
From Behind The Wall

On the flip side of the wall, the Centaur traced his eyes over the lonely darkness of the grove.

‘Say something at least... y-you idiot...’ Jonas thought with overwhelming sadness.

Holding back the tears tickling the bridge of his nose. Jonas got up, and began eating his share of the bird meat.

Every time his fire-covered hand slapped the thin strips of meat, memories would pound his head and fill his heart with bitterness.

He tried to expel the fear and cowardice from his heart by attempting to fight head on with the beasts. But he had failed to do so... and he had failed Elias.

They seemed so easy to defeat...

Elias would kill most of them in minutes and move on to the next swiftly, making short work of their existence. He on the other hand, would hide in the shadows and snipe at them despite Elias’s protest – A role he considered less than valiant, something a hero would not do.

That’s why today he wanted to do something different... Something better.