the Sanctuary before that happens]

Last time, that proposal was accepted on the secret condition that Subaru would take the Trials. Since that won't work this time, he could expect it to be far more difficult to negotiate the same terms. But even so, he was sure that he could win some concessions in the end,

[Subaru: In any case, if the Sanctuary guys are going to push Emilia into taking the Trials no matter what, hopefully I can do something to make things easier for both sides]

[Ram: ...I'm surprised. I thought Barusu would be more opposed to it and behave like an unreasonable little child]

Seeing Subaru apparently put away his worries about Emilia taking the Trials, Ram made this brief comment. Subaru nodded, and started off again with [Well],

[Subaru: It's regrettable and unfortunate... but it makes the most sense to go along with Roswaal's plans. Yeah, that's right. If I can overlook the fact that Emilia will be hurt, then it's definitely for the best if we do it this way]

[Ram: Even knowing that she'll be hurt, you'll let her go on with it? What a demon you are]

[Subaru: To have a real demon tell me that, I must really have changed. Except...no, nevermind]

He was about to say something, but Subaru closed his mouth again and shook his head. Seeing that he wasn't going to continue, Ram furrowed her brows, but didn't bother commenting on it.

Gently, being careful not to wake her, Subaru lifted up Emilia in his arms.

She was light. People were supposed to be heavier when they are unconscious, but she was still as light as a feather.

Just how much must she be carrying within this small, delicate body, he wondered.

[Subaru: Ram. After I set Emilia down in the bedroom, I want to talk to Roswaal. Is that alright with you?]

[Ram: Roswaal-sama is resting. No one may enter his room for the time b...]

[Subaru: I want to talk to him about the Trial. We won't get anywhere if we low-ranking guys just keep talking amongst ourselves. I need the mastermind's opinion on this]

If he used the Trials as bait, then even Roswaal will have to take down the "Do Not Disturb" sign on his door and meet him face to face. Subaru already had experience of this from the previous world.

Ram closed her eyes for a moment to scrutinize Subaru's words, until, looking as if she was very tired, she spilled out a sigh,

[Ram: I will wait at Roswaal-sama's side. Barusu, please take Emilia-sama to her bed...without doing anything suspicious]

[Subaru: What are you saying to SERIOUS MODE me over here? I wasn't even thinking anything until you went and said that, and now that I am acutely aware of the soft DIRECT CONTACT sensation with Emilia-tan, my knees are shaking out of control! How are you going to take responsibility??]

[Ram: Otto, keep an eye on him]

[Otto: Yes ma'am!]

Ignoring Subaru's jape, Ram left a simple order for Otto and exited the house. Now the only ones left were two guys and one pretty girl. Under such circumstances, Otto kept up his saluting pose and stared at Subaru closely.

[Otto: Go on, please take Emilia-sama to the bed. Unless you need any help?]

[Subaru: Before that, what's with this obedient attitude you're taking toward Ram...]

[Otto: Well, see, Ram-san's a direct subordinate of the Margrave, right? With that in mind, unlike Natsuki-san singlemindedly sticking to Emilia-sama, if I suck up to Ram-san instead, I'll have a better hope of getting close to the Margrave, won't I? Heheh]

[Subaru: Your initial impression as a skilled merchant is slowly shifting into a sly minor-villain, you know! Aren't you going to do something to salvage it? Will I have to treat you like an obstacle from now on and quietly kill you off in the shadows?]

Complaining about Otto's identity shift, Subaru sighed, and carried Emilia into the bedroom. He lightly smoothed out the messy bedsheet with his palm, and slowly laid her down. When,

[Subaru: Ah...]

After drawing the bedsheets to her shoulders, just as he was about to leave, Subaru noticed Emilia's fingers clutching to the hem of his shirt. Sensing the reliance conveyed through the touch of her fingertips, taking in her adorableness, Subaru gently picked her fingers away. Then, wrapping them up within his hands,

[Subaru: Wait for me, Emilia]

[Emilia: ――――]

[Subaru: Somehow, I'll find a way. So that you will no longer have to cry, or be hurt anymore. I promise]

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Saying this oath, Subaru released Emilia's hand.

Standing up, and turning around, he headed for the house's exit. ――And to Roswaal.

Because there were far too many things he must hear from the devil himself.

[Roswaal: ――I see, I think I mo~re or less understand the situa~tion now]

Touching a hand to his jaw, after quietly listening to Subaru's long speech, Roswaal nodded his head.

