

"It was my mistake," Anon admitted, his voice laced with frustration. "I revealed too much, and that's why he suspected me and exposed my true identity."

Damacus, one of the demon gods, approached Anon, as his eyes grew bigger but his body still remained invisible "It's not your fault," he assured him. "You didn't do anything wrong. It's in a demon's nature to live with royalty, to stand tall and unwavering. Even a rat can survive in this deadly world. What others define as selfishness and arrogance is merely a misunderstood reflection of our true essence."

The demon girl with pink eyes nodded in agreement, her voice laced with anger. "Those gods and humans know nothing about demons. A demon lives with their own sense of royalty, bowing before no one. They never hide in the shadows just to survive. They care for no one but their beloved ones. If that's what a demon truly is, then yes, you, me, and all the individuals present in this room are demons."

Severus, another demon god, hissed in affirmation. "You're right," he declared, his eyes gleaming with determination. "The one who diminishes their own self-respect cannot be considered a true demon. We, true demons, are royalty. We never go back on our word."

Razethor, his eyes shining with a bright yellow hue, stepped forward. "Brother Severus speaks the truth," he stated. "A demon can be sly and deceiving, but when it comes to the battlefield, even a single demon stands with pride against an army of hundreds and thousands. We possess an unwavering strength and resilience that sets us apart."

Damacus interjected, his voice filled with concern. "We must find a way to save you, Brother Anon. If you enter the academy and break the overcharge, the avatar of that holy god will surely emerge to kill you. And once the overcharge breaks, you will be vulnerable, weakened."

Anon's mind raced with possibilities, and suddenly an idea struck him like a bolt of lightning. "We need to rearrange the chess pieces," he declared, his voice brimming with excitement.

Confusion settled among the demon gods as they exchanged glances, their curiosity piqued. "What do you mean, Brother Anon *hiss*?" Severus asked, tilting his head inquisitively.

Anon elaborated on his plan, a smile of determination playing upon his lips. "When we rearrange the pieces on a chessboard, the game starts anew. If I can level the playing field against that adversary, the game will reset. We need to find a way to bring the fight back to the beginning, to regain control."

Understanding slowly dawned on Damacus. "You mean to say that if you never leave this forest, the game can begin afresh. By attending the academy under a new name, you can maintain anonymity and confront the challenges that await you."

Fremus, however, voiced his skepticism. "But the seven continents of the human kingdom have seen your face. Do you honestly believe you can enter the academy and simply say, 'Hello, everyone, I'm Eden. I just happen to resemble Anon, but I'm not him'?"

Anon's gaze hardened with determination. "That's precisely the plan," he confirmed. "But what if I change my face as well?"

Fremus scoffed at the notion. "What nonsense! The <Body Modification> skill won't allow you to change your own appearance. It's simply not possible."

Anon's eyes twinkled mischievously. "Ah, but I have another idea," he revealed, confident in his newfound strategy.

Damacus, catching onto Anon's line of thought, nodded approvingly. "I understand," he stated. "Brother Anon wants us to grant him a skill that can transform his face and body. With this, he can become an entirely new person, reenter the academy, and confound both gods and demons alike."

Severus joined in, hissing softly. "Brother Anon's intellect knows no bounds. It is a clever plan indeed."

The demon girl with pink eyes, still puzzled, sought clarification. "That's a great idea, but how will you change your face?"

Anon turned to her, his voice filled with determination. "Don't you possess any shape-shifting abilities? A skill or power that allows you to alter your appearance?"

Damacus summoned a wooden mask from thin air, as it materialized in front of anon "While we may not possess innate shape-shifting abilities, I do have an artifact that could serve our purpose."

As the mask floated before Anon, Anon used a skill.

<Demonic Eyes>

the inscription on it became visible: - [Nature's Face-Changing Mask].

[Nature's Face Changing Mask is a remarkable artifact that possesses the extraordinary ability to transform the appearance of its wearer into anyone whose DNA, such as hair, is used as a reference. Crafted from the formidable creature known as a mimic, this mystical mask harnesses the essence of nature itself to grant its user the power of shape-shifting.

When worn, the mask taps into the genetic information obtained from the desired individual, using it as a template to alter the wearer's facial features, effectively turning them into a perfect likeness of the chosen person. However, the mask's transformative power extends beyond mere cosmetic changes. It also modifies the wearer's entire body, ensuring a complete and seamless disguise that is virtually impossible to detect.

The transformation brought about by Nature's Face Changing Mask lasts for a considerable duration, spanning up to 22 hours. However, such a potent enchantment comes at a price. The mask consumes a significant amount of mana to sustain the alteration, resulting in a 50% reduction in the wearer's magical abilities during the duration of the transformation. This limitation serves as a reminder of the delicate balance between power and disguise. One of the mask's most formidable aspects is its ability to evade detection. By completely reshaping the wearer's face and body, it renders them virtually unrecognizable, even to those who are familiar with the person being imitated. This makes it a formidable tool for espionage, infiltration, or any situation where concealing one's true identity is essential.n(-𝕠.(𝑣-/ℯ-.𝓛.(𝔟-(1--n

Crafted from the body of a mimic, a monstrous creature renowned for its shape-shifting abilities, the mask inherits some of the mimic's inherent magical properties. Mimics are known to possess an affinity for mimicry and disguise, often camouflaging themselves as ordinary objects to lure unsuspecting prey. By harnessing the essence of this formidable creature, Nature's Face Changing Mask has acquired an unparalleled mastery over the art of transformation.]

Anon's heart raced with excitement as he realized the potential of this mysterious artifact.

Anon reached out, taking hold of the mask, a newfound sense of hope igniting within him. "With this mask, we can change the game entirely," he proclaimed, his voice resolute.

The demon gods, now united in purpose, nodded in agreement. The stage was set for Anon's rebirth, a chance to reclaim his destiny. With the <Nature's Face-Changing Mask> in his possession, he would embark on a new path, one that would challenge the very fabric of the academy and change the course of their collective fates.

"Brother Anon, this may be our final meeting," Damacus spoke solemnly, his voice echoing with a touch of sorrow.

"Why?" Anon asked, his expression betraying surprise.

"Well, it's a rule of nature. Once both parties know that the opposite side has unleashed their avatars on the sacred land, only one chance is given to interact with their gods, be it the demon gods or the holy gods. We won't be able to contact you in any way once you leave from here. That's why we summoned you today, to convey this information." Damacus explained, his eyes filled with determination.

Anon nodded, absorbing the gravity of the situation. "I see. So it means that guy will also only have one chance to meet his god, right ?"

Damacus nodded in affirmation. "Indeed, brother Anon. The rules of this realm are unbending. We shall discuss it again after you have slain the first Avatar or enslaved him. Until then, brother Anon, may the dark forces guide your path," he spoke with solemnity as Anon's consciousness began to fade, retreating back to the mortal realm.

"Haaaa..." Anon gasped as he found himself standing in the heart of the nightmarish forest, surrounded by towering, twisted trees and an eerie darkness that pervaded the air. The overcharge that had coursed through his body dissipated, leaving him feeling rejuvenated. He glanced down and realized he was still unclothed, prompting him to summon a set of dark garments from his inventory. With swift movements, he adorned himself, the fabric clinging to his powerful form.

As Anon adjusted his attire, a familiar voice penetrated his thoughts. 'Master, are you listening to me?' No.300, his loyal companion, contacted him through the psychic connection they shared.

'Yes, No.300. What's the matter?' Anon responded, his mental tone infused with authority.

'Master, that nobleman is on the verge of crossing the forest and winning the race. Are you not planning to catch up to him?' No.300 reported about Ren, the nobleman who had become Anon's primary target.

"What? Ren is still running?" Anon's voice reverberated through the psychic link, a mix of disbelief and annoyance.

'Yes, Master. He's proven more resilient than anticipated,' No.300 confirmed, his words laced with a hint of admiration for Ren's tenacity.

Anon's eyes narrowed, a devious plan forming in his mind. "Prepare yourself, No.300. I have an idea."

He summoned the Nature's Face-Changing Mask, a mystical artifact that allowed him to assume different appearances and deceive his enemies. The mask materialized in his hand, its surface adorned with intricate patterns of vines and leaves. Anon secured it over his face, his visage transformed into that of a mysterious woodland creature.

'No.300, catch the gentleman, but do not kill him,' Anon commanded, his voice laced with authority.

'As you command, Master,' No.300 responded, his loyalty unwavering.

Anon's directive echoed through the psychic link, reaching the ogres who served as his loyal minions. "Everyone, apprehend him, but spare his life," he ordered, his words resounding with a blend of power and menace.

