

"Ladies and gentlemen, Jule has drawn his weapons, and it appears that the weather is responding to his sickles. Dark clouds have covered the sky, and lightning can be seen flashing between them," the commentator announced.

"Oh, Mother Nature, I invoke your name by my will... please bless me with your powers," Jeffery began to chant as a green aura enveloped his body, and a wooden bow materialized in his hands.

"Oh my god, is that possible? Mr. Jeffery has summoned his majestic bow, 'Renain.' It is said that the Lawson family reserves this legendary bow for use only in the most dire situations in the family, this bow is made out of the tree of life's wood. This bow was also one of the weapons that was used to kill the Counsellor in the demon battle 150 years ago. It seems like Jeffery can't afford to lose this match at any cost," the commentator announced.

"Did you instruct him to do that, Son?" Ion asked Xander with a smile on his face.

"Yes, Father, isn't that a great idea? I know you are proud of me, right ?" Xander asked with a smile as he noticed that his father was very happy.

"We'll discuss it later. Let's focus on the match for now or I will end you before it ends." Ion said with a smile as he went back to his serious face in just one second.

'What? Did I do something wrong again? Eh, I will get a beating anyways, let's just focus on the match for now.' Xander wondered, but he decided to leave it for now and concentrate on the match.

Anon gripped his sickles and fixed a sharp gaze on Jeffery, observing his body's movements and trying to predict the trajectory of his arrows.

"Here you go... bastard." Jeffery shouted as he pulled the bowstring back, and a platinum arrow appeared on it.

He promptly released it towards Anon...


The arrow left the bow with tremendous force, tearing through the air as it aimed for Anon's heart.

Anon swiftly sidestepped, easily evading the arrow. Upon turning around to look back at Jeffery, he noticed that ten more arrows were heading towards him at twice the speed.

'Ah...fuck, he took my focus off of him with the first attack and used it to imply another attack.'

Anon promptly activated his skill to increase his speed inside the domain, allowing him to react swiftly and dodge all the arrows with ease as they slowed down significantly.

'How can he move so fast?' Jeffery pondered as he pulled the string back once again and summoned twenty arrows this time.

Anon merely smiled, realizing Jeffery's strategy.

'This technique is called 'Overpowering Start.' When fighting inside the arena, you have to play with your opponent's mind to increase your chances of winning. That's what he's trying to do with me. He's using his best attacks at the start to overwhelm me. He wants me to either use all my defensive spells now or believe that these are just his starter spells and he's much stronger. But you're using them on the wrong guy, kid. Let me show you how this trick works,' Anon thought with a smile directed at Jeffery.

Sweat started to bead on Jeffery's forehead as he continued to shoot arrows at Anon.

'What the heck is wrong with him? The more I shoot at him, the wider his smile gets. I tried to overpower him at the start, but it didn't work. Now my attack power is dwindling. I have to stop using multiple arrows at once and save some mana for defensive spells, or I won't survive his attacks,' Jeffery thought as he gradually ceased his attacks.

"What's the matter? Aren't you going to use more powerful spells?" Anon asked, still smiling.

"I want to give you an equal chance to fight... What's the benefit of a one-sided annihilation?" Jeffery replied.

"Well, I guess it's my turn. Let the music play." As Anon uttered these words, a large bolt of lightning appeared in the sky, and he promptly threw his sickle towards Jeffery.

The sickle moved at an incredible speed, but Jeffery easily dodged it.

"Heh...? Was that your attack? Even a child could dodge that," Jeffery mocked, smiling at Anon.

"Jeffery, behind you!" Xander shouted.

Startled, Jeffery turned around and saw that the sickle was returning towards him, this time three times faster.

"Damn it!" Jeffery tried to dodge the attack, but it left a cut on his right cheek and returned to Anon's hand.

"Fuu~" Xander sighed as he settled back into his seat.

"You... bastard. How dare you interrupt someone in a deathmatch, especially in my presence?" Ion said with a very angry expression.

"F-F-Father... let me tell you something, let me tell you—"

Bonk Bonk Bonk

Before Xander could say anything else, Ion struck him on the head three times with his cane.

"Ouch..." Xander winced as he touched his head gingerly.

"Speak again, and I will thrash you right there in the arena," Ion warned, his gaze fierce.

"Y-Yes, Sir," Xander replied, chastened.

"Looks like you're even lower than the kids, huh?" Anon taunted Jeffery, wearing a sinister smile.

"You piece of trash..." Jeffery muttered as he activated another spell and aimed his bow at Anon.

[Your opponent has used, ]

This time, as Jeffery pulled the bowstring back, no arrow materialized. He left the string loose.


A deafening noise echoed from his bow, but nothing happened.

'That's a bit too much noise for a skill called 'Silent Arrow,'' Anon thought, still smiling.

Suddenly, Anon sensed a powerful disturbance in Death's Domain.

He felt something piercing through his body. It was sharp, and although it had no effect on his skin, it tore through his internal organs and nearly stopped his heart. However, before further damage could occur, the troll locket kicked in, healing him instantly.


Anon coughed, spitting out a small amount of blood as he continued to smile at Jeffery with a psychopathic grin.

Suddenly, a spine-chilling chill ran down Jeffery's spine.

"Ladies and gentlemen, as you can see, Mr. Jule is the first one to cough up blood... could this be a sign that Mr. Jeffery has won?" the commentator announced.

