
The Tales of an African Child

_PreciousUduma4 · Teenager
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3 Chs

Chapter Two

I wonder why people don't consider poor people like us, they see us as mere things while they view rich people as something. I cried all the way home as my body was red with marks and was aching all over.

When I reached home I met brother Chibueze sitting outside. Brother Chibueze is my elder brother and my favorite one though his attitude and behavior is so bad.

"Jesus!." he exclaimed "what happened?." his eyes were examining my body.

"it is Mr Adams." I sniffed the phlegm that was about running down my nose.

"is it that shapeless principal?." he asked.

Actually I wanted to laugh but I remembered the pain I am feeling and I really wanted brother Chibueze to take it serious.

Well truly, Mr Adams is shapeless with his short fat body and bulging belly

I cleaned the tears that dropped and explained "Stella caused it. She called me 'poor brat' so I got angry and hit her."

As a caring brother, he patted me on my back and said "I believe you. You can't just fight without a reason. But why did she call you that?."

I explained everything to him with my head bent down.

"oh I see." he said and went inside carried his shirt and went away. As he strode past me I knew something not so good is going to happen.

When everyone was back I explained everything to them just as I have done to Brother Chibueze, papa just stared at the wall like there's is something hidden in it. I knew he was thinking of where to get the money not until brother Chibueze came back with the actual amount meant for my school fees. He handed me the money and entered inside. I was shocked and wanted to ask him where he got the money from but papa interrupted my mind by throwing the same question at him. "na the money wey I go collect from person wey dey owe me." was his reply in pidgin English.

Turning to me, he said "Mr Adams have been dealt with, so have no fear."

I did not understand those words but when I went to school I heard a gossip that someone stole the principal's money last night, then I understood it all.

* * *

I am happy that even though we are poor at least we are not empty headed.

"papa good afternoon." I greeted my father who was sitting on the bench in front of the house in a blue T-shirt and black shorts.

"good afternoon, are you back?". he asked.

"yes papa."

"how was school?."

Thank goodness he asked "papa our principal said we should start paying up our fees."

"hmm." he sighed "I've heard go and eat."

"Okay papa." I said and entered inside.

Obioma, my elder sister, the second child is at home. I entered our room amd met her painting her nails with the nails polish she bought last week. I wonder where she gets the money to buy all these, the clothes, the bags and shoes of different colours and designs.

"sister Obioma, good afternoon."

"good afternoon." she answered as she dipped the small paint brush into the ash coloured paint. I dropped my bag and went to the kitchen to eat the remaining food.

"sister Obioma, where is brother Chibueze and Kachi? I asked when I was through with eating. I barely see brother Kachi around since last week. He wakes up very day and goes out then comes back late in the night.

Unlike brother Chibueze, he is very mean and does not care a bit about me. I don't know if he realize I truly exist.

" they went to visit their friends." she replied.

"are you going too?."

"yes. Soon."

I might be big but I hate to be alone in the house.

"can you take me with you?." I asked with a please- say- yes kind of face.

"no." she answered " I don't want to be looking for you around."

" but sister Obioma am big enough to look after myself."

She sighed and turned to face me " dad is outside, okay?."

"he is going to work soon." I told her.

Yes, my dad works for JBell construction as a bricklayer and he spends most of his day shaping bricks and all that.

"am sorry I think you should go and read. It will help you forget about your loneliness." she suggested.

What she said is true but am not in any mood to read.

"education is the key to....." she said as she carried her bag.

"success." I completed, at least I was supposed to. I entered the bedroom and threw myself on the bed.

Tomorrow would be a great day, no doubt. I thought as I slowly drifted into sleep.