

Anon soared through the air, perched on his raven, gazing down upon the Nightmare Forest. A voice echoed in his mind as he muttered to himself, "Mike informed it to be here somewhere, I guess."

"Master, Here, Down here." called Mike from below.

Anon honed in on the source of the voice and spotted Mike standing amidst the forest. "Let's get to work," Anon said, leaping from his raven and landing beside Mike.

"Hello, Master," greeted Mike.

"What have you found? Show me," commanded Anon.

"Master, first of all, I apologize for my mistake. I let that bastard escape from my grasp. He was this close to me, and when I tried to catch him, he just vanished into thin air." Mike apologized as he explained how the guy with blone hairs, escaped from his hands.

"Don't worry, if he's intelligent enough to create those zombies and that troll chimera zombie, it's absurd to think he won't have tricks up his sleeve to escape sticky situations like this," Anon reassured as he tapped mike on his shoulder.

"This is the entrance to his lab, Master," said Mike, pointing out a hole in the tree trunk.

"Let's see what this sick bastard is making inside this tree. No.300, you guard the perimeter; Mike and I will go inside," ordered Anon, stepping into the tree trunk.

"As you command, Your Highness," No. 300 replied with a bow.

"Everyone, take defensive positions. We are to protect His Majesty," commanded No. 300 to the other ogres.

Inside the tree trunk...

Anon ventured further into the lab, finding it eerily pristine with white walls and tidy floors. A slender hallway connected to the entrance through which Anon had come in.

As he reached the heart of the lab, he encountered a spacious room dominated by a massive white dining table. Seventeen chairs encircled the table, each with an empty plate, as though someone had recently dined there.

"Mike, did you see anyone here when you came in?" Anon inquired.

"No, Master, something is wrong," Mike immediately responded.

"What do you mean? What's wrong?" Anon asked, perplexed.

"This place was never like this when I entered earlier. There were no table or chairs; it was just an empty space," reported Mike.

"What? Are you sure you didn't enter this lab? Are you certain of your senses?" Anon questioned.

"Yes, Master, there was no dining table here. I'm positive," Mike affirmed.

Anon surveyed his surroundings carefully, trying to make sense of the discrepancies.

There were five rooms branching off from the hallway—two on each side and one in front of the entrance. While the four doors on the sides were white, the one in the middle was a sinister crimson red.

"Master, nothing matches what I saw before. There were only three doors in the lab I saw earlier, but here, it's entirely different. There was no red door," Mike reported.

"Hmm, it seems like the first place we investigate," Anon said, summoning his sickles and activating a skill, Wind Armour.

Together, they approached the red door cautiously and opened it slowly. A noxious odor mixed with a chilling gas poured out from the room, filling the air.

"Master, this is the smell of rotten corpses, I can tell," Mike discerned.I think you should take a look at

Entering the room, they were confronted with a horrifying sight. Numerous human corpses hung from enormous metallic hooks, their chests impaled.

Anon's shock didn't arise from the macabre sight but from the sheer number of corpses. Hundreds, thousands, millions—countless lifeless bodies dangled in this morbid chamber, stretching back like a massive hall.

"What is this?" Mike asked, his voice trembling. Even he as an assassin hasn't seen a view like this.

"Looks like hell to me, but it's not. Believe me, i have been there." Anon replied, stepping further into the room.

Men, women, and even children—every age was represented among the ghastly display. The corpses showed no signs of decay, a chilling spell preserving them.

Anon walked more and more inside the room. He felt the chilling airs getting stronger with every step he took towards the end of the room.

"Help," a faint whisper reached Anon's ears from a corner of the room.

"Mike, did you hear that?" Anon asked mike.

"Yes, Master. It's coming from that direction, I believe," Mike pointed to the southwest corner of the room.

"Let's go," Anon said, moving toward the source of the voice with Mike.

After walking for what felt like an eternity, they finally reached the source—a young child, around seven years old, hanging from two sharp hooks that pierced both of his hands. He whispered weakly, "Help, please. I need my momma. Please help."

Anon's heart clenched as he witnessed the child's agony. "Mike, remove him," Anon commanded.

He was dying slowly, like when you cut a chicken and left it hanging until all the blood gushes out of it's body.

"I need to administer some sedative first, Master, to ease his pain. If I remove his hands without any, he'll cry out, and I suspect whoever hung him here isn't too far away," Mike explained.

"Do it," Anon ordered.

Mike swiftly bit the child's neck, injecting a potent sedative to minimize his suffering. With great care, he removed the child from the hooks.

The child then glanced at Mike and murmured, "Grandfather?" before losing consciousness.

"This child is not an ordinary one, Master. He is a vampire," Mike observed, noting the flicker of faint red light in the child's eyes.

"If he's a vampire, why aren't his wounds healing?" Anon inquired, examining the holes in the child's hands.

"He needs the blood of a human for recovery. Can Master provide some?" Mike asked.

"Of course. Here, drink this, kiddo," Anon poured his blood into the child's mouth, and miraculously, the wounds began to close.


"Someone or something is approaching at high speed, Master," Mike alerted.

"It seems action is coming my way. Keep that child alive at all costs; I want to know what's happening here," Anon ordered, his sickles ready to do some chop-chop.