"Woohoo, Jeffery boy! Finish him off with the next attack!" Xander shouted as he stood up from his chair in excitement.

Anon wore a psychopathic smile as he stared at Jeffery, sending shivers down his spine, rendering him motionless.

'I can't move... my body parts feels like frozen ice. What should I do ? He is staring at me like a hunter would start at it's prey, what is he going to do next ? I don't know anything about him. Is he preparing his spell-'

Anon's bloodlust surged when he saw his own blood, awakening a primal ferocity within him. The whole kingdom felt his bloodlust even Ion felt it.

'What the hell ? This kind of bloodlust from a kid like him ? What has he been through ?' Ion thought as he looked at Anon wiping off blood from his mouth.

"D-Dad... did you feel it ?" Xander spoke as he noticed that he has goosebumps on his hands.

"I do. This kid is no original kid." Ion answered with a smile.

'My master told me about this, A human child born under the Omega Constellation, who will hold anger and fuel his grudge with it until he removes every single one of his enemies from the face of earth. This is it, he is the one. That bloodlust is definitely not normal for a human kid of this age. He is the perfect heir of my technique.' Ion thought in his mind as he felt sweat on his forehead.

"You're dead," Anon declared with a serious expression as lightning struck him, causing him to vanish from his original spot.

"Huh...? Where is—" Before Jeffery could utter another word, an overwhelming sense of bloodlust loomed behind him.

Without daring to look back, Jeffery activated his running spell to escape as quickly as possible.

A loud bang reverberated as soon as he moved.


Jeffery hastily glanced back to find a large 'X' etched into the ground, with Anon standing in front of it.

'He's strong. I need to change my attack strategy.' Jeffery thought.

"Wow... Jule is so strong. He's giving Jeffery a tough time."

"Yeah, and his speed is incredible."

Fourth-year girls in the audience began discussing Anon's abilities.

Jeffery took aim at Anon, releasing another Silent Arrow. However, this time, Anon was prepared.

He immediately activated the Crown of Darkness.

This ability allowed Anon to manipulate mana within a 30-meter radius. Anon promptly thickened the mana around him to counteract the Silent Arrow's aura. As aura detached from its user's body, it relied on absorbing mana from its surroundings to maintain its form. Anon's action caused the Aura Arrow to dissolve immediately.

'Why didn't it hit him? Is he using some kind of protective artifact?' Jeffery wondered in confusion.

Anon vanished once again and reappeared in front of Jeffery, aiming to strike him down with his sickles. Jeffery raised his bow to block Anon's attack.

"I won't die so easily, you bastard," Jeffery declared as he struggled to fend off Anon.

Anon pressed his sickle against Jeffery's face, but with a surge of strength, Jeffery managed to push him away.

"You piece of trash... die!" Jeffery shouted, aiming his bow at Anon and drawing the string.

"Huh...?" Jeffery suddenly realized that he couldn't grip his bowstring. He glanced down to find it broken into two pieces. He then looked at Anon, who was smiling, holding a small piece of the bowstring on his sickle.

"HoHoHo... curious when I did that, aren't you?" Anon teased.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the most unexpected turn of events has occurred. Mr. Jule has just broken one of the most cherished weapons from the Lawson house. What will happen next?" the commentator announced.

"B-But... it wasn't supposed to break; it was a highly regarded weapon. Crafted from the strongest vine and wood," Xander murmured as he turned to Ion.

"Well, it's still a weapon. You'll have to handle the Lawson family yourself now. I don't care what you say to them, but if I hear them badmouthing our family, not only will I eliminate them, but I'll erase someone else too," Ion threatened Xander, his expression angry.

"Y-Yes... Father," Xander replied, worried about how to break the news to the Lawson family.

"You utter piece of trash," Jeffery muttered, his anger intensifying. If his father found out that he had broken the family's heirloom, the punishment would be severe.

"Well, while I was pushing my sickle towards your face just a moment ago, you might not have realized that it was merely a diversion. My actual plan was to destroy that bow of yours, and it looks like my plan succeeded," Anon said with a smile.

"You damn son of a bitch. You're going to... Die," Jeffery seethed, summoning a sword to replace his bow.

"Oh my god, I'm terrified. Please, sir, don't do that," Anon mocked him again.

[Your opponent has used the skill, ]

Suddenly, thirteen mirages of Anon appeared, all identical to him, each holding a sword and glaring at him. At first, Anon was confused, but a notification clarified things.

[You have resisted the skill due to the class [Mind Frobrax] ]

The illusory Anons began to fade away, leaving only one, the real Jeffery.

'Gotcha,' Anon thought, pretending to still be unable to identify the original Jeffery among his clones.

Anon continued pretending to struggle with Jeffery's skill, ignoring the real Jeffery.

The original Jeffery noticed and laughed, dashing toward Anon with his sword, intending to decapitate him.


"Ugghhh-" As Jeffery was about to strike Anon with his blade, Anon impaled him in the stomach with his sickle. Jeffery went limp, blood trickling from his mouth.

"Damn it..." Xander cursed.

"Good acting, kid," Ion muttered, smiling at Anon.

"H-How?" Jeffery asked, confusion in his eyes as he looked at Anon.

"Something I can't tell you," Anon replied with a smile.

"What is happening here ? Mr. Jeffery is on his last breath, impaled on Mr. Jule's weapon. He'll die if he loses any more blood. Is this the end of the match? Will this be where the next leader of the Lawson house meets his demise?" the commentator announced.

