

"Mr. Jule, wake up. Hello, Mr. Jule, can you hear me?" Faith asked as she threw some water on Anon's face.

"Hmm...? Where am I?" Anon pretended to come back to his senses.

"Mr. Jule, are you alright?" Faith asked with a worried expression.

"Oh, Faith. I am alright, luv," Anon spoke as he gave Faith a smile.

"Is he alright?" Julia asked from behind.

"Yes, he has come back to his senses," Faith replied.

"I have to investigate him. Can you leave the room for some time?" Julia spoke with a serious expression.

"What do you mean by that? Are you saying that Mr. Jule released Freeman?" Faith asked with a confused and angry expression.

"It's my job to suspect, Mrs. Faith; you know that. We left him in the room for 5 minutes, and one of my soldiers was dead, even Freeman, who had two swords stabbed in both of his knees, was walking freely. Don't you think that's enough to suspect him?" Julia replied.



Faith and her soldiers immediately unsheathed their swords and pointed them towards Julia and her soldiers.



Julia was no easy-going girl; she and her soldiers also unsheathed their swords and pointed them directly towards Faith and her soldiers.

'Ha... I would love to see some fight, but this is not the time,' Anon thought as he smiled and stood up from his place.

"Stop it, you guys. You girls are too hot to fight each other. Let's just do what Miss Julia is saying, okay? Then we can all go our own ways, alright? I have a fight tomorrow," Anon spoke as he looked at Faith with a smile.

"But, Mr. Jule..." Faith tried to speak something, but Anon interrupted her.

"Just trust me, luv. I am the strongest in this room anyway... hehe," Anon spoke with a very cool expression.

"Okay, soldiers, move out," Faith ordered her soldiers as she sheathed her sword again.

"Yes, Ma'am," the soldiers spoke as they immediately left the room.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mrs. Faith," Julia spoke as she also sheathed her sword.

"Believe me... if I saw even a single scratch on his body, you will face severe consequences because he is not a normal guy right now; he is the Queen's Royal Candidate in the Academic Exchange Tournament, and we may have two sides in this kingdom, but there is only one Queen of the Elven Kingdom. So, think two hundred times before hurting him. Do you understand?" Faith spoke as she walked up to Julia with a very serious expression.

"I-I understand," Julia spoke with a tense expression.

After this, Faith also left the room, and Anon was left alone with Julia and her soldiers.

"Take a seat, Mr. Jule," Julia spoke as she pointed towards the wooden chair that Freeman was sitting on.

"As you say, luv," Anon smiled and sat down on the chair without any hesitation.

Julia looked at Ella and nodded.

Ella immediately went to the main door and closed it tightly with a sealing spell, after that she came back to Julia and summoned a small Gramophone-looking artifact in her hand.

"Ma'am, should I?" Ella asked Julia.

"Yes," Julia answered.

As soon as Ella got confirmation from Julia, she touched the Gramophone's needle slightly and placed it on the table that was in the middle of the room.

(Demonic Eyes)

[Name: The Music Of Silence]

[Type: Artifact]

[Rank: D]

[Origin: Unknown]

[Description: Effects an Area of 10 meters around you, creating a Voice-absorbing dome. Never lets a voice escape from its grasp and records them in order to listen to them again.]

'Hmm... interesting,' Anon thought as he looked at the artifact with a curious expression.

"So, Mr. Jule... Do you mind explaining to me what happened in the five minutes that we gave you with Mr. Freeman? How did he get free from the swords, and how did one of my soldiers die?" Julia asked with a very serious expression.

"Let's see, I would like to say that Mr. Freeman removed the swords from his knees and killed your soldier. He was about to kill me as well, but you stabbed him before he could've killed me," Anon replied with a smile.

Suddenly, all of them withdrew their swords and pointed them towards Anon.

"No one told me that you were the one who stabbed Freeman, right?" Anon immediately understood his mistake.

"You messed up with the first lie; now you better tell me everything that happened in this room, or you are as good as dead. You see, I can't kill you, but I can stab you until you die and heal you with a healing potion back to your original state and do it all over again until you tell me the truth. So, it's all up to you. Choose carefully, Mr. Jule, and don't even think of shouting or calling for help because this little guy here is blocking all of the voices inside this room. No one standing outside this room can hear you," Julia threatened Anon as she pointed towards the small gramophone on the table.

"Do you even know how sexy you look right now?" Anon spoke.

"What?" Julia asked with a confused expression.

"You look so sexy when you give out threats like that," Anon spoke as he smiled at Julia.

"Mr. Jule, I am not kidding. I will really do everything that I just stated, and you will not feel good about this," Julia threatened again.

"Do it," Anon replied.

"Don't challenge my hand, Mr. Jule. I don't fear the Queen one bit. I can kill you as well," Julia spoke.

"You can't do it, can you? You don't have the courage to do it," Anon spoke in a taunting manner.

"You bastard... if that's what you wish for, then that's what you will get," Julia spoke as she picked up her dagger and tried to stab Anon's knee with it.



The dagger broke into thousands of pieces as soon as it touched Anon's body.

"This... How can you?" Julia asked with a confused expression.

"Let me rephrase my sentence to you... 'I am the strongest in this Room, luv,'" Anon spoke with a smile.

Anon stood up from the chair and looked at Julia with a menacing smile.

"Mr. Jule, please sit down, or the soldiers standing behind me..." Before she could complete her sentence, Anon disappeared from his place and reappeared in just one second.





All the soldiers standing behind Julia immediately fainted, except Ella.

"So, what were you saying again?" Anon asked.