"Yes, Master," Mike affirmed.


The sound of running feet intensified as Anon attempted to pinpoint the source. The noise seemed to dart from one direction to another, leaving him momentarily bewildered.

"It's coming from the north... No, it's from the east... No, it keeps changing direction. How is it moving so fast?" Anon pondered, his mind racing as he tried to anticipate the next move.

"Master, the direction of the footsteps..." Mike looked at Anon as he tried to tell Anon the exact same thing.

"I know. Just keep an eye on the boy," Anon ordered, his voice firm and unwavering.

"Yes, Sir," Mike acknowledged, his sharp vampire senses alert for any sign of danger.

"It's getting closer. I have to figure out its location. 70 meters left... 60 meters... 50 meters... 40 meters... 30 meters..." An intense expression appeared on Anon's face as he closed his eyes and focused on the environment around him.

"It's not one entity; they're coming from every direction," Anon realized suddenly, his instincts sharpening.

"Guess it's time to unveil my ultimate power," Anon said, summoning a pitch-black crown from his inventory and placing it upon his head.

[The Crown of Darkness has been equipped, greatly enhancing all psychic stats and effects.]

The crown opened, emanating imperceptible waves around Anon, signifying the immense power it granted.

"20 meters... 10 meters..."

"Gwaaaaaahhhhhh...." Four massive figures lunged at Anon from different sides, closing in with vicious intent.

"Hello, Motherfuckers, say hi to daddy," Anon taunted, activating a skill honed from his darkest experiences.

<Neural Devastation>

A deadly wave of neural destruction erupted from Anon's head, amplified by the Crown of Darkness. The surge of psychic energy hit the giants with brutal force, shaking the very essence of their minds.

As soon as the wave struck, the behemoths collapsed to the ground, but surprisingly, they didn't perish.

"I used the Crown of Darkness to strengthen my skill, and yet these bastards still survived," Anon noted, a fierce glint in his eyes. With swift strikes of his sickles, he dispatched three of them, moving with the precision of a seasoned warrior.

He then turned to face the last remaining giant, the mask still obscuring its face. Anon's curiosity piqued, and he decided to unmask the creature to uncover its identity.

An unsettling discovery awaited him as he attempted to remove the mask, only to find that it was sewn into the man's neck.

"What the fuck?" Anon exclaimed, tearing the mask with his sickle, his mind racing to comprehend the monstrosity before him.

As soon as the mask was removed, the giant human's ghastly features were exposed—eyeless, noseless, and with a mouth brimming with razor-sharp teeth. Peculiar bat-like ears adorned its grotesque head.

Anon decided to explore further and opened the creature's mouth, revealing rows of menacing fangs that sent shivers down his spine.

"Well, well, well... a human chimera, huh? That's fascinating," Anon remarked, though his fascination was tinged with a sense of dread at the unnatural abomination before him. Determined to prevent any further harm, he dispatched the fourth giant with a swift yet calculated strike.

"Master, he's regaining consciousness," Mike alerted, gesturing towards the young vampire boy.

"Good. I have many questions for him," Anon said, his expression stern and resolute as he approached the child.

"Hmmm...? Is this heaven?" the child asked groggily, his eyes still half-closed.I think you should take a look at

"Sadly, not. Open your eyes, kid," Anon replied, his voice firm yet compassionate.

"Huh...? D-Don't touch me, human. Khhhaa," the kid hissed, baring his fangs at Anon to scare him away.


Mike swiftly smacked the kid on the head, asserting his authority.

"Don't be rude, kid. Tell me, who are you?" Mike demanded, his red eyes revealing his vampiric nature.

"A vampire...?" the child asked, bewildered.

"Yes. Now, who are you, and what are you doing here?" Mike pressed, showing a level of assertiveness that only a seasoned vampire could exhibit.

"Sir, my name is Angel. Me, my mother, my father, and my grandmother were kidnapped and brought here for experiments," the kid explained, his voice quivering with fear.

"What kind of experiments?" Anon inquired, his eyes narrowing with suspicion.

"T-They tear our skins, take our blood, and inject it into animals, transforming them into different monsters. They make a liquid from our blood that, when injected into a monster, turns it into an undead creature, erasing its will and making it obey its creator unquestioningly. They call them..."

"Zombies," Anon interjected, drawing on his knowledge of the malevolent experiments conducted in this twisted laboratory.

Anon's mind raced as he pieced together the truth behind the creation of the Chimera zombies—these bastards mutilated vampire blood, combining it with a negative mana doping agent. This dark concoction explained why the Chimera zombies were formidable yet short-lived on the battlefield.

"Y-Yes. They use me every day, and when they're done, they hang me here in this room. My father is hanging there, but if we go, the butchers will know and kill us," the kid revealed, his fear palpable.

"You mean those masked bastards?" Anon pointed at the lifeless giants strewn across the room.

"Huh...? Oh, shit. Did you kill them, Human?" the kid asked, his eyes widening in alarm.


Mike smacked the kid on the head again, displaying a mix of annoyance and concern.

"Ouch, Uncle, why do you keep hitting me?" the kid protested, rubbing his head.

"Don't call him human, idiot. He is my master. If you say that again, I'll hit you harder," Mike retorted, his vampiric aura emphasizing his words.

