

i started walking towards the exit i realised something...

I am lost.

I opened the map but it was futile as i didn't knew where i am standing right now, in search of the goblin camp i went too deep and got lost.

"Fuck where is the way out of this damn forest...i should've bought a compass with me."

After walking for 3 hours without any clue i decided to stop and camp.

'i am so relieved that i bought this back up food and water but it's less and i don't know how much time will it take me to get out.'

After climbing a tree i made used this hammock i made back in the house before leaving after setting it up i ate some of the dry meat i brought with me and drank some water.

It tastes awful but good enough as a food.

After the sun fully disappeared the moon shined all over the forest and created a scenery that can only be seen in fairy tales.

The white flowers around the trees glowed blue as soon as the moon light touched them.

"Wow... it's beautiful."

Small red sparkling butterflies started flying everywhere and a sweet scent covered the whole forest.

[Skill [Alluring Pore] starts to take over your mind. ]

[Due to Class [Mind Flayer] The Mind controlling effects have been nullified]

What...? This sweet scent is Alluring pore.

As i was thinking that i noticed something strange.

"Wait this....where are all these rats and rabbits going."

All of the small animals like squirrels and rabbits suddenly started moving north.

Hmm... let's see what surprise awaits me.

I got up from the hammock and started following those animals from tree to tree.

After following them for about ten seconds i noticed a big ass white snake sitting in a spacious place and the snake is swinging his tale constantly that's causing some sparkling particals to be released into the nearby environment.

From a single glance i can tell he is a very strong predator who hunts his prey in the silence of night with his mind Eroding skill (Alluring Pore).

As i was watching him eating small rats and rabbits only one thought came to my mind.

I want that skill. I want that damn skill right now.

I wanted that skill i don't know why even though i had so many skills i just wanted it, as if it was a default setting in mind to obtain every mind control skill.

Well well let's see...i need a plane and a back up plan and a back up's back up plan to get that skill.

Eh...just kidding i only need 1 full-proof plan that will have a 99.99% chance of success.

As i was thinking an idea popped up in my mind.

"Heheheh...i don't know how am I so smart."

Cutting one of my fingers i dropped two drops of my blood on a rabbit like monster that was walking towards the snake monster mindlessly.

After that we just wait.

After eating all of the animals finally the rabbit's turn came.

Yes...eat that bitch.

"Hisssssssss....." The snake hissed at the rabbit as soon as he noticed the foreign smell from his fur.



Suddenly the snake assumed a very defensive stance and used a skill.

[You have been hit by skill [Detect] your current location has been revealed to the opponent]

As soon as this notification popped up the snake looked at me and started climbing the tree swiftly that i was sitting on.


Plan A failed

Time for Back-up plan B.

I predicted this result beforehand as my blood stench is different from a monster's smell, he immediately caught me what sharp senses does he have.

Since this was a given failed experiment i prepared plan B to get him under control.

I watched the snake whirling around the tree and reaching towards me with his full speed and to be true his speed was too good he reached me in 3 seconds.

3 fucking seconds...this time is enough for me to die more than 5 time If it's against him.

As soon as he came in a 5m of my radius i used a skill...

'Sensory Destroyer.'

The snake suddenly stopped as his eyes went blank and he fall off the tree like a dead body but before he fell down i dropped some of my blood drops into his mouth.

[New target Detected]

[Lv.11 Deathsleep Snake]

'Memory Eater.'

[3 Skills have been extracted]

[Skill [Detect] Learned successfully]

[Skill [Alluring Pore] Learned successfully]

[Skill [Poison Blood] Learned successfully]


'Memory Alter'.

[You can't use memory alter on an enemy 4 level above you]

Fuck i forgot about this.

Well sorry mate but you have to become my experience points.

I took out dad's old sword from my inventory and beheaded the snake in around 6 to 7 strikes...his skin is just too tough.

I was thinking of making him my bishop but he just served as exp at last.

[Level up]

I only leveled up once i can't understand the more i level up the more it becomes difficult to level up. I mean it's getting really hard to level up, for a snake this big you should at least give me three levels.

As i was busy complaining about this shit, suddenly a very eye pleasuring notification popped up in front of me.

[Numerous Targets have been affect by skill [Mind control] ]

Nice my pawn goblins are doing some good work i should use memory Eater on new targets when i recover all of my mana back.

It's been 3 days and i didn't find out anyway to get out of this damn forest now i am heading back towards the Goblin Camp.

This time to not get lost i made some signs on trees to show the way.

Well i wonder what my bitches must be doing...ohhh now that i think about it i wonder what happened to gia.

I don't know why but for some reason i can't even use my psychic Connection with Freya.

Now that a skill is mentioned i should look at my status.


[Name: Anon Agreil]

[Level: 9]

[Exp: 4900/5000]

[SP: 16]

[Age: 16]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Mind Flayer]

[Mana: 400/400]

[HP: 800/800]

[Skills: [Mind Control (Lv.15)] [Memory Eater (Lv.12)] [Memory Altering (Lv.6)] [Psychic Connection (Lv.10)] [Alluring Pore (Lv.3)] ]

[SBP: 30]


Hmm...they look good. Mind control and memory Eater went so high due to all those goblins coming under me. Now i own every single Goblin in this forest i will now just have to manipulate their memories to make them my pawns.

I am just 100 exp away from being level 10 and get my first evolution but that's what the problem is i can't get exp from a monster that is below two levels from me.

Sigh...i should just focus on my main task for now.

Hmm...but first we go to skill store.

[Skill [Mind Eater] Learned successfully]

Heehe...i wanted that skill but now i am only left with 25 SBP.

Oh...This section is new.

[Rank- E]

[3 Skills Found For correspondence class]

Body Modification](10SBP)

[When an individual life takes it's form it's brain's responsibility how his body will be made. From it's head to toe brain plays a very essential part in giving an individual life it's physical form. This skill uses brain to interfere with target's DNA to turn or change something in it's body. Perfect skill for a Mind Flayer to conduct his experiments.]

[Mana: 100/use]

[Warning: Too much interference with Target's DNA may result in death]

This skill....when i saw this skill it was love at first sight.

Buy this....nowwwww.

[Skill [Body Modification] Learned successfully]


Anon Laughed a very evil laugh as he readed the description of this skill over and over.

I don't why i just can't stop thinking what i will do with this skill.

Wait...i felt like an evil manga villain again...eh who cares ?

"I will make cow girlsss....hahahhahhahhahahah."

"Let's see some more."

I should get some skills that can do some damage i need them since i don't have any offensive or defensive spell.

Yeah i forgot that thought as soon as I looked at the next skill.

[Chimera Maker](30SBP)

[Can mix two or more living or dead beings to make a new one that will have both of their skills and physical abilities. One of them has to be alive for the experiment to be successful.]

[Mana: Will Depend on Subject]

Yes...i want this one as well. Fuckkkkkkkkkkk no get a offensive skill anon don't take stupid skills.

I don't why but i find this skill more attractive then any other skill on this store at the moment.

And last skill is...

[Lab Creator](10SBP)

[With this skill a mind Flayer can create his own lab anywhere he wants just like a dungeon it will need a magic stone to make it. Labs can only be made underground. Size and shape can be manipulated anytime.]


Woah... that's one huge amount of mana it consumes but i need it.

Buy this.

[Skill [Lab Creator] Learned successfully]

As i closed the menu i noticed that i already reached the goblin camp and a very-very large amount of goblins are standing in the camp now.

Did you count them no.300 ?"

"Yes master there are 13578 goblins total."