The location was in a room of the private residence where Roswaal was resting, and the only two people inside were Subaru and Roswaal. Lying on the bed, Roswaal lifted his upper body to get a better look at Subaru. And Subaru, shooting him a stern gaze in return,

[Subaru: That why, if we incorporate the Sanctuary side's interests as much as possible, I think this would be the best starting point to launch the negotiations]

[Roswaal: A~~hah, it is true, that from the moment Emilia-sama entered within the Barriers of the Sanctuary, Garfiel and the others' plans might as well have alre~ady been realized. Emilia-sama herself cannot le~~ave the Sanctuary until she overcomes the Trials. So if the hostages they have taken for insurance simply become useless baggage draining their food supply, then there is reason to let them go... that is the idea?]

[Subaru: I think it's a sensible argument. Of course, we won't be throwing away or putting off the Sanctuary's problems. This is just to take the unnecessary components out of the equation]

[Roswaal: Sounds almost too go~od to be true. Deep down, you have such doubts too, no? If the liberation of the Sanctuary ever becomes far beyond reach, or, if Emilia-sama falters, and her heart could no longer withstand the Trials, then the hostages can be used as a resource to coerce Emilia-sama. Perhaps that is why you thought you'd eliminate that possibility beforehand... or something along those lines?]

With one eye closed, Roswaal looked at Subaru through his single yellow pupil. Subaru crossed his arms as he took in the contents of those words, and then, nodding,

[Subaru: Sorry, but, I didn't really think that far. Or actually, the fact that you managed to immediately come up with that terrifying idea kinda makes me want to recoil a bit]

[Roswaal: A~~ah it di~~d? Was I thinking too much into it? Sorry. Bu~~t still, that is another way to thi~nk about it, no?]

Roswaal smiled as if to cover up the fact that he had surprised even himself with his pessimism. Seeing that smile, Subaru only looked at him wryly in return, and wondered whether Garfiel was really capable of going that far.

No matter how stubborn or inflexible he was, and even if there were times when words can't get through to him, he wasn't the kind of person who would stain his hands with something truly irrational or immoral.

Subaru had only known him for a few days, but that was his assessment of Garfiel.

In any case,

[Roswaal: So? What would you ha~ve me do, Subaru-kun?]

[Subaru: If possible, instead of me, I want you to be the one to propose these terms. This time, it looks like... things won't end well if I do it]

[Roswaal: And wh~~y is that?]

[Subaru: I have a feeling that bastard Garfiel's got a thing against me. It's not that I've given up on convincing him, but it's going to get rough if I go talk to him today or tomorrow]

Subaru could still remember the sharpness of the gaze Garfiel had given him when they parted.

Filled with hostility and disdain, it was as if those eyes were looking at someone who killed his parents―― though Subaru had no clue why he would look at him this way. Had he done something that Garfiel deemed impermissible, or had he mistakenly said something that trampled on his beliefs? Either way,

[Subaru: Now that he's gotten emotional, he'll probably reject my ideas no matter what it is. And on top of that, if Garfiel objects, it seems Lewes-san will passively go along with him as well. I can already see that happening, so I hope we can avoid that possibility]

[Roswaal: So that's where I come in, is tha~t correct? Well, alright. I will speak to granny-Lewes-sama and Garfiel. Although, it seems Garfiel dislikes me as well, so even I'm not sure if I could convi~nce him]

Upon receiving Subaru's proposal, Roswaal lightheartedly accepted the task.

Hearing that encouraging reply, Subaru breathed a sigh of relief. Anyways, one of his worries had been resolved for now. Then, the remaining problem would be…

[Roswaal: Well~ then. Is that all the business you ha~ve with me?]

[Subaru: No, not yet. ――I haven't brought up the most vital issue yet]

The most important conversation that was the reason he came here hadn't even begun.

Roswaal tilted his head, and, closing a single eye, he brushed his long, flowing hair behind his back. Subaru wasn't sure if it had become a habit, but he would inadvertently straighten his back whenever he was stared at by that yellow eye.


[Subaru: The Trial inside the Tomb showed Emilia her Past. Do you have any idea what that Past might be, that was so painful for her to look back on?]

Subaru asked this question about the past that Emilia was desperately trying to hide.

And, receiving this question, Roswaal closed his yellow eye, and slightly inclined his head as though sinking into thought. Just like this, the room fell into silence, and the only sound Subaru could hear in that muted world was the sound of his own anxiety as he waited. Then,

[Roswaal: Don't you think that asking me, instead of asking Emilia-sama directly, is a rather co~~wardly way to do it?]

[Subaru: You can call me an underhanded coward a much as you like. And I would certainly rather hear everything from Emilia herself if I could. But…]

The secret that she was trying to hide even with all the tears and all the pain, how could Subaru bring himself to ask her?

But even if he could understand why she wanted keep it secret, just as he himself wanted to hide his pain about his parents, he mustn't hesitate.