"No problem, Mike. Kid, let's go get your father," Anon said, standing up with a determined glint in his eye.

"Sir, Human, can you save my mother and grandmother too?" the kid implored, hope flickering in his young eyes.

"Where are they?" Anon asked.

"They're in the first room on the left. It's their time for experimentation," the kid replied, a mixture of fear and hope evident in his voice.

"Let's get your father first. Then, we'll get your mother," Anon declared with an unwavering resolve.

'Let's See, what these sick bastards are upto.'

Anon, Mike, and the vampire kid named Angel moved toward the southwest corner of the room.

"There, that's my father," Angel pointed to a man hanging on the wall just like Angel had been before, his hands pierced through with large metallic hooks.

"Dad...?" Angel called out.

The man hanging on the hooks opened his eyes slightly and looked at the kid.

"Huh...? Is that you, Angel? Or is this heaven?" The man spoke in a low tone.

"Yep, he's your dad. I can confirm it. Mike, take him down," Anon ordered.

"Yes, master." Mike immediately jumped near Angel's father and started removing his hands from the hooks.

As soon as Mike freed his hands, the man rushed toward Angel and stood in front of him.

"Die, human," Angel's father spoke, his nails growing as he ran towards Anon.

"No, Dad..." Angel shouted.


Before he could reach Anon, Mike swiftly jumped near him and punched him on the head.

"You fucking idiots, father and son alike." Mike spoke with an angry expression.

"Ouch... Ouch... Angel, why did you stop me?" The man asked.

"Father, sir, this human is the one who saved me with the bonking vampire uncle," Angel explained.

"Huh...?" Angel's father thought for a moment, processing what Angel had said, and immediately went on his knees in front of Anon.

"Sir, I am so sorry. I didn't understand the situation and jumped at you. Please forgive me. I can't thank you enough for saving me and my son," he apologized as he went down on his knees in front of anon.

"Ah, no problem. Let's go and save your wife," Anon said as he de-summoned his sickles that he had summoned behind his back when Angel's father lunged at him.

"It's good that Mike stopped him, or I would've killed him. Mike saved the day, his day not mine." Anon thought as he chuckled.

"Ah... I can't," Angel's father collapsed to the ground.

"What happened to you now?" Anon asked.

"Sir, I am tired because I haven't consumed blood for the past 3 years. The humans who experiment on us don't give us blood until they want blood from us," Angel's father explained as his face started to get pale.

"Here, drink this," Anon offered, giving some of his blood to Angel's father.

"Ah, tasty. How many days has it been since I drank blood this tasty?" Angel's father spoke as he drank Anon's blood from his hand.

"What is your name?" Anon asked.

"Sir, I am Billy."

As soon as Billy drank Anon's blood, his wounds started healing rapidly.

"Good, Billy. Let's go and save your wife now. What's her name? Is she also somewhere in this room ?" Anon inquired as they started walking toward the exit of the room.

"No, sir. It's experiment time for my wife and my mother-in-law. Both of them must be inside the first room on the right wall. They must be taking her blood once again. Those damned humans." Billy spoke with a very angry expression on his face, his fangs coming out and his eyes shining red.I think you should take a look at

"What is her name?" Anon asked as they continued their journey.

"Who, Sir ?" Billy asked.

"Your wife." Anon answered.

"Her name is Alisa. She is a very good mother, a marvelous wife, and an excellent daughter. I just love her, but since these humans captured our family, I haven't seen her once. I am seeing Angel after so long too," Billy spoke with a sad expression, tapping on Angel's head.

"Dad... Please don't leave me again," Angel pleaded, holding Billy's hand.

"Oh, i won't son. Don't you worry." Billy spoke reassuring Angel.

"Alisa, huh...? That's a good name your wife has," Mike commented, looking at Billy with a smile.

"So, what is your age?" Mike asked Billy.

"Sir, I am twenty-five-" billy tried to speak his age before he became a human but before he could've even completed his sentence.

"The real one," Mike interrupted.

"Oh, I am around 56, sir." Billy replied.

"You just became a vampire, huh...? Why did you decide to become a vampire?" Mile asked with a curious voice.

"When Alisa came to my village for the first time, I fell in love with her instantly. One day, when some guys were bullying me, she came to save me. That's when I confessed my feelings to her." Billy explained.

"She said yes, and after one year of our marriage, she told me that she is a vampire. But by then, we had Angel, and I also became a vampire because i loved her no matter the race."

"Pftt... hahahahaha...."


Both Anon and Mike burst out laughing upon hearing Billy's endearing story.

"How romantic, a girl rescuing a guy from some bullies and then marrying him... hahaha..." Anon laughed.

"She must be one dumb vampire to marry a human who was being bullied by other humans. Vampires usually don't want a weak partner, or else they'll end up in a place like this," Mike joked.

"Sir, my Alisa was the only one who saw my love for her and not my strength," Billy spoke with pride.

"Dad, but before you said that grandmother beat you good when you proposed to mom, and mom took pity on you as she said yes, and she even-?" Angel revealed his father's embarrassing secret.

"Angel, don't say that in front of others," Billy hurriedly covered Angel's mouth.

"Hahahahaha...." Both Mike and Anon laughed.

