After his boss dies Rai Mitchell, an assistant at a flower shop, gets a new owner the original owner's son, Alder Corrigan. Alder proves to be a decent manager, however the Corrigans aren't just little shop owners.
Y'all I don't need you to do any of this, I can do this myself" Rai said running down stairs
"We are just trying to help you, Rai baby" Rai's mom said
"I understand that, but I really don't even need you guys here, anymore, as a matter of fact I never did" Rai said
"I'm old enough to take care of myself, while I'm am "injured" Rai said
"Well we feel we need to be here" She interrupted
"I'm going to work" Rai said grabbing his journal and bag
"They're driving me insane, I don't want them here anymore, y'all" Rai said slamming his cup
"Sorry" Rai said
"Would you boys like some more coffee" The waitress said
"Sure" The two said
"Hot cocoa for me" Flynn said shaking his cup
"Alright boys, here you are" She said pouring the beverages
"Have you tried asking them kindly to leave" Flynn said
"Flynn, you know damn well that ain't working" Rai said with a straight face, as Flynn smiled
"Just gotta let them take their course" August said sipping his coffee
"You're quiet August, something on your noggin" Flynn said laughing
"Nah, nothing much, I mean nothing really" August said looking out of the window
"It's Elysia, she walked right out the door from him" Rai said laughing
"What do you mean" Flynn asked
"I thought El and Rai were doing something, well, I actually didn't think that" August said
"Yes, you did, I mean that's the first thing you thought of, and you haven't seen her in a while and that's all you ask" Rai said
"We tried to warn ya" Flynn said
"Yeah, whatever, plus my mom is coming home soon, bringing that fucking man, but I'll try to get to know him" August said
"At least your parents aren't annoying like mine" Rai said
"You don't live with me Rai, my parents are absolutely annoying" August said
"We need to look into the recent attacks in Connorida, in the city Silverview"
"I'm sending out two agents to investigate"
"We have decided to send agent Raspin and agent Forte"
"The information will be held in these folders for each of the places you all are assigned to" the Lieutenant said
"Thank you"
"Hey hey, Lieutenant, excuse me, sir" Nicholas said
"Yes, agent Yoo"
"I was wondering, could maybe I get assigned to Silverview" Nicholas asked
"Why is that" Lieutenant asked
"Uhm, I live there, Sir" Nicholas said laughing seriously
"You do, well Nicholas, you know there's not much I can do" The Lieutenant said
"I know sir, but I have a boy there and I promised him I'd stay close to him" Nicholas said
"I see"
"I also went over this with my partner and the other two you assigned to Silverview" Nicholas said
"Alright, I'll update you then, I'll see what I can do" The lieutenant said
"Thank you, Sir, thank you" Nicholas said shaking his hand
~Elysia's House
"Yes and he is really annoying, he seriously acts like he owns me" Elysia said
"Have you tried telling him how you feel, Elysia" Hiro said
"I have expressed my wishes, but he acts so dumb, like sometimes I wanna slap him because he's so annoying" Elysia said
"I understand that, when he does it tell him how you feel" Hiro said
"Alright I got that, bye Hiro" Elysia said
"Like I haven't already tried that" Elysia said rolling her eyes
"Now, I need to update my profile" Elysia said running to her laptop
"Internship, completed" Elysia said happily
Knock Knock
August was at the door holding a bouquet of flowers, and a card
"August what is this" Elysia said
"It's an apology, El, I wanna change, I'm tired of acting like that, it's not fair to you, I want to be able to learn" August said holding up the flowers
"What is there to learn, you leave me alone, and stop acting like you own me, August" Elysia said closing the door
"Yeah I know, Elysia, I could've worded that better" August said putting his foot in the door
"Well your formal apology is starting to have the opposite effect" Elysia said crossing her arms
"You're right, El, and that's why I got you this,
August took out a picture of Elysia and her parents
"What is this, Aug- OH MY GOODNESS" She said
"Where did you find this, how did you, what, when was this taken" Elysia said
"Well I did some digging" August said
"Hey, how may we help you" Tyler asked
"You're good at all that searching and finding stuff right, do you think you could find a picture of this girl and her parents together" August said showing Tyler a picture of August