With their instructions received, the army of ogres moved swiftly, their massive forms charging forward to block Ren's path. The nobleman's eyes widened in disbelief as he found himself confronted by the imposing creatures, their muscular frames and ferocious expressions leaving no doubt about their intentions.

"W-What the fuck?" Ren stammered, his voice tinged with fear and desperation. He had pushed his limits, exhaustion wearing heavily upon him, rendering him incapable of defeating even a single ogre, let alone escaping their clutches.

One ogre, distinguished by its commanding presence, stepped forward. It was No.300, masquerading as the ogres' spokesperson. "Human, you shall not take one more step forward. Our master wishes to see you," No.300 announced, his tone commanding and laced with an otherworldly aura.

Ren's voice trembled as he addressed No.300. "Y-You can speak the human language ?"

"We can. Our master taught us," No.300 replied, his voice deep and resonant.

Ren's curiosity was piqued, mingled with a palpable sense of fear. "Who is your master?"

A chilling silence hung in the air for a moment before Anon's voice rang out from behind Ren. "I am."

Startled, Ren turned, his eyes widening in recognition and terror. "A-Anon?" he uttered, his voice trembling with a mixture of surprise and fear.

Anon approached Ren with measured steps, his gaze fixated on his trembling adversary. "Hello, cheater," he spoke, his words dripping with a combination of scorn and satisfaction. His eyes glowed with a piercing purple light, a manifestation of his formidable powers.

"Y-You? You're the master of all these ogres?" Ren gasped, his voice betraying disbelief.

"Indeed, I am the master of all these ogres. Do you require proof? Allow me to demonstrate." Anon replied, his voice oozing with an air of malevolence that sent shivers down Ren's spine.

Anon walked upto no.300 and lifted up her leather made skirt and started rubbing her pussy.

"Annhhhh~ Anhhh~ Master.... " No.300 spoke as she started giggling in pleasure.

"Now, do you finally comprehend, Mr. Ren?" Anon's voice dripped with malevolence as a sinister smile crept across his face, casting an ominous shadow.

Ren's eyes widened with a mix of confusion and dread as he struggled to process the impossible events unfolding before him. "But... how is this even possible?" he stammered, his voice quivering.

Anon chuckled darkly, his gaze fixated on Ren. "Ah, you ask too many questions, my dear Ren. Perhaps it's time you learned the true nature of my power."

An eerie silence hung in the air as Ren's mind raced, searching for answers amid the unfolding nightmare. "What... what do you want from me?" he managed to utter, his voice laced with fear.

Anon's lips curled into a wicked grin, his eyes glinting with wicked delight. "Oh, that was quite the question you posed, Ren," he hissed, relishing the unease in his prey's expression.

"You see, I have a peculiar desire. I want your very identity, can you lend it to me ? What you are saying no ? Okay i will just take it." Anon declared, a twisted euphoria tainting his words.

Ren recoiled, his heart pounding in his chest, unable to fathom the depths of Anon's depravity. "What do you mean? How can you take my identity?"

A sinister gleam danced in Anon's eyes as he closed the distance between them, plucking a single strand of hair from his head. "Watch closely," he whispered, the air heavy with anticipation.

Anon delicately placed Ren's hair within the mystical mask, its surface pulsating with an eerie green glow. In a mesmerizing display, the hair was instantly absorbed, as if devoured by an insatiable hunger.

With an eerie calm, Anon adorned the mask, and a swift transformation ensued. His visage morphed, assuming Ren's features, while his body seamlessly adopted Ren's physique.

Ren stood in stunned disbelief, his mind grappling to comprehend the profound violation of his very existence. "Who... who are you?" he managed to utter, his voice tinged with terror. "Are you some sort of demon?"

Anon's chuckle resonated through the room, a chilling sound that sent shivers down Ren's spine. "I am a unique combo, my friend. A combination of forces beyond your wildest imaginings. Now, let your mind wander to the infinite possibilities of what I am capable of."

Fear tightened its grip on Ren's trembling form. With a flicker of defiance, he mustered a response, tinged with desperation. "You can't get away with this. My family will recognize the deception in an instant."

Anon's eyes flickered with cunning as he contemplated Ren's words. "Ah, a valid concern indeed. But how about this: lend me your memories as well, and we shall see if your family can discern the truth from fiction," he proposed, his smile growing ever more sinister, a predator reveling in his imminent triumph.

"I invested so much in this race, i can't afford to lose it, friend".

"What?" Ren asked, looking at Anon in disbelief.

"I'll explain that to you in my torture chamber," Anon said, cutting his thumb and pouring out a drop of his blood onto his other hand.

"Lick it," Anon commanded, showing his hand to Ren.

"I will not," Ren replied defiantly.

"Listen, friend. I'm giving you an opportunity to live. Don't test my patience and lick it," Anon spoke, his eyes glowing with a purple radiance.

Ren immediately felt a surge of fear and reluctantly complied, licking Anon's hand.

[A new target has been found. Would you like to use the skill <Mind Control>?]


<Memory Eater>

Suddenly, memories flooded into Anon's mind.

<Level Up>

<Level Up>

<5 new skills have been learned>

<3 holy skills have been learned>

Numerous screens appeared before Anon, displaying the new information he had acquired.

Ren's eyes turned a shade of gray as Anon extracted every single memory from his mind.

<Memory Alter>

Memories surged back into Ren's head, and he regained his senses.

"What have you done to me?" Ren asked, fear etched on his face.

"Nothing. I've merely created a copy of all your memories in my mind. From what I've gathered, I must say your mother looks very attractive, and your sisters... delightful," Anon remarked, sticking out his tongue provocatively.

"Don't you dare touch my family, you motherfucker!" Ren shouted, his rage barely contained. However, he lacked the energy to act upon his anger, and Anon had an army of ogres at his command.

"Well, you're a devoted son, Ren. I wonder what will happen when this devoted son walks into his own house, forcefully undresses his own mother, bends her down and holds her fown in front of me, as he opens her pussy lips for my dick to enter inside her thick pussy and holds her while I fill her womb to the brim.

Ren, I will make you my little slave, a soldier ready to obey my every command. And mark my words, I'm not bluffing. You will be the one luring your mother and sisters for me to fuck to death, Willingly. After that i will turn them into my slaves too and take the full control of your house." Anon stated, a twisted smile on his face.

"You... Don't you dare..." Ren lunged at Anon, unsheathing his sword. But before he could even touch Anon, No.300 struck him in the cerebellum, rendering him unconscious with a single blow.

"Undress him. I'll be changing clothes with him," Anon commanded No.300.

"Yes, your majesty," No.300 replied, proceeding to remove Ren's clothing.

Anon changed into the noble attire of the academy.

"Take him back to the base. I'll deal with him later," Anon ordered as he looked at ren for the last time.

"Yes, your majesty," No.300 bowed and picked up Ren.

Anon started to run again towards the academy but no.300 interrupted him before he could've run.

"Your majesty, there is something else," No.300 said as her face turned red.


"Your majesty, as per your command, i have prepared 30 most beautiful girls from my team with biggest boobs and huge asses as you have commanded.

I was wondering, should i join them as well ?" No.300 asked.

"Yes, you should and when i enter inside the room tonight i better see them fully naked and ready to service my cock. Do you understand ?" Anon spoke.

"I-I understand, your majesty." No.300 spoke as she felt a current running through her pussy.

Anon again started running towards the academy.

After 10 minutes...

Anon arrived at the academy and won the race, even received the prize from Kale.

No one recognized him; they all believed he was Ren.

As the sun rose, everyone returned to their homes, but some people lingered near the Nightmare Forest, waiting for Anon to emerge. Seti, Luna, Silk, the leader of the Martial House, and their soldiers stood in anticipation, while Jack concealed himself in the nearby trees, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

"Sir, we've searched everywhere near the forest, but Anon is nowhere to be found," a knight from the Martial House reported.

"Well, we've searched and done everything we could for the young man, but it seems we won't find him now. Send ten platinum coins to his family as a reward for saving my daughter. We will not forget the debt we owe," the Martial House leader declared.

Luna felt an indescribable sadness welling up inside her, unable to understand why she felt so troubled.

"Anon, where are you?" Luna searched tirelessly, looking for any sign of him.

"Anon, Anon, where are you?" Letti called out his name, hoping for a response from the woods.

Tears welled up in Seti's eyes.

"Why did I push you so hard, Anon? Please don't leave me. Please," Letti pleaded, tears streaming down her face.

"Luna, let's go back. We should leave, it's morning already," the Martial House leader commanded.

"Yes, Dad," Luna obediently followed, trying to comprehend her overwhelming emotions.