Most of them are looking like lifeless dolls cause of memory loss and they are tied with a robe.

"Unleash them one by one and bring to me."

"As you wish master."

2 more days later.

"13574....13575...13576...13577...13578. yes finished. My food ration is also depleted."

"Goblins...you are my slaves my pawns you will now do as i say do you understand?"

"Yessss master." All of them bent down on their knees and prostated themselves.

"Good. Now accept the party invite i will be sending now."

A monster and human can only sign pacts and can't form parties for exp transfer but...as a monster class i can party up with monsters too and as human species i can party up with humans too.

[13000+ members have been added to the party]


"Now go and start taking over this forest and if something comes in your way just kill it you have numbers that overwhelms any enemy now."

"Yes master."

[Party leader Anon Agreil Changed EXP settings to 50:50 between party leader and party members]

I gave them all 50% because they also need to level up.

"Now comes the real question who knows the way out of this damn forest."

Every single Goblin raised it's hand.

"The fuck ? Am i the only stupid one."

"You.... what's your name ?"

"I am no.688 sir."

"Good, guide me out of here, 688."

"Yes my lord."

688 guided me outside of the forest.

I returned home and something was not right. When i returned i asked Freya what happened with gia and she said.

"What do you mean master ? She has not returned yet ?"

"Wait it's been five days how have you been doing ?"

"Master are you sick or something what are you saying it's only been 5 hours."

That's when i understand one thing.

As i spent 5 days in the death forest but outside it's only been 5 hours.

[Book of wisdom is opened]

[Topic: Time Control]

[Experiment Performaned: 0]

[Results Found: 0]

[Spells Created: 0]


Hmm...so it's kind of an experiment log. Whatever experiment i do it will automatically register it into this log and calculate results on it's own and also makes out a spell out of it.

I have to go back into the forest of nightmares and find out what is it that manipulates time there and bring it into my experiment lab that i am going to create.

But before that... I've got many-ohhhhh

"I am cumming bitch take it all in your mouth pussy."

"Yaw mawspher(yes master)." Freya said as she started sucking faster.

I grabbed my cum-dump freya's head and just rammed my dick deep inside her throat so hard that my cum started coming out of her nose.


"Get naked."

"But...master it's a dangerous day for me." She said with a shy expression.

"I said get naked bitch, a cum-dump toilet never speaks back when it's master wants to use it."

"Y-Yes..." Freya started undressing as soon as I said that and pre-cum started dropping from her panty.

What a masochist bitch she likes to be treated like a lowly bitch in heat.

As soon as she revealed her body fully covered with suckers and a dildoctopus in her pussy that was continuously vibrating i lost control over me and threw her on the bed.

"Ahhh~ master..."

"Shh...." Before she could've spoken any another word i grabbed her neck and slammed my dick straight into her womb's back wall.

"So Deeep~"

"Anh...ummm...annnhhhhh yes...yes yes...fuck me fuck me master...use me like your plaything."

"You are...my plaything bitch."

We fucked for one hour like rabbits and then girls came back from the academy.

Freya went to the door to greet the girls.

"We are home."

"Hi mom." Cherry said as she hugged Freya.

"Hello cherry dear."

"Hello mom." Kia hugged as she said.

"Welcome back dear."

Both kia and cherry went to their room to change.

"H-Hi m-mom." Gia on the other side looked feverish and hot. She also hugged Freya but as she did Freya felt vibration coming from her body.

Freya's switch suddenly flipped and she suddenly slapped gia's butt and grabbed one her boob.

"Anhhh...mom... it's coming i am... cumming."

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Gia went down on her knees but wasn't able to cum.

"Noooooooo....i want to cummm."

"Gia darling are you alright ?" Freya said with an innocent face but suddenly she closed her distance and wispered in her ear.

"Enjoy it...this is the fun part, think about what you will experience when master will insert his divine cock into your pussy and make you cum over and over. He will mercilessly make a mess of your body you won't even be able to stand up resistance will become futile and you will only want one thing, c-o-c-k."

"Y-You are my mother." Gia said as she looked at freya with a disgusting expression.

We had dinner after and went to our beds.

Now that I've some time before everyone fells asleep i should do something...

As i was thinking that suddenly a blue window popped up in front of me.

[Level up]

[Level 10 Reached Evolution will take place in 10 seconds]


What hey give me some time...


Doesn't this thing need my permission or something.


[You will faint during the evolution]

1/2 hour later...

[Congratulations on your first Evolution]

[Successfully evolved into Mind Master]

What the hell ? I don't feel any different.



[Name: Anon Agreil]

[Level: 18]

[Exp: 567/20000]

[SP: 16]

[Age: 16]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Mind Master]

[Mana: 900/900]

[HP: 1,600/1,600]

[Skills: [Mind Control (Lv.15)] [Memory Eater (Lv.12)] [Memory Altering (Lv.6)] [Psychic Connection (Lv.10)] [Alluring Pore (Lv.3)] [Mind Eater(Lv.1) ][Body Modification (lv.1)][Lab Creator (Lv.1)] ]

[SBP: 60]

[Book of wisdom]

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Hmm...so the goblins are doing a good job. Maybe they've taken out an powerful opponent.

As i was thinking that suddenly a window popped up in front of me.

[756 party members died, 400 party members evolved into Hobgoblins and Hobgoblinas.]

What ? How the fuck did they loose so many guys. Did they fight against some dragon or something.

'Psychic Connection.'

'No.300 do you listen.'

'yes master.'

'How did so many of you died.'

'Master we encountered 3 trolls and we tried to kil-'

'what ? How did you encountered trolls they live in exact opposite of the forest.'

'yes master i think they were lost from the group. They are not very intelligent to begin with. As we tried to kill them most of us died, we killed one of them that seemed mortally injured and captured one.'

'Wait trolls are known for their ultimate regeneration how did you kill one and captured one.'

'As i said master the troll we killed was not able to regenerate his body no matter how much we damaged his body.'

'How are holding the other one ?'

'We are constantly cutting his hands and legs before they can re-grow.'

'smart you will be rewarded for your efforts. Are you one of those who evolved ?'

'Yes master i evolved into a Hobgoblina.'

Ah... that's why her intelligence got improved i can see that in her way of talking. I choose the best monster as my pawns if i can get them all to evolve into orges then i will take over that jungle easily.

'wait a Hobgoblina...you were a female ?'

'Y-Yes is there a problem...? If you want a male to lead the group-'

'No you are smart you will continue to be the leader.'

'Yes master i feel honoured.'

'Oh and send that captured troll to my house.'

'As you command but master there is one slight problem.'

'Huh ? Okay tell me.'

'One of the reasons why we lost so many of our guys is because we don't have any good weapon the best weapon in our party is a rusted sword that i own.'

They managed to deal with two trolls with no weapon, i can't wait to hand them proper weapons but...

'i will do something about it as soon as possible tell me the core weapons you need i will give it to the party who will bring the troll over.'

'Yes and thank you master for your grace.'

'No worries.'

Hmm... it's time i start thinking about my economics.

I thought as i looked towards the wooden floor in my room.

Without any delay i punched the floor and my hand touched the soil underneath the house.

"As expected it doesn't have any foundation."

'Lab Creator.'

[Level 1 Lab has been Created]

It's good that i made this Magic Stone during my sweet tour in the nightmare forests.

2 days ago in Forest of nightmare...

[Lv.6 Mutated Rabbit has been killed successfully]

[You have obtained 1 Magic Stone]

[Magic Stone]

[An unknown magical energy is filled within this stone that can be manipulated anytime by a worthy mage. Using it without any precautions can result in death.]