Julia immediately looked behind and saw that all of her soldiers were lying on the floor, and Ella had tightened her grip around the sword.

"All of them are alive, just unconscious. It depends on your future actions, what will happen to them next. If I am right, this artifact blocks sound as well, right?" Anon asked as he sat back down on the chair and pointed towards the Gramophone.

'What a demon, using my own weapons against me,' Julia thought as she looked at Anon with a shocked expression.

"Y-You... What exactly are you?" Ella asked as her legs started shaking from fear.

Anon looked at Ella but decided to ignore her.

"Well, Miss Julia, do you have any other questions for me?" He asked with the same menacing smile and purple shining eyes.

"N-No..." Julia answered as she looked at Anon with a helpless expression.

Anon stood up from the chair and summoned a cigar from his inventory. He lit up the cigar and released a mouthful of smoke into the air.

"As I thought, it was a pleasure talking to you. See you soon, luv." Anon said as he started walking towards the door.

"Wait." Julia spoke.

Anon halted his steps and looked back at her.


"Do I have to be aware of you?" Julia asked as sweat started dripping from her forehead.

"If you ever enter a dark room and you see these eyes, I would suggest you lock the door from outside and leave the location as soon as possible." Anon spoke as he started walking towards the door again.

Julia stood frozen on her spot after hearing this sentence.

Anon touched the door to open it, but he noticed that Ella's sealing spell was still active on the door.

'Now, how will you break that, Hero?' Ella wondered as she looked at Anon with curiosity.

Meanwhile, Anon touched the door slightly and gathered a handful of Auric Energy at the tip of his index finger.

Slowly, a white shining orb of Auric Energy started forming on his finger's tip.

Anon touched the door with it and...


The spell broke, and the door too.

Ella was stunned as she saw how easily he broke her best sealing spell.

As soon as the doors broke down, a cloud of dust rose up from the ground. Faith and her soldiers standing outside the door immediately became alert and pointed their swords at the person who came out of the room.

"Chill, guys. It's me, Jule." Anon spoke as the dust settled down, and his face was revealed to everyone.

"Mr. Jule, are you alright? Did they do something unpleasant to you?" Faith asked as she started looking around Anon's body for any blood or wounds.

"Ma'am, I don't think they did anything to him, but I do think that he did something to them," one of the Elf soldiers spoke as she looked at the view inside the room.

"What do you mean..." Faith said as she walked over to the room's entrance and noticed that all of the soldiers inside the room are lying unconscious on the floor except Julia and Ella.

"Wow... did Mr. Jule do this?"

"How much power does he have?"

"That's incredible."

The soldiers immediately started talking about Anon's power. They started praising him.

But Anon was busy looking at the end of the hall with a suspicious expression as he took puffs out of his cigar.

Suddenly Anon realized something, and his eyes opened up in surprise.

"Interesting... Get behind me." Anon shouted as he tossed the cigar aside and summoned the sickles of death.

"What happened, Mr. Jule?" One of the Elf soldiers asked.

"Seems like there are some visitors coming to say 'Hi' from the room down in the basement." Anon spoke as he used his skill.

[Death's Domain]

Suddenly the lights went off at the end of the hall and the disgusting smell of rotten meat started coming.

Faith immediately walked upto Anon and summoned her sword.

"What can I do to help ?" Faith asked with a serious expression.

Suddenly a pair of white glowing eyes appeared at the end of the hall, looking directly at Anon and a chill ran down Faith's spine.

"Well, I would suggest you to take cover at this point." Anon spoke with a smile.

"I sensed a very heavy bloodlust, what is going-" Julia and Ella stepped out the room and noticed that Anon and Faith is standing in front of the soldiers with their weapons pointing at the end of the hall.

"Is that, what i think it is ?" Julia spoke as she also summoned her sword and stood besides Anon.

Ella on the other side, stood behind them protecting the White elf soldiers.

"Freeman was the key to that array... when you killed him they must've been released from the array and they found us when when I blew up that gate." Anon spoke.

"Why isn't it moving?" Faith asked with a confused expression.


Suddenly Anon noticed that the same smell of rotten meat was coming from the opposite side of the hall as well.

He immediately turned around and noticed that 3 Zombies are standing at the other side as well.

"Fuck... We are surrounded." Ella shouted as she also turned around.

"They must be her friends. It means that one standing in the dark is his brother's daughter, who took the largest amount of that drug." Anon spoke.

"Mrs. Faith, what should we do?" Julia asked.

Anon immediately summoned 13 Mithril Swords and threw them behind him.

"Take one... these are the only weapons that can kill them. Try your luck." Anon spoke.

Everyone standing there immediately picked up the swords and pointed them towards the zombies.

'The bloodlust coming from them has increased several times, why?' Anon questioned himself as he focused on the zombie.

"You two go and protect your soldiers... I will take this one." Anon ordered Faith and Julia.

"No, This one is more dangerous than those three combined." Faith spoke.

"She is right; the bloodlust coming from her is far superior to the three in the back. You can't take this one alone." Julia spoke.

"I don't want to listen to this shit... just do what I tell you to do. Turn around and protect your soldiers." Anon shouted, and his voice resounded in the hall as if someone from a very high rank is commanding them.

"Y-Yes..." Julia and Faith spoke as both of them turned around towards the 3 incoming zombies.

"Let's do this, baby." Anon spoke as he smiled towards the zombie.


A thundering howl was released from her monstrous-like mouth.

[Your opponent has used the skill [Undead's Cry].]

As soon as Anon heard this sound, he remembered the feeling he had back in the human kingdom while fighting the mutated zombies.

"It's going to be one exchange... either she dies or I die. I have to prepare myself with the best reinforcements," Anon thought.