"Uh, yeah sure" Tyler said
"But, uh what's her name" He asked
"Elysia-Anara Hall" August said smiling
"Also, could you find the best card and flowers for an apology" August said nervously smiling
"August I don't know what to say, this is amazing" She said
"I am going to put this with my other photo" She said grabbing a book
"Thank you, August" She said grabbing his hand
"You're welcome, Elysia, and I really am sorry" He said
~Flower shop
"May I get two daffodils and an order of daisys"
"Yes, ma'am, and who will this be for" Rai said
"It'll be for, Elaine Park-Florian" The lady said
"My daughter is getting married, and I was so busy, I forgot to get her a gift, so I want it with her new last name" The woman said smiling
"Well you tell your daughter congratulations, and a long and happy marriage" Rai said smiling
"Aw, thank you so much, young man" she said
"Alright, I'll get your order ready in the back ma'am, just feel out this sheet and put it here when you're done" Rai said happily
Rai went to the back to fulfill the woman's order
"Here you are" Rai said giving her the flowers
"Thank you, Son" She said grabbing them
"The boys today are becoming kinder, the world really is changing" The lady said walking out
"Another order done" Rai said
"Hey, Tyler, how are your orders coming" Rai asked
"I'm doing alright, by the way, Alder wants to meet with you in the back" Tyler said
"Uh, Sir you wanted to meet with me" Rai said nervously taking his apron off
"There are two agents here to ask you questions about the recent fight, Agent Ramos, and who I am sure you're already familiar with, Agent Yoo" Alder said
"Oh yeah, uh sure I can talk about the fight, wait uh will I need a lawyer" Rai said
"Don't worry, nothing here will hold you criminally for anything, you aren't a suspect, more of a witness" Alder said
"Alright, because I don't want to be in trouble for something" Rai said
"Hello gentlemen, here he is right here" Alder said
The two men flashed their badges to Rai
"Oh, scary" Rai said sarcastically
"This kid is funny, Nicholas" Agent Ramos said
"You understand what we are here to meet with you about, right" Nicholas said
"Yes I understand everything" Rai said
"Can you describe the people to us" Nicholas said
"Well the guy he was uhm, he was kinda tall medium built he had white hair and he had a scar on his face" Rai said showing where on his own face
"Uhm, the woman she had uhm black brunette-ish looking hair, kinda like your hair color, sir except longer" Rai said pointing at Agent Ramos' hair
"And I just remember the woman being extremely aggressive when she was fighting me" Rai said
"It's like she was angry, like extremely angry about something, I can't figure out what" Rai said
"And the guy was also mad, he kept asking where is she, I'm pretty sure, he was talking about the lady" Rai said pointing around
"That's all I got, I don't know anymore, I mean they're good fighters too" Rai said smiling and half laughing
"You did wonderful son, your information will help us" Nicholas said patting Rai's back
The two Agents left and Rai went back to work
"Hey, what did you meet about" Tyler asked
"Oh, it's just about uh a fight that I witnessed outside somewhere" Rai said
"Oh, I didn't know you witnessed a fight, what happened" Tyler asked
"Tyler, customer" Rai said pointing to a man
~Pizza Restaurant
"Hey, Flynn let me get one pepperoni pizza please" August said
"Alright, August I'll give you that and it's for free" Flynn said happily
"Really that's amazing, thanks man, you're such a good person, but I am still gonna pay ya" August said dramatically
"Seems you're in a better mood" Flynn said
"Yeah, I apologized to Elysia and it seems she's happier with me now, and that's enough for me" August said smiling
"Would, you like a drink with that happy smile, August" Flynn said shaking a cup
"Sure lemme get a sweet te- oh shi- Flynn the authorities just met with Rai" August said
"Really, about the fight, right" Flynn said
"Yeah, but this is bad" August said
"Why, August why is it bad, I thought that it was good, the investigation, isn't your dad apart of it?" Flynn asked confused
"Yeah but the issue is, what if they find out about us, and what all we know" August said
"How would that happen, that can't happen, Rai wouldn't tell them anything more than what they already know, August" Flynn said confused
"I guess you're right, Flynn, maybe I am overreacting" August said