'I could kill him anytime I want, but where's the fun in that? If you don't play with your prey, it won't feel like a hunt, will it?' Anon thought with a smile as he casually tossed Jeffery aside like an object.

"Use your healing potions," Anon advised with a smirk as he sat down in front of him.


Jeffery coughed up blood as he retrieved a special-grade healing potion from his pocket and drank it. In just 10 seconds, he was restored to his original state. He stood up, looking at Anon in confusion.

'Why would he do that? Why would he let me live ? What is he planning to do with me ? Is he playing with me ?' Many questions started popping up in Jeffery's mind as he looked at Anon with a suspicious expression.

'Shit, my sword.' Jeffery spoke as he looked at the sword that was lying near Anon's foot.

"Here you go," Anon said, kicking Jeffery's sword back to him.

"What do you want to achieve with this?" Jeffery asked.

"Oh, great, here we go again. He's going to play the same game with him. Jule is really cruel," Eve commented with a smile.

"Hehehe... I'm enjoying this more and more," Deris added in an evil tone, watching Anon's actions.

Eve simply observed Deris, choosing not to comment.

All the students from Anon's class were still attending their classes and were not allowed to be present in the stadium. Therefore, only fourth-year students were witnessing this brutal showdown. Unaware of Anon's previous match with Oxmaul, they were perplexed by his decision to throw Jeffery aside and provide him with a healing potion.

"Me? I don't want to gain anything from this... Instead, I'm giving you another chance to rely on your luck. Perhaps this time, you can kill me," Anon said with a smile.

"Do you realize that you've just increased your chances of death, right?" Jeffery asked as he changed his sword to a katana.

"Wow, I think I've seen that sword from Tokyo. What a massacre that was – one katana, 300 men. I turned their bodies into cutlets back then," Anon said, eyeing the katana.

"Nonsense, this sword has a unique design. Only I possess it. Are you saying you've seen it before?" Jeffery inquired with a puzzled expression, holding the katana like a samurai.

"Oh my god... I'm scared again," Anon taunted.

"Prepare to die, Jule. Even God won't save you this time," Jeffery declared as he activated another skill.

Suddenly, the katana radiated a blinding light, as if the sun itself was shining.

"Ouch, my eyes are burning..." Anon remarked, covering his eyes.

Jeffery, seizing the opportunity, sprinted toward Anon, determined to kill him this time. However, as he swung his blade at Anon's neck, something halted his hand.

Anon himself had stopped Jeffery's hand, his face still turned away.

"Just kidding, Bwahhh," Anon said, turning his face toward Jeffery and sticking out his tongue mockingly.



Before Jeffery could utter another word, a sickle pierced through his lower jaw and tongue simultaneously.

"Huh...? Were you trying to say something? What happened? Did the cat get your tongue?" Anon teased, grinning.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh..." Jeffery screamed, writhing in intense pain from having his jaw and tongue pierced.

"Shut up," Anon said, retracting his sickle and delivering a punch to Jeffery's abdomen. This sent him flying, his jaw and tongue still impaled on Anon's sickle.



One by one, the weak-hearted students began to vomit. Even the sturdiest individuals had to avert their eyes.

"Damn it... I'll kill him," Xander vowed, glaring at Anon with anger.

"Sit down," Ion ordered, gently tapping Xander's head and closing his eyes briefly.

'He's brutal. No, he's a monster. Why does he have to do all this? He could just kill him and be done with it. Why showcase such brutality?' Ion pondered as he watched Anon laugh at Jeffery, who was still screaming in agony.

"Ahhhhhhh... Ahhhhhhhh... Ahhhhhhhhhhhh," Jeffery continued to cry out, unable to articulate any words due to his tongue being gouged out by Anon.

"Oops... looks like I got your tongue before the snake did. Hahahaha," Anon laughed as he approached Jeffery.

Just as everyone believed this nightmare was over, Anon pulled out a special-grade healing potion from his inventory.

"Huh...? Is that a healing potion in Mr. Jule's hands?" the commentator questioned, looking puzzled.

"Ah... crap. Jule won't stop here. Things are about to get really messy, and that expression on his face... Looks like Jeffery is going to experience real hell today," Eve remarked, her gaze switching between disgust and sympathy as she observed Jeffery.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it seems we now understand why they call Mr. Jule 'The Psychopathic Killer.' He has once again healed Mr. Jeffery with his own special-grade potion. Let's see what happens next," the commentator announced, his forehead glistening with sweat.

In just 5 seconds, Jeffery's jaw had completely healed, and his tongue was functioning normally.

"Y-You... stay away from me. Don't you dare come near me," Jeffery warned Anon as he got up and sprinted toward the other side of the arena.

He was trying to exit the arena but before he could've taken any other step, Anon suddenly disappeared from his position and appeared in front of Jeffery.

"Jeffery, my boy, you can't leave the arena. This is a deathmatch, not a joke. Have you forgotten the rules? If any of us tries to exit this ring, death is certain immediately, isn't it, Mr. Ion?" Anon inquired, flashing a sinister smile at him.

'This kid is a fucking Psychopath. He is going to torture him untill his opponent leaves the will to live. He is merciless.' Ion thought as he looked at Anon.

"Yes," Ion replied with a disappointed expression as he looked at Jeffery this time.

"Ladies and gentlemen, as you can see, Mr. Jeffery is making a desperate attempt to exit the arena due to Mr. Jule's little game that has been ongoing for the past 25 minutes. However, he can't leave the arena, as stepping out of it would result in his instant death," the commentator announced.

