

"C'mon master! Shove that big burly cock deep into my tiny pussy! I want you to stir it up with it! Break me! Make me into your cocksleeve already! I know you want to!" Kate said as she begged me to fuck her brains out.

'Well at least I know what she's saying instead of a bunch of cat like meows.' I think to myself as I shake my head before I spank her ass.

"Then spread those legs wide, your not going to be able to move when I'm done with you." I say which she nods as she licks her lips while doing the M pose while using her fingers to spread her pussy nice and wide for me as she breathed heavily from how turned on she was.

"Please master! I want all your cum inside me! I want to have all your babies!" She said while she began to wiggle in anticipation as I aimed my large cockhead up against her small pussy before I began to slowly push it in.

"MMMMMMMNNNNNNYYYYYYAAAAAA!!!!" She screamed out in pleasure and ecstasy as she felt her entire pussy being filled up by my cock before I bottomed out on her as I felt something wrap tightly around the tip of my cock as I looked down and saw the bulge of my cock through her stomach leaving an outline for me to see.

I slowly started to go in and out of her tight pussy as she mewled and moaned loudly as I felt myself pop in and out of her baby maker.

I hissed a little in pain as I felt her cat claws digging into my back as she held me close while she wrapped her legs around me at the same time.

But the pain and pleasure just made me redouble my efforts as I pounded into her deeper and harder as my cock kept molding her tight and sloppy wet pussy to match my cocks length and girth.

"More! More! More! Moremoremoremoremoremoremore-" she kept begging me to fuck her brains out as I slammed into her harder and rougher as I felt my balls begin to pulse as my cock throbbed harder and harder.

"Fuck!" I grunted out as I bottomed out in her as I unleashed my load straight into her womb as I began to fill her up more and more.

"Nyhehehehehehe.... Masters babies....." She could barely respond as I felt her cum extremely hard around my cock while she was just barely clinging on to consciousness as her belly began to bloat from my surprisingly large load of cum filling her to the point the excess was escaping through the sides as I emptied everything I had in her.

"Hooooo..... man why did I cum so hard and much? Is something effecting me?" I mutter as I flip over with her still impaled on my length as I grab my paldeck to check my status.

".... I'm in a Rut? But only animals get that way, not humans, well at least not modern humans." I mutter and stare at my status while I rub miss sleeping beauties fur as she had fallen asleep while my cock was still lodged deep inside her.

"Maybe it's because I decided to have sex with her that it put me in a Rut? It's probably why my cock is still hard in her even though I feel empty." I say as I put away my Paldeck as I feel sleepiness take me over as it was the dead of night after all.

So I hold her close as I pull the blanket over us both before we went into the land of dreams.




... Later back at home base...


"Mhm! It was so big! Master almost split me in half!"


"I'm not lying! Man it felt so good to be filled up to the brim, I can tell already, masters baby is inside me."


"Well if you girls go into heat i don't think he will mind taking care of you! Right master?" Kate said as she turned towards me while the rest of my girls looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

My lips twitched but I just grabbed my head, "In for a penny, in for a pound they say." I said running my finger through my hair to sweep it back.







"What's that mean?" They said altogether but I guessed they just said what she said in their own language.

"It means I did it with Kate means I'll do it with the rest of you when you girls go into heat, or when I can I'll build the third base and make it out love nest with a breeding ranch." I say to them.

Their eyes go wide hearing that before they act all bashful like as they twitch around, but I shake my head, "But until then we need to get stronger alright? We need to explore more of the islands and when we have the proper strength then it will be time to go and deal with the first tower, alright?" I said to them which they nodded in return.

"Alright well you girls look after the base alright? It's time I go and check out the mining base and see how things are going there." I said before waving them goodbye as I turned into notes of blue light as I began to fast travel over to my other base.

After I was gone all the girls looked at each other as a fire began to burn in their eyes as they all thought the same thing.

'It will be my turn next master! I'll make sure of it!'




"Damnit! How many you say we got?" I look up at my recently caught Galeclaw as he was meant to be the out look for this base.

"Cawcaw!" He said to me before scratching the number 8 into the ground.

"Eight? How strong are they? Think we can beat them? Are they humans or pals?" I ask as I pull out my recently made Mk.2 crossbow as I holster my shoddy pistol to my side before putting an arrow into it and knocking it back.

"Cawkekekekecawcaw!" He cried out as he pointed at himself before nodding, that was saying that they were pals and that yes we could beat them.

"Are they flyers or ground based pals?" I asked as he pointed his wing both to the sky and ground, 2 times to the sky and 6 times to the ground.

"Six ground and two air Huh? Alright you and Nitewing will take the two down in the air, we will handle the rest, if you can don't kill them but if left with no choice then do it alright?"



"Alright! Everyone get ready! We have a raid on our hands!"


Raids, they were a thing I was told would happen every so often to one of your bases, though if one sets up multiple bases it will only happen to one base at a time.

And whether they happen or not is dependent on the size of the base, how much noise is made, and if their are any rare metals or materials there are along with how dangerous the area is, or in the case of pals, what kind of prey pals are gathered in one area.

Luckily bases have failsafes for pals living in them, if they fall in battle, just like if they were with their master they would be pulled back into their sphere as to not be killed as a result, base pals will be pulled into their Palbox as a result.

The bad side to raids is things being stolen or destroyed more than anything which makes fixing the base expensive as it cuts into the owners materials.

But sometimes Raids themselves will have Alpha Pals leading the charge, if this is the case the Alpha Pals auras will cause the Palbox to malfunction from their presence and making it so the base owners pals have the real possibility of having their pals dying during the raid making it the worst possible scenario.

Not only that but powerful human Raiders can use things known as Dark Pal Spheres which when used on a weakened Pal can be captured by them even if they already have an owner as pals themselves are worth money when sold on the blackmarket or to oblivious Pal Traders.

"Hmm, a Beakon, Ragnahawk, 2 Direhowl's, 2 Leezpunks and 2 Gorirat's, that's whose coming." I say as I see them while I'm riding on the back of Nightwing before coming back down to the ground.

'Though it seems one of the Direhowls is also an anthro as well, but I don't think it had a Lovander mother like the others, it still looks pretty feral even though it's running on two legs, maybe one of those Loupmoons shacked up with a Direhowl?' I thought to myself as I went to the other pals as I looked them over.

"Alright men! We got Raiders incoming, they will be here any minute now! Use everything you have to deal with them alright?! Fuddlers! Do good on this raid and I will annul your punishment completely so you can just work at the same pace as everyone else! Got that?!"

"FUDFUDFUD!!!" (x3)

"Kativa's! Use those whips to keep those raiders on their toes! Show them some true pain! Got it?!"

