
A Ray of Hope


### Chapter 5: A Ray of Hope


Adam was living in the world of vice, and there was no stopping his progression into it. But one day, while walking to school, Adam was met by a girl.

Adam noticed that she was his new neighbor. He couldn't look at her like he looked at other girls. Adam felt nervous about not having that bad feeling. In the meantime, the girl asked:

**Daisy**: "Hi Adam, where are you going?"

**Adam**: "To school, I guess!"

**Daisy**: "Oh, but I heard that the bus isn't going."

**Adam**: "What? Who told you?"

**Daisy**: "The people residing near the bus stop."

**Adam**: "Nah, the bus is going! I know."

**Daisy**: "Ah... What should I do then?"

**Adam**: "Come on, let's wait, and if the bus doesn't come, we will return!"

**Daisy**: "Hmm... okay."

Both started walking towards the bus stop.

Daisy, being new to this place, felt somewhat uncomfortable initiating a conversation. Adam noticed this discomfort and said:

**Adam**: "Do you want to ask something?"

**Daisy**: "Ah... no."

**Adam**: "It seemed like you wanted to."

**Daisy**: "Really... I don't know!"

**Adam**: "You didn't give me your intro."

**Daisy**: "Ah... well, I am Daisy, and my father got transferred here last month."

**Adam**: "Hmm... well, here comes the bus."

They got on the bus, and it started moving. Adam had a look at Rose and proceeded to sit at the last seat. Daisy invited him to sit with her.

**Daisy**: "Adam, you can sit here too."

**Adam**: "Yeah, but these seats are for juniors."

**Daisy**: "Well, thanks for saving my class today."

**Adam**: "You are welcome."

Adam proceeded to the last seat and sat down. Daisy sat near the seat next to Rose.

Adam to himself: "What just happened? I can understand why I don't like Rose physically, but what's happening with Daisy? Just forget it!"

Adam spent the journey to school thinking about the incident with Daisy.

The day went well at school, and Adam spent his time with his backbencher friends. While returning from school, Adam again had a deep look at Rose. Adam spent the journey home listening to music.

At the bus stop, Adam and Daisy got down together and walked home. Although they didn't talk, when Daisy reached her home, she thanked Adam and bade him goodbye.

Adam felt a bit uncomfortable upon hearing this, but he bade her goodbye and entered his home.

Adam became a bit soft while talking with Daisy, and he himself didn't have any answer to it.

These thoughts kept Adam busy enough that night that he forgot about the bad habits he had started practicing.

The next day, he woke up late and hurried to school.

**Follow up to the next chapter to know how Adam deals with his new neighbor and his bad habits. Will he be able to change?**

Find all this out in the next Chapter: "The New Friend."