"Okay, playtime is over. We will now exit and go to the room where your wife is, and then we'll capture all the humans inside this base, understood?" Anon said firmly.

"But sir, I want to help you," Billy insisted.

"Me too," Angel chimed in.

"Just listen to master and go out. We will come out with your wife and mother-in-law. Do you understand?" Mike advised.

Reluctantly, Billy and Angel nodded in agreement, realizing they would be safer outside the lab while Anon and Mike handled the dangerous situation within.


As the gate swung open, Billy and Angel made a mad dash for the lab's exit, while Anon and Mike emerged with a calm demeanor, summoning their formidable weapons. Anon manifested his deadly sickles, while Mike wielded his pair of lethal daggers.

"Don't kill too many; I want most of them alive. After all, I also want to conduct some experiments on them," Anon instructed Mike.

"I understand, Master. I'll try to minimize casualties and capture as many as possible," Mike replied dutifully.

'Master, someone just exited the lab. Should we kill him? He's a vampire, and he's threatening us by showing his fangs. There's also a kid with him,' No.300 informed Anon through their psychic connection.

'Hold off, No.300. Don't kill him. Just tell him you're with me; that should deter any unnecessary conflict,' Anon responded.

'Yes, Master.'

"Is everything alright, sir?" Mike asked.

"Nothing to worry about. We simply forgot to inform that fellow about the army of ogres standing right above us," Anon answered nonchalantly.

"Did they kill him?" Mike inquired.

"No, fortunately, we intervened just in time. He bared his fangs at No.300, and you know what might have happened if No.300 hadn't consulted me," Anon explained, relieved that unnecessary bloodshed had been averted.

"He's a good father. Despite his weakness, he's brave enough to confront the ogres, clad in mithril armor, to protect his family. He'd do anything for them, something I failed to do," Mike said with a tinge of sorrow.

"Come on now, let's not get emotional. We've got work to do. Let's capture these pieces of shit and get back home," Anon said, offering reassurance as he tapped Mike's shoulder.

"I-I apologize, Master. I shouldn't behave like this. It's just that when I met that man and heard his wife's name, it reminded me of my daughter, but that's impossible because she is... sigh"

"What are you talking about? Don't dwell on it. Let's focus on our mission," Anon said, trying to ease Mike's distress.

"Right, Master. Let's go inside," Mike replied, his grip on his daggers tightening.

"Don't worry, Mike. Everything happens for a reason," Anon said reassuringly as he kicked open the door.


Anon and Mike swiftly entered a vast white hall filled with people wearing white coats. Around 20 individuals were present, and at the center of the room, two women were hanging from poles, restrained by ropes, while blood was being drawn from their hands and legs. Numerous blood bags surrounded them, and their long hair concealed their faces.

The intruders' appearance took the occupants by surprise. One of the white-coated individuals spoke up, demanding to know their identity and daring to intrude.

"He is your father, and I am the grandfather. Now, come and give us a hug," Anon replied calmly, unsheathing his sickles with a resolute air.



The daggers slipped from Mike's hands as tears welled up in his eyes, and he reached out towards the two women in the middle of the room.

"Mike? Are you alright?" Anon inquired, concerned about his companion's sudden change in demeanor.I think you should take a look at

"Alisa and Jenna?" Mike muttered softly, his voice filled with disbelief and emotion.

The words reached the women's ears, and they turned to look at Mike.

"D-Daddy?" Alisha said with a faint smile on her face.

"Darling... You're here," Jenna exclaimed, her eyes welling up with tears of joy.

"Hey, human. Remember what I told you the first day? My father will come for me someday, and look, he's here now. So, who's in trouble now?" Alisha said boldly to one of the men standing nearby.

"Guards, kill the intruders," one of the men commanded, prompting 12 giant human Chimeras to charge forward from the back of the room.

"Mike, we have to—"


Anon noticed pitch-black sparks crackling around Mike's body before he could finish his sentence.

"Mike, calm down. We need to capture them aliv—"

Before Anon could complete his sentence, Mike vanished from his position, reappearing beside his wife and daughter.

Everyone in the room froze for a moment, and Anon observed that Mike's daggers were dripping with blood.

"Fuck..." Anon swore under his breath, realizing the extent of Mike's unleashed fury and what he had done.

Instinctively, Anon touched his temples, and in an instant, everyone in the room dropped dead, including the formidable human Chimeras. The white room was now engulfed in crimson, the floor covered in a pool of blood.

Overwhelmed with emotion upon discovering his wife and daughter were alive after all this time, Mike's mind had lost control of his anger, leading him to unleash a forbidden skill.

<Endless Shadow Strikes>

[The skill known as "Endless Shadow Strikes" is a formidable and perilous ability that taps into the untamed mana present in the surroundings, channeling it into its darkest manifestation. When invoked, this skill transforms the user into a beast of shadows, granting them unprecedented power and speed for a brief but intense period.

To activate Endless Shadow Strikes, the user gathers the wild mana from the environment, drawing it into themselves in its unfiltered form. The mana courses through their veins, suffusing them with the essence of darkness. During this process, the user's intelligence is reduced by 50%, their mental faculties temporarily suppressed as they become consumed by the overwhelming power of the shadows.