Hmm... isn't it the same stone i need to create a lab. I'll take it.

Present time...

As soon as Anon used the lab Creator skill a small square shaped door appeared on the floor.

Anon opened and saw nothing but but eternal dark inside.

"Okay so i need a rope, a rock and a candle."

A rock to see how much the bottom is from the door a rope to climb down and a candle to perform as a light.

As i was thinking about it i heard a knock on my door.


"Come in."

I closed the door to the lab and spoke without looking towards the room door.

"Freya i don't have time to have sex with you i am busy and I've got-" but as soon as I looked towards the door i saw that the one standing on the door wasn't Freya it was gia.

Red face, leaking pre cum from panties, open hair and shivering body.

"Oh...hello sis what's up ?"

"Y-You i won, I've had enough of you i endured with your toys now get them off of me."

"Ah, yes...i forgot about that well now that it's time why don't you go ahead and remove your clothes so i can Remove my toys from your body."

"Heh...you thought i would be that easy to break." She said with a little smirk.

Oh...would you look at that attitude i will tear it apart in a second.

Gia removed her clothes and her body that was covered with suckers and nipple leeches revealed itself.

I started walking towards her and grabbed the nipple leech from her left tit and started pulling it slowly and slowly.


As soon as the leech came off gia let out a very passionate moan.

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"Anhhhh..." As soon as she realised that she moaned, gia covered her mouth with both of her hands.

"Oh my what a cute moan."

She just stared at me and didn't said anything.

I did the same with the right tit and removed every sucker from her body one by one.

Then came the turn for her clitoris.

I left that sucker for a small trick and went for the dildoctopus.

"Well let's do this." I said as i grabbed the dildoctopus from the outside part.

Heheh...i just thought of a fun trick.

"Hey gia i will remove this on the count of three."

'W-What ? Why is this pervert telling me this now ?'

...after thinking something gia nodded in yes.

Hehee...this is going to be fun.

"3...hyaaa." After saying only three i pulled the dildoctopus out with full force and also pulled the sucker from her clitoris.

For a second we just looked at each other and nothing happened.

'Eh, did it not work ?'


After a second gia's eyes went high and she leaked like a tank.

"There it is."

"Anhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ cum-cummmming....i am cumming."

[Gia's Mind Corruption:- 100%]

She came hard so hard that white foam came out of her mouth.

'Well well now she is fully corrupted.'

After a while gia woke up from the floor and looked at me while i was sitting on the bed.

"Y-You i won the bet. You will leave now right ?"


As i stood up from the bed i went near gia and droped my pants.

"H-Hey what are you doing?"

As soon as she looked at my cock her heat returned.

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"Oops i dropped my pants."

"..." Gia started staring at my cock like a slut who was in heat.

"Hey gia do you want something?"

"H-Huh ? N-No." She said that for a second but started staring at my cock again.

It's time i use my skills... I touched gia's head and

[Body Modification]

[Do you want to select Gia Agreil as the 'Target' ?]


[Target Selected]

[Reading body and DNA]

[Reading has been finished successfully]

[Body is ready to be modified]

Connect smell sensors to sexual nerves and increase smelling senses by 100 times.

[Changes done successfully]

As soon as this notification popped up i sticked my dick to her nostrils.


"Annhhhh~ This smell no my body is getting all tingly. Mhmmmhhn~ no stop this smell."

Her hands reached out to her pussy and her tits.

'Connect tounge buds to Pussy nerves and modify her mouth walls same as the inside of her pussy, oh and increase overall body sensitiveness to 100 x more.'

[Changes done]

"Hey gia suck it."

Gia suddenly looked at me but didn't dare to say anything and started sucking my dick.

'He is treating me as his fuck doll, as a disposable onahole and i can't even say no to him why am I, it's like i as a woman am born to satisfy his sexual needs.'

"Oh come on why are you so slow, if you went like that i won't even cum in 100 years. Let me tell you how it's done."

I grabbed her head and used her mouth pussy to jerk myself off and i didn't notice it but she came over and over during this.

"Ahh....i am cumming, open your throat i am going to deep throat you bitch."

'W-What Deep throat ? Is he going to cum in my throat ? I-I can't let that happen i am not his toy i can't let him do it...but i can't seem to gather strength ahhh~ i am cumming again.'

"Take this bitch."

I came into her mouth pussy and she came again.

After that i did some more modifications into her body until i converted her body into a full-fledged walking pussy.

I increased her body sensitiveness by 1000 times in the end and several more changes like enlarging her anal hole and making her butt more fluffy just like her breasts.

Then fucked her over and again made some changes into her body and fucked her again.

Did it until i ran out of mana.


I am Freya. Mother of three daughters and a stepson.

I was a widow so i married a guy named Dave Agreil who had a son named Anon.

One year went good but after that Dave started losing interest in me and started going out with other women behind my back.

I was dying for some sex and he cheated on me.

I was angry to my soul but didn't knew what to do that's when i told this to my eldest and smartest daughter kia.

"Well you can kill him."

"Kia what are you saying he is your stepfather."

"Well mom you will get the house plus your revenge and two mouths less to feed."

"Two ?"

"Yeah if we are going to kill Dave as well kill that Anon since he will come to know that one day that we killed his dad and come back for revenge."

I don't why but for some reason i liked that idea.

I agreed to the idea and after killing Dave by food poisoning, my middle daughter Gia and youngest daughter cherry also got involved into the plan.

Cherry gave poison to anon but for some reason he didn't die.

We thought of taking a break from the plan for somedays so that Anon didn't try to escape from the house.

But that was our biggest mistake...

The next night after he survived from food poisoning he somehow changed and came to my room.

After that He raped me.

To tell the truth i am a slut who likes to be treated like nothing but an object that is only used for satisfaction of a male sexually.

After he raped me i started following his commands and to my surprise he knows some kind of mind bewitching spells.

He can make me do anything anytime.

He made me his Cum-dump toilet.

...i don't know why but i like that name.

Just like me he also plans on making my daughters his onaholes.

I don't why but i want to help him do that.

Everyday he uses me three times first in the morning i give him blowjobs and pussy fucks in the noon he rapes me out of nowhere like i am washing the dishes he will come and remove my clothes and starts fucking me.

At night he teases me with his sex toys and makes me beg him for sex.

I don't why but i love this new shedule in my life.

Just like everyday i am going to Master Anon's room to give him a usual blowjob and pussy fuck if he wants it.

But as today i opened the door of his room i saw gia giving him morning blowjob under his blanket while master was still asleep.

I enjoy giving him blowjobs, his cock is soooo long that everytime i suck it, it reaches the deepest part of my throat. I love giving master blowjobs and i felt a burning flame when i saw gia doing it.

Looks like he broke her too.

Removing the blanket Freya looked at gia sucking Anon's cock and started doing the same instead she started sucking his balls.

"Mom what are you doing ?" Gia asked.

"It's my job to take care of master's morning wood."

"But it's mine now." Gia said in a debating tone.

Both of them started fighting over Anon's rod.

Anon woke up from his sleep and looked at both of them fighting.

"Well yeah...i am his Cum-dump toilet."

"Oh so what i am his anytime use fuck doll."

"Both of you stop."

"Yes master." Both of them spoke.

"Freya you get your tits out and squeeze my lower half with them and gia suck the upper part."

"Yes master."

Freya opened her blouse and two fluffy jiggling jugs with big brown nipples popped out and jiggled up and down on my dick's lower half.

And a mouth with pussy like side walls started sucking on the upper half of my dick.