"You got it boss!!!" They saluted me in unison.

"As for the rest of you lot! Do whatever your best at! And if any of those guys use big moves then spread out so you don't get hit alright?! They got two strong fire and electric types so you grass and leaf pals stay away from the ones that could hurt you the most! Now give me a hell yeah!"






"Hell Yeah!!!"

"HAAAAAAWWWWWWWKKKK!!!!" We all heard a screech as we turned in the direction it was coming from as we all saw the pals began to rush right towards us.

"Defend!" I shout out as I took aim with my crossbow and opened fire on them as my pals charged back at them in return.

Fire balls, lightning strikes, giant boulders, and mini tornados to name a few of the attacks that were sent at us and what we sent back at them.

Gunshots and crossbow shots flew in the air striking any target they could hit while I ducked and dodged between what was sent my way.

Though unfortunately several of the bases structures, such as the pals beds and even my shitty shack with my bed and even the pals feed box full of their food got caught in the crossfire of all of the attacks and as a result got destroyed.

"Damnit!!!" I shout out as I smash my spiked baseball bat into one of the Gorirats before sending it flying from the force alone..

"Gori...." It groaned out before it faded away as some leather and bones were left in its place as the Raid ended with all the Pals defeated.


Pals Defeated

x2 Leezpunks

x2 Gorirats

Pals Captured

x2 Direhowls

x1 Ragnahawk

x1 Beakon


x4 Bones

x4 Leather

x2 Copper Keys

Structures Destroyed

All Pal Beds

The Shack with the Shoddy Bed

Pal Feedbox

Pals K.O




"Well it could have been worse, but this is still annoying for it to happen." I say irritated as the rest of my pals that were able to work were making new beds and a feedbox.

"Luckily I kept some food inside the chest for emergencies, really need to build a cooler to hold all the extra food that I can make, seems I'm going to have to head to that snowy mountain to the north sometime." I say before I refilled the feed box with more food for the pals before going over to the workbench I have here to pull apart my shoddy gun.

"I don't really know guns all that well but this looks like if the M1911 that got dumped in an acid bath and then left in the elements for years." I mutter as I clean its parts so it doesn't break on me too soon as this is the only gun I got but it's a miracle that it hasn't blown up in my hands, I just got to keep the barrel and the slide clean of any dirt or rust that could make it break.

And after an hour I finished getting it cleaned as I began to think about the next boss I should face as I had hit the first milestone and now I know who and what I'm going up against.

The first tower that is owned by the syndicate is under the conrtol of Zoe & Grizzbolt which from what I can tell is a huge electric bear Pal type pal.

The Paldeck that I should be around level 15 before I go fight her which I'm already close too as I'm level 13 now but I should have a team of Strong Ground/Grass type Pals at my side to be immune to most of Grizzbolts Electric attacks and deal more damage back in return.

So it's in my best interest I find some of the stronger ground type or grass type pals before I go fight her, and the grass types are abundant from what I can tell and that there is an area not to far from here where some of the stronger grass pals can be found at.

"Mammorest would be a good choice if any, but all of those guys are really strong and aren't that easy to beat, it's best I go towards the north and behind my hunt of Grasspals, though I doubt they will give up without a fight."

So my goal was set, tomorrow I make my way northwards to catch myself some more pals that will help me fight my first tower boss.


"It feels like Autumn when coming into this place." I mutter as I enjoy the beauty of the northern part of the windswept hills as they call this part of the island.

(Area where he's currently in)

I had a sufficient amount of Mega Spheres in hand and my crossbow and spiked baseball bat along with my newly made metal axe and Pickaxe I had everything I needed for me and my pals along with some cooked up and dried meats for the road.

"I need to find some wheat seeds sometime, I can make a wheat plantation soon and a mill too and with flour I can make much more things than just cooked meats and berries." I'm just lucky that Chikipi's are like weeds, you could kill a whole swathe of them and twice as many that died would come and take their place.

'Though this set of Mk. 2 Pelt Armor makes me feel much safer to wear while I'm way out here.' I think as I readjust my gauntlet on my right hand as I kept going forward.

(Current Look)

'And not only that but I was able to build this basic protective shield for myself too' I think as I see the light blue barely visible film that surrounded my body as I began to scale a cliffs edge as I climbed higher and higher.

The main reason why I was in this area is that this is where the highest mountain/hill on this side of the islands and thus I could use this as a vantage point to see the various areas around me.

"Hmm? Smoke?" I say as I look up in the sky and see a smoke pillar not far away.

I pull out my pal sphere and called out Nellie, "Let's take to the sky and check it out girl." I say patting her head before hopping onto her saddle before she lifted off into the air.

"Now, let's see what's going on?" I say pulling out some binoculars and looking towards the smoke pillar in the distance.

What I saw was a somewhat fortified small base with syndicate members watching it over, they were low rank from what I could tell as none of the heavy hitters were there as they only had shoddy guns and spiked baseball bats.

The ones with the bats were beating the shit out of any pals around their base while three of them with guns stayed inside to guard their 'products'

"Damn, they must have caught those girls from somewhere to sell them off, although I don't know the third one." I say as I see the three pals in the cage in the center of the camp.

Vixy the Idol Pal: The idol of Palpagos Island. If you bully a Vixy, you best be prepared to become enemies with the whole world.

Cremis the Fluffy Pal: Compared to Lamball, it has finer wool and a temperament more suited for domestication. However, it has historically been kept as a pet. Cuteness is considered a virtue.

Dazzi the Oni Pal: Often kind to lonely pals. However, the moment a Pal mistakes this for actual companionship, it seizes the opportunity to blast them with a thunderbolt.

"Huh, guess Dazzi's normally look like that." I say after I finish looking over the paldex on the info of the three pals that were currently captured as they were all anthro though Dazzi just looked like how there race should look like.

"Bring me close by to there girl, can't leave them like that after all." I say patting Nellies side before she began to fly closer before descending towards the ground.

I looked towards the horizon as the sun was starting to set as I pulled Daisy and Neeko out, "Let's wait till night fall, when most of them go to bed we strike them down." I say to them as they nod before we hid in the thick bushes and waited.



"Good, looks like they went to sleep, when we get close Neeko use phantom peck on the outlooks while Daisy you put them all into an even deeper sleep while I finish them off." I say as I pull out my combat knife that I made recently with some of the smelted ores turned into ingots.

They nodded as we began to sneak our way on over to them, luckily the outlook was half awake and was falling asleep while leaning against the camps walls.

Like a ghost in the night, Neeko appeared at his side in an instant before he could react before stabbing her long beak straight into his throat.