Anon immediately summoned the dark crown and activated all of his defensive spells.

[Wind Armor]

[Mana Domain]

[Hunter's Domain]

[Death's Domain]

[ShadowSoar Strengthening]


"Use it," Anon commanded.

[Yes, Sir.]

[Your Pet Link has used the skill [Quantum Reflection]]

Anon's body started giving off a feeling of suffocation to those standing near him.

"What the heck is wrong with him? Is he some kind of monster too?" Julia wondered.

"Mr. Jule is really that strong? I always thought he was just joking about it," Faith thought as she used her best abilities to hold her ground. 

"Come at me with everything, baby," Anon shouted as he leaped towards the Zombie.


The zombie also came at Anon with an incredible speed, and they both made contact for just 0.0056 seconds.

Both of them exchanged only a single blow and switched places during that attack.

Anon landed on the darker side of the hall, while the zombie ended up behind Faith and Julia.


Suddenly, a cracking sound came from Anon's sickles.


Both of the sickles broke into dust, and a serious wound appeared on Anon's abdomen from which blood flowed out like crazy, but thanks to the troll locket, it healed almost immediately.


Blood splattered from Anon's lips for a fleeting moment, but he swiftly regained his composure.

[Warning: 10% Mana Remaining]

[Your weapon, [Sickles Of Death], shattered... Skill [Death's Domain] deactivated.]

"These blades weren't meant for this," Anon murmured, his gaze fixed on the remnants of his sickles.

Meanwhile, the Zombie of the elf girl remained frozen behind Julia and Faith, her stance unwavering.




Suddenly, the air was filled with the gruesome sound of rending flesh and snapping bones. In an instant, the Zombie was dismembered, her limbs and head dropping to the cold floor.

When Anon and the Zombie clashed, he had aimed for her neck with his sickles, but she fiercely defended it with her sharp nails, targeting his abdomen simultaneously.

Anon willingly exposed his abdomen, a calculated gamble, knowing the troll locket would mend it. As the Zombie seized the chance, burying her nails into his flesh, Anon's swift retaliation severed her limbs and head, all in one fell swoop.

"Mr. Jule, we need... help," Faith shouted.

Anon immediately turned around and found out that all of them were still fighting the zombies, and they were having a very hard time.

3 out of 13 soldiers were gravely injured, and not even one zombie was injured; they were merely fighting them off.

"Link... I need mana," Anon commanded as he started moving towards Faith.

[Yes, Master...]

[Your pet Link has regenerated your mana back to 100%]

"You fucking pieces of shit..." Anon shouted as he picked up a mithril sword from the ground and rotated it on his fingertips like a professional sword master.

"Get back," Faith shouted as soon as she saw Anon coming from behind.

Everyone stopped fighting and ran towards the back immediately, seeking protection from Anon.




The other three zombies were like a piece of cake for Anon; he cut down their heads without even using any skills.


Their bodies fell to the ground all at once.

'This is absurd... How can Elf zombies be stronger than human zombies? Elves don't even have that much physical strength in them,' Anon wondered as he looked at the dead bodies of the zombies.

"Mr. Jule, are you alright?" Faith asked, tapping Anon's right shoulder.

"Hmm...? I am alright, luv," Anon answered as he looked at Faith.

"Here, drink this..." Julia was giving out healing potions to the injured soldiers as she wondered about Anon's powers.

'He killed them as if killing flies, and I didn't even notice when he killed that female zombie. He is one terrifying being to fight against. I better inform the chief about him,' Julia thought as she looked at Anon from a distance.

"Hey, what's happening with you?" Ella spoke from the other direction.

Everyone looked at her and noticed that the soldier she was feeding the healing potion to wasn't healing. Instead, the wound on his hand was continuously spreading and turning his skin bluish-purple.

"Get aside from him... he is infected," Anon warned as he immediately walked over to the soldier.

Anon immediately tore his shirt and observed that the virus had already spread up to his elbow.

"Get back," Anon ordered as he placed the sword right above the soldier's bicep.

"N-N-No... Please N-Noo... I beg you, please," the soldier immediately started begging Anon not to do it.

"Do you want to turn into a zombie?" Anon asked with a serious expression.

"N-Noo," the soldier answered.

"Good," Anon spoke as he cut the soldier's hand with the mithril sword.


"Ahhhhhhhh..." The soldier immediately shouted in pain, but the virus stopped spreading.


Anon used fire to stop the bleeding on his bicep.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...." He shouted even louder this time.

The other soldiers who looked at this process got terrified immediately.

"What are you getting scared for? This is what you have to do with yourselves when a zombie bites you. Just cut off the part from your body. That will be the only way to save yourself from turning into a zombie," Anon spoke.

"Umm... Mr. Jule, What if the zombie bites on the neck?" A soldier asked in a scared tone.

"Pray that never happens because you have to cut it as well or someone else will," Anon answered as he stood up.

"We should leave now," Faith spoke.

"Madam Faith, please stay the night at my mansion... I insist," Julia asked with a very sincere tone.

Faith looked at Anon.

"What? I don't have a problem," Anon spoke.

"Okay, we will stay," Faith spoke.

"Can we get the same room?" Anon asked as he looked at Julia and pointed towards Faith.


Four carriages stopped in front of Julia's Mansion, and Anon stepped out of the carriage with other soldiers.

Her mansion wasn't small; it covered a very large area and was constructed from expensive materials as well.

"Well, that's one big mansion you live in," Anon spoke as he looked at Julia.