Both of them started giving the blowjob Anon always wanted.

'I wonder what will happen when four of them comes together.'

As i was thinking that i slipped one of my hand into freya's panty and one in gia's pussy.

And started fingering both of them.

"Anhhh~ master." Gia said as she started moaning while sucking.

"Mhhhmmm~ maaassteerrr Don't be so rough." Freya said in an erotic manner.

Both of them turned their asses and raised them in my direction.

I started rubbing their pink little clitoris with my thumb.

"Anhhh~ no master ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i am cumming....yes yes yes."

"Me too anhhh~ yes master finger me....anhhhhhhhhhhhhh cumming Cumming."

I stopped my hands and removed them.

"Master.....you meanie. Why do you do that ?"

"Eh, i was about to cum."

Both of them looked at me with disappointed faces.

"Yeah i know but now that the lubrication process is done on both sides why don't we start the main process."



Both of them looked at each other with shy faces.

"Now Freya get on the top of gia so that i can see both of your pussies and creampie both of you at the same time."

"Y-Yes master...as you wish." She said with a perverted smile on her face and went on the top of gia.

That's when i witnessed the legendary view called "Pussy Sandwich"

The lower pussy was tight and new but inexperienced on the other hand the upper pussy was old but experienced and plump too.

I rammed my cock into freya's pussy and started Fucking her.

"Eehhh, why mom goes first ?"

To increase her tightness i grabbed freya's throat and choked her.

"T-Thank Y-You Maswer..." She said in a chocking tone.

After some thrusts i changed pussy and and grabbed Freya's huge breasts that were hanging.

"Anhhhh~ yes master thrust hardeer..." Gia spoke.

After that i rubbed freya's nipples with gia's nipples and creampied both of their womb's.

After this we tried different poses like i fucked gia while Freya and gia was doing a 69

After having breakfast girls went to the academy of knights and magic. I am getting ready for my trip to the capital city Dordem to buy some things and sell some monster corpses i collected in the forest.

"Master when will you be returning ?" Freya asked.

"Evening I guess."

"Have a good trip."

We kissed and i left the house.

It's 2 hours route to the capital but i borrowed some money from gia so i will travel by the wagon.

Riding a wagon from the outskirts i went to the capital and it only took half hour.

As everyone was passing through the gates the guards checked everyone's ID.

I don't have any ID so should i use that skill.

[Illusion] [D] [50 SBP]

[This skill plays with minds of the targets and shows them whatever you want. Limit of Targets that spell works on will depend on skill level. Making unbelievable illusions can result in illusion breaking.]

[Mana: 250]

I can tell them that i don't have an ID but then i would have to bribe them and i don't have enough money to do that.

I borrowed 20 copper coins from gia.

1 silver = 100 copper

1gold = 100 silver

1 platinum = 100 gold

1jade = 100 platinum.

5 copper is gone as fee for the wagon ride.

I don't think i can bribe them with 15 copper to let me in so i will use my new spell anyway.

But for it to work more efficiently we give it some skill points.

+10 points in illusion.

[Illusion Lv.10]


As the line became shorter by the time, my turn finally came.

"Show me your ID."

"Here." i said as i raised my empty hand towards him.


After using the skill i just imagined the card i saw in one of the villagers hand beforehand and tried to change it's information in my mind and the picture on it.

Come on work.

Suddenly a dark black smoke covered my hand. But when i looked at the guard his expressions seemed normal.

"Okay you can go, Mr. Anon."

Phew...i will take it as a sign that i am the only one who can see this black smoke but i still can't figure out what the guard saw back there.

As i entered through those big giant gates i saw something very unbelievable scene.

Elfs, Dwarfs, humans in mage and Swordsman costume wandering around the city fountain and magic shop owners calling for customers.

This scene is the best thing I've ever seen after arriving in this world. It's like i am in a manga or anime.

Hmm... let's see where is the adventurer's guild.

I walked upto an elf woman with big juggs and asked.

"Umm...hello can you tell me where the adventurer's guild is ?"

"Oh..are you new in the town ?"

"Yeah kind of."

"Oh...cool i am also heading there let's go together."


Hmm...she has a good body should i hypnotise and fuck her someday.

But she said she is also heading towards the guild so it means she can also be an adventurer. Let's not think with my dick on this one.

"So what's your name ?"

"I am Anon, Anon Agreil."

"I am Yuri."

"So Yuri are you an adventurer ?"

"Hmmm...kind of."

"What do you mean by kind of ?"

"I mean i am just a scout for the guild, i do research on areas near the death forest of nightmares and inform the guild about the behaviour of monsters."

"Hmm...so did you noticed anything odd ?"

"Yeah recently i have been noticing something odd about goblins those creatures suddenly disappeared from their camp sites and are nowhere to be found near forest borders."

Oh shit...not good.

After walking for a few minutes we finally reached the guild that was on the middle East corner of the town.

"Thanks for helping me find the guild."

"No problem dear."

Both of us separated after entering the guild.

I went to one of the receptionist that was human a male on top of that.

Bro i would've been pleased to see a woman here.


"How many i help you ?"

"Ah...yes i want to sell some monster corpses."

"Follow me sir."

I followed the guy into the back grounds of the guild hall.

"Show me the body sir."

"There you go."

"I took out every monster corpse from my inventory."

"Oh my this will take sometime please wait inside the guild hall."

But it's only about 30 corpses and some of them are rather small. Why is he taking so much time ?

10 minutes later...

"Dear sir your corpses have been counted successfully and there are 34 corpses which will be 2 gold and 30 silvers with guild tax."

"What's a guild tax ?"

"If you are not an adventurer for the guild you will have to pay 20% tax from the selling price."

The fuck that's like day scamming.

"Thank you for your trade, here is your payment don't forget to come back sir."

Hell i won't.

I am thinking of buying a magic staff some magic equipment and an alchemist set for making potions.

I don't know why but since i have a lab i feel like i should do something with it so i will try making some potions in it.

As i was heading towards the alchemist shop someone called me from behind.

"U-Ummm excuse me sir." A sweet gentle voice.

I heard the voice and turned around.

...and to my surprise the one who called me was none other than one of the mythical creatures known as "Lamia."

[Lamia: Half human, Half-Snake, full hottie.]

Dark blue eyes, Blue hairs, upper half was human female and lower was a snake tail made with sturdy scales.

Her face is thousand times more beautiful than the miss world back on earth.

Her clothes are torn, those are not even in a wearable condition and there is a eye patch on her right eye too but other than that she has a heavy metal collar in her neck.

Several cuts on her hands as if tortured to near death.

"Would you like to buy some potions Respected Sir ?" Breaking the silence she spoke.

I came out of my thoughts and observed a basket of potions in her hand.

As soon as I looked at the basket a notification popped up in front of me.

[Host is advised not to take that potion, potion in sight is highly diluted and contains highly toxic materials for body. Consuming it can possibly cause diarrhoea and loose motions.]

The fuck...? They worse then garbage and you call them healing potions.

I gave a strong glare to the lamia standing in front of me.

"Hiiiiii...." She let out a squealing voice and immediately prostated herself in front of me that caused the basket of potions to fell down on the ground and break.

"P-Please D-Don't Hit. P-Please i-i didn't do anything P-Please have mercy." She started talking in a very scared tone as if i am coming to kill her.

I started moving towards her when suddenly a man came from behind with a stick in his hands.

"Hey what the fuck are you doing, you fucking trash, you destroyed all my potions ?"

The lamia suddenly stood up and looked back as she got more scared and started mumbling something like a broken record.