I grabbed his body before he fell to the ground before quietly placing him on the ground, while at the same time Daisy was sending all of the Syndicate members to the lands of deep sleep and making the other lookout fall over asleep in the process.

I walked in and brandished my knife, "Just think of the Nazi's Zeke, your killing Nazi's and the worst of criminals, they don't deserve any mercy." I said Psyching myself up as I went up to them with the knife as I knelt down by one of them as I held up my knife.

My hand was trembling a bit, but I knew what needed to be done more than anything so I placed the tip over the man's heart before grabbing it with my second hand as I forcefully stabbed it into his chest and straight through his heart.

He didn't move as he was in a deep sleep but after I pulled out my blade he breathed no more so I went and moved onto the next one while Neeko helped out and killed some herself so the burden didn't fall all on my hands.

Soon enough the camp was cleaned out of syndicate members before I looted them of their goods and then went to a nearby chest they had.

Inside was some gold, more coarse ammo and even a map outlining the islands of Palpagos island, it had the locations of all villages marked and even a few areas where the Blackmarket merchants could be found which weren't that far away it seems, "This will be useful." I say before putting it away along with the rest of my loot in my inventory before I went over to the cage and with Neeko's help, broke the lock as I pulled the door open as I looked at the three girls who were waiting for a hero all this time.

"Want to come along with me?" I said with a smile as I saw them look up at me with teary eyes before they smiled and nodded as they took my hand altogether.




So with that I got three new pals of my own, now I have other plans I should do as instead of heading to the north like I planned.

It's best I head southwest from here, it was time to meet some new people and get some supplies in a nice small village nearby.


Vanilla the Vixy


Cream the Cremis


Ibaraki the Dazzi


After saving Vanilla, Cream and Ibaraki I decided to camp out for the night within the the now empty Syndicate camp after I tossed the bodies in the woods after taking all their stuff.

3 SBB, 2 Shoddy Pistols, 60 Coarse Rounds, an outlined map of the island with the location of all settlements and Blackmarket Trader locations and 3k gold bringing me up to around 5k in total.

So using one of the not bloodied mats that were on the ground I laid down and went to bed with Daisy and Neeko by my side as they cuddled up to me for warmth.


... The Next Day...

I was making my way southwest of where I camped out for the night as I headed for the nearest village to my current location.

So with the help of Nellie along with my glider it only a bit over two hours to reach this small village up here in the hills.

"You girls should stay in your spheres, it's for the best they don't see you all like this." I say which I get a nod from them before they go back into their spheres as I approach the village.

"Nice, there's a fast travel point here, that makes it easy for me to come back here if I want to." I say as I go up to the fast travel point before activating it, making it a quick and easy way for me to return back here whenever I want.

So I came across the entrance, this village didn't have a protecting wall around it, but I noticed a heavily armored guard wielding an assult rifle in his hands as he guarded the entrance.

"Huh, a new face, well I'll keep this short, don't cause any trouble and we won't have any problems, besides that enjoy your time here." He says to me as he holds his gun up against his shoulder.

I looked at his heavy metal flack armor before I saw PIDF on his shoulder, "What does PIDF mean?"

"Huh? You don't know?.... Wait your from outside the island aren't you? Well we are the Palpagos Island Defence Force, we are this islands formal military, but we mostly work as the guards for the settlements scattered all around the Island as well as protecting the nature preserves found not far off the coasts, and fair warning the reserves are off limits to non-PIDF personnel and they have orders to shoot anyone on sight if they see you there, so don't go there if you want to live." He decides to explain to me.

"Huh, well would you mind showing me where they are on my map so I know to stay away from there?" I say letting him see my Paldeck and my map on it.

"Sure." He says before using his own Paldeck to reveal the locations to me on my map before handing it back.

"Thanks for the tip." I say before tossing him a bag with 200 gold to him before I head on in as I smiled with a evil look in my eyes, 'Dumbass'

'So those places must have the rare and stronger pals located on them, just means it's the best place for me to go to get me some pals, then again maybe theirs a different way to get those rare pals as well.' I think to myself before I begin to look around.

And well there wasn't really that much when it came to things as it

was a small village but there was an open taven/inn that I could

see, might not be bad to get some food there but I looked around

and saw two more signs one with the picture of various goods and

another with a Leafmunk on it.

I went to the one with various things as that was most likely the merchant, so I stepped on in to see a young man with a white set of hair wearing a red set of merchants clothes.

"Oh? Ahh a new customer! Welcome to my shop! What can I help you with today?" He said in a friendly manner as I approached his counter.

"I'm looking to buy, but also to sell if your willing to buy." I said looking over my rather cluttered inventory full of random things I don't really need.

"Of course! I'm willing to buy anything your willing to sell, I pay more for precious materials however." He went onto clarify which I nodded before pulling out several things.

All my spare guns and SBB's along with several precious fur pelts and claws and not least a small chunk of pure gold I found from my mining base as the ore deposits have a small chance to drop gold nuggets which are worth a good deal of gold coins.

"Well, well, let me just tally up what we got here and I'll give you a price for all of the things you have on offer here." He said taking all the things before going to the back of his shop.





"Sorry for the wait, after calculating everything along with the rare materials you offered up, altogether it's worth 25,345 gold coins, but I turned it into 25 large gold coins and 345 normal gold coins to keep it as small as possible." He said before pulling out a large sack that was full of gold coins with 25 large ones like he said.

Seeing this I pulled out all the coins I had that were about 5k and handed them to him, "I didn't know about Large Gold Coins, I got 5k here so could you turn them into 5 large gold coins?" I asked and got a nod from him before he went to weigh it on a scale which evened out toot being 5k coins exact from what the scale said, so he pulled out 5 large gold coins and handed them to me in


"You fine if I look around at what you have?" I ask as he nods to me.

"Not a problem, not a problem at all, look around to your hearts content." He said with a professional smile on his face before I began to look around for things to buy.

So after searching around for a bit I decided that their were only two things of interest to me in this store, at least for now and those were a set of Heat Resistant Under Armor and a manual on Pal Breeding and what pal combos make differnt pals which all totaled up to 1 large Gold Coin.

"Thank you for your patronage!" He said before I took the things I needed and headed out of his shop.

Next up was the pal merchant he was also a young man with dark hair and tan skin while wearing a blue merchants outfit.

"Welcome! Are you buying or selling pals?" He decided to ask me as I got down to business.

So I first went and selected a bunch of my extra pals that I had caught but never used for anything though I kept all the extras for the pals meant to be for my future ranches to farm up goods from them such as Lambball's and Chikipi's and any future ones for the farms I get later down the line.