"He's incredibly brutal," a fourth-year student remarked.

"Yeah, Jeffery is a fourth-year student, and he's the brightest in our class. But in front of Jule, he looks like a small bee that Jule keeps crushing over and over," another student added.

"I can't watch this anymore. This is unbearable," another fourth-year girl stated as she stood up and left the stadium.

Jeffery was in a state of confusion and distress at this point. He didn't know what to do. He was enduring both mental and physical torment.

'I tried to show off my two classes to everyone and prove that I'm the smartest fourth-year student, but I didn't know that Xander Jane would take an interest in me and announce me as the future husband of her daughter. Until today, I thought it was a good thing, but now, I'm feeling extremely sorry for showing off.'

'I had no role in their fight; it was Jule vs. the Jane house, but I got stuck in this situation because I was her future husband. I have to quit this match; I can't take this anymore,' Jeffery thought as he stood in one corner of the arena, eyeing Anon cautiously.

"Come on, Jeffery. Why are you just standing there like a pole?" Anon asked with a smile as he dismissed his sickles and approached him.

"Y-You, don't come near me," Jeffery warned Anon as he brandished a red pill in his hand.

"I-I'll eat this if you take one more step," Jeffery threatened, displaying the red pill.

"Hmm...?" Anon wondered what the pill was and used his skill on it.

[Mana Awakening Pill]

[Elves practice to Awaken their mana from the age of 50 years, and it takes them around 500 to 1000 years to complete this process. Once they Awaken their mana, they enter a whole new world of using magic.

They can see the mana strings, manipulate mana, and the properly Awakened ones can even nullify their opponent's spellcasting with just one flick of their eyes.

Mana Awakening Pills are made to help elves reach that stage faster, but they failed... the product that resulted was a red pill. This pill's real name was 'Force Awaken Pill.' This pill can forcibly allow an elf to breakthrough to the Awakened mana state for 5 minutes, but it has a major drawback.

It consumes the life force of the elf, killing them without leaving any chances of survival. Once in the Awakened mana form, the elf's strength is boosted by up to 400%, and their speed is increased by 1000%.]

Anon was left surprised after reading this information.

'Wow, that's even more dangerous than the overcharge,' Anon thought as he gazed at Jeffery.

"Who gave him that pill?" Ion demanded as he rose from his seat.

Xander lowered his head, sweat forming on his forehead.

"I asked, who gave him that pill? That's a prohibited substance," Ion shouted, grabbing Xander's hair and forcing him to look up.

"Look at me, you piece of shit. Tell me, did you give it to him?" Ion asked.

"N-No, Fathe-"


"I want the truth. Tell me the truth, or I will really kill you today, Xander. You are the only drug dealer who can access that drug," Ion shouted.

Xander remained silent, his face showing misery.

"ANSWER ME!!!!" Ion bellowed.

"Y-Yes... Father. I-I did..." Xander admitted.

"You damn piece of shit. Do you realize what you've done? The Lawson family won't stay quiet after this, and they'll want you first. Do you understand that?" Ion inquired.

"I-I do, Father," Xander acknowledged.

Ion then walked toward the Principal.

"Tell him to discard that pill. It's a banned substance. He can't use it," Ion instructed.

"I'm sorry, sir, but these rules are in line with your family's tradition. Do you really want to change them now? The use of drugs is allowed in this competition, and you were a witness to this rule, weren't you?" the Principal asked, maintaining a stern expression.

"Damn it," Ion cursed, returning to his seat.

"F-Father... please-"

"Shhh.... I will deal with you later. Just pray that he doesn't take that pill, because if he dies at Anon's hands, everything will point to him. But if he takes the pill and then dies, it will be our fault as well. I'll hand you over to the Lawsons without a second thought. Keep that in mind. I may be the strongest man in this kingdom, but I have a reputation to uphold, and I can't go back on my word," Ion stated, looking at Xander.

"Hey, I told you not to come near me. I will really take the pill and enter the Awakened mode. Then you'll die. I don't think any of us want that. So, let's call this match quits and go back to our homes without any injuries. I promise to sever all connections with Jeena and her family. I won't show my face to anyone in this kingdom. Just let me go," Jeffery pleaded.

"No, bitch," Anon replied as he used his skill.

Anon hurled the javelin at Jeffery, piercing through his hand and chest.


"Ugghhhh" Jeffery fell to the ground.


Jeffery's life seemed to flash before his eyes as he gazed at the sky.

'I'm dead... I'm coming, God. Please take care of my family,' Jeffery thought as he slowly closed his eyes.

"Hey, eat this and show me the power of this pill," Anon said as he forcefully made Jeffery swallow the red pill.

The entire stadium fell silent, gazing at Anon in confusion.

Then, suddenly, Jeffery's eyes began to close, and he died.

"Heh...? Nothing happened? Well, I guess I am the winn—" Anon's words were interrupted as Jeffery's lifeless body abruptly grabbed Anon's hand and started moving.


Jeffery's lifeless body grabbed Anon's hand, and it started vibrating.

"Huh...? Are you still al��" Before Anon could say anything, Jeffery threw Anon away with just one hand.

Anon immediately regained his balance in mid-air and safely landed on the ground. Upon landing, he noticed that Jeffery was standing up again, but something was terribly wrong with him.