"m-m-m-master, i-i didn't, i didn't, i-i-i was j-just..."

The man pulled the stick backwards and swinged with his full power to hit the lamia but before he could've done it a hand stopped the stick in mid-air.

"Hey what the fuck do you think you are doing ?" The man asked.

"Why are you beating her ?" I asked in a serious tone.

"Can't you see this useless slave destroyed all of my precious potions."n𝚘𝐯𝑬.𝓁𝚋-1n

Ah...now i understand so she was a slave, i forgot i was in a world of magic and slaves must be common here.

"What's the price for all the potions in that basket ?" i asked the man.

"Let's see 5 copper for this and 8 for this....so it should be about 1 silver and 30 copper."

"Here..." I gave him the money.

"Are you sure ?"

"Take it before i put it back."

"Oh no no...thank you dear customer for your purchase." His expressions immediately changed after seeing the money.

"Let's go you dumb fuck." He said to the lamia.


"Yes...dear customer do you want to buy more potions then you should come to the shop-"

"No, i want to buy her."

"Eh...This useless clumsy piece of shit ?" The man said as he looked at the lamia with a disgusting expression.

The lamia just kept her head down and listened to the conversation.

"Just state the price."

"Uhhhh.... let's say 20 silver... Haha, i am kiddi-"

"Here 20 silver."

'What the hell he didn't even flinched for a second before tossing the money out, is he a noble or something. From his clothes he doesn't look like one, still it's a good deal i bought her for 5 silver at the blackmarket. He must be buying her to make his some twisted wish come true.'

"Here is her slave contract, oh and she is a virgin too dear customer."

He handed me a piece of paper with a magic circle on it.

"Until you have that paper you can order her to do anything you want and she can't say no to any command."


"Hey greet your new master you filthy fuck." As he was about to slap her again i grabbed his hand this time but unlike before this time i used a bit force.


"Slapping my property is slapping me."

"Ohhh...my apologies for this rude behaviour dear customer."

"Come." Leaving his hand i commanded the lamia.

She followed me without any delay.

"What's your name ?"


"Sephie let's get you some clothes."

"Master don't have to. Sephie is very comfortable in these clothes."

"Yeah no."

'Looks like my new master is a good man.'


"Welcome dear customer how may i help you." A voice i heard from behind the counter but didn't saw anyone there.

"Hi i would like to buy some clothes for her and myself too."

"Yes, just give me a minute...ah yes welcome to Arcane Textiles how many i help you ?" Suddenly a lady with 6 eyes popped up from the bottom of the counter.

She is an....Arachne.

[Arachne: Half Human, Half Spider, They contain 5 holes as their sexual parts. One for web shooting one for breeding and one for egg laying and other two are for fun only. They are short tempered being.]

Six eyes, purple short hairs, lower half is of spider and upper half is of human female.

"So you are looking for dresses for you and your slave right sir ?"


"Those clothes look good on you."

"Thank you master. You also look very handsome in new clothes."

In the Cloth shop we met Linda the Arachne. She basically choose both of our cloths.

I got this cool fashioned shirt and pants. Whereas sephie got a maid uniform for lamias.

The clothes costed me around 2 silver as i bought 2 pairs of my clothes and 2 pairs of sephie's.

Now let's check my to do list.

1. Sell monster corpses...done.

2. Get some clothes...done.

3. Get alchemy materials.

4. Lunch in the city.

Let's see only 2 of my things are left. Should I get the alchemy materials or have lunch ?


As i was thinking about what to do sephie's stomach made a growling sound.

Well now i know what to do first.

"S-Sorry master." She said as her face turned red due to shyness and her blue pointy ears flicked up and down constantly.


"Don't worry let's go and eat."

As we started walking towards a near by restaurant i asked sephie.

"Hey sephie what does a lamia eat anyway ?"

"Ummm....a dry bread will satisfy me as the previous master has always given me the same dry bread twice a day."

What a fucker. Not even a human can survive on that and he made a monster girl survive on that. I should've broken his bones or something.

After arriving before a restaurant i entered inside but sephie stopped outside.

"Sephie what are you doing ? Why did you stop ?"

"Eh...? Master this is a human restaurant and i am a lamia i don't think they will permit me inside."

"Don't worry just come."


Sephie entered the restaurant but as soon as she did everyone went silent and just looked at her.

"Hey don't you know that monster shit is not allowed in this restaurant. Get her out of here." An angry small male human with short brown hair shouted.

He seems to be the owner of this place.

"Here...serve me and her the best food you've got in here." I said as i tossed a silver coin towards him.

His eyes shined with greed as his next words rotated his attitude by 180°.

"Dear customer please be sitted i will personally serve you the best of my capabilities."


"Let's sit sephie."

Sephie didn't took the chair in front of me instead she sat down on the floor beside me.

"Sephie what are you doing ?"

"M-Master is there something i am doing wrong ?"

"Why are you sitting on the ground ?"

"But master i am a sla-"

"Get up and sit on the chair."

"Y-yes." She followed my order without any delay.

"Master is it alright for me to sit and eat on the same table as you ?"

"Yep. That's my order."

"Slave understands."

After eating the food both of us started heading towards the alchemist shops sephie told me the best alchemy shops in the town.

Sephie also has a very wide knowledge in alchemy as she always watched her previous master doing it and making potions.

After buying alchemy materials i am only left with one gold in hand.

After this both of us started walking back to the house.

"So sephie do you know why i bought you ?"

"N-No master."

"Take a guess."

Sephie's face turned red as she said "T-To accompany master in bed and fullfill every desire he has."

"Good point but there is other reason as well, you know i knew your talent when i first saw you i knew you will be a great alchemist."

"Really master ?" Sephie looked at me with very hopeful eyes.


Nope i didn't knew shit. I just want to have sex with her, since she is a slave i won't use my mind control on her.

"I won't disappoint master in any aspect."


After taking the wagon back to the village both of us reached home.


"Welcome back mas- ahem Anon." Freya greeted me.

Freya suddenly changed her tone as soon as she noticed sephie.

"She is a slave don't worry."

"N-Nice to meet you." Sephie greeted.

"You too." Freya replied with a smile.

"Come sephie."


Taking her to my room i showed sephie around.

"So this is master's room."


"...and this is my lab." I opened the underground door and throwed a rope inside to climb down. As it was day i can see more clearly now inside.

It's a big room made out of stones. I can see only a single big slab on the right wall of the lab and a the magic crystal floating in one corner of the room.

I can make more rooms and change the shape of the lab by just thinking about it.

I made three more rooms underground attached to the lab one for sephie other two for training purposes.

I am thinking of making a base fully underground base. Hehe sounds fun and a tunnel to the city.

Within the tunnel i have to make a means of transportation that can travel fast just like a bullet train yes yes.

...and a harem room too. Hehehehe.

After giving sephie a big room i withdrawed alchemy materials from the inventory and helped sephie to arrange them in order.

There are burners and beakers just like back on earth but they have these spells attached to them that protects the alchemist from the blast that happens when mixing two wrong chemicals.

"Umm...master who was that lady we met at the door ?"

"Ah..she was my onahole."

"Onahole ?" A clearly confused expression appeared on her face.

"Ah...Onahole means fuck doll."


"...and if you are asking in relationship then she is my step mother."


Don't tell me ? Fuck i messed things up.

I realised it when i noticed the surprised and a disgusting expression on sephie's face.

Keeping it cool i spoke in a normal tone.

"When she tried to kill me i didn't had any other way but to bewitch her mind and make her my puppet but she likes to be treated as a fuck doll more than a slave."