However, this dark transformation bestows immense advantages upon the user. Their damage output is multiplied by a staggering 500%, turning them into a force to be reckoned with in combat. Their speed is also amplified to an extraordinary level, enabling them to move with swift and elusive grace, leaving their opponents struggling to keep up.

To sustain this potent state, a significant 90% of the user's mana is instantaneously consumed, reflecting the tremendous energy required to maintain such power. It is a costly investment that demands careful management of the user's mana reserves.

Yet, as the name "Endless Shadow Strikes" suggests, the skill's duration is limited to a mere 5 seconds. Once this brief period elapses, the user will face a painful and potentially dangerous backlash.

The backlash may manifest in various ways, such as physical strain, mental exhaustion, or even temporary incapacitation.]


Mike gently released his wife and daughter from the poles they were tied to.

"Alisa, Jenna, are you alright?" Mike asked, his voice filled with concern and relief.

"I knew you would come for me," Jenna said, extending her hand to touch Mike's cheek and offering a faint smile.

Tears welled up in Mike's eyes as he nodded in response to his daughter's words.


Suddenly, an alarm blared inside the lab, startling everyone.

"Mike, take your wife and daughter out of here. I will handle this myself," Anon commanded.

"But, Master—"

"Just go," Anon interrupted firmly, his anger apparent in his tone.

Mike had not only silenced all potential sources of information in the room but had also triggered the alarm.

"I-I'm sorry, Master. Please forgive me," Mike apologized as he picked up his daughter and wife.

"Don't worry, you will be punished for this later. Go for now," Anon said, accepting Mike's apology but also making it clear that consequences awaited him.

"I'm ready for any punishment, Master," Mike replied earnestly before exiting the lab immediately.

Anon summoned the Crown of Darkness and placed it on his head before stepping out of the room.


As Anon reached the exit, another door next to his room swung open, revealing a bespectacled man who glanced at the lab's exit and shouted, "This is code red, everyone exit the lab. I repeat, code red, exit the lab at once."

Anon whispered into the man's ear, "You should look both ways before exiting dangerous grounds."

"Huh...?" As the man turned to look back...

<Hypnosis >

His eyes glowed purple, and he fell under Anon's control.

"It was a false alarm. Keep everyone inside," Anon commanded.

"Yes," the man replied in a trance-like state.

The man immediately returned to the room and informed everyone present that it was a false alarm, prompting them to stay inside.

Anon followed suit, entering the room and closing the door behind him.

Inside the room, he saw a scene he had already witnessed through the clone's memories—a massive magical circle in the center of the room, generating clones, and imposing human Chimeras disposing of butchered human parts onto the magic circle.

Present in the room were five humans, four of them females, and three human Chimeras.

"S-67, who is he?" one of the female scientists asked the bespectacled man that Anon had hypnotized.

"So, you create clones, huh...? Using butchered human parts. Interesting," Anon remarked as he observed the magical circle in the middle of the room.

A dense aura of bloodlust emanated from Anon, causing the humans in the lab to freeze in fear, while the human Chimeras continued their tasks, seemingly undisturbed.

"So, are you in charge here?" Anon inquired, approaching the woman who had asked about Anon, from the bespectacled man.

The woman, appearing to be around 35 with green mascara, thick thighs, a prominent ass, and a beautiful face, remained silent. Anon closed the distance between them, placing his chin on her shoulder. His breath felt like a song of death to her, causing her hands to tremble, and she dropped her notepad.

Anon picked up the notepad and read aloud, "Clones to be processed today: 600. Only 17 clones have been processed as we are not getting any response from the blood supply lab... If this continues, as the incharge of the clone lab, I will have to go there myself."

"Well, darling, it's good that you didn't go there. It's quite a bloody mess on that side," Anon whispered into the woman's ear, adopting a chilling tone.I think you should take a look at

"If you want..." another woman spoke timidly.

"Huh...?" Anon looked at her with confusion.

"I-if it's money that, y-you want. W-we can give you," she stuttered, her eyes filled with fear, unable to make direct eye contact.

"Hmmm...? Now we're talking business," Anon said, walking towards her.

"So, you want to bribe me to leave the site, huh...?" Anon asked.

"Y-yes," the woman replied, trembling.

"Well, that's an interesting offer. How much can you offer? Remember, your lives depend on the amount you say next," Anon said, touching her cheek with his lips and strongly pinching her breasts.

"One hundred platinum coins," the woman answered, shivering with fear.

"Piiii~ Wrong answer," Anon said, biting her ear lightly and tightening his grip on her breasts suddenly.

As he did so, the woman's emotions overwhelmed the incharge, and she called out, "Guards, kill him."

The human Chimeras instantly stopped their tasks and lunged at Anon from all directions.

"Hah... Can't let two love birds chat, can you?" Anon remarked as he confronted the Chimeras head-on and...

<Thunder Javelin>

<Thunder Javelin>

<Thunder Javelin>

Anon summoned three Thunder Javelins and released them all at once, obliterating the human Chimeras with ease. The Thunder Javelins struck the Chimeras' heads, annihilating their brains.

"I-impossible," the other woman gasped in surprise.

"Well, where was I?" Anon said as he approached the next woman.

As soon as he reached behind her, he inserted his hand into her panties and started rubbing her pussy lips.

"Anhhh~" she moaned.