After three hours, everyone departed, leaving only one person behind, still searching for Anon.

"Anon, please reply. Anon... sob-sob," Letti cried out, calling for him.

"I don't think he will reply."

A voice echoed behind Letti.

Startled, Letti turned around and saw someone she least expected.

"Sir Ren."

"Hello, Miss Letti," Ren greeted her with a smile.

"Are you here to mock me, Sir Ren? If that's the case, I accept my defeat. I am the biggest loser, and I am useless as a teacher. Are you satisfied now? Please, leave. I beg of you. Anon, where are you?" Letti's voice trembled as she continued to call for Anon.

"Well, if that's how you feel, I will depart immediately, little Princess," Ren replied.

"Thank you, Sir Re..." Suddenly, something clicked in Letti's mind.

"Wait, that phrase, 'little Princess.' Anon used to call me that. How do you know it?"

"Well, it's my little secret," Ren winked, teasing Letti.

"Anon? Is that you?" she asked, hope flickering in her eyes.

"Indeed, Princess," Anon said, his voice transitioning from Ren's to his original tone.

"Sob-sob... You bastard," Letti cried as she immediately hugged Anon.

"Why are you crying like a child? Didn't I tell you I would win this race?" Anon asked.

"Yes, you did. You did," Letti responded through her tears. 

"So, how did you transform into Ren? No, why did you transform into Ren? You already have money, and now you also have fame. If you had just won this race with your real face," Letti asked, her eyes narrowing with curiosity and suspicion.

Anon, clad in Ren's persona, leaned against a nearby lamppost, a smirk playing on his lips. He met Letti's gaze, his eyes glinting with a hint of mischief. "Well, Letti, there are reasons why I can't tell you that. But rest assured, I emerged victorious in the race," he responded, his voice dripping with a confident tone.

Letti's brows furrowed, clearly perplexed. "Don't tell me you are going to take down the Denver House of Justice?" she asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Anon chuckled softly, shaking his head. "No, you fool. Why would I do that?" he replied, his voice betraying a sense of amusement at the notion. "There are other plans in motion, ones that require careful execution."

Letti sighed, her expression one of resignation. "Seems like I have to go now. It's already evening, but we'll discuss this further tomorrow. See you then," she said, turning to leave.

Anon's eyes followed her as she walked away, a mischievous glint dancing in his gaze. "Wait, Letti. What about that deal we discussed?" he called after her.

Letti turned back, a puzzled expression crossing her face. "What deal?" she asked, her tone reflecting her confusion.

A sly smile formed on Anon's lips as he spoke, his voice laced with intrigue. "The one where you mentioned something about giving me your body," he replied, his gaze locking with hers.

Recognition flickered in Letti's eyes, and she smirked. "Ah, yes, that deal. Well, you never agreed to it in the first place. Besides, even if you had won the race, it was Ren Denver who emerged as the victor, not Anon," she remarked, her voice filled with playful banter.

Anon's smile widened, revealing a hint of playful challenge. "Oh, so you want to play with me, huh?" he mused, his eyes sparkling with a mix of mischief and anticipation.

"Well, it is what it is. Bye, Anon," Letti said, giving him a wink before turning and striding away.

As Letti departed, Anon's thoughts turned to the recent encounters and intriguing revelations. 'Hmmm...? Why is Master Ren conversing with a commoner teacher and even embracing her? What new interests has he developed?' he pondered, his mind seeking to unravel the mysteries that surrounded the unexpected connection between Letti and Ren.

Lost in his thoughts, Anon failed to notice the figure observing him from a higher vantage point. It was Jake, a loyal servant of the Denver House, his eyes fixated on Anon's every move. Unbeknownst to Anon, Jake had been witness to his interactions with Letti.

As Anon continued on his way home, a nagging suspicion gnawed at Jake's mind. 'Wait, was it Master Ren's intention to eliminate Anon within the depths of the forest, ensuring no challengers would emerge in the future?' Jake mused, his thoughts racing with the implications of such a revelation. A sense of urgency took hold, and he resolved to inform his mother, a trusted confidant, of the perceived conspiracy.

Meanwhile, Anon's senses heightened as he felt an intense gaze upon him. A tingling sensation ran down his spine, alerting him to the presence of an observer. In response, he halted in the middle of an empty grassland, his gaze piercing the surroundings.

"You can come out. I know you are here," Anon declared, his voice carrying a hint of authority.

A sudden, piercing eagle's cry echoed through the air, and a majestic bird materialized before him. The rider atop the eagle was none other than Silk, an accomplished warrior and a force to be reckoned with.

Silk dismounted gracefully, her eyes narrowing as they fixed upon Anon. Suspicion filled her gaze as she summoned her sword, pointing it directly at him. "Lady Silk, may I know why you would point your sword at me? The one and only future leader of the Denver House?" Anon, maintaining the facade of Ren, retorted, his voice exuding a cool confidence.

Silk's voice held a resolute tone as she spoke, her gaze unwavering. "You are not Ren. The girl you were just standing and hugging with, she is not a fan of Ren. Now, who are you?" she challenged, her sword remaining steady in her grip.

Anon's mask wavered for a moment, surprise flickering across his features. 'What? Letti is Silk's sister? From the House of Dragon Flames?' he thought, his mind racing to process the newfound connection between the two women.

Attempting to regain his composure, Anon replied with a touch of defiance, "What are you saying? How can you know if she is my fan or not?"

Silk's expression hardened, determination etched upon her face. "Because she is my sister, sucker. Now,who might you be?" Silk demanded, her voice tinged with both caution and a touch of aggression.

Anon's eyes narrowed, a flicker of recognition crossing his features. The puzzle pieces were starting to fall into place. "So, Letti is your sister from the House of Dragon Flames," he murmured, his tone laced with intrigue.

Silk's grip tightened around her sword, her stance growing more defensive. "Tell me, because whatever you do now, you are not going to leave this area alive today," she warned, her voice rising with determination.

A smirk tugged at the corner of Anon's lips, a hint of defiance shining in his eyes. "Go back to your house, cheeky girl," he retorted, his words laced with a daring challenge.

Silk's face contorted with anger at his dismissive remark. "You fucker, die now!" she exclaimed, her voice rising in a battle cry as she charged towards Anon with her sword raised high.

Anon's expression hardened as he prepared to face the impending confrontation. Time seemed to slow as the clash between two formidable opponents became inevitable. "Fuck this... I don't have time," he muttered under his breath, disappearing with incredible speed of his and reappeared behind silk.

Anon striked on her head making her unconscious in one hit.

Anon caught her from falling down on the ground and spoke.

"Well, one more to fuck. Now i shall go and have a very delightful rape session."


Anon came back to his house and entered inside.

As soon as he entered, two wiggling ass welcomed him inside. The asses were naked and exposed two pussies, one covered in shiny blonde hairs and another one clean shaved.

The pussy lips of the hairy pussy were plump and red, whereas the clean shave pussy looked nice and tight.

"Hello girls..." Anon said as he puts silk's unconscious body inside and closes the door.

After closing the door he immediately used his ring finger and middle finger to rub both the pussies at same time.

Anon felt the pussy lips spreading and coming back to their original position everytime he rubbed in a circle manner.

"Ahhh, masstteerrrr~..." Freya moaned as pleasure appeared clearly in her moans.

"Masterrrr, yes tease my unworthy pussy and punish it with your holy cock. Please bless me with your baby seed master." Gia spoke as she bounced her ass back and rubbed her pussy against Anon's fingers.

"Master, Use my pussy as well. I am your cum bucket, please fill this unworthy cum bucket up and fuck me till i am unconscious."



Anon slapped both pussies at the same time, making both freya and gia moaned loudly at the same time.

"You sluts, swinging your cheap asses here on the front gate like shameless bitches. What if someone else Would have entered through that door, huh... ?" Anon spoke as he slapped their pussies once again.


"Master, we have done something wrong. Please punish us and fill our pussies upto the brim." Both of them spoke in a unison.

"I will bitches." Anon said as he grabbed both of their clits and started pulling them.

Both gia and kia immediately felt immense pleasure in their bodies and came a shit tone as their eyes turned upside-down and hands started slipping from the floor.


Both of them fell down on the floor, their upper half resting entirely on their shoulders and their ass rising up high in front of Anon.

Where gia's weight was entirely on her shoulders, it was different for freya. Her body was resting on her huge and massive boobs, they bounced everytime anon hitted on her butt.

"Well, it's time that i use my tools to satisfy me, huh... ?" Anon spoke as he spitted on freya's pussy.

