
A Strange Quest

After Astora and Rizette finished their cuddling, they head out for a job and explore the village.

"Any plans of what can we do for now?"



Rizette answered Astora as he was just thinking of a plan. He was concerned a little and replied to Rizette:

"We can but the problem is that they might recognize us."

"The Lowell household isn't that famous you know."

"Isn't Liam a Captain for General Diaz of Luremburg?"

"Erm.... there's that."

"So I guess we have to go adventuring."

They both think of what decisions to make but nothing came in mind but to resort being adventurers. They went to the guild and as they enter they were greeted by a girl who works as a waitress.

"Welcome to New Dawn! Are you perhaps Traveling Adventurers or here for request?"

"Well we were just looking for a job."

"I see then! If this is your first time please do register at reception!"

"We will, thank you miss."


Astora and Rizette looked at eachother as they heard the sound and realize they were both starving. They checked the bag of gold they took from the bandits and think of plan on spending it.

"Um miss, what's the cheapest meal?"

"That would be the carrot stew sir!"

The waitress replied to them with a cheerful expression and Astora had a disgusted expression as he hates carrots.

"Oh come on you're already a grown up Astora~"


"We'd like 2 carrot stew Miss."

"Alright! 2 carrot stew coming right up and please take a seat!"

They both take a seat and as they waited for the stew they decided to have a talk.

"*Sigh* We only have 230 koles left on our hands."

"Well that means you have to eat carrots for some days now haha!"


"Oh come on, you're no longer a child Astora!"

Rizette teased Astora about his dislike of carrots while he groans.

"It's not about the carrots. It's my shoulders, they're sore as hell."

Astora massages his shoulders. The Waitress earlier lay down the carrot stew they order on their table.

"Have nice meal!"

The Waitress leave with a smile as she also gave them the receipt. Astora looked at the a receipt and was surprised of the bill.

"60 koles, wow this is cheaper than I thought."

"Well if it's that cheap, let's dig in!"

Rizette pulled her hood down and Astora was concerned a little but as soon as he look around the guild he realize people barely even pay attention. He take a bite of the carrot stew and realize it was actually delicious. After they finished eating they walked up to the reception.

"Ah hello! I assume you are here to register?"

"Yes we are sir."

"Great! I'll get the papers ma'am and sir."

The receptionist went to another and came back with 2 papers, he helped the two to register being adventurers.

"Write your names here then age, home town and write your signature right here please."

The two looked at eachother and decided to have fake names. Astora wrote his name as `Oliver Williams` and Rizette wrote her name as `Alisa Graves`.

"Alright you are free to accept any quest now! Just please don't accept what the quest that are too difficult for you."

"We will Sir!"

They both bow their heads after they've registered as adventurers and looked at the quest board. One particular quest caught their eyes that involves a specific place, they knew something was wrong about it. They accepted the strange quest and went out to finish.

1 hour and a half passed at the Blacksmith's cabin...

A hatchet nearly cut off a man's head, The man was crying but it was muffled as his mouth was tied with a cloth and his hands tied behind his back. A hooded man with a messy face had smug smile and was taunting the tied up man.

"Aww..sorry about your precious home and you precious family too!"

The tied up man looked up at him with an angered expression with a teary eyes

*Mumble* *mumble*

"Yeah, your wife and daughter were just soooo good that I couldn't resist the temptation."

The man put a dagger on the tied up man's chin and whisper to him:

"You know it's nothing personal mate cause I ha--"

"Boss! The guys just came back from Rowan's!"


"The two they're dead.."

The man sighed as he stood up and grab the head of his lackey.

"Listen here well.."


He whisper to his ear right before punching him in the stomach:

"You better not be bullshitting me."



"Here and clean yourself up you fucking disappointment."

The man threw a cloth on the ground and before he turns to leave, he says:

"Watch him and his families, why do I have to do everything my--"

Before he could finished his word, he got punched by Astora who came out of nowhere. The man covered his nose to stop it from bleeding. The man's lackey tries to stand but was immediately burned by a fireball Astora threw.

"Ngh..agh..who the fuck are you!?"

"The name's Oliver Williams brother."

Astora casted a spell and shot an magic arrow at the man's leg penetrating the floor and leaving him screaming on the ground stuck. He then walked up to the tied up man and free him

"You must be Roland Drake yes?"


"C'mon, your family is waiting for you outside and we gotta be quick though."


"Special guests of these bastards are also just outside."

Astora helped Roland get up and before they could leave, the man grabbed Roland's leg.

"Gnh! Hold it you son of a bitch!"

"Like hell if I give a damn about you!"

Roland kicked the man right at his face but it still held him at his leg. Astora hears a growl and immediately push Roland away as a wolf leaped and missed them, as it hit the wall, it immediately regain it's ground a bite the man his shoulders causing him to let go of Roland. Both Astora and Roland ran out of the basement. As they exited, Roland watch around him the almost all of the bandits that raided his home were being eaten by wolves

"Just what the hell did you!?"

"We lured a pack!"

" We!?"

"Yes! We!"

Astora points at the cart down the road as they were running. Rizette prepares to have the horses running. Astora jumped into the cart as Roland just climbed inside it

"Go! Go! Go!"


The horses starts galloping and the cart starts moving.



"Melissa? Kara?"

The woman and the girl who were in robes hugged Roland as they were relieved that Roland was alive and well. The family were crying and held eachother. As Astora was breathing for air he looked back at the cabin and realize the pack of wolves were chasing them.


Astora casted a fireball.


The fireball hit the wolf leader of the pack causing the rest to stop and step back in fear as their leader was burning.

"Riz...how long till the gates closed?"

"Don't worry, we'll get there before it's even dinner time."

Roland looked at Astora as he was resting from the chaos.

"How did you guys know?"

"The bandits probably snuck in the village disguised as some random traveler or something and..."

Astora makes a gesture to Roland, hinting the bandits tried to lure adventurers. Roland bow his head to Astora showing his gratitude

de as tears were dripping from his eyes.

"Thank you...thank you..."

"It's just a pleasure... I'm just gonna close my eyes till we get to the village.."

Astora falls asleep through out the ride..