"Ah, yes. Wrong answer, so you think your lives are worth only 100 platinum coins?" Anon asked, continuing to grope her.

'What soft bodies? Her pussy feels so smooth,' Anon thought.

"What do you want from us?" the incharge finally spoke up.

A smile crept across Anon's face as he left the woman he was touching and approached the incharge.

"Finally, you decided to speak up, huh...?" Anon said, grabbing her big ass and squeezing it tightly.

'Oh my god... I could make a trampoline out of this ass. It's as if no one has ever touched it. What kind of master doesn't want to play with this ass?' Anon thought.

"I asked, what do you want?" the incharge inquired, sounding frustrated.

"Well, how about that cloning spell, to start?" Anon asked, squeezing both her buttocks simultaneously.

"You know about the cloning spell?" the incharge girl asked with a surprised expression.

"Oh, I know many things. Now you have two options: either you die here, or you tell me everything about this place. Choose now," Anon said, groping her breasts.

"I want to die," the incharge girl replied, disgust evident on her face.

"Yeah, that option is invalid. So, you've chosen to tell me everything. Very well, let's begin the torture session. Hehehe..." Anon said, smiling sweetly. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you all to the Game of Questions and Answers. No, let me rephrase that. Welcome to the game of 'Answer or Torture,'" Anon said, laughing sinisterly.

Four girls and one guy were standing in front of him, all under his hypnosis, each holding a knife in their hands.

"So, the rules are simple. All you have to do is answer the questions I ask you. If you fail to answer the question in under 10 seconds, you will cut off one of your fingers yourself. Oh, and one more thing – your pain sensors have been amplified by ten times. So, watch out for any cuts, because it won't feel pleasant. Does everyone understand the rules?" Anon asked with a wicked smile.

Everyone stared at him, their expressions showing fear and disgust. However, they had no choice but to follow his orders under his hypnosis.

"Well, I'll take that as a yes. Now, let's start this game," Anon declared.

"Why are you doing this to us?" the bespectacled guy asked in a low tone.

"Well, looks like our contestants have some questions. What was that, sir?" Anon replied.

"I asked, why are you doing this to us?" he reiterated.

"Because I take pleasure in killing people. Obviously, what else can be the reason?"

"You psychopathic bastard, why are you killing us? There are thousands of people outside. Go and kill them!" The guy with the glasses shouted.

"Yes, you are right. But you see, today I realized that I want to kill a guy wearing a white lab coat and a pair of glasses on his fucking eyes. Anything else you want to say, sir?" Anon taunted.

"This is not right. You are doing a very wrong thing," the guy sobbed as tears flowed from his eyes.

Anon walked up to the guy and whispered in his ears, "Well, seems like what you did to all those humans in that red room is right, huh...? Mister righteous bastard."

The guy's expression changed abruptly, his eyes opening in surprise.


"Yes, I took a tour of that little butcher shop of yours, and that's where I will hang your bodies, or should I say, only your body, because these girls will become breeding machines for my ogres," Anon said with a menacing smile.

"Well, let's just forget all that and start the quiz," Anon said as he took a chair and sat down.

"First question goes to the guy with the glasses. What is this place called, and why is it made?" Anon asked.

"T-This place...."

"You have only 6 seconds left and i am still counting down, so you better answer or say bye-bye to that finger of yours." Anon warned.

"T-This place is called 'The Demonic Womb,' and it is made to create undead soldiers named 'Zombies,'" he responded swiftly.

"Good, 10 points go to the guy with the glasses," Anon said, smiling at him.

"What? 10 points?" the guy asked, puzzled.

"Oh, did I not tell you about the point system? My bad, silly me. So, the first one of you to gain 100 points will..."

"Will get released, right?" the guy with the glasses spoke, hope flickering in his eyes.

"No, you idiot. Don't be too hasty. The first one to reach 100 points will get killed first," Anon said with an evil smile.


"Now, the next question to the brave girl who tried to bribe me. What is your cup size?" Anon asked, with a perverted look in his eyes as he licked his bottom lip.



"What the hell is wrong with you?" the guy with glasses protested.

"Yep, cut one one of your finger," Anon commanded.

"W-Wh..?" Suddenly, his hands moved involuntarily. The hand holding the knife rose up, and the other hand was placed on the table.

"No... No....Noooooo"


The guy with glasses chopped off one of his fingers.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...." he shouted in agony.

"Shut up," Anon commanded, and the guy immediately complied, closing his mouth forcefully and against his will.

"Now, where was I? Yes, your time is ticking, girl. You better speak or..."

"I-I am a C," she answered, trying to save herself from any pain.

"Good, now next question to the random girl with nice and big boobies. Do you masturbate ?"

"Y-Yes." She answered.

"Cool, show me. No, get naked and keep masturbating until your turn comes back." Anon commanded.

The girl had huge boobs, nice ass and an average face. Her age looked to be around 26 or so.

She immediately stood up on Anon's command and started removing her clothes.

"Wait, Remove your clothes in a more seducing way. Like you are calling me to fuck you." Anon commanded.

The girl first removed her white coat, and revealed her real clothes underneath. She was wearing a white t-shirt and blue pants underneath.

First she removed her t-shirt, then removed her pants, revealing a pair of white laced panties and Brazzers.