"Ah, master.... Please use me as you please. I am just your pleasure thing, an object you can use anytime to let your sexual desires out on. I beg you please use me and throw me away as you like." Freya spoke as soon as she knew that Anon has spitted on her pussy and he is going to use her first.

Anon immediately got undressed and whipped out his dick from his pants.

Pulling back the foreskin of his cock anon started rubbing his cock on freya's pussy lips.

"I need lubrication, you worthless thing." Anon spoke as he kicked gia on her ass.

"Y-Yes master." Gia immediately stood up and inserted Anon's cock into her worthless mouth and started spreading her saliva on Anon's cock slowly.

"You are just a thing and i will use you as i like." Anon spoke as a smile formed on his face.

Anon removed gia's hands from his cock and grabbed her hairs as he swiftly moved her head and mouth on his dick, just like a pocket pussy.

*Gwak* *Gwak* *Gwak*

"M-Maswer... I-I aw chowking..." Gia spoke as her face face turned red.

Anon ignored her and just kept, inserting his dick further inside her throat everytime.


"Produce more saliva bitch." Anon said as he slapped gia's cheeks.

"Y-Yes." Gia did as Anon commanded and lubricated his dick efficiently.

After getting his cock lubricated Anon slapped freya on her left ass and inserted his whole cock inside her pussy at once.

His cock's tip immediately touched freya's womb's inner wall and poked her belly button at once.

"ANHHHHHHHH~ YESSSSS, FUCKKKKK MEEEEEE." Freya cried out in pleasure as her mind went blank and she didn't felt like a human anymore, her mind just told her one thing.

'You are a bitch in heat and a superior male shall use you as he pleases.'


"Take that bitch." Anon spoke as he pulled his cock back.

Anon felt the real tightness everytime he pulled back and pierced through her womb's entrance.

"You want it here right ?" Anon said as he inserted his dick and stopped his tip right in middle of her womb's entrance.

"Y-Yes master, please fuck this worthless bitch of yours as much as you want."freya said as she clinged to her consciousness with every thrust that Anon did.

"Anhhh, Anhhh, *Slap* Yess, Fuck me. Use me *Slap* *Slap* YES YES YESSS."

Anon grabbed her mouth with one of his hands, turned it backwards and grabbed her lips with his own lips.

He immediately started sucking on her tongue and squeezed her cheeks from both side as he increased the speed of his cock pumping slowly.

After pumping his cock in and out of freya's pussy for a whopping hour, he decided to release his seed inside her because he had another long night ahead of him and he didn't wanted to waste it on one girl.

"I am cumming, bitch. Open up your holes." Anon said as he grabbed both of her boobs, bited on her ear slightly and placed both of his legs on her big round butts.

At this point Anon's body was fully balanced over freya's chubby body and his long dick was half inside her pussy ready to release semen at any time.

"Please cum master, fill your cum, *slap* Anhhh~ ,bucket to the brim *Slap* Anhhh~ and plug me up with your cock *Slap* Annnnhhhh~ so that your precious baby seed never *Slap* Anhh~ Leaves my unworthy semen holding womb." Freya spoke as she felt how much worthless thing she was in front of Anon, she was nothing but just a little bitch for attending to anon's sexual desires.


Suddenly anon released a ton shit of semen inside freya's pussy that her eyes Turned white due to immense pleasure.

"Yeeeseeesssss~ masterrr's Holy Cummmmm...." Freya shouted as she went unconscious on the floor.

The semen insde her small womb rushed to come out of her pussy after filling both of her ovaries but Anon's cock didn't let it out, resulting in the expansion of freya's womb slowly.

As Anon pulled out his cock out of her pussy, a ton of semen started rushing out of her pussy lips.

"Well, it seems i need something else to plug it up." Anon said as he looked at Gia, who is lying besides freya and rubbing her pussy continuously as she observed their intense sex for the past hour.

"Hey, i found a plug." Anon said as an evil smile formed on his face.

Anon grabbed gia's neck from behind and opened her mouth as he plugged freya's pussy with it.


Gia made moaning sound as hoped that Anon would fuck her next and she also started licking and eating semen out of Freya's pussy.

Anon started rubbing his cock's tip on gia's pussy as he slapped her butts.



Gia used her fingers to open her pussy lips up for Anon to enter inside.

"You want it that bad, huh ?" Anon asked as he continued to tease her.

Gia nodded swiftly as the semen bubbles filled her mouth making her unable to speak.

"Okay, bitch. Here you go." Anon said as he pierced through her womb entrance at once and touching the back wall of her meaty and juicy womb.

"Mnnnhhhhhhh~" Gia moaned, the semen that she was keeping Inside her mouth flowed out of her nostrils and her eyes gouged out a little from her eye plugs.

"Yessss, masttterrr.... Make my pussy *Slap* remember *Slap* the shape of *Slap* your cock." Gia spoke as her mind went into a trance.

Her pussy folds massaged Anon's dick everytime it moved inside her pussy. Her pussy folded and started remembering Anon's cock shape everytime he inserted it inside her.

"You better remember what you are, bitch. A thing never talks." Anon said as he grabbed gia's ponytails and pulled them back like a leash.

"Anhhh~ master. Yesss~ punish me more...."

*Tap* Tap* Tap*

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The sound generated from the collision of anon's dick on gia's butt felt like music to Anon.

Anon fucked her for half an hour continuously without stopping.

After half an hour anon finally decided to fill her up.

He grabbed gia's boob as he pinched her nipple and clitoris at the same time.

"Not at the same time.... Anhhh~ i am cum *Slap* ming.... Yesssss yess....Yesssss... I am cumming before my master. I am a *Slap* useless person, a piece *Slap* of shit, master shall punish this thing." Gia shouted.

As soon as gia felt this, an amazing sensation of pleasure went through her whole body at once, making her squirt without any stops.

"I am cumming.... Take it inside bitch." Anon said as he roughly and swiftly pinched both of her nipples, making her squirt more with every pinch and she even pissed on the floor.

"Anhhhhhhhh.... Fuckkkk me..... " Gia shouted as she also went unconscious.

As her womb was smaller compared to freya's womb, the semen immediately started dripping out of her small hole.

Anon stood up as he looked at unconscious body of freya and gia.

"Well, unconscious already. I don't think my cock can be handled by any human pussy now. It's already so big that I didn't even inserted my full cock inside any of there pussies and they already saw heaven but this guy is far from satisfied." Anon said as he looked at his cock still standing straight.

Before leaving Anon summoned a big circular stamp from his inventory that said 'Master Anon's Exclusive Hole.'

Anon printed the stamp on freya's butt as an arrow was made out of the stamp and it signaled directly at freya's pussy hole.

After stamping freya with it Anon summoned another stamp that said, 'Personal Use Toilet For Master Anon Only.'

Anon stamped it on gia's stomach and the arrow pointed towards her pussy too.

"Well, since you are my toilet. I need to use one right now." Anon said as he inserted his cock into gia's unconscious pussy and pissed inside it. Anon sucked on her tits as he pissed and with his another hand as he squeezed freya's big ass tightly.

"Haaa..." Anon spoke as he stopped pissing and stood up once again.

Anon took freya's hand and inserted it inside gia's pussy to stop the overflowing materials out of it.

"Now you look like a loving mother and daughter." Anon spoke with a smile.

Gia's legs looked like a Frog's legs as they bent down from her knees and freya's hand inside her pussy made the scene more erotic.


Anon slapped on freya's butt and left the entrance at once leaving both the unconscious bodies on the front gate covered in his sperm and piss.

Anon moved towards kia's room and opened her door.

Kia was sleeping on her bed in her silk night dress. She was sleeping upside-down and her butt looked plump in the moonlight coming through the window.

"How can i miss this." Anon said as he moved near kia's bed and slided down her night pants without her even knowing.

Anon spitted on her pussy and pinned down both of her hands on the bed as he inserted his cock directly into her pussy without any warnings.

"Anhhh~" Kia's eyes immediately opened wide in surprise as she felt this sensation of immediate penetration.

"Y-You ? What are ypu doing ? Have gone insane after being lost in the forest of nightmare ? Or are you releasing your anger for not winning the race on my pussy ?" Kia spoke as she mocked Anon with a smile.

"Let me tell you the answer to that now. Here."

<Body modification>n-/𝑜-.𝑣./𝚎--𝑙()𝒷/-I()n

'Milk Mode start and increase the sensitivity of her body by 10x.'

Suddenly kia felt liquid coming out of her breasts, her pussy felt more pleasure than usual and her butts also felt as if they are being slapped with a big piece of wood everytime Anon inserted his dick into her pussy.

Anon ripped open her shirt and revealed her breasts, on the tip of her pink nipples there was white milk coming out of them.