After cleaning it out I got myself another 20k or 20 Large Gold Coins before I began to look over the pals he had.

Though as I did he came up to me with a grin on his face, "Dear customer, would I interest you in some of our more 'rarer' pals?" He said as he wiggled his eyebrows around.

I squinted my eyes before raising an eyebrow, "Hooo? Well which pal do you want to sell to me?" I ask before he shows a differnt list of pals compared to the ones before.

My eyes opened a bit as I saw it was a list of Anthro pals who were all either cute or beautiful in their own way, but what interested me was the lone Lovander on sale for 7.5k with both the breeder and nymphomanic traits.

"Ahh, that one is a good choice sir, if you place her on your breeding farms she will definitely give you stronger pals with better traits with whoever she mates with." He went onto explain to me as that's what the breeder trait means while the nymphomaniac trait means it only takes half as long for her to get pregnant and also lay her eggs as well.

"I'll take her." I say handing him 8 large gold coins, so with a smile on his face he gives me her palspheres before handing me back 500 gold coins.

"Thank you for your patronage!" He said to me before I began to exit the shop as I headed for the villages exit before heading back home.

"Well then, time to finish getting up to level ten so I can go out and build me my breeding base." I say after I had all the parts I needed to build a cooler and now I was finally at the point to make a level 10 base as I unlocked the ability to make my third base overall.

"Well then it's about time I go out and-" I was about to say but then a bunch of my female pals all came up to me and began to start rubbing their bodies on me as they gave me heated looks.

".... Let's go to the cabin first then girls" I say before deciding to pull them back into their spears before another long night came upon me once more as a 6 way was upon me.

Zeke vs Daisy, Lamby, Nellie, Neeko and Foxy



After making the door larger for bigger pals like Nellie and Foxy along with making the cabin a bit bigger I let out all my girls who I brought along that wanted to go through with this.

Daisy, Lamby and Neeko were on top of the bed while Nellie and Foxy were off to the side due to their sizes.

All five seemed antsy, "Nellie, Foxy, sorry girls but I'll have fun with you near the end okay?" I said as I petted their heads as all they could do was nod while I saw them play with their rather big meaty pussys.

With that out of the way I pulled off my clothes and armor as I looked at the three girls laying on my bed with their bodies sweating as their pussys throbbed while their juices dripped out between their legs as I went over to the bed as I laid down before they surrounded and got on top of me.




They all said as they rubbed themselves against me while I felt Lamby and Daisy's hands run up and down my now hardening crotch before it stood up at full mass before their widened eyes.

'Hmmmm, I wonder, do I need to fuck them first before I can learn their languages or can I say their my mates and then have them agree so I can understand what they are saying?' I think to it myself before I decided to put my thoughts into action.

I gently stroke all of their heads as they look up at me as I smile slightly, "Girls from now on I'm not just your master but your mate as well, so please take care of me."

Hearing that their eyes widened as tears appeared in their eyes before they all jumped on me, "Master!!!" The called out to me as they began to hug and kiss my body if they could as I smiled internally at my intelligence.

Now I understood what Daedreams, Foxparks, Cawgnitos, Lambball's and Nitewings were saying now along with Kativas as well.

"Well let's go like this, Lamby goes first because she's the smallest, then Daisy, Neeko, Nellie and lastly Foxy." I tell them after they finish kissing me as they looked at still hard and throbbing, waiting for one of them to take its length.

"Yay! Don't worry master, I can definitely take this bad boy." She said while biting her finger with one hand as she strokes it with the other.

"Here, let me help you with that." Daisy said before taking my cock into her mouth to Lamby's shocked eyes as she took it while as she began to suck up and down the whole length.

"Hey! No fair! It's my turn so let me deal with it!" Lamby said as she tried pushing her away as they both fought to suck me off.

"Come here Neeko, let me make you feel good." I say before I lean back as I grab her thick thighs before placing her pussy right on top of my face as I began to eat her out.

"!!! Mmmmmaster!" She was surprised to feel my tongue running all around her pussy and ass at the same time.

I went faster and harder before I felt something much tighter than a mouth wrap around my cock, "Eeee! It's so b-big!" I heated Lamby cry out before I began to feel her slowly go up and down on my cock with her really tight pussy.

"Stop being so slow! Your not going to make him cum like that!" I heard Daisy shout out before I suddenly felt Lamby go up and down on my length at a much faster pace.

"Maaaasssssttttteeeeerrrrr!!!!" Neeko began to cry out as she started to cum hard from me constantly going after her weak points while I drank it all up.

"Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!" Lamby was making that sound as she went up and down, clearly due to what Daisy was doing as she was moving her at a fast and rapid pace on my length.

"MMMMNNNggghhhh!!!" I heard Lamby moan out as I felt her already tight cunt get even tighter as she began to squirt from the pleasure, with the heavy suction from her tight cunt along with her bottoming out on me as I break past her cervix pushed me passed the edge as I came, pumping her fertile womb full of cum.

"Shooooo musch...." Lamby drooled out as she felt wave after wave of cum go straight inside her as her belly began to inflate from the sheer amount all the way until the last final pump of cum went into her.

"My turn!" Daisy said excitedly as she pushed her off with an audible *Pop* before she fell off to the side as Daisy grabbed my cock and began stroking it with her massive breasts to quickly get it hard once more.

I dug deeper into Neeko's juicy pussy as I licked and sucked at her while Daisy kept doing her thing until I was rock hard once more.

"Thanks for the food!" She said cheerfully before I felt her use her hand to angle it straight into her waiting warm and tight cunt.

"Master! You can't leave us out while we just watch!"(Foxy)

"She's right! I want to feel good too!" (Nellie)

Hearing both their pleas I pulled Neeko's muff away from my face as I looked at them while Daisy kept slamming her hips into my crotch.

"Then put those fat asses onto the bed so I can help fix that." I say which makes them smile as they turned around before putting their asses on the edges of the bed where I deftly moved my fingers straight into their large waiting pussys.

"Ah! Yes! Master More!" They cried out in ecstasy as they felt my fingers begin to play with their sopping wet pussies as I could easily fit four fingers into the both of them as I moved my hands to keep hitting their sweet spots.

'Hmmm, I wonder, can I even please them in their pussys are this big? I'm not small for a human but for these large pals I certainly am.... I think internally while I kept all my pals happy and satisfied.

But the night was long and it was far from over.


"Master!!!" Daisy began to shout out as she hopped up and down on my length even faster while I was still sampling Neeko's pussy juices while I was also pleasuring Nellie and Foxy at the same time.