Jeffery's body emitted a white aura, and his skin had turned a pallid white, with blackened lips. His appearance was worse than that of a corpse.

"What the heck happened to him?"

"What was in that pill?"

"I heard it was a banned pill given by Mr. Xander."

"Where did you hear that?"

"Mr. Ion was yelling at his son; he mentioned it."

The students exchanged comments as they observed the strange transformation in Jeffery's body.

"Let's see what's changed in your body, Mr. Jeffery," Anon said as he used his skill to examine Jeffery.

[Name: &�̦�+!?-]

[Race: (+++??)]

[Class: +(//_() ]

[MP: /+/+/]

[HP: \]=]]

[Description: 5��2JJD DUII?73883 DHDJJD��?]$��$[ HSKS �$$$�¡�]]][$]]����|��$[[���¡�|[]$]]?$��?��]=|��%][���\[=��](?("!-'/#!?(' ]

"What the heck... Ahhhhh... my head hurts," Anon exclaimed.

As soon as Anon examined Jeffery's status, he experienced a sharp headache.

'Ouch... What's wrong with him?' Anon thought as he hastily closed Jeffery's status and scrutinized him.

Jeffery appeared like a lifeless body, slowly opening his eyes, which were pitch-black like a demon's.

Anon was astonished by this transformation and began to take the situation more seriously. He summoned his sickles and assumed a defensive stance.

Gradually, Jeffery's body began to levitate in the air.

"Hey, that's cheating. Flying isn't allowed," Anon protested as he watched Jeffery ascend into the sky.

"Oh no, it's that skill," Ion muttered as he saw Jeffery's body rise into the clouds and come to a stop in mid-air.

When Jeffery heard Anon's voice, he looked down and smiled at him, revealing monstrous, pitch-black teeth.

"Hello, friend," Anon greeted with an odd smile.

Jeffery began descending rapidly, aiming directly for Anon.

"Ah, darn it," Anon muttered as he sidestepped, but Jeffery altered his trajectory to follow him.

His speed increased as he plummeted from the sky, resembling a shooting star wreathed in flames, hurtling toward Anon with tremendous force.

[Your opponent has used the skill (Evening Star)]

[The Evening Star]

[The Evening Star is a forbidden and enigmatic skill shrouded in the annals of elven history. Reserved exclusively for those rare Mana Awakened elves, it stands as a chilling testament to the extremes to which power can be harnessed. When invoking the Evening Star, the user willingly surrenders themselves to the embrace of darkness, allowing it to inexorably drain their life force to its very depths.

This eerie skill, once initiated, defies any attempt at cancellation or reversion. It's an irreversible pact between the elf and the consuming abyss. In exchange for the sacrifice, the Evening Star bestows a single, potent wish upon its wielder. This wish, regardless of its nature, is granted with otherworldly precision.

However, the price of this unholy communion is absolute. Once the wish is fulfilled, the darkness, having quenched its thirst for life force, envelops the user entirely. It's a grim and inevitable conclusion, a testament to the unforgiving nature of the Evening Star. It remains a dark and mysterious chapter in elven lore, serving as a somber reminder of the dire consequences that can accompany the pursuit of ultimate power.]

[Warning: If the wish is not completed, the user's body will still be consumed by Darkness.]

As Jeffery approached Anon, his bloodlust intensified. The pressure on Anon's body grew unbearable.

'Okay, I can still take him on if I just-' Before he could've thought anything else the pressure on his body grew up to the double intensity of what it was just a moment ago and this phenomenon repeated itself as Jeffery closed his distance between him and Anon.

"Fuck... I can't defeat him... I have to OverCharge��" Before Anon could finish his sentence, he noticed the pressure on his body gradually decreasing. He turned and saw Ion standing directly behind him.

"Get out of the way, kid, if you want to live," Ion ordered.

[Master, he's right. You can't withstand a single blow from that thing.] Link advised.

Anon quickly stepped aside and observed Ion closely.

Suddenly, Ion's body emitted a profound and powerful aura. He let go of his cane, assuming a defensive stance.

"Gwaaahhhhhhhhhhh...." Jeffery emitted a chilling sound as he attacked Ion.

As soon as their bodies made contact, a massive explosion occurred, enveloping the entire arena in a cloud of dust.


A powerful wave of aura emanated from the stadium as the collision took place.


Everyone in the vicinity coughed as they tried to peer through the dust-filled arena.

After a moment, the dust began to settle, and onlookers observed the center of the arena.

Blood trickled from Ion's mouth, and he had a hole in his right shoulder.

"Drat... he's injured. He can't withstand another attack," Anon stated as he started walking toward Ion. However, when the dust finally cleared, he saw Ion holding Jeffery's head in his right hand.

Anon was stunned to his core upon witnessing this scene. He couldn't kill Jeffery in a single exchange, yet Ion had accomplished it.

"Father... are you okay?" Xander shouted as he ran toward Ion.

Ion halted him by raising his hand.

"B-But, Father..."

"Stay right there," Ion instructed firmly. He then walked toward Anon.

'Why is he coming over here?' Anon wondered, confused by Ion's actions.

"Boy, use that locket on me," Ion said, pointing at Anon's troll locket.

"Y-Yes..." Anon was surprised that Ion knew about the locket but didn't question him. He removed the locket and touched it to Ion's body.

Ion's body began to heal, although the process was slow.

"Huh... I think this locket is broken," Anon remarked as he removed the locket from Ion's body and touched it again, but the healing rate remained the same.