"This mansion doesn't belong to me alone, Sir Jule. These guys are equal partners in this mansion; they worked very hard and invested their money into making it," Julia spoke as she pointed towards Ella and her other soldiers.

'Wow... She is now adding 'Sir' to my name. Back then she didn't even notice my presence in the room,' Anon wondered as he looked at Julia.

"So you guys made it all together, which means your families are also staying here too, right?" Faith asked.

"Yes, ma'am," Ella answered.

"Well, enough talking. Let's all head in and have something to eat," Julia spoke as she started walking towards the main gate of her mansion.

"So, you still don't want to stay in the same room? It will be fun," Anon asked Faith.

"Mr. Jule, that joke again? I told you, we are not that close, and first of all, you have a date pending that you need to complete," Faith spoke as she walked ahead with Julia.

Suddenly Ella closed her distance to Anon and asked with a smile, "Hello, Sir Jule. Would you like to spend a night in my room?"

"Na, I think I am too ordinary for a noble girl of your rank," Anon spoke in a taunting manner.

"Sir, Jule... that was a grave mistake of mine, and I deeply regret it. I will do everything in order to make it up to you," Ella spoke as she tried to grab Anon's hand.

Anon immediately increased his pace without saying anything.

"Good Evening, Miss Julia." The guards immediately greeted her and bowed down as they opened the gate for her to enter.

Julia and Faith walked in first; behind them walked Anon and Ella. After that, all the soldiers walked in.

"HoHoHo... you should've told me in advance, Julia, that you are bringing in guests today." An old dark elf lady, around the age of 3000 years or more, spoke. She was standing at the front door with two maids beside her, holding a cane in her right hand and wearing a pair of glasses.

"Madam Faith and Sir Anon, this lady over here is our mansion's head maid, but she is also our chief, Grinda," Julia introduced.

"Oh, hi, I am-" Before Faith could say anything, Grinda interrupted her.

"I know who you are, Faith of the Queen. The Chief Commander of the White Elves.

I am interested in that guy, over there," Grinda spoke as she pointed towards Anon.

"Hmm...? Me?" Anon asked with a confused expression.

"Yes, you, young man. You have something about your aura that's mysterious. Come here..." Grinda spoke as she called Anon.

Anon walked up to Grinda.

"Give me your hand, young man," Grinda asked.

"Chief, we should offer them some food first, right? You can always do it later," Julia spoke with a weird expression.

"Shut up, little girl. Can't you see I am doing something over here...?" Grinda spoke as she touched Anon's hand.

[Your opponent has used the skill [Soul Inspection] on you.]

Suddenly Grinda's soul got projected inside Anon's soul chamber.

The soul chamber was dark, with a fearsome calmness inside it.

"I have seen many soul chambers, but this one is very calm, and not in a good way; it's as if something is looking at me but I can't see it," Grinda spoke as she looked around but didn't see anything other than utter darkness.


Suddenly she heard a sound coming from behind her; Grinda turned around and saw something that shocked her to the bottom of her soul.

A huge black monstrous octopus with flashing purple eyes was looking at her.

Grinda looked like a small ant to the octopus.


The demonic octopus moved his tentacle towards Grinda with an incredible speed.

"Nooooooo..." Grinda shouted.

The octopus grabbed Grinda's neck and snapped it like a toy.

"Haaaaaah..." Grinda came back to her senses in the real world and fell down to the ground.

"Chief, are you alright?"

"Ma'am, please get a hold of yourself."

"Ma'am, are you alright?"

Julia and the two maids immediately grabbed Grinda as they helped her stand up.

"Not a very good habit to get inside someone's soul chamber without their permission, Madam," Anon spoke as he looked at her and smiled.

"Y-You, You created that illusion right? That was an illusion, right?" Grinda asked as she looked at Anon with a terrified expression.

"Well, no one knows," Anon spoke as he smiled like a villain.

"Chief, you should go and get some rest. I will take our guests to the dining table," Julia spoke as she looked at the two maids.

The maids immediately grabbed Grinda and took her inside.

"I am sorry from her side. She has this habit of looking into everyone's soul," Julia apologized as she bowed down in front of Anon.

"Well, sometimes a habit can get you killed. It was her first time... but if she tries it again, I can't guarantee, if her soul will ever return to her body," Anon spoke as he looked at Julia with a very serious expression.

"I-I..." Julia was trying to say something, but she was too scared to say anything. If she said something wrong the matter will only get worse.

"Haha.... Mr. Jule is just joking. Aren't you, Mr. Jule?" Faith spoke as she showed big eyes to Anon.

'Well, if that's what it takes to corrupt you,' Anon thought as a smile appeared on his face.

"Of course, I wouldn't do such a thing to such a cute old lady," Anon spoke jokingly.

"Ah, Thank you Sir, Jule. Please come inside, I will serve you our best dish." Julia spoke as she opened the main door of the mansion, and everyone entered inside.




As soon as they entered the mansion, many dark elf kids rushed towards the dark elf soldiers and hugged them.

"Kids, Kids... not today. Don't you see we have guests with us here?" Ella spoke as she looked at the kids.

"Oh, no no no. Please don't mind us. They look very cute," Faith spoke as she smiled at the kids.

'I wonder when will she serve the dinner?' Anon thought as he looked around the mansion.


Everyone is sitting at the dining table and eating their food in the most noble way possible, except for one guy, and he was none other than Anon himself.

While everyone used forks and knives to cut the meatloaf and eat it, Anon used his fingers to cut the meatloaf and eat it.

"Mr. Jule, why don't you use the fork and knife to eat?" Faith asked with a smile.

"I don't like to eat with them," Anon answered.