Only then sephie's expressions loosened a little as she spoke.

"Why would master's own mother try to kill him ?"

"Step, she is my step mother with three daughters and she also killed my dad."

"Oh...so you are taking a revenge on your step mother."

"Not only her, i am taking revenge on her daughters as well."

"Oh... master's step-sisters."

"Yep, i have two of them already under my control but two are still free."

"I-I will help master if he needs any type of help." She said in a serious tone.

"Well i don't think lamias are very good in physical combat, so why don't you tell me your race's speciality."

"As master said we lamias are not the physical combat specialist but we have a hight intelligence and high affinity with nature magic."

"Nature magic...it means you are just like elfs right ?"

"No master, elfs are more wise creatures then us in every aspect except one alchemy. Elfs are still not on par with the Lamias when it comes to alchemy and potion making."

"Hmm...well since the lab is all set it's yours to do experiment now. I have to go up now as I've got some work to finish."

"I will be waiting patiently for master's return and try my best to make something useful for master." She said as she bowed.

I should make a staircase now i can't use this rope everytime to come out and come in again and again.

As i came out of the basement i received a notification that popped up in front of me.

[Level up]

[All members of the party evolved into Hobgoblins and Hobgoblinas]

Oh, i totally forgot about the level up thing since i never paid that much attention to it let's see what level i am.


[Name: Anon Agreil]

[Level: 23]

[Exp: 8890/40000]

[SP: 30]

[Age: 16]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Mind Master]

[Mana: 1,800/1,800]

[HP: 3,600/3,600]

[Skills: [Mind Control (Lv.15)] [Monster Creator (Lv.10)] [Sensory Destroyer(Lv.5)] [Memory Eater (Lv.12)] [Memory Altering (Lv.6)] [Psychic Connection (Lv.10)] [Alluring Pore (Lv.3)] [Mind Eater(Lv.1) ][Body Modification (lv.4)][Lab Creator (Lv.2)] [Illusion (Lv.10)]]

[SBP: 120]

[Book of wisdom]


My God those guys are going crazy in the forest. They don't even have good weapons yet. But i bought some basic swords daggers bows and many more things from a blacksmith. That was the last thing i did before leaving the city. That's when i became broke again.

As i was thinking that, another notification popped up.

[Members of party increased to 20000]

"Those guys are doing some good job huh. Fucking some bitches and making off-springs."

'Master, no.300 reporting.'

'yes 300, you have contacted me i think it must be a serious matter.'

'yes master, we have killed a small group of blood wolves and taken all the females as prisoners while the males were killed.'

'why did you save the females.'

'for copulating master, the womb's of these female wolves can give birth to strong and furious offsprings in a short time period.'

'okay is there anything else?'

'yes, master there is one more thing some of us are ready to evolve to the next stage and we are wondering what should we choose.'

'Hmm...what are the options of evolution?'

'All of us have 2 class selection Ogre and Orc.'

Orcs are less intelligent creatures but with monstrous strength and i literally mean monstrous they can eliminate a dragon if they form a party of 30 to 40.

Whereas Ogres are more intelligent creatures and agile but are half of an orc's strength.

To choose it simply ogre is the best.

'What will you choose?'

'No, master we won't choose without your permission.'

'What If i were to give you freedom to choose ?'

'Master, i would choose ogre and 500 others are also willing to choose the same but 200 would like to choose orc for strength and power in team.'

'Okay, you can choose on your own.'

'Yes, master. I will convey the message to all fellow Hobgoblins.'

After that i waited for a few seconds and the awaited notification popped up in front of me.

[500 Hobgoblins and Hobgoblinas of your party have been evolved into Ogres and 200 Hobgoblins and Hobgoblinas have been evolved into Orcs.]


'Master we've evolved successfully.'

'oh, good.'

'Master I've sended a party of 50 Ogres and 10 orcs towards your house master with the troll are they there yet ?'

'No, they are not here yet.'

'Hmmm...That's odd they left 30 days ago.'

Yeah so that means they left 30 hours ago.

'Don't worry they should be getting here.'

'we will now move towards the 8 legged guys area.'


"Hmm...these guys are literally dominating the forest huh."

Meanwhile at the Adventurer's guild...

"Yuri are you in your right mind ?" A beastkin with white fur and muscular build said in a raging tone.

"Yes guild master i am hundred percent sure, i saw them coming out of the forest."

"So you are telling me a group of 200 ogres and around 10 orcs are moving towards the city's outskirts and they also have a troll with them."


"Fuck, fuck, fuck....Nana come in."

A cute looking cat woman with a busty body build entered the room.

"Yes guild master, you called me nya~."

"Yes, issue a Red Alert quest for All Adventurers, it seems there is going to be some destruction on the outskirts of the country and issue a Royal notice to all 7 families asking for reinforcements."

"A-Are you sure ? Nya~."

"Nana do you think i am kidding."

"I-I will do it immediately nya~"

[B-Class Quest[Urgent]]

[We need B rank and higher Adventurers to Protect the city from a group of C-rank monsters. Will get rewarded handsomely by the guild and the king as well.]

"Hey have you seen the urgent quest on the quest board ?"

"Yeah i think it's time for me to leave this city."

"Hey you are a C-rank adventurer right you going for that quest ?"

"Na bro."

"Hey i heard that 7 royal families are also involved in this quest they are all sending their son-in-laws to see who is superior."

"Bro, everyone knows that It's 'Dragon House Of Flame.' "

"Yeah in your dreams did you forgot about 'House Of Witches.' "

Everyone started talking about this urgent quest that appeared out of nowhere which involves 7 royal families and even the king.

"Everyone i would like your attention please." The guild master came down stairs as he started to speak.

"My God Guild master himself came down to the hall."

"Yeah i heard he has been in seclusion for 3 years."

"Fuck bro this matter is serious."

"As all of you know about the urgent quest, There is a Horde of monsters coming towards the city but we have time since they were seen last time around the outskirts but that was yesterday. As our experts calculated they will reach the city gates in 5 days." Guild master said in a serious tone.

"That's very short time."

"Yeah we can't even ask other Kingdoms for help."

"...We have more than enough support to deal with the horde but don't take them lightly." He continued.

"Guild master can you give us some details like what type of monsters are we facing and what are there numbers ?" A guy from the crowd asked.

"Good question. Nana bring it."

"Here you go nya~"

Nana brought a big chart holder and placed it besides the guild master.

As soon as the guild master pulled the hanging string a chart opened up.

"From the given information we know that there are 200 Ogre and 10 orcs in the horde but we still don't know about any backup team."

Everyone standing in the hall looked at the guild master with grim expression.

Any one lower than C-rank left the guild hall immediately and receptionist also stood up from there places.

All of the guild hall went silent. Just like cemetery.

No one dared to utter even a single word. It went so silent that air Breeze inside the room felt like death music.

It was a serious matter.

Ogres are intelligent creatures and they like to stay single or maximum in a group of two to three.

Even a group of two or three Ogres can take down many C-rank adventurers and the guild master just said 200 of them are coming.

...and as if that was not enough he said 10 orcs.

Orcs are considered mindless monster but with there strength they can eliminate 100 elephants with single punch and they can also lead big hordes of Goblins and Hobgoblins that can vanish a big healthy village from the face of world in one night.

Those creatures never work in groups of the same orc, even if two orcs see each other it's a kill or be killed situation only one will rule the group.

...and the guild master just said 200 Ogres and 10 orcs are coming in a group towards this city. It's Doomsday for the city.