"Yes! Fuck! Stir up my insides just like that!" (Foxy)

"Master! I wanna lay your eggs already! I can feel my womb beginning to ache!" (Nellie)

"Hurry up already Daisy! I want my turn already you slut!" (Neeko)

"Ahh! Yes! Fuck my pussy good master! Masters cock is so amazing!" (Daisy)

"Zzzzz.... Hehehehe... Zzzzzz" (Lamby)

All the girls were moaning in pleasure while others were getting impatient as everyone was waiting to have their turn.

The sounds of my cock going in and out of her pussy as the wetter she got was making me get closer and closer going to the edge.

"MMMMNNNNNGGGGGHHHH!!!!" Daisy cried out as she bit her lower lip as she squirted hard, and with her now extremely tight cunt it pushed me over the edge as well.

"Mgh!" I moaned into Neeko's pussy as I thrusted upwards as I began to unload my cum into her waiting womb.

"Hehehe, sho musch...." She moaned out more as her tongue hung out as she felt herself getting absolutely stuffed full of cum before it finally came to an end.

*Tingle Ling*

I heard the familiar sound from my Paldeck, so letting the girls have a break from constantly cumming I went to grab it to check and see what it said.

[Mini Quest: Pal Breeder, Completed!]

[Objective: Mate and Breed with three different Pals]

[Reward: Unlocks the Genital Changer Tab]


'Genital Changer?' I think to myself as I let Daisy pop off my cock and lay off to the side while I petted Neeko as I looked at the options it gave me.

Seeing it, it allowed me to changes the size of my penis and balls while giving me the option to change it to an animals such as a Dogs, cats, reptiles, horse, and pigs while making my balls and sperm have quality's similar to the animals before, I could even mix and match them as well.

"Huh.... Well this makes things interesting." I say before looking at Neeko who was still trying to catch her breath while both Lamby and Daisy had fallen asleep around the end of the bed while Nellie and Foxy were also resting.

I smile as I grab Neeko's ass cheeks with both of my hands as I look at her, "Wanna try something new Neeko?"

"Mmmm.... I'll do whatever Master wants if it makes us both feel good." She said as she began to rub her soaking wet pussy up against my slowly rising member.

I just grinned before pressing a few buttons on my Paldeck before I saw her red eyes go wide before turning around to see my member not only get bigger but even change shape.

Even Nellie and Foxy, who were playing with themselves while waiting for their turns, had their eyes widened when they saw my member go from a normal humans before turning into a foot long stallions cock, I chose to keep it on the smaller side for a horses cock as I don't know if these girls could take a full sized one.

"I don't know who made this Paldeck but I definitely know it's way different than everyone else's if it can even do this." I said to them as I made Neeko slide up and down the length with her wet pussy lips to lube it up more.

"I-I think I can take it?" Neeko said nervously as she wasn't sure herself if she could take something of this size into her.

"Don't worry, I'll make it a bit smaller if it's too big for you, now let's get off the bed as I plan to do it a bit differently for you." I say getting up from the bed along with her before making her lay back down on her back before turning her on her side.

Then I lifted her long meaty leg over one of my shoulders as I aimed my horse cock towards her aching pussy before I began to push my horse flare up against her entrance before I slowly began to get inside her.

"Mmmnnnnggghhhh!!! It's so big!" She cried out as she dug her taloned hands into the bed from the mixture of pain and pleasure of being filled like this before she was just barely able to take my length as I forced my way into her womb making her screech out in a mixture of pain and pleasure before she began to uncontrollably squirt everywhere.

"Ngh, it's really a tight fit, feels like my cock is being choked out with your tight cunt." I mutter as I see her gently touching the visible bulge on her belly that was the shape of my massive length.

I gently pull back as I both feel and hear an audible popping noise as I pulled out of her womb, this made her eyes roll back as her tongue hung out from her beak before she squirted once more.

As I went in and out of her she would squirt more in ecstasy while her pussy was clamping down hard enough that it felt her pussy was actually jacking me off with a nearly death like grip as my horse sized balls slapped up against her with each thrust.

Meanwhile Nellie and Foxy played with themselves even more at the sight of absolutely wrecking Neeko's pussy with my huge cock, their pussys and wombs were throbbing, they really needed a cock buried deep into their pussies and soon.

"Fuck! Neeko I'm going to! GUH!!!" I shout out as I slam right into her deepest parts as her belly begins to bloat from the sheer amount of cum flooding her pussy, much more than even me when I'm in a Rut.

Wave after wave of thick splooge filled her waiting womb as her belly expanded more and more by the second before she reached max capacity and the excess cum began to squirt out inbetween the spaces where my cock and her pussy was connected.

The sounds and smells of sex were loud in the dark of night, so much so most other pals stayed away so they wouldn't get riled up and could actually sleep during this long night.

However this couldn't be said about all pals both day and night pals were looking towards that love shack in the distance as they all slowly began their approach.

"Chesh Chesh...."

"Tah Tah...."


"Rushoar Rushoar!"

And while all these pals watched in the distance they also noticed their competitors as well so a stand off commenced.

But to our hero it wouldn't even matter until a few days from now that he will need to deal with these frustrated pals.

The night is young and two more girls are left to be pleased before all of this is over.



Neeko after being absolutely stuffed to the brim and not being able to take anymore popped right off my cock when I unloaded my final batch of cum straight into her womb.

"Hoooo...." I breathed out before looking down at my still rock hard and throbbing cock as I turned towards Nellie.

Seeing that it was her turn, she spread her legs wide before using her wings to spread her overly large pussy wide as well.

"Please master! Fill me up with that huge cock of yours! I need it inside me!" She said eagerly while laying on her back.

I smiled, not wanting to disappoint this needy bird I went on over to her before letting it get bigger to match an actual horses size before positioning it right at her large pussy entrance as I slowly began to slide it in.

Inch by inch began to slide into her waiting cunt as her loud squawks of pleasure before I was just barely able to bottom out on her.

"Mmmmmaaaaasssssttttteeeeeerrrrrr!!!!" She cried out in sheer pleasure which just turned me on even more as I grabbed her ass before I began to fuck her hard in a mating press.

*Shlorp shlorp shlorp shlorp shlorp*

The wet sounds of my long cock going in and out of her wet and tight pussy as the squawks of pleasure got louder and louder.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Ohhh please breed me! Breed my slutty pussy! Fucking fill it full of your thick and nasty seed master! I want to lay so many of your eggs!" She cried out as she demanded my seed to fill her fertile womb with my cum.

"You want a thick load Huh?!"


"You want to be stuffed so much you can't move right?!"

"Yes! Yes!"