"Well, can't do anything about it. But, how are you liking the food, Sir Jule?" Julia asked with a smile.

"Hmm... the meat is tasty. What is it again?" Anon asked.

"This is the meat from a mutated alligator. We mutate them with the other alligators that we buy from the human kingdom to produce this meat," Julia answered.

"Oh, that's very good," Anon spoke as he continued to eat.


Suddenly the room's door opened, and a dark elf girl around the age of 5 or 6 years came running in.

She stopped near Anon and looked at him with a smile.

"Hello, Luv. Can I help you?" Anon asked with a smile.

"Wow, I am surprised that he knows how to talk to little girls," Faith murmured as she looked at Anon.

"Me too. I thought he would bring out his sword and point it directly at her head and say 'What the heck do you want?'" Julia spoke in a very low voice.



Both Faith and Julia started laughing, but not too loudly.

"I can hear you," Anon spoke.

"What? How can he?" Julia asked with a confused expression.

"I don't know," Faith answered.

"Sir, You saved my mother today. Please accept this gift as my gratitude," The little girl spoke as she gave Anon a small wooden doll with only two hands, two legs, and a face without features.

"Hmm...? What's this, Luv?" Anon asked with a confused expression.

"It's a Voodoo doll, Sir," The girl spoke with a cute smile.

"Ahem, I think you said wooden doll, but I heard it as 'Voodoo' doll," Anon spoke as he looked at the little girl.

"No, Sir. I really said 'Voodoo' Doll," The Little girl answered.

"Sir Anon, she is speaking the truth. That thing is a very precious item to have. A 'Voodoo' Doll is something that you won't find that easily; only high-class witches can craft them.

You are Carla's girl, right?" Julia asked as she looked at the little girl.

"Uh, yes ma'am," The girl spoke as she nodded toward Julia with a smile.

Anon took the doll from her hand and immediately used his skill on the doll...

[Demonic Eyes]

[Name: Voodoo Doll]

[Rank: S+]

[Origin: Carla The Black Magic Witch.]

[Description: A Voodoo Doll can be used to harm your opponent from a very far distance. Once bound with the opponent, this doll can cause serious damage to your opponent.

Once bound with your target, everything you do to this doll will be reflected upon the bound target's body. Although the bond between the doll and the target will decide the final results of your actions performed on the doll.

This doll is crafted from the hands of a black magic user witch, and its core is made out of dark debris. The more pain and suffering you cause your opponent through this doll, the stronger it will grow.

Uses, 9000 mana/minute, and the cost of mana can increase if the target is at a very far away location.

This doll is reusable, and the damage it takes will be healed once the bound target either gets unbound or dies.]

As soon as Anon read this skill's description, a very evil and perverted smile appeared on his face.

"Thank you, little kiddo. This gift is amazing, and I would like to give you something in return," Anon spoke as he put the Voodoo Doll back in his inventory and took out a magic wand made out of the ghost tree's wood.


"Holy smokes. Is that the ?"

"Darn, How does he have that ?"

"He must be filthy rich."

All the dark elf soldiers sitting at the dining table immediately started talking about Anon.

"Here you go, kid..." Anon said as he gave the magic wand to the little girl.

"Sir Jule, I would like you to think about it twice before you make any other decision. That wand is worth more than 50 platinum coins, and I don't think you would want to give it away for some Voodoo Doll that you can't even use properly," Julia spoke as she stood up from her seat.

"I know, Julia," Anon answered as he smiled at the little elf girl and gave the wand to her.

"Thank you, Sir," The Little girl spoke as she took the wand and immediately left the room.

"You are a very sweet and a very scary person at the same time, Sir Jule. Do you know that?" Julia asked.

"I know," Anon answered as he went back to eating his dinner.

After having dinner, the maids showed their respective rooms to everyone.

Anon entered his room and noticed that the room was rather big. It had two more rooms inside it and an attached toilet too.

"Ah, these rooms are made for families. Now I understand," Anon spoke as he went to the nearby window and opened it.

Fresh air immediately entered the room, and Anon felt refreshed.

'I better hope this is not a dream.' Anon thought as he looked at the moon and smiled.

Suddenly, a sweet scent entered his nostrils. Anon identified the scent at once and immediately jumped out of the window.

'If I am not wrong, this scent is coming from the room above me.' Anon thought as he jumped directly to the second floor's room, which was directly above his room.

He silently sat down on the window and observed Faith changing her clothes in front of him. Faith couldn't see him because her face is looking at the opposite direction.

'Her back is so smooth... I want to touch it just once.' Anon thought as he slightly touched Faith's back.

"Who is this ?" Faith immediately dropped her cloth and pointed her sword towards Anon.

Upon turning her gaze toward Anon, Faith let go of her clothes allowing her boobs to sway freely like two big melons swinging on a tree.

Her nipples were perky and pink in colour, while her areolas maintained an average size. They were the perfect sized boobs to fit in the palm.

"Oh my god, it's you. I thought someone else had invaded into my room," Faith exclaimed in relief as she casually tossed her sword onto the bed.

With her sword resting safely on the bed, Faith bent down to retrieve her shirt from the floor, only to be struck by a sudden realization.

'Wait, if my shirt is here on the ground, what was I wearing?' Faith pondered and looked towards her chest only to find out that her bare breasts were hanging before her freely, her face flushed with embarrassment.

She gingerly slipped on her shirt and turned her attention toward Anon.

Meanwhile, Anon wore an impish grin on his face.

"Y-You saw it, didn't you?" Faith asked with an embarrassed expression.

"Oh, I did. Crystal clear," Anon replied without any hesitation.