"Anhhh~ no, not that. Don't you dare..." Kia immediately regretted making fun of Anon but in a corner of her heart she also wanted it and intentionally made anon angry.

"So, What were you saying ? Huh... Bitch ? Why don't you speak now ?"

*Tap* Tap*

Her butts produced a thumping sound everytime Anon inserted his cock into her pussy.

"Nooo, Please forgive me. *Tap-Tap* Anhhhh~ not there." She shouted as pleasure covered her body from bottom to top.

Anon joint both of her nipples together and started drinking milk out from both of them at the same time

"Hmmm, this milk is the one i only need." Anon said as he continued to drink kia's milk with brutality and squeezed her boobs just like a cow girl.

He showed her the authority of her master over her body and how she was utterly helpless in front of him.

Anon made her remember that a weak female shall always be used to please a stronger male and that was him at the moment.

"N-No, Please leave me." Kia spoke as she tried to remove Anon from her body but Anon was heavy.

Anon stopped sucking on her huge boobs and spoke.

"Suck out your milk."

"What ? No way. " Kia replied with a surprised expression.

"You are my slave, i can literally command you to do it but i will give you a choice, do it or i will insert my dick into the another hole." Anon spoka very evil smile forming on his face.

Kia immediately understood what he meant and looked at her nipples with a scared expression.

"Okay, if you don't i will just-"

"No, No, No... I will do it, please don't insert it in my ass, i beg you." Gia spoke as she started licking her own nipples.

"Bite them and hold them with your teeth, if they fall down i will i will not give ypu another choice and just insert it inside your asshole and believe me it will not be a pleasant Experience.

Now here, hold them." Anon said as he inserted kia's nipples inside her own mouth and made her hold them with her teetha.

'It hurts... My nipples hurt. It feels like they will tear apart but I can't deny his command, or he will fuck me in the ass... I will hold my nipples with my teeths rather than having my butthole fucked by him.' Kia thought as she holded her niples with her teeths in her mouth.

*Slap* *Slap*

"Anhhh~ Mnhhhh~"

Anon continued to fuck her as her breasts bounced back and fourth. He massaged them from the behind that resulted in mik coming out of them into kia's own mouth and because she was holding her nipples with her teeths she was unable to swallow anything.

That's why the milk flowed out of her mouth mixed with her saliva.

Anon licked it from time to time as he confirmed that both of her boobs were still in the hold of her teeths or not.

"Mnnnnnnnhhhmmmm~ Mnnhhh~" as her boobs jiggled harder, the pressure on her niples to break free increased with every thrust.

"Now, what are the two things that you learn from this ? Do you know, kia ?" Anon asked as he continued to pump his cock into her pussy just like a piston and whenever her moans sounded even the slightest lower he increased the speed immediately.

"Mnnhhhh~ Mnhhhhh~" Gia nodded in yes as she also wanted to be released out of her pain.

"Tell me, but if you removed your boobs from your mouth and i didn't liked the two things that you say, i will make you hold them in your mouth forever." Anon warned.

"Mnnnhhh, Mnhhhhh" she again nodded in yes.

"Good, speak now." Anon commanded.

Kia immediately released her niples from her mouth and spoke.

"First, Never make fun of you..."

"Not "you" , bitch." Anon immediately spoke as he pocked his dick at kia's butt and she got scared.

"N-never Make fun of my master and always respect him like a god, i am a bitch who only listens to her master." Kia spoke.

"Good, now what's the next one ?"

"I am just a cum dump for my master, he can use me whenever he wants to, a cum dump shall never resist to her master and just accept his holy semen."

"Good, i like both of them." Anon said as he smiled and again inserted his cock into kia'e pussy.

"Anhhhhh~" another loud moan left her mouth when anon grabbed both of her boobs into his own hands and started increasing the pumping speed with every passing second.

"No, master. Please go slow or my pussy will break. I will not be able to get Married in the future... " Kia spoke with atnsw voice.

"What ? What did you just say, huh bitch ?" Anon spoke as he turned kia around and looked at her face directly.

"I-I didn't mean it... Please forgive me, master. I beg you this mistake will never happen-" before she could've said anything else Anon interrupted her by taking his cock out of her pussy and placing it on her nose and forehead.

"Yeah, What were you saying ? Marriage huh...?" Anon said as he grabbed kia's cheeks from both sides making her unable to speak.

"You and your worthless body belongs to me bitch, you can't get married now. You and that body of yours is already married to my cock, here look at your husband." Anon said as he again tapped his huge cock on her face.

"Now, say it... Bitch. Say that you only belong to my dick and you accept my dick as your husband and i want to have rabbit like sex with him day and night. Say it." Anon spoke as he continued to strike her cheeks with his dick.

"I-I, take my master Anon's dick as my husband and i will never betray him in the future or say something that hurts him in any way." Kia spoke as she got married to Anon's dick.

"Good now here is the first gift of the wedding night from your husband." Anon said as he inserted his cock deeply into her throat making her almost choke on his dick.

Anon felt absolutely amazing when he pushed his dick down kia's throat and felt her air pipes struggling to suck air but for him it was like a pleasure tool.

After sometime he released his semen into her throat and as expected the semen flowed out of her nostrils and her eyes rolled up, all white.

"Don't get your eyes like that already darling, your husband wants to fulfill another place of your body." Anon said as an evil smile covered his face.

After fucking kia until she passed out, Anon stamped her with a slave stamp on her big boob that said, 'Master Anon's Personal milk bags.'

"Well, you better be ready because i am going for a workout down stairs and i will need some milk and cookies when i come back. You understand, right ?" Anon said as he slapped kia's butt and his semen flowed out of her pussy.



"Well, i will take that as a yes." Anon said as he started moving towards the underground city.

*Creak* Anon opened the door to the underground city and entered inside.

As anon walked upto the gates of the city, two guards bowed before him.

"We greet, our majesty."

"Where is No.300 ?" Anon asked.

"Your majesty, Our leader awaits you in city's main hall. Please follow me." A girl guard appeared out of nowhere wearing very short clothes barely covering her green gigantic boobs and huge ass.

"Who are you ?" Anon asked.

"I am No.6969, your majesty." She answered.

"That's why you have such big things... Now i understand." Anon said as he grabbed her ass from underneath her revealing and short skirt.

"Anhh~ your majesty~ ." No.6969 moaned slightly as she looked back and saw that Anon was fondling her ass like it's a normal thing to do.

"Hmm...? You said something ?" Anon asked with a straight face as he continued to fondle her big green ass.

"N-Nothing, your majesty. I-It's just that.... Anhhh~" before she could've said anything Anon gave her ass a big squeeze.

"Hmmm... ? Can you speak more clearly luv ? I am having a hard time understanding you." Anon said as he smiled like a innocent kid towards her.

"It's nothing sir." She said as she continued move on towards the main hall of the city.

Anon slided his hand inside and touched her thick plump pussy lips.

Suddenly a current ran through her body as she felt Anon's hand on her pussy.

"So, what do you do ? Like what is your role here ?" Anon asked.

"I-I train women, your majesty..." She answered as her face turned red.

"I thought no.300 trained girls for combat. Are you her assistant or something like that ?" Anon asked as he rubbed her clitoris.

"N-No, your majesty. I don't teach combat techniques, i teach.... Techniques... " No.6969 spoke something in a very low voice that Anon failed to comprehend.

"What ?" Anon asked.

"Your majesty, i teach bed arts to women." She spoke in a shuttering tone.

Anon was immediately left surprised at this answer and moved closer to her.

"How about i take the test of the teacher first before getting to her students, what do you say ?" Anon spoke in her ear as he smiled a little.

"Y-Your m-m-majesty ?" Her voice shuttered as she looked at Anon with a beet red face.

"What ? Is there a problem ?" Anon asked.

"N-No your majesty, it's just that i am already married and can't mate with another male until my husband is alive." She spoke.

Listening to this many wires inside anon's mind just fused completely.

"What ? When did ogres started getting married ?" Anon asked with a confused expression.

"Madam sephie told us that, your majesty. Once you have sex with a male you are married to him and you shall not touch another man until he is dead." No.6969 spoke with a very innocent face.

"This is what she told you ?" Anon spoke.

"Yes, your majesty."

'What the fuck ? I knew it, i should've had sex with her the night i bought her. Fuck, what is she teaching my slaves. The next time i see her, will be the last time she will have her virginity.

For now, let's focus on her.' Anon thought as he looked at no.6969.

"Well, that's true no.6969 but having sex with your majesty is not actually called mating." Anon spoke.

"Really ? Then what is it called, your majesty?"

"It's called, having two-.... Okay i can't do it." Anon said as he realised that he can't convince her without waisting time and used a skill.