"Don't worry, boy. This thing works slowly on Awakened individuals, but it's a valuable asset to have," Ion said, smiling at Anon.

The arena lay in brutal ruin. Anon, Ion, and Xander sat together while a team of 20 healers diligently worked on repairing Ion's internal injuries.

Suddenly, the head healer stood up and fixed a sorrowful gaze on Xander. He was a human with blonde hair and green eyes, someone Anon recognized as the best healer in the human kingdom after the great mother.

"What? What's going on? Why are you looking at me like that?" Xander demanded, his expression turning angry.

"Sir, we need to talk," the chief healer replied.

Xander and the human healer moved to a secluded area and began conversing. Anon used his heightened senses to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Sir, your father..."

"What? What happened to him? Why do you look so distraught?" Xander asked with a grave expression.

"His heart has been struck by negative mana, and not just any negative mana, but the darkest kind. His heart is beating in reverse," the chief healer explained.

"What? What do you mean by 'beating in reverse'?" Xander asked, his face a mask of confusion.

"Let me clarify. Picture our hearts beating in a steady, normal rhythm, processing mana with every pulse. Our hearts absorb impure mana and convert it into pure, usable mana while expelling impurities. But Mr. Ion's heart is doing the opposite; it's absorbing impurities and expelling purified mana, much like..."

"...a demon would," Xander finished, his face aghast.

"Yes," the healer replied somberly.

"How long until he turns into a demon?" Xander inquired.

"I'm sorry, but we can't say for certain. However, I would advise you to consider ending his life for the safety of everyone," the chief healer recommended.

At this suggestion, a heavy aura of malevolence emanated from Xander.

"Hey, Healer, you don't seem to understand who you're talking about. He's my father, and no one talks about killing my father," Xander growled, grabbing the healer by the neck and lifting him into the air.

"Ghha... I-I... Cough-Cough Am... Sorry," the healer choked out, his life nearly leaving him.


A cane suddenly struck Xander's head.

"Ouch... Father...?" Xander exclaimed, looking at Ion.

"Release him," Ion ordered.

"Yes, Father. He's one lucky bastard," Xander remarked as he released the healer, who began to cough and gasp for breath.

Xander promptly went to Ion, grabbing his hand and expressing deep concern. "Father, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Don't fret," Ion assured him with a smile.

"Father, the healer said—"

"I heard what the healer said. Just ignore him; they know nothing about me. He's just a foolish human," Ion stated.

"Father, this whole situation is his fault. If he had died in that arena, you wouldn't have had to face that creature and get hurt like this. I will kill him, Father," Xander declared, casting an angry glance at Anon.

"It's not his fault, you foolish son. When will you take responsibility for your own mistakes? This was meant to be a simple deathmatch, but you gave him a banned pill. That's why I had to intervene in that arena. I had to kill him because of you, because of your mistake. Don't blame it on him," Ion rebuked angrily.

"I... I'm sorry, Father. Please forgive me, and let's go home," Xander said, looking down and apologizing.

"No, Xander. It's time for you to take charge of the family business," Ion declared as he stood up and pointed toward Anon.

"What?!" Xander exclaimed, bewildered and shocked.

"Yes, Son. It's time for you to officially lead the Jane Family and elevate its name to new heights."

"But, Father..."

"No buts. As of today, I declare you the official leader of the Jane Family. Let's go, boy," Ion urged, gesturing for Anon to follow.

Anon stood and trailed after Ion. He wasn't certain where they were headed, but he felt it was the best course of action.

"Grandpa, what are you doing? Are you leaving me, your granddaughter, like this?" Jeena questioned, her eyes brimming with tears as she hugged Ion tightly.

"My dear granddaughter, don't worry. I'll be back before you know it. You know what? Xander was just like you when he was in the academy, spoiled and full of attitude. But he learned his lesson. Now it's your turn.

I hope you become a strong and powerful woman rather than a spoiled, attitude-filled brat, okay?" Ion said, smiling.

"Yes, Grandpa," Jeena replied, tears streaking her cheeks, hugging him once more.

'What a family drama,' Anon thought, watching them hug and exchange farewells.

Afterward, Jeena and Ion separated, and Ion resumed his departure.

"Father, at least tell me when you'll return," Xander implored, tears now streaming down his face.

"Soon," Ion answered, pausing for a brief moment and smiling at him.

Xander immediately dropped to his knees, watching his father leave the academy, while Jeena went to his side and held onto his arm for support.

"Father, are you all right?" She asked.

"Yes, dear. Let's go back," Xander replied, gazing at Jeena as they walked toward their carriage.

Everyone else left the arena and returned to their homes.

"Where are we going?" Anon inquired of Ion.

"I had planned to teach you this technique with slow demonstrations over the course of 30 years, but I don't have that kind of luxury now, i don't have the luxury of time. I only have one week left to live, and I must teach you everything during that time. So, let's go."

"What do you mean?" Anon asked, surprised.

"I'm going to take one week from your life to teach you the most valuable technique in the world. I could choose to spend this time with my family, but this technique is more important and valuable than my own life. Now, I'll ask you this once: Do you want to learn this technique or not? Your answer will change your entire life. Think carefully before responding. You can lose your life easily, but if you learn this technique, no one on this planet will be able to defeat you. So, what's your answer, human?"

"I accept," Anon replied, his expression unwavering as he met Ion's gaze.