"Woah, That's a nice and big rack you got there on both sides. I would love to motorboat those bad boys but let's keep them for later." Anon spoke.

The girl then unhooked her Bra and revealed two big tits with inverted nipples and huge areolas.

"Ohhhh, rare inverted nipples. That's nice." Anon spoke as he smiled evilly.


"Huh..? Are you crying ?" Anon asked as he stood up and walked near the girl.

Anon noticed tears coming out of her eyes and spoke.

"Aww... You also feel like this is wrong huh...?" Anon asked.


The girl nodded in yes, as she removed her panties and revealed her plump pink untouched pussy.



"Well darling, what work was assigned to you in this lab ?" Anon asked as he slapped on her bare ass and pussy lips.

"I-I was the incharge of maintaining, *Sob-Sob* the circle with mana supply." The girl replied.

"Well, guess what ? I am going to maintain you now. Turn your face towards the chair and let me see your pussy as you start masturbating." Anon commanded.

"So, the next question is for the girl with blue hair and blue eyes. What is your name, darling?" Anon asked.

"I am S-78."

"No, not that one. I am asking your real name," Anon clarified.


"Hmmm.... I don't like that name. Cut off one finger," Anon commanded.

"Wait, please. You can't do that. I didn't name myself. Please, Nooooooo...."


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh...." She screamed louder than the guy with glasses.

"Shut up," Anon said, rubbing his ears and looking at the girl.

Upon hearing Anon's command, she immediately shut her mouth, no matter how much pain she was suffering.

"Look, guys, I don't have anything against any of you. I am not a savior of those who are lying, oh sorry, hanging dead inside that red room. I just needed the information at first, but when I looked at your faces, I felt this urge to torture you to the ends of hell. But I am not doing that, at least not yet. We are just playing a simple game."

"I will give you every single piece of information I have on me; let my partners go," the in-charge sitting in the last chair spoke.

"Oh my God, would you look at that? The in-charge lady is willing to reveal her dirty little secrets to save her partners, huh..?" Anon spoke with a smile, glancing at the lady.

"Well, let's see what you've got. Question number one: Who is your master?" Anon asked.

"We never met our master. We receive orders at the start of every month from someone through that communication crystal there," the in-charge lady replied, pointing towards a crystal on the table.

"Can you contact him right now?" Anon asked.

"No, it's a one-sided communication crystal. Only he can contact us," she explained.

"Well, that's sad, huh? What are your orders for this month?" Anon asked.

"We are ordered to produce 10,000 clones and 100,000 zombies by the end of this month, and we are supposed to give our reports every day, at the end of the day."

"To whom?" Anon asked.

"We don't know; we just put the reports on the dining table at 7 pm every day, and we are not allowed to go out until one hour has passed after that," she explained.

"Hmmm... So, what does he give you to do his work?" Anon inquired.

"This.." she said, pulling out a very small bottle filled with pink-colored liquid.

"Hmm...? What is this?"

"A drug," she said.

"A drug? You mass murder people and turn them into disgusting monsters for this pink liquid, huh..? That's interesting too."

"That's a very addictive drug. He roped us in with that drug."

"What do you mean, he roped you in? You said that you never saw him?" Anon asked, giving her a suspicious look.

"I was an alchemist and worked for the Adventurer's guild. I ate my food from this inn that was at the center of the city. One day I felt something strange about the food; it was tastier than usual, and I felt this strange joy after eating it.

I didn't knew that he was drugging my food until one day when he didn't.

I ate my food like every day, but my stomach didn't feel good. I thought it was something else until I started vomiting blood.

I asked the healers about it, but they didn't know what it was; no healing spells worked. I was continuously vomiting blood that night. When I came home, the window of my room was opened, and a crystal ball and a bottle of this liquid were on my table.

I didn't know what it was, but suddenly a voice started talking from the crystal ball. It sounded neither like a human nor like a beast; it was something else.

The voice said that if I drank the liquid in that bottle, I would be cured again.

I had no other way rather than giving it a try; I was dying anyway. So, I drank it, and it cured me. From then on, I need one dose of that thing every seven days, or I will die," the lady explained.

"...and you all need it?" Anon asked.

"Yes," she confirmed.

'Sephie, can you hear me?' Anon used <Psychic connection>.

'Yes, Master,' Sephie replied.

'There is this drug in my hand that seems rather unique; its color is pink, and it's very shiny. If not taken for 7 days, the victim starts to throw up blood. Do you know something about it?' Anon asked.

'Hmm...? A pink drug, you say? Let me check; my mother once told me about it, I think. It's made from an Incubus's Semen, I think, and yes, found it,' Sephie spoke.

'What is it?'

'Master, this drug is called 'Slave Drink.' It's made from an Incubus's Semen, and three doses are enough to make someone addicted to it. If given in excessive amounts for a fixed period of time, to a female human, it makes them vomit blood if not taken in 7 days,' Sephie explained.


'Anything else, Master?' Sephie asked.

'Yeah, can you make a cure for this shit?' Anon asked.

'The cure for this drug is simple, Master, but you have to get the Incubus from which it was made,' Sephie spoke.

'Hmmm... Just get the things ready. I will bring the Incubus,' Anon ordered.

'Yes, Master.'