"You..." Faith's expression shifted to anger as she brandished her sword once more, touching Anon's chest with its tip.

"Oh my god... Don't kill me for revealing your own boobs to me, Cute Commander Faith," Anon teased, feigning fear, then breaking into a smile.

At the mere mention of 'Cute,' Faith's face grew even redder.

"Y-You, get out of my room. I need to sleep," Faith demanded, urging Anon to leave.

"I won't leave the room. Instead, I'll enjoy watching your cute face while you sleep like a baby on that bed, cute cute commander." Anon spoke, well aware of Faith's two weaknesses: being called 'cute' and smelling his scent.

'It's not that difficult to manipulate this situation. A few nudges, and she'll be my 'perverted pawn,' parading as the chief commander of the white elves, but in reality, my little perverted girl with a 'Smell Fetish.' Manipulating these girls is a piece of cake,' Anon thought, sporting a grin as he observed Faith.

On the other side, every time Anon referred to her as 'cute,' Faith's face grew even redder, and her grip on her sword faltered. She touched her cheeks, feeling them grow warmer with each passing second.

Suddenly, Anon leaped into the room and picked up Faith as if she were a princess.

"H-Hey... What are you doing? Where are you taking me?" Faith asked, perplexed.

"Well, I guess we have a date that's been pending for the last two weeks. I think we're finally completing it," Anon stated, stepping onto the window ledge.

"Mr. Jule, why are we standing on the second-floor window? What's your plan?" Faith inquired, her confusion evident.

"Do you trust me, cute commander ?" Anon asked, wearing the most romantic expression she had ever seen.

"I-I do..." Faith replied, her face flushing.

"Then fasten your seatbelts... this flight is about to take off," Anon declared, charging his legs.

"Wait, what?" Faith asked, puzzled by Anon's cryptic words.

"Just hold onto me, Luv," Anon instructed as he channeled mana into his legs and propelled them upward.


Anon shot into the sky like a rocket.

"Mr. Jule, I have a fear of heights... please let me down," Faith pleaded, closing her eyes.

Anon ascended through the clouds, catching sight of the bright blue moon in the night sky.

[Telekinesis...] Anon immediately employed telekinesis to suspend them in mid-air before slowly descending.

"Open your eyes, Luv," Anon urged Faith, coming to a stop mid-sky.

"Are we on the ground?" Faith asked, slowly reopening her eyes.

As she did, she was greeted with a breathtaking view. The blue moon's light rained down on both of their bodies and the fresh air soothed their skin.

"Beautiful, isn't it? As if you will just take one step and touch the moon." Anon asked, wearing a smile.

"It is," Faith replied with a smile, captivated by the moon's glow.

Suddenly Faith turned towards Anon and asked " Who are you, Mr. Jule ?"

"I am no one, Luv." Anon answered as he looked at Faith and smiled.

Suddenly a screen popped up in front of Anon.

[Mana reduced to 50%]

"Well, you might want to close your eyes again..." Anon suggested.

"What?" Faith looked at Anon with confusion before realizing they were still airborne.

[Skill Telekinesis has been disabled...]

As soon as the notification appeared, Anon began to freefall.

"Ahhhhhh-..." Faith screamed, clutching Anon tightly and shutting her eyes again.


Anon landed in a quiet street, and noticed that Faith was clinging to his body just like a baby would do.

"Well, we're back on the ground," Anon informed her.

Faith slowly opened her eyes and surveyed her surroundings. Upon realizing they were safe on the ground, she leaped out of Anon's arms immediately.

"If you tell anyone about me screaming... I swear, I will kill you," Faith threatened, her expression serious.

"My, My, I am scared. I will keep my mouth shut, cute commander" Anon replied in a playful tone.

"I haven't told anyone about this, but I have a fear of heights, not even my daughter knows," Faith confessed.

"Well, I could see that. Why are you telling me now?" Anon asked, puzzled.

"You idiot. I'm sharing something even my daughter doesn't know, and I want you to keep this secret," Faith said.

"Do I get a kiss to keep this secret?" Anon asked with a smile.

"You little... come here," Faith said, lightly touching Anon's face and planting a kiss on his cheek.

"There, are you happy now?" Faith asked with a smile.

"Well, not exactly what I had in mind, but I'll make do with it for now," Anon replied with a smile.

"So, should we go back to Julia's Mansion, or do you have something else planned for our date?" Faith asked, smirking.

"You know what... let's go. I'll treat you to ice cream," Anon suggested as they began walking towards a restaurant.

"What's 'Ice Cream'?" Faith asked, wearing a puzzled expression.

"Come with me. I'll show you," Anon said, taking her hand. 

Anon and Faith stepped into a restaurant named 'Good Cuisine.'

Ting The bell at the entrance chimed as they opened the door.

"I'm sorry, folks, but we're closed for toda- Ohh... White Elves," said the gentleman behind the counter, a 60-year-old Dark Elf with white hair who remarkably looked young. In elven years, this guy is what you call a teenager.

"Oh, are you closed?" Faith inquired, her eyes on the Dark Elf.

"N-No, ma'am. Please have a seat," he stammered and quickly ushered Anon and Faith to two chairs.

'Wow... She's so cute,' he thought as he looked at Faith.

"Thank you," Faith acknowledged as she took her seat.

"Here are your menus, Sir and Madam. Please order anything you'd like. We have everything available," the manager said, handing menus to Anon and Faith.

"Why all the fuss at this late hour, Jim?" A Dark Elf lady emerged from the kitchen, looking groggy.

"Mom, there are some customers-" Jim began.

"What? Customers this late? Tell them to come back tomo- Holy White Elves," the lady exclaimed as she laid eyes on Faith and Anon.