'I don't know why I am doing this but this offer seems very profitable to me... what if this technique can help me in beating that god's candidate ?' Anon thought as he smiled.

"Good. Now, gather enough food to last you a week because we'll be heading to a remote location for training, you will have no contact with anyone in this kingdom for the next 7 days..." Ion instructed, his eyes on Anon.

"Should I buy food for you as well?" Anon inquired.

"No, just get enough for yourself. I'll handle my provisions," Ion replied.

Both of them ventured into the bustling marketplace of the elven kingdom.

"I'll meet you back here in 20 minutes. Do you need to inform anyone about your absence for the next 7 days ?" Ion asked.

"Well, not particularly," Anon responded.

"Good. Now, go and prepare. We'll leave in 20 minutes," Ion directed before walking away.

Anon mused to himself, "Wow, this is exciting. I'm heading to a deserted place with an old man who only has a week to live. He's going to teach me the world's strongest technique, and here I am, talking to myself when I should be getting some food."

"Hmm... How much for that poison ?" Ion asked a shopkeeper.

"Dear customer, this thing costs 2 coppers but I will give it to you for only 1 copper." The shopkeeper spoke.

"Okay, I will buy all of them."

"A-All of them, Sir ?" The shopkeeper asked with a confused expression.

"Yes, pack everything."

Twenty minutes later...

Both of them reconvened at the same spot.

"Did you buy enough food?" Ion inquired.

"Yes, I've got enough for a month," Anon replied.

"Good. Let's go," Ion said, and they began walking toward the Evensong Forest.

"Wait a minute, that's the Evensong Forest, and if I remember correctly, it's not deserted at all; it's teeming with dangerous monsters," Anon exclaimed.

"Just follow me," Ion responded.

"Well, okay—"


Anon suddenly heard a barking sound and turned to locate its source.

As he spun around, he spotted a small injured puppy in an alley, blood oozing from its wounds.

"What's going on? Why did you stop?" Ion asked, glancing at Anon.

"Gin, is that you, boy?" Anon inquired with a puzzled expression.


Gin barked weakly before losing consciousness.

Anon hurried to Gin, cradling him gently. "How did you survive, boy?" he asked, starting to remove his troll locket to use its magic on Gin.

However, Ion swiftly grabbed Anon's hand, preventing him from doing so. "No, don't do it," Ion cautioned with a serious expression.

"What? Why not? He'll die if I don't do something right now. He's my first pet; I can't let him die," Anon protested.

[Cough-Cough-Cough] Link pretended to cough, seeming a bit offended by Anon's "first pet" comment.

"No, look," Ion began, pointing to the puncture wounds on Gin's body.

"What?" Anon asked, baffled.

"These holes contain seeds from the deadly tree. You must have encountered it in the Evensong Forest, right?" Ion inquired.

"Yes, I did. He jumped in front of the tree to save me. But now you're not letting me save him, and you're talking about some nonsense," Anon explained.

"It's not nonsense. These seeds grow within their hosts, siphoning their mana and life force to spawn another deadly tree like the one you encountered. If you use your locket on him, it'll become useless within seconds, but these seeds will gain enough energy to grow. I don't want a deadly tree sprouting up in our kingdom," Ion clarified.

Understanding Ion's explanation, Anon examined Gin's wounds closely, noticing tiny seeds within them.

"What should I do now? Remove the seeds first and then heal him?" Anon asked Ion.

"No, give him a healing potion first and then remove the seeds," Ion advised.

"But healing potions contain mana..." Anon began.

"They do, but only in small amounts. They are mostly liquid and alchemical. The healing potion will sustain him, and then you can slowly extract the seeds. Once the seeds are out, you can use your locket on him," Ion explained.

"Okay, let's proceed then," Anon said, retrieving a healing potion from his inventory and gently administering it to Gin.

"That's not a dog, is it? No dog can carry these seeds inside and survive for over an hour," Ion commented with a smile, acknowledging Anon's chimera creation.

"What now? I've made him drink the entire bottle of the healing potion," Anon said.


Ion conjured a dagger and handed it to Anon. "Heat it up and then remove the seeds," Ion instructed.

(Fire Ball)

Anon employed the Fire Ball spell to heat the dagger until it glowed red-hot, then ceased and carefully began extracting the seeds from Gin's body.


Gin barked softly each time Anon removed a seed, a process that took 10 minutes to complete.

"Can I use the locket now?" Anon inquired.

"No, first confirm if there are any other seeds within him," Ion ordered.

"How?" Anon asked.

"Supply mana to him. If you sense your mana being drained into his body, it means he still has seeds," Ion explained.

"Okay..." Anon said, supplying mana to Gin.

After giving Gin mana, Anon glanced at Ion and reported, "Mana is flowing normally into him; there's no suction. What's next?"

"Good. Now you can use your locket on him," Ion instructed.

Anon removed his locket and placed it over Gin's unconscious form. Within seconds, Gin's wounds closed, and he appeared to be a healthy puppy once more.

"These seeds might prove useful in a dire situation. I'd suggest storing them somewhere safe," Ion advised, pointing to the seeds scattered on the ground.

"Alright," Anon agreed, promptly stowing the seeds in his inventory.


Gin stirred, licking Anon's feet.

"Hello, boy. How are you feeling?" Anon asked Gin.


Gin barked in response, continuing to lick Anon's feet.

"Oh, I'm fine," Anon replied, chuckling.

"We should get going," Ion said.