"Then! Take! It! All!" I shout out with every thrust before slamming down as hard as possible as my cock breaks through to her vulnerable womb one last time as I began to unleash my thick virile load right into her aching womb.

"AAAAAHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMM!!!!" She cry's out in ecstasy as she tightly wraps her wings and legs around my body as I began to cum.

Load after thick load of cum began to fill her womb with more and more cum as her belly began to expand with cum.

But she wouldn't let go as she was completely determined to not waste a single drop even as she felt her now very bloated belly was beginning to deform around me.

But she was able to do it as I released it all without her spilling a single drop before her legs lost their strength as I slowly unsheathed my length from her large pussy as it showed a clearly filled cunt just barely holding all my spunk in as her pussy lips opened and shut trying to go back to normal without spilling any of it.

Seeing that I smiled before I saw the very horney come up to my side before she came and began to lick and suck on my massive length, cleaning it all off of its excess cum.

"Good girl." I say stroking Foxy's head as she looks up at me with a fiery look before I grin as I pull out of her mouth.

The I knelt down with my arms open as she raised her front paws up over my shoulders before I leaned forward and grabbed her hind legs before I stood up with her in my arms before hoisting her up again as my large cock acted like a third arm to hold her up between her legs.

(N) if she could stand she's like 7ft tall because she's a boss pal, where as Zeke is only 5'11" so his face is around her neck area in this position.

"Here we go." I say as I lift her up enough to angle my massive length against her puffy Fox pussy before I began to push in before her lips gave way as I entered her deep tight cunt.

"Mmmmmmnnnggghh!!!" She moaned out as she felt herself sliding down my length inch by inch until she bottomed out, after I had pierced through to her womb as well.

She was not only super tight as her pussy gripped at my length in it's entirety but her being a fire type pal her body had an extra bit of heat to it that it excites my member even more.

So as soon as her body readjusted to my size and length I began to start hammering away deep into her as my bitch breaker of a cock began to carve her out into my shape.

"Mastermastermastermastermaster!" She cried out to me as the flames on her body began to flare up making both of us hotter in the process, and while the flames on her body wouldn't catch anything on fire the heat in the room and between me and her started to become more and more intense.

But that just sparked a passionate sensation between us as I gave

into my baser instincts as I did everything in my power to ravage

her warm wet insides.

"Breed me! Break me! Make me your personal fuck toy!" She cried out in pleasure as she came extremely hard as her entire pussy clamped down on me completely.

"MMMGGGHH!!!" I groaned out into her fur coat as I bottomed out once more as a sheer torrent of cum began to exit from my jewels all the way down my length and out the tip with such immense force as I splattered her inside with my now extremely virile cum.

She cried out as she felt wave after wave began to flood her before I had to sit down on the floor with her in my arms as I continued pumping more and more into her.

Even after all this time of filling up all these pals I still had plenty of more left in me as my Rut was at an all time high and with this last and final one my cum had reached its max capacity for me to unload all at once.

By the time by baby batter started to stimy out she was even more bloated than the rest as I fell onto my back on the ground as she lay on top of me.

We both took deep breaths while I stroked her back as I looked up towards the ceiling as I thought about what I have planned.

'Head northwards and get me even stronger pals and when I'm finally ready, deal with the first tower' I thought to myself before sleep gradually took me over.

Next destination, The Moonless Shore.




After that night of fun I decided it was best to find our next base in the area of the island named The Moonless Shore.

This area is a rocky region with thick woods all around but their are known traveling paths so the first mission on my agenda was to get a new base to set up our breeding farms for our pals.

"But first things first I need to find and catch some Mozarina's if I ever want to make my breeding farms reach max efficiency." I mutter as I started my trek into the new area.

But I also knew that Mozarina's, basically the pal version of Cows, aren't found in this region and that I should go towards the southwest of here if I want to get any.

"Hmm, maybe I should actually set up the base down there? At least I'll have an actual base that can become one massive love nest, at least when I put the breeding pals away." I say as I look off over a hill towards the neighboring island while I could see off in the far distance a massive mountain that was spewing lava from its top, that place looked incredibly hot and I'd need to really prepare before going there in the future.

"But now the main priority is getting strong Earth/Grass pals. before dealing with the first tower and that girl Zoe." I say before turning back towards where I was heading as I set off once again.

"Now where can I....." I stop mid sentence as my eyes go wide at what I see not to far away from me that made me question a bit if I was in some porn game or something based on palworld.

What I saw was a Melpaca, now saying that doesn't mean much as sure it's just a Melpaca, so what? Well let's just say that this one

has an ass, like the biggest fucking ass I have ever seen and not only that but even her asshole was so overly large you'd think it's some large donut from its shape alone.

"HooooowwwIII!!!" Suddenly I heard the sound of a Direwolf come out from the thick brush nearby as it snarled at the Thicc Malpaca, although....

"What the fuck? Is that Direhowl in a rut?" I mutter as I see his canine member sticking out from the pouch between his lower legs as he had this hungry look in his eyes as he stared at the Thicc Melpaca.

Now honestly I wouldn't care if I saw two different pals fucking out in the wild as I have seen it here and there and I just ignore them before going on my way, but this? This is completely different.

"Rawrooo!!!" As I was in mid thought the horny dire howl lunged at the Thicc Melpaca, and while I thought I needed to intervene.

"Meeeeee!!!!" The Melpaca cried out before it rapidly lifted up its hind legs and kick right towards the lunging Direhowl with both hooves smashed into its chest.

"Arf! Arf! Arf!" It made the sound that dogs make when they are in pain with that attack before hitting the ground with a roll before picking itself up and beginning to limp away.

"MehMeh!" She said with a huff as she lifted her head acting all haughty like as she looked around before she finally noticed me.

"Uhhh..." I slowly went to grab my crossbow as I felt a fight was going to happen, Melpacas, just like their animal equivalent Alpacas, get very agressive when pissed off and I could see she was still angry about what just happened.

Though the totally expected charge didnt happen as she looked on over at me and trotted on over to me before she stopped in front of me before she nudged me with her head.

"You need something girl?" I ask as I let her as I pet her before I notice that under her thick neck fur there was a hidden collar on her.

I reach down and grab it, but when I look at it the name that used to be on it is completely scratched off while being rusted from a long time of not being well kept.

I also notice that her fur is both overly long and matted, so feeling a bit bad I grab into my backpack that's connected to my inventory before I pull out a brush and began to brush what I could of her fur.

"Melmel...." She seemed to enjoy being brushed like this, something she seemed to show that she really missed having this done for her.

Though I also have a feeling that whoever was her previous owner probably had his way with this Melpaca if she's got an ass looking like that.... Though maybe I'm the weird one since most people that I had seen at that village had their very own anthro pals and besides the guy near my first base I haven't seen others have relations with feral pals like I have.