"Hi..." Faith greeted the lady with a smile.

"H-Hi... Please order anything. I'll prepare it instantly," the lady stammered.

"We don't want anything... I'd like you to bring me an air-tight sealing container, some milk, some strawberries, and some sugar," Anon requested.

"Umm...? You want ingredients, not food?" Jim's mom asked, perplexed.

"Yes... I'd like to try something. Don't worry; I'll pay for it," Anon reassured.

"Oh, alright. I'll bring it in a minute," Jim's mom said, heading to the kitchen.

"I'll take these menus, thank you," Jim said as he subtly took the menu from Faith's hand, brushing against it. Anon noticed this.

"So, Jim... Could you show me the way to the restroom?" Anon asked, smiling at Jim.

"Huh...? Oh, yes. Please come with me," Jim said and led Anon to the restroom.

Once inside, Anon began washing his hands.

"So, Jim, do you work here with your mother only?" Anon asked, glancing at the mirror.

"No, sir. My sister also helps us. She is asleep right now," Jim replied with a smile.

"Good, good... You wouldn't want your mother and your sister to lose their fingers, would you?" Anon asked, wearing a serious expression. n-.O𝐕𝓔𝗅𝒷1n

"E-Excuse me... What?" Jim asked, bewildered.

"Well, I noticed your urge to touch my companion ever since we entered this restaurant, and you finally did when you took the menus back. So, I suppose I have every right to remove all your fingers, along with your mother and sister, right?" Anon asked, his eyes glowing dark purple.

"I-I-I'm sorry, sir. It must've been a mi-" Jim tried to explain, but Anon immediately cut him off.

"You wouldn't want that. I observed your facial expressions, and your heart rate spiked when you touched her. It indicates premeditation, and if you label it as a mistake, I will seriously proceed with it and cut all of your fingers," Anon warned.

"Please, sir, forgive me. I'm a fool, and I'll never make that mistake ever again. I won't even look at her," Jim pleaded, grabbing Anon's leg to save his fingers.

"See, admitting your mistakes and apologizing isn't so difficult. If only some other people knew that, they might still be alive and free today," Anon said, looking at Jim with a friendly smile, then exited the restroom.

Anon returned to his table and took his seat.

"Wow, you took quite a while in the restroom, didn't you? Don't you know that ladies don't like to wait, young man?" Jim's mom joked, smiling at Anon.

"So, did you bring all the ingredients I ordered?" Anon asked, eyeing the items on the table.

"What are you trying to make? A strawberry milkshake? I can make it for you," Jim's mom offered.

"No, he calls it 'ice-cream,'" Faith interjected.

"Oh, that's something new. Can I see it? Or is it a secret recipe?" Jim's mom inquired.

"Well, you can see it," Anon replied as he picked up the square-shaped metal container and poured milk into it.

Next, he picked up the strawberries and employed a skill...

[Water's Flow]

Suddenly, the strawberries lost their color, shrinking to one-tenth their size, while a small, dark pink water droplet appeared hovering over Anon's finger.

"What is that?" Faith and Jim's mother asked, confused.

"This is essentially the natural flavor and color of strawberries, separated from their pulp. If only it had 50 times more power, I could simply extract all the water from someone's body," Anon explained as he mixed the strawberry flavor into the milk.

"Why would you extract water from someone's body?" Faith asked, puzzled.

"Hmm...? To kill them, of course. Why do you think I would do that?" Anon responded, looking confused.

Faith decided to remain silent and observe him.

Anon continued mixing the strawberry flavor into the milk until it smelled like strawberries and turned pink.

"Now, some sugar..." Anon said as he crushed the sugar into a powdery form for easier mixing.

After completing all the steps, he sealed the container airtight.

'Ice burst, Low mana...' Anon used another skill.

Suddenly, the black metal box started turning white as ice vapors gradually enveloped it.

After ten seconds, Anon ceased the skill and slowly opened the container...

Inside the box was a soft pink block of ice cream, just as he had expected.

"Could you bring some plates and spoons?" Anon asked Jim's mother.

"Oh, sure, just a second." Jim's mother quickly retrieved four plates and spoons from the kitchen.

Anon sliced four blocks of ice cream from the chunk and distributed them to everyone.

Faith took a bite, and her expression was beyond words.

"Well...?" Anon inquired with a smile as he took a bite himself.

"Wow... Mr. Jule, what is this? It's like I'm eating ice, but it's incredibly creamy. It melts in my mouth, leaving a delicious strawberry flavor," Faith exclaimed.

"Hmmm... Wow, this is simply amazing. What was the name of this dish again?" Jim's mother asked as she continued to enjoy the ice cream.

"Ice cream," Anon replied with a smile.

"Can I have another one?" Jim asked.

"Help yourself," Anon said, passing the metal container to Jim.

"Thank you, Mr. Jule," Jim expressed his gratitude as he dug into the ice cream right from the container.

"Mr. Jule, please sell me your recipe. I'll buy it at any price," Jim's mother implored, grabbing Anon's hand.

"Please, Sir Jule, teach me how to make this 'Ice-Cream'... I'll give you anything you want," Jim's mother implored, her eyes filled with hope.

"Well, you saw me make it... just repeat the process. What else do you want?" Anon asked, his expression puzzled.

"I-I didn't properly observe your technique, and can you write down the names of the skills you used to make them? Mr. Jule, please, I'll give you 50, no... 70 gold coins to teach me this recipe and provide me with the skill names. Please," she pleaded, holding her hands tightly.

"I'm sorry, but I can't teach you, but I'll give you the skills for free. Just bring me a blank skill paper, and I'll write down the magic circles," Anon offered.