"Yes," Anon agreed, rising to his feet and following Ion. Gin tagged along.

Anon, Ion, and Gin ventured within the depths of the Evensong Forest.

They had been walking for the past five hours, and the sun was gradually descending, marking the approach of evening. Once night fell, the forest's hidden monsters would emerge for their nocturnal hunts.

"Where exactly are we headed?" Anon inquired of Ion.

"You'll find out soon enough; don't worry," Ion responded calmly.

"I'm only asking because the sun will set in about an hour. We should set up camp somewhere safe and continue our journey tomorrow," Anon suggested.

"Let me ask you something, human. If your destination were right in front of you, would you go for it, or would you camp in front of it to claim it with ease and safety tomorrow?" Ion countered.

"Is our destination here?" Anon inquired with a grin.

"Just a bit further," Ion replied as he resumed walking.

'Fuck you, Old man.' Anon thought as he showed him the middle finger from behind.

"I can sense that." Ion spoke as he kept walking.

After approximately 20 minutes, they encountered a colossal banyan tree. This tree appeared ancient, its size and thickness akin to a five-story building on Earth. It was entirely enshrouded in aerial roots.

The roots were also long and thick, akin to a big rope. They were coming from the top all the way to it's bottom.

"This is it," Ion declared with a smile, looking at the tree.

"What? Our destination was a tree?" Anon questioned, perplexed.

"Follow me," Ion instructed, heading straight toward the tree.

"Where are you—" Anon began, but before he could finish his sentence, he observed Ion mysteriously vanish into the banyan tree.

"What the heck?" Anon muttered, bewildered, as he gazed at the tree.

"Come quickly, kid," Ion's voice beckoned from the other side.

"Yeah," Anon responded, walking toward the banyan tree. He tried to touch the tree's trunk, but his hand passed through it as if it were an illusion.

"This seems like an illusion, but why am I experiencing it? I'm supposed to be immune to illusions due to my class," Anon wondered as he entered the tree's interior, with Gin following him.

Inside, he noticed a colossal spiral staircase spiraling down the tree, featuring ancient designs.

"What the fuck ? This tree is hollow from inside ?" Anon thought as he looked above the tree and then looked down at the spiral staircase.

"Come boy, we have to reach our destination before the night falls." Ion directed, proceeding down the stairs.

"Where do these stairs lead ?" Anon inquired as he followed Ion.

"You'll see; just keep following," Ion replied with an evil smile.

"Where on earth am I being taken to and every time I asks, he just gives me that creepy smile. I mean who smiles like that ?" Anon pondered as he continued trailing Ion.

After the initial 100 steps, Anon sensed a change in the environment. The air grew denser with each step, making his progress more challenging.

"Ummm... do you feel it ?" Anon asked Ion.

"Don't fret about the force; it's intended," Ion reassured.

Twenty minutes later...

The gravitational pull increased to five times that of the surface. Anon managed it with his mana, but Ion seemed unfazed, walking normally as if unaffected by the intensified pressure. He wasn't even using his mana to protect his body.

Eventually, the staircase led to a massive iron gate.

"Where are we?" Anon inquired.

"For me, it's akin to a playground now. But for you, I'd call it hell," Ion replied with a smile.

"What do you mean by that?" Anon asked, puzzled.

"Hehehe, let's discuss it inside," Ion suggested, opening the door.

They entered a vast room furnished with various training equipment, such as large dumbbells, iron rods and weights, skipping ropes, and more.


Upon entering the room, the gates sealed shut, and a notification appeared before Anon.

[You have entered a area]

Anon felt his mana rapidly dissipating. As soon as it left his body, he was exposed to the immense gravitational force within the room.


Anon vomited and fell to his knees.

"What...the..." Anon attempted to speak, but his tongue felt too heavy.

"Don't worry, son; you'll get used to this soon," Ion said, taking a seat nearby and engrossing himself in an ancient-looking book.

Suddenly, the effects of the Null area ceased, and Anon could utilize his mana once more. He swiftly formed a protective barrier around himself. However, another notification materialized.

[You have entered a area]

Once again, he experienced the same sensation, collapsing to the ground.

"Let me clarify, kid. This room is constructed upon a Tier-7 Null array. It activates whenever you use mana inside the room and deactivates when you don't. This will help you learn to control your desires and manage mana according to your will, not your needs.

Sometimes, you believe you're commanding mana to move and shield your body, but it's not you who's in control—it's your mind. It tricks you into thinking you're in charge," Ion elucidated.

'Huh...?' Anon suddenly contemplated this and realized that, even when he hadn't explicitly commanded it, his mana automatically moved to protect his body when the Null area's effects ended.

"Can you sense it?" Ion asked.

Anon nodded slightly.

"Good. Now, try to harness it and make your body comfortable within this room. You'll experience this for the next seven days. The best part? We'll only rest for one hour every 24 hours," Ion announced, smiling at Anon before returning to his reading.

'Oh no... I have no other option. The door is sealed, and I can't open it in this state. I'm in deep trouble. Why did I agree to this?' Anon fretted as his bones cracked and snapped, yet they were promptly repaired by the troll locket.

"Hmmm...?" Ion approached Anon and snatched the troll locket from his neck.

"What...are you...doing?" Anon asked in a faint, angered tone.

"Oh, good, you can speak now. I'll be taking this locket. You won't need it," Ion stated, returning to his table.


'I'm doomed,' Anon thought as he heard his bones cracking.