"You miss this don't you girl?" I say as I pet her head while I continue to comb what I can of her hair.

"Mel!" She says with a smile on her face while she nods her head.

"Well then do you want to become my pal then? I got a ranch back at my base where we can really take care of this coat of yours and get you all nice and cleaned up." I say to her which brings a sparkle to her eyes as she nods.

"Mel! Mel!" So seeing her eager to go I hold out my normal palsphere before she pressed her head up against it before she turns into motes of blue light, and not long after I caught me a new pal.

I smile as the sphere goes back to my Palbox before I begin to go deeper into the moonless shore.




"Well.... This isn't good...." I mutter to myself as I had my hands raised while I had several sets of spears aimed at me.

Surrounding me was a squad of four Beegarde's, humanoid bee pals that are meant to guard their queen, and from the looks of it I entered their territory without thier permission.

"Squuee!" One let out a loud buzzing noise before she pushed my back as we began walking forward.

Where was I going? I had no clue but if I had to guess is that their queen was waiting to judge me for herself.

So we trudged along as we made our way further and further north into the Moonless Shore.



Mel the Melpaca




After further trudging along with the squad of Beegarde's we reached the northern section of the Moonless shore before they lead me down a side cliff and soon into what looked like an old abandoned mineshaft before we went in even further.

'Haaa.... If only I didn't do what I did last night then I would have been able to fight back. I think to last night and all the fucking I did with those girls.

Currently I was without any pals in my party, why would I do that? Well the funny thing is that when a pal gets pregnant, until they give birth they can't be used in combat, breeding ranches expedite the process of giving birth for pals making it so it only takes a day or less to give birth.

But without one in operation and the necessary need for making a cake to make a breeding ranch 100% operational my pal girls can't do anything for a few days until they lay one on their own before I can begin incubation.

The only pal I could have had to help me was Mel, but as she wanted to be sent back to the Palbox so I could take care of her when I got home I, as of this moment, have no pals.

Now I could have fought these Beegarde's off no sweat, problem is that when they feel someone is too huge a threat for them or even their queen they can forcibly blow themselves up in a large explosion as they act like suicide bomber when they latch onto their target.

And since I still don't know if I respawn after death and I really don't want to test fate or anything like that so here I was, walking down an abandoned mineshaft that slowly began to look like the inside of a massive hive.

Soon enough we finally reached the bottom where plenty more Beegarde's were flying about, creating honeycombs and making honey.

Though in the center, sitting upon a throne made of beeswax, sat the Elizabee, as she stared at me with scepter in hand, though next to her I noticed another peculiar sight, a huge verdant egg surrounded by several smaller verdant looking eggs.

"Squee!" But as soon as I was brought before her one of the Beegarde's hit the back side of my knees with their spear making me fall into a kneeling position before their queen.

She slowly closed her eyes, "Squee?"

"Squee! Squee! Squee!" (Bg 1)

"Squeesueesqueesuee!" (Bg 2)

"Squee!" (Bg 3)

"Squeesquee!" (Bg 4)

The Beegarde's were saying things but as I had never made one as a mate I couldn't get what they were saying to the queen Elizabee.

She slowly nodded before opening her eyes once more as she looked at me, "Squeee, squee squeee. "She said to me as she motioned towards the eggs then back towards me before pointing towards the top of the cave

".... You want me to take the eggs?"


"And build a home above your hive?"


"Then did your Beegarde's needed to be so forceful?" I ask as she shakes her head and laughs(?) at what I say.

She then motions at herself and the Beegarde's before sweeping her scepter across all of us before back to her as it went across her neck before putting it back in a regular spot.

".... I wouldn't be here in the first place if I decided to fight now would I? If I attacked them you and the rest of your hive would view me as your enemy right?" I say which I see her nod slightly meaning my assumption is correct.

"Squeeesqueeesqueeesqueee!!!" Suddenly the Beegarde's cried out before their queen slammed her scepter into the ground to silence them all.

"Squeee! Squee, squee?" She seemed to have shouted out before calming down before looking at me and asking me if I would do this.

'Not like I got much choice if I don't want to experience the feeling of being blown up.' I think to myself as I look towards her and nod.

"I accept, I shall raise your daughter and the others in the base I shall make above your colony." I said which in turn got a nod from her as she motioned for me to rise up which I did before the Beegarde's made way for me to reach the eggs.

'Though I wonder why the Queen wants me to raise her daughter? Is their something wrong with her child and the rest of them that they need to be brought out of the colony and into a new area to call their own?' I think to myself as I touch the eggs one after another before they disappear into my inventory as I turned back towards the queen bee.

Though all she did was motion her scepter as the Beegarde's motioned me to follow them and so I did before reaching the exit and back out onto an open area not to far away from the mineshaft entrance.

"Well the land is flat so this is as good a place as any to set up a base around here, at least it's easier than setting it up in the woods up above." I mutter before I look for the perfect spot for my Palbox before setting it down and calling out my many pals before we began to work on my third official base.

"Squee! Squee!" As I was setting up things several Beegarde's came up to me as I directed my pals as to what to do as they clear the nearby trees for wood before I looked at them as they flew over with small bags in their hands.

"What's this?" I say before I take the bags they hand me before they headed back towards their base, when I open it up to my surprise it was around 25 Ancient parts, enough parts to help build 5 egg incubators, most likely meant to help hatch the eggs they gave me, along with a small batch of honey, another necessary ingredient in making cakes, honey, berry's, milk, eggs and flour is everything needed to make a base meant to produce cakes.

So with that said I began to transfer food from my other bases, such as food for my pals before the farms are made and metal ingots from my mining base which I plan to move in the future for a better location.

"Master! The breeder place is ready!" Kate said all excited like as she was sporting a distended belly, a clear sign of her now advanced pregnancy as it had been about Five days since me and her did it together.

"Good, now we just need the second one built up for you and the others to stay at and a few other things before this base is all ready to go." I say kneeling down before I lift her up and hold her in my arms as we watch the base slowly start to form.





Soon enough everything was made, two breeder farms, two ranches, a logging site, a mining site, a crusher, two berry farms, a wheat field, a mill, a statue of power, five egg incubators, my cabin, all the pal beds, a feed box, several chests for storage, several hot baths and a few cooking pots along with all the necessary workbenches I need for my base.

Luckily my pregnant pals don't count as actual pals for the base as all they do is rest inside until they lay their eggs and stay their until otherwise.

So I left the girls their before I looked southwest once more before looking at the incubators that will take time to hatch those eggs, so in the meantime...