[Subaru: It's because I want to know about her, and because I have to know. And if there is anything I can use, I will grasp at any straws I can]

[Roswaal: I've had people call me all sorts of things, but to be treated like stra~~w certainly is a new experience for me... Alri~~ght, then]

After letting out a small laugh, Roswaal's expression disappeared.

He exhaled a short breath, and then stopped breathing altogether as he took in Subaru through both of his mismatched pupils. Placing him under the gazes of those different-colored eyes, Roswaal touched his raised hand to his forehead, and,

[Roswaal: Emilia-sama is a Half-Elf. A~nd due to the Witch of Envy, the Half-Elves are looked upon with discrimination. Thi~s much, even yo~u must already know, isn't tha~t right?]

[Subaru: ...Yeah. I can tell how unfairly Emilia must have been treated from the way she acted in the Capital. And when I met those assholes as well]

The images of those abominable Witch Cultists came to mind. Watching Subaru trying to shake that out of his head, Roswaal continued with [Howe~~ver],

[Roswaal: While it's true that Half-Elves are the targets of particularly severe pe~~rsecution... it does not end there... By the way, Subaru-kun, did you ever see an Elf while you were in the Ca~pital?]

[Subaru: Elf? Not just Half-Elf? ...No, I don't think I've ever seen one]

Holding his chin, Subaru mobilized his memory to look through the different worlds he had seen. But never once, within all those worlds, had an Elf―― or the fair, long-eared features of the popular impression of that race ever crossed into his memories.

Hearing Subaru's reply, Roswaal simply remarked [Right],

[Roswaal: The Half-Elves aren't the only ones being harshly persecuted throughout all pa~rts of the world. The Elves, for being, in part, the sires of Half-Elves, are also at the end of the spear]

[Subaru: ...! But, that's way too indiscriminate no matter how you look at it. If you follow that logic, then...]

[Roswaal: Humans would also have to be eradicated? Unfo~~rtunately, in this world, Humans are fa~r more numerous than the Demihumans, and their nations are far more powerful. It was only owing to the sheer magnitude of the ever expanding rift between the Humans and the Demihumans, that the "Demihuman War" had dra~gged on for so long. But that has little to do with the topic at hand]

[Subaru: So then, what does the history of persecution against Elves have to do with this?]

The Demihuman War was a phrase he had never heard before. Although he was intrigued, Subaru decided to get back to the original topic before they ran off on a tangent. Roswaal drew in his chin and with [In o~ther wo~rds], he shook his head and continued,

[Roswaal: Naturally, it would be difficult for Half-Elves to show their faces in a place like the Capital, and the Elves, being their parent race, shared the sa~me difficulty. That would be why you have not seen any Elves insi~de the Capital]

[Subaru: That part….. I get already. But, how is that connected to this?]

Roswaal appeared unconcerned about Subaru's request for an explanation. Leaning his back against a pillow, and, feeling its softness pushing against his back, he slightly lifted his head, looking up,

[Roswaal: As an extension of the prejudice against Half-Elves, the Elves are also met with repression where~ver they go. In that case, just whe~re should the Elves live?]

[Subaru: If they're Elves... I get the feeling they'd live in a camp inside a forest or something. Keep to some part of the forest that's inaccessible to people, and quietly hunt and stuff]

[Roswaal: I don't know where you got all that information, but it is roughly along those li~~nes. The Elves were chased away from the towns, and so they could only live secretly in the depths of the fo~rests. ――The Great Forest of Elior, was once one of these homes to the Elves]

All of a sudden, Subaru noticed a change in Roswaal's voice, and couldn't keep himself from shuddering.

It felt as though the temperature of the room had suddenly dropped, but, naturally, it was only an illusion. And the real reason must have been Roswaal in front of him, and the indescribable power carried within his words.

As for the name of that place, Subaru had a feeling that he had heard it before.

――The Great Forest of Elior. That name had come up several times over the course of negotiations in Crusch's mansion. They had mentioned that it is a territory within Roswaal's domains rich in magical minerals. And that,

[Subaru: It's now frozen in ice, and no one could go near it...]

[Roswaal: The beginning of the freezing of the Great Forest of Elior, and its subsequent spread, is recorded as an event that happened over ninety years ago. All was frozen, and all living things were sealed in ice, in a world of absolute zero. ――And she lived in that world, all alone]

As if confirming Subaru's fears, the usual strange intonations disappeared from Roswaal's voice.

Ninety years. An exceeding long time. And who was that person? From the flow of the conversation up to now, only one answer appeared in his mind.

And, seeing Subaru at loss for words, Roswaal plainly told him.

[Roswaal: ――In the depths of the Great Elior Forest, the village and the villagers of the Elven tribe that resided there remain frozen in ice even to this day, stopped in time]

[Subaru: ――――]

[Roswaal: All except one, all except the Half-Elf girl who committed this mistake...]

-=Chapter 25 End=-