
The Tales of a Blacksmith who loved to Craft

A blacksmith who was on the verge of giving up on his trade finds a kid lying on his doorstep whom he grows up to be his own . He finds profound joy in growing him. He leaves his legacy out for him to follow and looks at him make out masterpieces that surpass him. The kid grows out to be strong and one of the best in the whole world and he spreads the love of blacksmithing in a new manner through a newly released VR game called "PANDORA"

Gino_Kelvin · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Chapter 9 VR

Beom was a pretty good gamer, he was one of the top ranking gamers in South Korea , every game he played he made sure that he grinded enough to teach the leaderboard. Everyone knew that he was an unparalleled genius when it came to gaming . He had tried every game of the century and used all consoles from Otari to FS-6 and VR headsets and his favourite was Tapple's vision extreme which was so good to use.

Technology had grown to the peak , and the introduction of Melon's nerve gear revolutionized the VR game world, and this year the newest and most powerful VR console got released and that was Mind gear combining all of the technologies peak niches with proper setting and calibration, a apex VR headset with fully immersive gaming by Funstation was released. The game selection for playing was very limited and even though the were good , they didn't satisfy the users to the full. And that's when a game announced its release date along with a small teaser of the game, it suddenly became a rage in the community, many didn't believe that it would be any different than the other games that were released into the market so some were excited , while some were not interested at all. PANDORA, the game of secrets , the game which would quench all your curiosity, was the motto of the game.

Just as the Pandora box was presented to humans , the game Pandora was not a normal game , it was a VRMMORPG game with an infinite number of quests and a gazillion unie quests , it was completely powered by Heza , an unique AI supercomputer completely dedicated for running the game. It gave users complete freedom in the world , and the world will build upon the choice of the users and they can be anyone they want and do anything they want. They can be the hero of all or the villan who makes everyone fall. They can create or destroy anything and everything in the world and the game continues on the choice made by them ,and once you open Pandora it was a game with complete freedom.

And Beom was a secret Beta tester for the game and he really loved the game , so he was waiting for its release and was very eager to use his pregame knowledge in the game. Seeing Alex blacksmithing and hunting, a strange idea popped into his head and that was the idea of making Alex play the game. He knew Alex could Ace the game.

He silently approached Alex , he was busy gathering some fruits for them to eat. "Alex have you played any games before...", and just as Beom finished his sentence a small apple fell on his head. "Sorry Beom I couldn't catch it before it fell on your head", Alex was worried that Beom was hurt.

And just as Newton found gravity by the fall of Apple, the day Beom was the one who introduced Alex into the gaming world and it was the day the gravity of the game had entered the game, as he would be the center of attraction , the element pulling the game together stirring people up.

Pandora was going to get released in a week and Beom had to convince Alex to buy Pandora and he needed Alex to get a mind gear for playing it. "It is going to be tedious task, but it would be worth the try", thought Beom .

It was getting late and Alex and his grandpa was down at the smithy along with Beom , and Beom was fascinated by everything and was enjoying the marvels of blacksmithing. Beom felt it was the right time to convince Alex , but he didn't know how to start , so he invited Alex to his house as making Alex play with the VR headset may hold a high ground in making Alex buy one.

"Alex , would you come to my house along with your grandpa ?", asked Beom with a smile. "Yes , I would love to come ",replied Alex and looked at his grandpa looking for his response. "I am too old to move everywhere, why don't you go Alex , I will rest a bit tomorrow". Alex knew his grandpa's health was deteriorating and he knew it was age that was catching up with him, he was worried a bit."Don't worry about me Alex , I will take rest for a day and I will be back as fit as a fiddle", said John with a smile alleviating the fears and worries of Alex.

Beom looked at the situation and the love between Alex and his grandpa was too good and it moved him. Beom's family was filled with a number of doctors , so he thought it would be proper if a doctor looked into grandpa John's condition. Even though old age was one of the major factors affecting John , without a proper check up it would not be wise to diagnose someone.

"Grandpa John, I know that you haven't had a checkup for a while , why don't I ask my father to give you a good body checkup , he can come here and do that too if you want to", said Beom and was wondering what grandpa John would reply .

Beom's father was a wandering doctor , a new profession that was famous in the modern world . With advanced nano technology , it allowed a doctor to carry an entire scanning and diagnosing machine to be carried in a bag. And as they could carry an entire hospital with themselves, the wandering doctors were called by people around the world. Some even became personal doctors to VIPs and famous people around the world , and Beom's father was one of the best wandering doctor in the world so he was always approached by various people. But Beom knew his father's schedule and appointments , and tomorrow evening he was free, so he had texted up his favor before asking grandpa John , and his dad replied with a yes so everything was set in.

Alex knew his grandpa would reject the offer, so before grandpa John could speak , "Grandpa , I think it is about time to get you checked up grandpa, I will stay here too and support you", John knew Alex was not going to drop down on this , but didn't want Alex to know what was happening to his body and neither did he want him to miss this opportunity to visit Beom's house and thicken his friendship . "Beom, I will take you up on the offer and Alex I want you to go to Beom's house and enjoy your time with him". Beom understood grandpa John's intention and convinced Alex to come to his house , when his dad would take care of his grandpa. Alex agreed to it and grandpa John was overjoyed that Alex had found a good friend.

The next day , everything went as planned and Alex had gone to Beom's house. Beom lived in a elite community called Elysium and it was a pretty good community with houses that were huge and fixed with modern technology. It was a community with AI security and everything was voice operated. Alex's jaw dropped at every new thing that he saw and learnt that day. Beom liked a simple lifestyle and didn't want to flaunt his wealth, so he always lived like a simpleton . Beom introduced Alex to his mom and his sister , they were so kind to Alex. They talked with him for some time and left to do their work. Beom's mom was a lead software developer for a company called Eltrid , one of the companies that provided software in the creation of Pandora , and that is one of the reasons Beom got a role as a beta tester in the game. His sister was a professor at Shellford University . They both were beautiful women , and looked pretty young.

Beom's house was pretty big , it consisted of two floors and had large rooms that it almost took a hour to visit all the parts of the house. Beom's room was pretty neat and was large that you could fit a smithy in there. In the center of the room there were two capsules. The mind gear came with capsules that in which you have to lie in order to access the VR world. He had moved the capsule in his sister's room into his own so that Alex could use it.

They had some snacks before they entered the capsules. Beom showed an introduction in how to use the capsule, because the first time inside the capsule would be pretty scary. After receiving the information Alex entered one of the capsule and turned it on. Beom also entered his capsule and turned it on. They both entered a private space created by Beom where they could share a connection between the two capsules. Beom had designed this private space for himself and it contained most of his memories stored up in photographs and videos. It was a calm space that had a seater sofa in it , and Beom placed another sofa near it so that Alex could sit on it ,and Alex entered into the private space just on time.

I am planning to write to enter the contest . I will publish 3-4 chapters per week and even more .

I got a bit sick and was not able to write for a while.

Bonus chapters will be published for every 100 power stones. Please give your reviews and comments ,and let us build a good story.

Gino_Kelvincreators' thoughts