"It's time to hunt for some Mozarina's." I say before actually taking Triss and Lee along so I'm not alone like before as I start my next journey to my next destination.





"We salute you Pengulett!" (Zeke)

"Your a true man among men!" (Kativa)

"Your sacrifice won't be in vain." (Foxparks)

"PENNN!!! PEN PEN PENNNN!!!!" (Unfortunate Pengulett)

"Mmmm, lovaaannndddeeerrr" (Horney Breeder Lovander)

I single tear went down our eyes as we saluted the hero of a man we call Pengulett as he was dragged away against his will by a very horney Lovander to the breeder ranch of my new base.

'The Snu Snu is really with that one, but I'd rather find my own Lovander than one who is more into other Pals than humans.' I thought to myself as I heard the ❤ Moans❤ and screams of terror from the poor pengullet as I went to my Palbox before teleporting out towards the southwestern most fast travel point I had active.

So me Triss and Lee headed to the new island known as the Bamboo Groves that was also connected to the island that my first base is connected to.

Today we were hunting for Mozarina's as we need their milk to begin breeding efficiently, as it is that Lovander without an cake can lay an egg once a day, but that's only because she has the breeder trait to make that possible, if you don't have it, it will take several days to a week for any pal to lay an egg where as it would take only a day because of the cakes or in that Lovanders case only a few hours before she can lay another one again.

"Let's go master! The sooner we get those Mozarina's, the sooner we can make some cakes!" Triss said all excited like as we went into a new area of the island for the first time for both me and her, luckily I promised to mate with her and Lee so now I can understand both those girls.

"You girls really want to just enjoy having cakes Huh?" I said as I shook my head as Triss took the lead forward to this new island.

'Once I got things all set up, got powerful pals and hit level 20, I'll go challenge the first tower and begin my journey to finding my way home. I think to myself as we begin to walk through this slightly forested area of the Bamboo groves, funny it's called that because it's just normal woods where we're at now.

"Now if I was a Mozarina where would I be?" I think out loud as we began to walk up on top of a small hill over looking the area.

"Hmm? Now what are those pals?" I say as I see these weird looking poodle sheep things that looked like their fur was made from cotton candy with actual candy cane looking horns on their head.

Woolipop the Candy Pal: Its entire body is 18,000 times sweeter than sugar.

Carnivorous Pals lured by its scent will find themselves overwhelmed by sweetness and even pass out should they take a bite of this Pal.

"It uses its own sweetness to make it hard for other pals to attack?" I say with a raised eyebrow before turning to ask Triss what she thinks but.

"...." She wasn't saying anything as she stared at them intently as I could see drool getting on her scarf.

"Oi *snap snap* get a grip Triss!" I say snapping my fingers in her face to pull her out of her trance before she blinks her eyes and shakes her head.

"But it looks so gooood...." She mumbles but I just pull off her witches cap as I rub her head.

"Well if their fur is really made out of cotton candy then if we catch them and let them roam around the ranch and cut their fur we can get plenty of cotton candy." I say before I stop rubbing her head as she puts her cap on before smiling and nodding to me.

"Sweets always make you feel good right master?" She asks as we head to the Woolipop's as she skips along with me.

"Yes they are, just remember to brush your teeth afterwards or else you might get Cavities." I say as a reminder to her to take care of herself to which she nods.






"Mooo!" Back at the base we had everything we needed to start making Cakes, Mozarina's are being milked, Chikipi's are laying eggs here and their, the Beehive is giving us some of their excess honey every once in awhile, berries are being picked and the wheat we have is being harvested before being turned into flour at our mill, wool was also being taken from Mel to be made into cloth and cotton candy was taken from the Woolipop's as well.

"P-pen...." I looked down and saw the sacri- I mean Brave and heroic Pengulett that took one for the team, looked like his body was all shriveled up and he was on the verge of death as is.

I just lean down and pat his head, "You did good Pengulett, you can go rest up now." I say pulling up the Palbox before sending him away to rest while I look towards the Lovander who was resting and now sporting a small baby belly though with no cake she won't give birth until tomorrow at this rate.

"Triss, Lee, let's make a cake!"

"Yeah!" (x2)

With that said we went over to the cooking table and the cooking pot before we began to make the cake.

"First put the flour in the bowl, then add the eggs and milk before stirring it all up." I said as I lead them through how to make a cake.

"Next when fully stirred up pour some of the honey in and stir that in as well until it has a nice consistency." I say as we stir the bowls up some more until their just right.

"Next we pour everything we got into the Cake Pans and then put a lid on before putting them in the cooking pots." I say as those two do the same thing as we put all three of our cake pans into the cooking pots to cook.

"Now we let them sit for thirty minutes, Tanzee! Did you get all of that?" I ask before turning to the Tanzee that was going to be this. bases Cake maker while I'm not here.

"Ooh oh ha ha!" He said while giving me a salute which made me nod.

"Good, do a good job and I won't mind you eating the excess batter and I won't make you have to deal with her." I say pointing back to the still pregnant Lovander sitting in the ranch.

"Oooh oh ha ha ha ha oooh oh!!!!" He said jumping around as he nodded and clapped his hands meaning he understood and won't do a bad job.

"Good, now when this is done getting the sand all the way to the bottom of it is when you can pull them out of the cooking pots, use the cooking mitts to grab the pans out of the pots before you can get them out and put the berries on top to finish them." I say as I put the hourglass I had made not long ago before letting the sand begin to fall as the time began to countdown.

"Now watch these over, in the meantime it's time we go check on those eggs and see if their ready to hatch." I say before I decide to go over to where the incubators are at.

"Hmm, looks like they are all almost ready, we'll before the cakes are made we can see who our new friends are going to be." I wonder as all the eggs are near ready to hatch.





"You got the cakes Tanzee?" I ask as the monkey pal nods while he prepares the cakes after taking them out from the cooking pots and putting on the finishing touches on them.

Soon as he was done he took them over to the breeder farms, though he ran real fast when he gave it to the Lovander as the last one with Kate and Daisy getting the other two.

Now we would have a streamlined process when it comes to making cakes and breeding pals between Lovander and the noble sacri- I mean 'willing' men ready to have some 'fun' with the overly sexually active Lovander who definitely isn't just r*ping those pals, nooo that's not happening at alllll....

Anyway while that was being done I returned to the incubators as I began to watch them hatch before the new pals came out and into the world at large.

And when I saw them I realized why the Elizabee wanted me to take them away as they didn't look anything like the rest of their kind.




Liza the Elizabee


Belle the Beegarde


Yen the Beegarde


Fiona the Beegarde


Jenny the Beegarde