"So, where did you say you ate your meals?" Anon asked, looking at the lady in-charge.

"At the center of the first ring, there is an inn named 'Gilbert's Inn.' That's where I used to eat my meals," she answered.

As Anon started thinking, his eyes fell on the guy with glasses.

"You, what drug do you take? Is it the same one?" Anon asked.

"No, Sob-Sob I take this one," he said, throwing another drug bottle towards Anon.

This time it was filled with shiny green liquid.

"Okay, this motherfucker really likes shiny colors, huh...?" Anon spoke as he looked at the green liquid with frustrated look.

"So, to sum it all up: you all work for an unknown person who got you addicted to this drug, and now you can't live without it if it's not injected into your veins every seven days, right ?" Anon asked.

"Yes," the lady in charge replied.

"Well, I have one last question. Where do you get all these people from that you butchered to make your eveil and mindless clones ?" Anon inquired with a smile.

"King Alfred funded our research. We don't know why he did that; we only know that these people were all sent here from his continent and food supplies were also given by him." she explained.

Anon immediately remembered, 'King Alfred, huh ? I never saw him on the battlefield once. Now that i remember, Derein did told me about the king who said no to support Arthur in that battle, maybe his name was king Alfred.'

"But two days ago, we received something that surprised us," she continued with a serious expression.

"What?" Anon asked curiously.

"We received a dead body."

"Uh huh... ?" Anon said his eyebrows lift up in doubt.

"That dead body wasn't a normal one; it was King Alfred's body." she revealed.

"What? You mean King Alfred is dead ?" Anon asked in surprise.

"Yes, five days ago. We received orders to make a clone that looked exactly like him, and three days later, we received his dead body, it was Brutally stabbed with sword and his face was also crushed but i recognised him because i made his clone just 3 days before his death.

It's pretty clear that the one sitting on the throne currently is..."

"...a clone," Anon said before her, completing the sentence.

"Yes, and I can give you something that can help you control that clone efficiently. You can control human minds with your powers, but you can't control clones, can you?" she said, with a bluffing smile on her face.

"What is it?" Anon asked curiously because it was true, Anon has tried to control the zombies and clones Before, but he had failed to do so.

"First, you have to let them go," she tried to negotiate.

"Oh, a negotiation, huh...? Okay, I will let them go," Anon agreed, looking at the guy wearing glasses with an angry expression.

Anon's eyes shined bright purple for a moment as he looked at him.

"Yes," the guy with glasses said as he took the knife in his hands and stabbed himself through his throat with full pressure.

"Nooooo...." The lady in charge shouted, but before she could say anything else, the guy's throat started bleeding out like a fountain, and his body fell lifeless on the floor.


"Shit! S-67 killed himself."

All four of them shouted as they saw their partner die horribly.

"Okay, one gone. Next one to go will be the bribing girl. Stab that knife through your right eye and start twisting it until you die," Anon said as he looked at the girl, and his eyes shined purple.

Her eyes also shined purple as she replied with an emotionless face, "Yes."

Before she could've stabbed herself in the eye, the lady in charge shouted loudly, "Stoooooopppppp."

"Stop," Anon commanded.

As soon as she heard Anon, she immediately stopped her hands, and the knife's tip halted just 5cm away from touching her eye.

"Stop, I will give it to you. Don't kill her," the lady in charge spoke, understanding that there is no room for negotiation in front of Anon.

"Good girl," Anon said, laughing a little toward the lady in charge.

After that, the lady in charge pulled out something from her pocket and gave it to Anon.

It was a crystal shining orange from the middle and green from its edges.

"Care to explain how this works?" Anon asked.

"This is a Control Crystal. We implant a magic crystal inside every single clone we make, and instead of a brain, this thing controls the clone. Basically, the clones act similar to the humans we made them from, but if we need to issue some direct orders to them, we use this crystal," she explained.

Anon took the crystal in his hands, and a message popped up in front of him.

[Control Crystal has been found. Would you like to Connect with it?]


[Connection has been successfully established]

The control crystal slowly vanished from Anon's hand.

"What the?" The lady in charge saw this and immediately got stunned, as this was nothing she had seen before.

[1/5000 Clone has been found Connected to the crystal]

[King Alfred's Clone.]

Suddenly, a small part of Anon's consciousness was inside Alfred's mind. Anon felt every touch on Alfred's clone and saw what he was seeing.

It was as if he was a part of Anon's body. At this time, Alfred's clone was sitting at the dining table and eating his lunch. Now if Anon wanted, he could have commanded him to eat more strawberries instead of grapes.

He had control over the clone.

"Woohooo, This is awesome. You use these things like remote controls to control these toys of yours from whatever distance you want, huh?" Anon asked, getting excited.

"Yes, that is correct," the lady spoke.

"Haha... Good, good. This is some good shit. I can order him to start a war on other continents with just a thought," Anon spoke.

"This thing is good, but not very useful to me. I can just mind-control any human and change his course of actions. But with this, I kill the human first, and then use his body parts and mutated vampire blood to create a clone that looks just like him, and he will be like a remote control car that I can control from any range with this control crystal.

Eh, this is not useful for me at present, but who knows, maybe I can make use of this in the future. I should learn how this works," Anon thought as he laughed at the lady in charge.