Even if they managed to kill them they will still suffer so much damage that will take many years to recover from.

"I know all of you are scared, i am too but we are requesting reinforcements from 7 royal families from the royal capital."

Human kingdom is divided into 8 rings or walls.

The more inside you go the more nobles you will see increasing and the 7 royal families live in the most inner ring same as the king.

It is known as the 'Royal Capital city Of Demurrage Kingdom.'

The outside walls are in danger but insiders live carefree life they don't fear anything since they have most qualified adventurers as Vanguards and personal bodyguards too.

This horde was a E-rank threat to the inner wall nobles but not to the outer ring guys they have to protect themselves without any help but since it was a greater disaster they've sent help notices to all 7 families and a notice to the king to personally inform him of the conditions outside.

Listening to this everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"I am sure they will definitely send help and i hope you will help too so those who want to turn around and run away this is the time. It's high risk high reward. Good night. I will see you tomorrow." Saying this guild master left the guild hall but the environment still remained a little tensed.

"I-I will support the guild." A guy said breaking the silence.

"Me too."

"I will also take this quest."


One by one more than 300 B-rank and 70 A-rank adventurers signed up for the quest.

On the other hand our hero who doesn't know about any of this shit is fucking some bitches in his house.


"Mhhhmmm~ master~ FUCCCCKKKKK MEEEE." Freya cried out as i rammed my thick rod into her lower lips and rubbed her nipples.

"Anhhh~ master~ i need it too." Gia who was licking my nipples and getting her pussy licked by Freya said.

"This life is the best, i am cumming ~"

Rushing down the lab anon looked at sephie who was concentrating on some potions.

"Oh...sephie you are up good."

"Good morning master." She said as she presented a red coloured potion.

"Master this is a HP recovery potion i made."

"Hmm..? Oh good let's see what it can do." I said and gulped the whole potion down my throat.

[High quality HP potion recovers 2000 HP]

"Hmm...pretty good but we are not going to make high quality potions as we can buy them anywhere from the kingdom."

"Ehhh...? Master do you not want me to make potions."

"No...i mean yes but not mana and recovery potions they are too common to make anymore we are going to make some high quality Seductives, Sedatives, Drugs, Elixirs, Strong Poisons and their antidotes."

"What...?" Sephie looked towards me in a disbelief expression.

"What...? Did i said something wrong ?" I looked at sephie as i said that with normal expression.

"Master those drugs are something that only royal alchemists can make and use. We don't even know the recipes for any of them."

"Are they illegal to make ?"

"No master but we don't know the recipes and to get them we have to steal them from the royals and that's illegal."

I am not saying this out of the blue that i want to make these things. Last night when i was sleeping butt naked between freya's boobs and gia's ass a notification suddenly popped up.

I ignored it for some time but unlike any other notification i couldn't so i looked at it and found out this.

[Level 25 reached Successfully]

[Recipe Shop will unlock now.]

[Recipe Shop]

[With Recipe Shop you will be provided with a random recipe and you will have to make that potion in order to find out what it really is, you can either use it or study it with the Recipe Shop's Study option to know more about it and make a better varient of it in the next try.(Experiment Records Will be saved inside the Book Of Wisdom)]

[1 recipe Available]

[Name: ?]

[Rank: D]

[Type: ?? Drug]


1. Blue Grass's Poison.

2. Leafs of kelen tree.

3. Root of Geraldine.


[Making Process:

Step 1. Mix 100g of Glimer salt into 1L Diluted blue grass poison.

Step 2. Boil them at low heat and mix 7 root of Geraldine in it slowly from the side.

Step 3. Add Tranvancia drops until solution turns red.

Step 4. ...]

Without thinking about it that much i went to sleep but when i woke up this morning i noticed that it was still there so i decided to make this.

"Don't worry i have the recipe."

"Wait did master steal it ?"

"No you idiot i just have it."

"Hooo....master is awesome." Suddenly her keen eyes turned into admiring eyes.

"So do we have Blue Grass's Poison."

"Yes yes."

"How about kelen tree leaf ?"

"Yes, about 100 of them."

"Root of Geraldine ?"


We surprisingly had every ingredient that recipe listed.

Now it's time for some experiments.

I started making the potion by following all of the steps and sephie observed me very carefully as i did it.

[Book Of Wisdom]

[?? Drug Experiment]

[Try 1st: Result: Pending (click for step logs).]

Book of wisdom is taking notes of everything i did in this experiment.

After some time i finally made a dark purple sparkling potion.

[Try 1st: Result: Success (Click For Step Logs)]

[Time Taken: 22 minutes, 34 seconds.]

[Recipe 1 Has been completed successfully]

[You have found a new Drug named "Body Strengthning Exilir."]

[Body Strengthening Exilir]

[Open the Pores of your body and increase the mana Consumption and recovery rate by 50/second]

Oh my god...this thing is gold. my mana absorption rate now is about 100/second but it will decrease to 50/second but it will boost my recovery rate and muscle Strengthning while i train.

"Wow...master you really made it but what is it ?" Sephie said with admiring eyes.

"This is a Exilir. Body Strengthening Exilir."

"Woooooow...and you made it in the first try too...master you are awesome."

"Ahhaha...thanks but did you learn how to make it."

"Yes. I completely remember every step."

"Good...now let's try it." I said as i drank all of it in one go.

Suddenly a refreshing breeze ran through my body and i felt more refreshed.

[Mana regeneration Has been increased by 50/second.]

[Strength increased drastically]

[Endurance Increased Drastically]

[Fatigue Decreases]

Oh my god this thing is so dope.

If i launch this in the market i will be billionaire in no time.

"Sephie...i need 100 pieces of this unit the evening can you make it."

"Yes master."

"Good now get on it."

Hehehe.... it's going to be money rain.

Hmm...today is holiday for the girls i think it's time to take the last step to take over the whole family.

Gia, is in her room Freya is making breakfast and kia is also in her room.

Cherry is playing outside with her friends.

I am strong enough to take on Kia now but since she knows offensive and defensive magic i have to take my steps slightly.

Anon opened the door to his room and started going towards the kitchen first.

"Good morning master."

As soon as Freya greeted Anon he noticed that she was making some kind of soup.

Taking a small plate from the utensils he poured some soup into the plate and started tasting it with his left hand and groping her ass and spanking it slightly.

Freya's expression started changing as she noticed that her master is groping her ass.

Her panties started getting wet.

Without any delay anon slides his hand into freya's panties and starts touching her clitoris vigorously.

"Anhhh~ Masterr~."

As soon as she started moaning Anon took away his hand and spoke as he putted down the plate.

"Hmm...good soup."

After this he left the kitchen.

"Master you tease." Freya murmured.

As soon as he came out of the kitchen he noticed gia going into kia's room.

'My my that's one good opportunity.'

Anon followed gia to kia's room.

"Hello sisters."

"Oh Anon and gia what's up both of you together."

Gia was surprised when she turned around she noticed anon but wasn't able feel his presence before Kia said.

'Master is growing stronger.' gia though to herself.

"Na nothing just here to spend some time with my cute sisters."

"Sit both of you let's play some game until breakfast comes it's holiday let's enjoy."

This foxy little bitch. It was her master plan all over to kill me and killed my dad already.

I am here to take revenge bitch.

Gia and anon sat on one side of the table where as kia sat on the other side.

After kia distributed the cards all of us started looking towards the the card.

But anon saw the opportunity and slides his hand under gia's pink skirt to feel her godly butts.

As soon as he did he noticed that she wasn't wearing any panties.

"Oh my, i got some good cards."