<Absolute Mind Control>

Suddenly No.6969's eyes turned greyish and emotionless as she stood in front of Anon just like a fuckdoll.

"My dick can explain it to you way better than i can, let's go." Anon spoke as he moved towards the nearest house.

"Yes, master." No.6969 spoke as she followed Anon to the house.

Anon opened the gate of the house and observed that it was completely empty and a mattress made out of cotton was lying in the middle of the house.

"Get down on all fours and atart playing with your pussy... Show me what you teach your students, show me how to please a male in bed." Anon spoke as he ordered no.6969.

"Yes, master." No.6969 spoke with an emotionless face as she removed all of her clothes.

No.6969 started twerking in front of Anon, her huge ass swinged like dumplings everytime she twerked.

"Oh, a dance huh ? That's a erotic way to start it."

"Oh, great warrior. I, a female who is nothing in front of you wants to Please you so that you can bless me with your strong seed and i can bear your almighty child." no.6969 apoke and as soon as Anon heard this his cock started to grow into it's full form.

He found it very erotic how first she twerked and throwed her ass towards him and now she is telling him that she is nothing more than a lowly female in front of him and she wants his seed.

After a while she stopped twerking and bent down in front of Anon closing both of her thighs tightly, resulting in her pussy lips spreading out more and more.

She spitted on her hand and spreaded it on her pussy lips by herself as she spoke...

"Please use my pussy to relieve yourself, mighty warrior and dump your stress into my womb." She spoke as she played with her pussy lips and opened them up by herself.

Anon couldn't control it anymore and whiped his dick out yet again.

Without waiting any further Anon removed the Hypnosis skill from her mind.

<Mind Control: OFF>

Suddenly no.6969 came to her senses and remembered everything that just happened.

She felt Anon's tip on her pussy lips that she was holding open for him to enter.

[Oh My God, Master is going to insert his cock into my vagina. His cock feels so thick, can i wven hold it ?] No.6969 thought in her mind.

Anon heard her thoughts and immediately pushed his cock into her pussy.

"ANNHHHH~ YOUR MAJESTY IS SOOOO BIGGGG~" she shouted in pleasure as she felt ultimate pleasure from Anon's dick.

"You want my high seed, right ?" Anon asked as he came close to her ear whispered.

"Y-Yes, your majesty." She answered honestly because at this time she forgot the morals sephie taught her.

"Then have it you lowly useless bitch..." Anon said as he inserted all of his cock into her pussy at once, the tip pierced through her womb at once and made her moan lime crazy.

"Aaanhhhhhh~ Yes~ Masterrrr, Fuckkkk me, fuck me, fuck me, please use me your majesty, release your seed into my body and bless me with you child please your majesty." She shouted as she never felt this type of pleasure in her whole life.

Anon's dick at the time was about 4 to 5 inches more longer than the strongest ogre in his army.

No.6969 never felt this womb piercing feeling ever in her life. She only had sex one time in her life just to make babies with the strongest male in the army but now she felt something that she never felt before.

It was not the same mating sex.

[What is this ? Why do i feel so much pleasure from mating ? I thought it was just done to produce offsprings but this is just something else. Is that why humans always have sex when they feel stressed ?] No.6969 thought in her mind but what she didn't knew was that Anon could listen to her thoughts clearly.

Anon pulled his dick out of her pussy and no.6969 felt a very disappointed feeling.

[Why did master pulled out ? Is that it ? Did he released his baby seed inside me ? Or am i not good enough for him ? Is my pussy not tight enough for him ? Should i squeeze him more ?]

Her thoughts started running wild but Anon just stood behind her smiling, listening to her wild thoughts as he prepared to smash it inside at once to feel more friction between his dick and her pussy walls.

"Here you go..." Anon said as he immediately inserted his dick into her pussy, making her surprised with the sudden insertion.


"Anhhhhhhh~ Your majesty.... Againnnnn~ " she again moaned loudly after feeling the sudden thrust of Anon's dick inside her womb.

This time Anon grabbed her boobs, where her big areolas covered half of her boobs and her big nipples looked like two large and squishy udders.

[What is master doing ? Why is he grabbing my milk producing parts ? Should i tell him that I don't produce milk unless i am pregnant ?]

Anon laughed a little as he pinched her nipples and fucked her at the same time.

"Master..." But before she could have said anything Anon turned her into missionary position her face turning towards Anon.

Due to the sudden changes in position and directly looking into Anon's eyes, her face turned red due to shyness.

Anon made an arc from her waist bending her body inside and grabbed her legs as he opened them at 180°.

"M-M-Master.... This is-" before she could have spoke...


Anon inserted his dick into her pussy as he groped her breasts.

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"Anhhhh~ Anhhhhhh~ yes, yes,.... Fuckkkk....Fuckkkk....shhhhh shhhhhhh..... Fuckk meeee~." No.6969 forgot every shame when she felt Anon's big cock inside her pussy banging her womb rentlessly.

Her breasts were bigger than a usual female, they were 5 times bigger than kia's cow udders.

Anon fucked her in different positions for 30 minutes with zero stops...

She never felt like this ever, the mating she had before, never lasted more than 4 minutes but Anon was different, not only he was giving her pleasure, he was also not showing any signs of stopping.

"Massster~ i can't take it anymore... *SLAP-SLAP-SLAP* Please give it to me~ *SLAP-SLAP-SLAP*" Anon continued to fuck her without stopping or listening to anything she was saying.

When he fucked freya, gia and kia, he released his semen when he wnted but now he found a deep pussy, which he can pound without stops and to his heart's content.

He won't stop until he cums naturally this time.

"Masttterrr~ Something is cumming through my pussy~ Anhhhhhh~" no.6969 shouted as a shower of cum left her pussy and fell on her breasts and covered her own face.

[This is goood, what is this liquid ? I have never felt like this... Is this what sex really is ? Is that why humans always do it ? I feel like flying in the sky like a bird.

I have never felt like this before when i had sex with the other ogre.]

Seeing this overwhelmingly erotic view Anon's body reacted and his testicles released his semen naturally this time.

Anon opened no.6969's jaw forcefully with his right hand and grabbed it tightly as tightly as possible as he started pounding her pussy with full speed before shooting it inside her pussy with full pressure.

Her pussy started turning red due to all the pounding but anon didn't cared about this and increased his speed with every second.

When Anon was about to cum he grabbed no.6969's waiste from behind and pulled it towards him as he released his semen into her pussy without any pressure control this time.

The semen flowed directly into her womb like water from a pressurized pipe.

As soon as the semen hits the back wall of her womb she felt like heaven and came several times in that one second.

Her butt shaked like crazy and cum flowed out of her pussy without stopping, her eyes turned upside as she bit her lower lip with full pressure, that resulted in blood coming out of it.

After cumming several times she also went unconscious.

Anon stood up.

"Well, that was the first shot of the day but who will guide me to the main hall now ?" Anon said as he looked at the unconscious body of no.6969, who is still smiling like an idiot from the pleasure that he gave her.

"Eh, i will find it myself." He said as he exits the house.

Anon entered inside the main hall and he was instantly greeted by no.300 who is standing fully naked in front of him.

"Your majesty, we welcome you. Please come inside."

"That's what i will do, luv. I will cum inside." Anon spoke with an evil smile on his face as he started fondling no.300's boobs immediately.

"Anhhh~ Your Majesty~ " she moaned in pleasure as she enjoyed it in her heart.

[Anhh.... Master immediately got started. He looks so cool. Wait!! This smell, no.6969 ? Master already fucked her ?] No.300 thought in her mind.

"Yes, i already fucked no.6969 and now take me to today's starters..." Anon spoke as he looked at no.300.

[Huh...? Did i say that out loud ? I am pretty sure that i was only thinking about it.] No.300 spoke again.

"Hey ? What are you thinking ? Where are the starters ?" Anon asked again.

"Y-Yes, please follow me." No.300 spoke as she took Anon to an isolated room and opened the door for him to enter inside.

"Good, now you can leave. I want some time alone with them." Anon commanded no.300.

"Yes, your majesty." No.300 bowed once again in front of him as her naked and huge green boobs jiggled like crazy.

Anon touched both of them and gave them a shake before no.300 left.

"Anhhh~ Anhhhhh~" no.300 moaned as she felt the sudden vibration in her boobs.

After that no.300 left, Anon closed the door of the room and walked inside.

Inside the room there was a big bed and t ladies sitting on it.

They were none other than 5 mothers of Frank and his dead siblings.

"Hello ladies....." Anon said as he looked at all of them and smiled.