"Wait, you know how to transfer and draw skill magic circles?" Faith interjected.

"Oh, I know many things, Luv," Anon replied, glancing at Faith.

"Marry him, sister. Don't let him get away," Jim's mother whispered into Faith's ear.


Faith immediately started coughing, spitting out some ice cream, some of which landed on Anon's face.

"Are you alright?" Anon asked, a smile on his face, having heard what Jim's mother whispered.

"I'll get you some water," Jim's mother said as she hurried to the kitchen.

"I'll bring you a towel to wipe the ice cream off your face and the skill paper too," Jim added before leaving.

"So, what did she say?" Anon asked, still smiling.

"As if you didn't hear it," Faith replied, pushing her plate toward Anon.

"Want more ice cream?" Anon offered.

"Yes, please, and sorry about coughing the ice cream onto your face," Faith said.

"Don't worry; he's bringing me a towel," Anon responded as he started serving more ice cream onto Faith's plate.

Suddenly, he noticed that Faith was gazing at Jim's mother, who was approaching with a jug of water and two glasses.

'Let's do this...' Anon thought as he carefully cut his finger, letting two drops of his blood fall into the ice cream. He mixed it in immediately.

'One of the reasons for selecting strawberry as the flavor was to add my blood into it. Since she's on a date and feels secure with me, I don't think she'll even sense something is off.' Anon thought as he passed the ice cream back to Faith.

"Thank you," Faith said, looking at the ice cream.

"Here you go, your water," Jim's mother said as she poured a glass for Faith.


"Sir Jule, here is your towel and five blank skill papers," Jim added, passing the towel to Anon.

"Good..." Anon said as he wiped his face with the towel and started writing the skill's magic circles.

After two minutes, Anon had completed the magic circles, and a message suddenly appeared in front of him...

[One new target has been found under the skill [Mind Control]]

[Would you like to deploy the skill?] [Yes/No?]

'Hell Yeah,' Anon commanded.

[Faith's Mind Corruption: 30%]

'Well, that's a good start,' Anon thought as he looked at Faith's mind corruption rate.

"Here you go, I've written down both of the skills. Let's leave now. How much for the ingredients?" Anon asked Jim's mother.

"How can we charge you, sir? You've taught us something that has the power to change our lives," Jim's mother said, bowing to Anon.

"Well, that's one good thing. You go ahead, and I'll just go to the washroom to wash my hands," Anon said, looking at Faith.

"Alright, I'll be waiting right outside," Faith said as she exited the shop.

Anon went to the washroom and started washing his hands. Suddenly, he noticed someone standing behind him.

Anon turned around and saw Jim's mother.

"Is there something wrong, ma'am?" Anon asked, looking puzzled.

"Sir, I'm a single mother who works in this restaurant with my son and daughter. I'm trying my best to keep this restaurant alive, and today you've given me something that will change our lives and the fate of this restaurant. I can't thank you enough. Please, do tell me if you have any work you want done in this area. I'll always be ready," Jim's mother said, bowing again. Her cleavage came into Anon's sight.

'Oh... I didn't notice this before, but she's stunning. Huge curvy breasts, a big bouncy ass, dark skin, thick thighs, and she's a milf. Hehehe...' Suddenly, many perverted thoughts filled Anon's mind.

Anon abruptly grabbed her hand and pulled her inside the washroom.


He closed the washroom door and pinned her to the wall.

"S-Sir... what are you-?" Jim's mother tried to speak but Anon stopped her immediately.

"Shhhhh.... What's your name?" Anon asked.

"H-Helga," she answered, gazing into Anon's eyes.

'Wow... he has this irresistible muscular scent in his body, and the power he used to pin me to the wall is also amazing. Not even my husband did this to me, while he was still alive.

I think I just felt something between my legs, are my panties getting wet ? Oh my god, what is he going to do next? Will he kiss me on the lips? Or blackmail me into having sex with him in exchange for the recipe?' Perverted thoughts started filling Helga's mind as well.

"Prepare the same set of ingredients in your room; I'll come back tonight and teach you how to make ice cream properly," Anon said.

"Huh...? I mean, okay. But why tonight?" Helga asked.

"Well, I'm going to teach you the naughtiest way of making ice cream and other recipes as well if you please me with your cooking and bed skills. Do you understand?" Anon asked with a smile.

"Y-Yes, sir. I'll be in my room," Helga said.

"Good, I'll go now. Keep the window to your room open," Anon said before exiting the washroom.

Anon made his way to the restaurant's exit and opened the gate.

"Hello, Luv. Did you miss me?" Anon said, looking at Faith walking around and waiting for him.

"You really take a long time to wash your hands," Faith said.

"I know, let's go," Anon said, picking her up into his arms once again.


Anon jumped and landed directly at the same window of Julia's Mansion where he had begun their date.

He put Faith down and looked at her with a smile.

"How did you like the date?" Anon asked.

"I think it was the best one hour of my life," Faith said with a smile.

"Oh, believe me, it's not. Have sex with me, and that will become the best hour of your life. Believe me again, it's a tested method," Anon suggested with a smile.

"You silly boy," Faith said as she kissed Anon on the lips and then pulled back.

"Just that?" Anon asked with a mischievous grin.

"Yeah, go and sleep now. You have a match tomorrow," Faith said.

"Okay," Anon replied, jumping down from the window and entering his room.

'Hehehe... I don't have any complaints. Obviously, I have other plans for tonight. Let's go and make some ice cream, shall we? Heheheheheheheeheheh....' Anon thought, an evil smile spreading across his face.