"Heh...you ain't winning brother, i have better cards then you." Kia spoke.

Whereas gia was taking pleasure in butt groping and not looking at her cards.

"You do huh...? Does in any of those cards have a plan to kill me." Anon said with a straight face.

"W-What are you saying bro ?" Kia said as she shuttered.

"Why don't you tell her gia or should I say cum dump fuck doll."

"H-He K-Knows about everything and i-i am his slave for the rest of my life to satisfy his sexual needs to atone for my sin."

"Gia have you gone mad ?" Kia said with very serious tone.

"No...i am just his fuck doll who is taking pleasure right now as he is groping my butt." She said again.

Putting down the cards kia immediately started chanting some spell but her spell failed.

She tried chanting another spell but it also failed.

"No what is happening ?"

"Don't try you are in my illusion, so if you try to do something here it won't work."

"What do you want ?"

"I know you won't break easily that's why I've two options for you. First surrender your mind to me i will corrupt you and make you my slave as well who will live for my sexual needs only and sit when i say sit and fuck when i say fuck."

"Are you-"

"Shut the fuck up...i am not done yet your second option i forcefully corrupt your mind and make you my sexual slave. Now speak."

'He is not bluffing i can tell from his looks he strong enough to do what he is saying, i have to be very Alert. He must've corrupted gia's mind. I have to kill him in one blow.'

"What's the difference between both of them you can corrupt my mind in both of the conditions ?"

"Yeah good question but in first one your memories will be intact while in second option i will make your brain like a white paper and make you do whatever i want. You will become a fuck doll with no mind."


"I choose first option."

"Good choice now let's end the illusion and make you mine."

Ending the illusion Anon stands and starts groping kia's boobs.

'I can use my powers again yes.'

"Don't touch me you sick motherfucker <Fire Ball>"


A big fire ball hitted anon's face and he died.

"Don't fuck with me motherfucker, you are filthy." Kia spoke in an arrogant tone as she looked at gia.

"gia you are now out of this bastard's evil spell right ?"

"Don't call master that and what are you doing destroying your room's wall with your spells ?"

Gia said with a straight face.

"Gia what the hell are you saying have you gone mad ?"

"No, but i think you have gone mad because firing the fire ball spell inside the house with no aim is just mad destruction."

"W-What but i just killed hi-" as soon as kia turned back and expected to see a dead body behind her but there was nothing except a big hole in the wall.

"You are dangerous i think i have to make you a mindless puppet after all." A sound echoes in the room.

"Y-You where are you? Do you know an invisibility spell." Kia said as a grim expression now covered her face.

"Hello sis~" Anon said as he appeared behind kia and blowed a cold air in her left ear.

"Youuuu, <Wind Blade>."

This time Anon's body separated into two parts but this wasn't the real one either.

"Don't do that. It's futile you are weak." Anon again appeared but this time behind gia who was sitting at the other end of the table.

"Get away from her, <Fire Bullet>"

This time Anon's whole body got holes all over it but again an illusion.

"Master what are you doing to Sister Kia ?" Gia asked as she saw kia shooting random attacks in different directions.

"Just showing her sweet dreams."

My mana is running out... neither do i have mana to hold her off anymore nor do i have time to waste on corrupting her so i will do just this.

I thought that it won't come down to this but...it is what it is.

Suddenly the illusion ended and a hand approached for kia's face.

As soon as Anon touched kia's face he used his spells.

'Memory eater.'

[10 skills have been found in target's memories]

[10 skills have been learned successfully.]

'Memory Alter'

"You will become my Free to use Cum-dump pocket pussy. Wherever I go you will follow me, whenever i say I want to fuck, you will immediately remove your cloths and let me use you."

"Yes...master." Kia said as her eyes turned greyish.


[Level 30 Reached]

[Choose Your evolution Class]

As soon as I saw that i walked out of the room and hurried towards the lab training room.

"M-Master is something the matter ?" Sephie who was busy in making the potions asked me in a startling sound.

"Yeah don't let anyone come through to my room." I said in a serious tone.

"Yes master."

After arriving at the training room i closed the gates and spoke.

"Show me..."

[Choose your evolution Class]

[Puppet Master Or Counsellor]

[Puppet Master]

[Puppet Master tourtures one's soul to do it's bidding and if target fails to accomplish the task the puppet Master can claim it's soul and use it as he pleases. If Puppet master wishes he can absorb the soul to grow stronger and use it's life force to live for an eternity.]

[+2 class Skill]

Does that mean i can bring the dead back too ?

What does torturing soul here means like, will i make his soul burn in agony or something ?

Even though it sounds cool when it talks about living for eternity.


[Lord Of the Dark, Counsellor is the One who Experts in Mind Controlling Spells Counsellor can make his enemies kill themselves in the blink of an eye and he can create mindless slaves without touching the target. Wherever he goes his loyal pet Follows him and helps him in any condition.]

[+2 class Skill]

Whoa...this is cooler.

I am confused i want both of them.

[You have 10 seconds remaining to choose]

Fuckkk....what should I choose...i think i should choose counsellor no puppet master sounds cool.


I should hurry up but i can't decide can i not see the skills they are offering.


Fuck Fuck.

"I choose Pupp-" as i was about to say puppet Master i noticed the system suddenly interrupted me.

[Time Over. Auto Selection Has initiated]

Fuck...but i kind of wanted to do that since i can't decide on my own what to choose so i leave it to the system i am ok with both the classes.

[Class Has been Selected]

[Starting evolution in....3...2...1]

Suddenly everything in front of me faded and i went through an evolution.

3 hours later...

"I wonder what is happening inside the room, is master really training?" Sephie wondered when she didn't hear any sound from the room for over 3 hours.

"Ouch....Ouch...Ouch." Anon said as he started to gain his consciousness back.


[Name: Anon Agreil]

[Level: 31]

[Exp: 00970/100000]

[SP: 70]

[Age: 16]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Counsellor]

[Mana: 5,000/5,000]

[HP: 10,000/10,000]

[Skills: [Mind Control (Lv.20)] [Monster Creator (Lv.10)] [Sensory Destroyer(Lv.5)] [Memory Eater (Lv.17)] [Memory Altering (Lv.11)] [Psychic Connection (Lv.14)] [Alluring Pore (Lv.3)] [Mind Eater(Lv.1) ][Body Modification (lv.8)][Lab Creator (Lv.7)] [Illusion (Lv.15)] (+12 more)]

[SBP: 300]

[Book of wisdom]


At last it's counsellor haha...i thought it will be puppet Master but no worries i still like the class.

[Skill [Hypnosis] Learned As Bonus Class Skill]

[Skill [Merger] Learned As Bonus Class Skill]

[Hypnosis] [B-Rank]

[Grants you The ability to mesmerize Opponent's brain without any contact, It leaves zero trace of the spell over the opponent. Works on opponents 2 levelsor more below you. Mesmerizing Time may vary for different opponents opponent.]

[Mana: 102 Mana/Use]

[Merger] [B-Rank] [*Class Official]

[This skill is a Class official class that only a Counsellor can learn, Can Merge two or more skills with More than 50% Compatibility and Create an all new skill to fight off his opponents.]

[Mana: 600 Mana/Merge]

Woahhhhhhh....these skills are sky breaking. It seems my life is about to get busy.

As anon was thinking about that aanother message popped up.

[A Hidden Reward From Choosing Counsellor Class Has been Discovered]

[Would you like to claim it ?]

Huh...a hidden reward ?


[You have unlocked Counsellor's Pet: Copy Caster]