"Human, don't you dare touch us. We are from the noble family of Vampires and you are just a Commoner." One of them spoke.

Her name is Valentina Crimson.

Valentina Crimson, the seductive mistress of the night, exudes an intoxicating allure that ensnares the hearts of mortals and immortals alike. With a mesmerizing gaze that holds a hint of danger and forbidden desire, her eyes sparkle like sapphires in the moonlight, inviting you to surrender to her wicked charms.

Draped in a tantalizing red dress that hugs her every curve, Valentina's attire teases, revealing just enough to ignite the imagination. The fabric, as delicate as spider's silk, caresses her flawless alabaster skin, whispering secrets of passion and eternal longing. Adorned with intricate lace patterns that trail along her exposed shoulders and back, the dress hints at hidden mysteries, drawing you closer into her captivating web.

Valentina's raven-black tresses cascade down her shoulders, framing a face so exquisitely sculpted that it could grace the canvas of the finest Renaissance artists. Her full, crimson lips, ever so slightly parted, invite stolen kisses and shared secrets in the moonlit night.I think you should take a look at

With an aura of confidence and grace, Valentina moves with the fluidity of a nocturnal creature, her steps as silent as a whisper. Her slender, toned physique is a testament to her immortality, bewitching all who dare to glance upon her radiant form.

Anon looked at Valentine and smiled.

"You must be mrs. Valentine, right ? The sin of Proud ?" He spoke.

All of them went into shock as they heard what Anon has just said.

"H-How does a human knows about the sins ? H-He shall die or our families will be destroyed." Another one spoke in a scared but very manipulating tone.

[Opponent has used skill <Manipulation > inside a 500 meters area.]

[You have resisted the skill, Successfully.]

Messeges popped up in front of Anon.

She is Valeria Ravencroft.

Valeria Ravencroft, a vampire woman in her forties, possesses an alluring and seductive appearance, with a figure that exudes sensuality and grace. Her physique is striking, accentuated by curves that effortlessly draw attention. However, it is her face that sets her apart. Though always wearing a haunting expression of fear and grimness, it is an elaborate facade that belies her true nature.

Valeria's countenance is a deliberate misdirection, a carefully crafted mask that conceals her true intelligence and cunning. Behind her seemingly terror-stricken visage lies a razor-sharp mind and a wealth of knowledge gathered through centuries of existence. Her wisdom is as vast as her beauty, enabling her to manipulate situations and individuals to her advantage.

Despite her external appearance, Valeria remains cool and composed, relying on her intellect and strategic thinking to navigate the world of shadows. She is a master manipulator, deftly weaving her way through intricate webs of power and influence. Her ability to adapt and think several steps ahead often catches her adversaries off guard, allowing her to maintain control in any given situation.

Valeria's allure, combined with her intellect, makes her a formidable force among both humans and supernatural beings. She effortlessly captivates those around her, using her seductive charm to charm her way into their trust and exploit their weaknesses. She revels in the power she holds over others, carefully manipulating events to further her own agenda.

In the dark and enigmatic world of vampires, Valeria Ravencroft is a legend in her own right. Her beauty, intelligence, and calculated nature make her a force to be reckoned with. Underestimate her at your own peril, for behind her facade of fear lies a brilliant mind and a captivating presence that few can resist.

"The sly queen of the ravencrofts, Valeria ravencroft. You are the Sin of Manipulation, aren't you." Anon said as he looked at Valeria.

[Not an ordinary kid, he knows everything about us. Who is he ?] Valeria thought in her mind.

"I will tell you who i am later mrs. Valeria." Anon spoke.

[What ? How did he knew, what i was thinking ?] Valeria thought as she looked at Anon in confusion.

"I just happen to know that much, luv." Anon smiled and answered.

[He can read my mind. Winning against him in hand-to-hand combat impossible.]

'Wow, she is a quick catcher. I mean, she really did catch on fast. Sly queen for a reson, huh..?' Anon thought as he smiled at Valeria.

"Human, You better state your reasons for keeping me here or i will eat you alive." Another wife stood up and spoke in a heavy and threatening tone.

Ravenna Bloodreign the hot head.

Ravenna Bloodreign, known as the 'Sin of Anger,' is a formidable vampire woman who commands fear and respect. Despite her age of around 60 years, she possesses a remarkably solid and muscular physique, reflecting her centuries of combat and relentless training. Ravenna stands tall, towering over others, her commanding presence accentuated by her intense, angered expression, which seems eternally etched onto her face.

Her once-beautiful features have been transformed by her vampiric nature, revealing sharp, predatory fangs that only add to her menacing aura. Her piercing, blood-red eyes gleam with a dangerous hunger, hinting at the ferocity with which she embraces her vampiric existence. Her raven-black hair cascades down her back in wild, untamed waves, matching the untamed fire that burns within her.

Ravenna's mind, or what remains of it, is consumed by a primal and instinctual rage. She rarely engages in rational thought, instead relying on her immense physical prowess and instincts to guide her actions. Every decision she makes is driven by the primal need to hunt, feed, and unleash her uncontrollable fury upon her enemies. Her brawn overpowers her intellect, causing her to solve problems with sheer force and brutality.

Though she may lack intellectual finesse, Ravenna's strength and combat skills are unparalleled. Her muscular body is a testament to her relentless training and her ability to overpower opponents with sheer force. She strikes with lightning speed and bone-crushing power, often leaving her adversaries in a state of shock and awe. Many tales circulate about the ferocity of her attacks, and few have survived to tell the tale of encountering the 'Sin of Anger.'

Ravenna Bloodreign, the vampire woman known for her immense physical prowess and unyielding rage, strikes fear into the hearts of both mortals and supernatural beings alike. Her name has become synonymous with unbridled fury and unrelenting violence, making her a legend in the world of Vampires.

"My beautiful queen, Ravenna. Why are you getting hot headed already ? Sit down i will tell you why i called you here and what i want from you."

"I have had enough of this, you are dead human." Ravenna spoke as she jumped at Anon with a punch straight forward.

But before she could've landed the punch, she felt a mind breaking pain inside her brain as her power immediately got neutralized and she fell on the floor.

"Ahhhhhhh, my head hurts like hell. What did you do ?" Ravenna shouted as she grabbed her head with both of her hands.

"Nothing, i just have your slave contracts. Here look." Anon said as he summoned 5 slave contracts from his inventory and showed them.

Their faces immediately went pale as they came to know that they have been sold by frank.

First they thought frank wants them as his slave but they were wrong, they have been sold to a commoner human.

"Now, Now, Let's save us some time and let me introduce the ones who are left."

"You are the Veiled Sisters... Sin Of Enigmatic Charms."

The Veiled Sisters are enigmatic twin vampire women who are rumored to be around 35 years old. With their slender figures and ethereal grace, they possess an otherworldly beauty hidden beneath their veils. Their faces are always concealed, never revealed to anyone, leaving others to wonder about their true visage. Legend has it that the sisters made a pact with the Devil, sacrificing their physical beauty in exchange for extraordinary magical powers.I think you should take a look at

Cloaked in mystery, the Veiled Sisters move silently through the shadows, their presence evoking both awe and fear. They navigate the night with uncanny swiftness, their movements imbued with a grace that belies their insatiable thirst for blood. Their veils, flowing and ethereal, conceal their features completely, leaving only glimpses of piercing eyes that seem to hold secrets from centuries past.

The first sister is named, Fola and other is Fona.

The sisters are renowned for their formidable magical abilities. They possess a wide array of supernatural powers, ranging from illusions and mind control to telekinesis and elemental manipulation. Their spells and enchantments are potent and unpredictable, often drawing upon the darker forces of the supernatural realm. It is said that their pact with the Devil granted them access to forbidden knowledge and formidable mastery over the arcane arts.

Despite their powers, the Veiled Sisters rarely involve themselves in the affairs of mortals, preferring to operate from the shadows.

Legends abound about the Veiled Sisters, whispered tales of their insatiable thirst for blood, their penchant for manipulating the minds of their victims, and their dark and intricate web of alliances with other supernatural beings. Some view them as malevolent creatures, while others see them as tragic figures trapped in a perpetual dance with the Devil.

The Veiled Sisters remain an enigma, their true identities and motives shrouded in secrecy. They embody the duality of beauty and darkness, wielding their incredible magical powers while forever hiding their faces from the world. The mere mention of their name sends shivers down the spines of those who know of their existence, forever captivated by the allure and mystery that surround them.

".... And the last one, the beauty with brains. Evangeline Frost. Sin Of Intelligence." Anon spoke as he smiled at her.

