
More Of The Shepherd

Amidst the bleating of goats and the tune of a soft breeze, the young shepherd sat atop a boulder in the grassy meadow.

Close to his chest was a staff, curved it was, its point flared out. Resting his small head on it wooden body, he watched his flock lazily, other matters occupying his mind.

While wolves were no longer a threat to this peaceful village, smaller predators still presented an issue, filling in the role of their predecessors. Luckily for him, he had a companion to share his responsibilities.

Perched on his right shoulder, a majestic owl vigilantly observed the field. Her black beady eyes scanned the area with hunger, eager to add more dead foxes to the tally.

Slowly, the sun climbed the above the scattered clouds and reached the zenith, glaring down with its light upon the residents of Willow shade village.

Shielding himself from its fury, the young shepherd raised a hand in front of his face, blocking out most of the light, only small vestiges seeping out from the cracks in his fingers. Kisses of sunlight graced his hazel eyes, enhancing their golden color.

The young shepherd twirled his fingers, manipulating the small threads of light. Sometimes he would close them too much, or too little, playing with the rays to ease his boredom.

Suddenly, the spell {Earth Sense} that he kept active picked up something approaching.

In order to enhance his spells, Elias would keep the passive ones active when he could. Such is the case here.

What Elias picked up was a small body approaching him quickly, the impact created on the ground muffled in trained movement. The approaching bogey's footsteps sunk into the earth instead of striking against it.

Recognizing this technique, a small smirk formed on his face.

'Not too shabby, but it's too early for you to catch me off guard.'

Spinning the staff, Elias thrust its butt towards the figure creeping up behind him.

Lester's prowl was cut short as a staff was thrust but an inch away from his stomach, promising a world of hurt if it had connected. Raising his arms in surrender, Lester's facial expression went awry.

"Alright put that down before you hurt someone."

Sharing a laugh the two boys sat down next to each other, watching as both their flocks intermingled. Occasionally, they would practice their archery on some coyotes, foxes and wild dogs.

This was their regular routine. Elias and Lester would sit together for hours on end, tending to their flocks and practicing their archery. Only when the sun would begin its trip down, would they make the journey towards their respective abodes.

And, as such, like every other day Elias said his goodbyes to Lester and journeyed back to the cabin, depositing his flock. He removed the some of the rubble scattered about, and plopped down on a wooden chair by the fire. Occupying the arm rest, Eset used wind magic to clear the area of some of the dust.

After a prolonged silence, Eset revisited the topic that has been plaguing her and Elias's mind for the past few days.

[Are you sure you heard it correctly? It might be some gibberish it muttered before dying, it might not be worth looking into.]

Without even turning his head to her, Elias kept his gaze focused on the crackling fire as he rested his hand on his head in contemplation. He gave her words much thought, just like he has been doing these past weeks, but he could not convince himself to let the matter go.

[No Eset, I know what I heard. There are bigger forces at play here, besides did you forget how many demons have been popping up recently? Aside from the <Susurri Mens> and the <Ghoul>, we have taken down three other demons. This is not normal, there must be something drawing them here.]

Having no answer to his worries, Eset sat in silence, his words playing again and again in her mind. She thought of the villagers, their friends, everyone. Could it be someone in the village? But she did not want to believe that, and neither did Elias.

Deciding that there was nothing to do at the moment, Elias picked up an old tome from the shelf and sat back down, figuring that getting some magic study in was more productive.

In his hands was his favorite subject after earth transmutation, runes. He opened the leather cover and began reading, eagerness evident with each flip of the page.

Both Eset and Elias became engrossed, the inked paper imprinting in their minds.

Elias's obsessiveness with magic tomes rubbed off on Eset, as she one day got fed up with him explaining them and just learned to read the Human language.

Elias cried about the unfairness of the world and the talented that day.

Right when he was about to put his newfound knowledge to practice, A knock on the door sounded.


Rushing to answer, Elias opened the door to find a red haired boy.

Leo was hunched over, a hand clutching his chest as he panted frantically. Beads of sweat dribbled down his forehead like an open faucet, and his wet tunic clung tightly to his body.

Placing a hand over his shoulder, Elias muttered a small chant as a magic circle materialized over his hand and a green glow enveloped the fatigued boy.

Only after some energy returned to Leo, did Elias crouch down and question him about his current state.

"What in the Gods' name is going on?!"

Lifting his face with effort, and through the droplets of sweat weighing heavy on his eyelids and dripping from his lashes, Leo emptied his worry filled chest.

"Old man Clarence! I-It's old man Clarence, you have to help he's fallen ill!"


Willow shade fell silent that night.

The soft calling of crickets went missing, and the light of the moon and stars dimmed.

Sprinting across the meadows, Elias catapulted his body forward, his legs were like loaded springs.

The blades of grass seemed to part for him, and the ground to soften. The earth seemed to aid his travel, to bless it. Unbeknownst to Elias, his extreme affinity with earth strengthened by the minute, it becoming a part of him, and he it.

Reaching the town, he entered the only house whose windows remained lit by candle fire. The orange light drawing him in, urging him like beacons of distress.

He entered the wide open door and came upon the gathering of people within, surrounding a bedridden old man.

Small smiles and looks of sad acceptance were shared all around. It was the look the family of the aggrieved would get at a funeral.

Everyone had already given up.

Elias moved in between their silent bodies, reaching the ill Clarence, and Lester by his bedside. Lester had his grandfather's hand clasped within his, with lips muttering prayer to Pan.

"Hey Lester, how are you holdin' up."

Raising his head, Lester turned to face Elias with his puffy eyes and red trails sinking down his cheeks.

"E-Elias? Please, P-lease help!" with a croak, Lester pleaded Elias for his help.

Nodding, Elias approached closer and placed a hand on the old man's pale wrinkly forehead.

As practiced hundreds of times, Elias muttered his most powerful spell, {Nature's Kiss}.

Elias was no doctor, not by a fair shot, but magic made his healing ability possible.

The spell worked flawlessly, just as expected. There was a green cloak that enveloped Clarence's body, and fairies of white Aeter dancing around.

Elias released a sigh of relief, thinking that all was okay, that everything would return to normal.


But old man Clarence did not open his dingy eyes. Old man Clarence did not smile with his missing teeth and pat his back warmly. Old man Clarence did not get up.

Elias tried once more, but old man Clarence did not get better.

Lester's eyes shed tears as muffled whimpering sounded.

The pressuring eyes of everyone in the room struck at Elias's ego and fed the voices of doubt in his mind.

He could feel their eyes asking, questioning.

'Why did it not work, Elias?'

'Is your magic not enough, Elias?'

'Why are you useless, Elias?

Frustrated, Elias cast the spell again and again, his face turning red and a vein running along his forehead between his eyebrows.

It went on for a while, as Elias exhausted almost every drop of his Aeter on one spell.

[Enough Elias. That's enough.]

The owl perched on the bed frame spoke into the boy's mind, waking him from his trance.

Getting closer to the old man, Eset checked for his breathing, placing her wing under his nose and waiting for the soft rustling of feathers.

While everyone was confused at her actions at first, they all waited for baited breath to see the little feathers twitch.