Evangeline Frost is an enigmatic vampire woman in her early fifties, possessing a captivating mix of delicate beauty and alluring sensuality. Her flawless features, adorned with high cheekbones, piercing eyes, and a cute, slightly upturned nose, exude an aura of elegance and mystery. Evangeline's allure lies not only in her physical appearance but also in her intellectual prowess, making her the epitome of beauty with brains.

She is renowned within the vampire community for her exceptional intelligence and strategic thinking, which have greatly contributed to the success and rise of Frank's father as the family leader. Evangeline's cunning and shrewdness have played a pivotal role in orchestrating various power plays and ensuring the family's dominance.

While her intelligence remains a subject of speculation among many, whispers circulate that Evangeline possesses a cold-hearted and calculating nature. There are rumors suggesting that she takes pleasure in the macabre, delighting in dissecting and analyzing her victims, examining them with a detached and clinical curiosity. These unsettling whispers have only added to the air of mystery surrounding her.

Among the darker tales surrounding Evangeline, one disturbing rumor stands out: it is said that she has murdered all of her mothers. The details behind this grim act remain shrouded in secrecy, and only those who dare to speak of it do so in hushed tones. Whether these rumors are grounded in truth or mere speculation, they contribute to the ominous aura that surrounds Evangeline Frost, a woman of both captivating beauty and an unsettling darkness.

These are the women, who will help me take control of this kingdom, legally.

Of course i can just go and mind control the king into giving me the throne but that would make things more difficult, that's why i need them.

These are the very woman that made the house of Undead an unbeatable forcein the 7 royal families.

"How do you know so much about us ?" Valeria asked.

"Same question as her." The twin sisters spoke in a united tone.

"No, first answer my question. What is your name and who are you ? How did you get frank to gave you our slave contracts ?" Evangeline asked.

"Calm down, ladies. Let me answer one by one." Anon spoke with a smile on his face.

"First of all let me introduce myself, I am Anon and i am just a normal Commoner to the outer world but to you, i am a cerebraxis." Anon spoke.

"A what ?"

"Don't know, never heard of a monster lile that."

"Are you a new type of monster that can shape shift into humans ?" Valeria asked.

"He is a monster we should kill him." Ravenna spoke.

"You don't know what a 'Cerebraxis' is ?" Anon asked with a confused expression.

'Is cerebraxis so ancient monster, that even the Vampires don't know about it ?' Anon thought as he looked at them in confusion.

"Let me make it more easier for you, i am the next stage of the monster called 'Counsellor.' " Anon spoke as he tried to clear out the confusion.

Suddenly the room fell silent as soon as the 5 of them heard what Anon had just had.

"What ? A counsellor ? Hahahahaha.... "

"Hehehe, fona did you hear ? What the human just said ?" Fola spoke as she laughed a bit.

"Yes, sister i heard it." Fona spoke with a neutral expression.

Ravenna stood up from her place and closed the distance between them.

"Do you even know what you are saying, human ?" She asked with an angry expression.

"I think he is mentally ill sisters... " Valeria spoke.

"Yes, i agree with sister Val." Evangeline spoke.

"Do you even know what a demon looks like ? They can't take human forms and they are not as small as you in size they are big and scary. I have hunted many demons, and believe me you are nothing for a demon and you are saying that you are one of the highest among them ?" Ravenna answered.

[This is the time, i think he is mentally ill and i can exploit that to get off our slave collars.] Evangeline thought as she looked at Anon with a mocking smile.

'What a clever cutie. Well let's play along.' Anon thought as he heard Everything going inside Evangeline's mind.

"So, you say you are the Master mind controlling demon Counsellor's evolved stage huh... ?" Evangeline.

"Sister, don't he can read-" as Valeria was about to say something, Isabella grabbed her mouth and whispered in her ear.

'Sister, Evangeline has started talking. You should stop now, she knows what she is doing.'

'You stupid, leave my mouth. I have to tell Evangeline that he can read our minds or she will face dire consequences.' Valeria thought in her mind as she struggled to break free from Isabella's hands.

"Yes, indeed i am." Anon answered as he played along with her mind trick.

"Then you must have the powers to manipulate and play with anyone's mind as you like huh... ?" Evangeline spoke.

"I do have the powers to do so." Anon answered with a smile.

"I don't believe it." Evangeline spoke.

"I don't care." Anon answered.

"I think you are just a lowly demon posing as the counselor, you are just a weak demon who is just posing to be someone else that he can't be." Evangeline tried to provoke Anon with her best words.

"Think whatever you want, you are still my slave." Anon answered in a chill tone as he ignored her provoking words.

"You just scammed my son into thinking that you are the demon counselor and took our slave contracts from him, if you are really what you think, then prove it." She spoke as a smile appeared on her face.

"What do you want me to do ?" Anon asked even though he knew that he was just playing into her trick.

Suddenly a confused expression appeared on Valeria's face as she thought.

'What ? He really fell for it ? Was i wrong ? Can he really not read our minds ? Was it all just a big coincidence ?' her brain raced at a high speed to find out who Anon truly was.

'See, that's what i was telling you about. That's why we all call her big sister, she has an awesome mind.' Isabella whispered in Valeria's ears as she kept holding her mouth.

"A counsellor will never enslave 5 girls with slave collars, when he can keep the whole kingdom on it's knees with just a mere order.

If you really are a counsellor, prove it by removing our slave collars. Prove it that you are really the next stage of the counsellor demon.

If you did we all will serve you for the rest of our lives, as your slaves." Evangeline played her master card but what she didn't knew was that Anon hasn't even started playing.I think you should take a look at

"You are provoking me to get rid of your collers huh... ?" Anon spoke.

'He readed her mind, i was right.' Valeria thought as she looked at Anon with surprised expression.

"No, i just want you to prove that you really are a counsellor." Evangeline spoke with a mocking smile.

"What if I don't do it ?" Anon asked.

"We, will think that you are just a lowly demon who is posing as one of the strongest demons in the world." Evangeline tried to prove Anon more and more.

'This girl is good in manipulating people, she can easily manipulate anyone with her words. Even me, i got lost in her words for a second there.' Anon thought as he smiled a little.

"Okay, remove it." Anon commanded.

Suddenly a hope appeared into everyone's eyes aas they looked at each other with a smile.

'What the hell ? It really worked ?' Valeria thought as she looked at Anon in confusion.

Anon pulled out five slave contracts from his inventory and showed them to the five of them.

"Here, look at me tearing them apart." Anon said as he squeezed the papers and teared them apart.

As soon as he did that, slave collars that were invisible, suddenly appeared in the necks of the five women.

"You can Remove it now." Anon spoke.

As soon as he said that all five of them removed the collar from their necks and throwed them aside.

"Sisters, you know what to do, right ?" Evangeline asked.

"Yes." All of them spoke in an unison as they Summoned their weapons.

The twin sisters holded a pair of claws in their hands.

These claws are furious like their owner and crave blood, the blades are covered with toxic poison that can melt even mithiril in seconds.

Valeria summoned a small knife in her hand.

This knife was small but it was best for cutting through anything without being noticed, the sharpness on it's edges were clearly visible and a mana coating over it makes it even more dangerous.

Ravenna pulled out a big hammer from her storage ring.

The hammer's back was curved and pointed Whereas on it's front it was square shaped and filled with spikes that can turn anything into mess with just one strike.


Isabella took out two beautifully shining blade rings out of her inventory, these blades looked as dangerous as a pair of daggers, only the owner of these blades

Lastly, Evangeline summoned a morningstar that shined with a dim red aura.

"Sisters, Kill him." Evangeline shouted as all of them charged at Anon without thinking for another second.

<Song Of The Siren King>

"Stop, All of you." Anon Ordered in a very commanding tone that everyone stopped in an instant.

"W-What is happening ?"

"I-I can't move at all."

'This feeling i have felt this before... Just like back then.' Valeria's memories from past flashed through her mind.

'That day, We were hundred thousands but in front of us stood only one. Even though he was only one, our soldiers were afraid they were getting unconscious by just merely looking at him and his majestic charisma.

When we charged from the front line he said these same words.

'Stop, All of you.'

The hundreds thousands of soldiers stopped on his orders, i can't forget that day, i can't misunderstood that Authority in his voice and I can't ignore that i am feeling the same authority coming from this kid's voice, not even same his voice holds more authority to his words.

His voice fills the hearts of his opponents with fear that manipulates them into listening to his orders.

He is the evolved stage of the counselor indeed, i have to do something and stay alive today to do something about him tomorrow.' Valeria thought as she looked at Anon.

"On your knees, Now..." Anon commanded again.

As soon as these words fell into their ears, all of them went down on their knees and faced the ground at once.

"Now, what do you think, mrs. Evangeline ?"