
The Tales of a Blacksmith who loved to Craft

A blacksmith who was on the verge of giving up on his trade finds a kid lying on his doorstep whom he grows up to be his own . He finds profound joy in growing him. He leaves his legacy out for him to follow and looks at him make out masterpieces that surpass him. The kid grows out to be strong and one of the best in the whole world and he spreads the love of blacksmithing in a new manner through a newly released VR game called "PANDORA"

Gino_Kelvin · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Chapter 5 Blacksmith's will.

This was one of the reasons John wanted to bring Alex along with him while he forged . It was because he wanted to know whether Alex was interested in blacksmithing. 

John was not a good teacher neither was he the best learner it took him twenty years to master blacksmithing all weapons and armaments. But he knew that he could help Alex learn blacksmithing , he wanted Alex to learn blacksmithing and inherit his blacksmith's will. But learning blacksmithing was not an easy job as it required a lot of mental and physical strength for which Alex needed training, and given the time John had left he didn't know how long he was left till he can teach him , he also needed to send the kid to school . 

"Do you really want to learn Blacksmithing? "Asked John again. Alex nodded happily and smiled a big "yes". Then I will begin your training starting tomorrow you are going to train to be the world's best blacksmith.

"Always remember Alex , patience is always the way to achieving greatness whether in life or in blacksmithing. This is your first lesson , let's start your training sharp at 5 am in the morning from tomorrow, I will prepare a schedule and give it to you. It may seem a little weird on the first day that I brought you home , but trust me if you wait any longer you might miss the chance in becoming the best".

Alex was only seven and he understood only half of what John said but he knew whatever plan that Grandpa had got on his mind it was for the best for him, he could feel it in his little heart that it was best recovery that he could ever ask for and needed for in this moment. "I trust you Grandpa", he replied to John with a sweetest toothless smile.

"Let's apply medicine to your wound first", said John and applied medicine after getting upstairs, they also had dinner and went to sleep.

It was the morning the next day and Alex had a pretty rough start. He was made to run laps around the house , lift small weights , exercises to strengthen his body after a heavy round of workout session of whatever he could do which was not many, he succumbed to the ground but he didn't give up, a fire was seen in his eyes , a fire to devour everything set in front of him.

John enrolled Alex in the nearest school from his house and brought Alex a bike with the money he had . He knew Alex needed nutritious food and he also needed money to pay for school, so he pulled up a card that he never thought it was needed to be pulled again. 

He went to a big house near the foot of the hill near his house and looked up straight into the camera, "Open up Tommy your friendly McGregor has come to catch up his old funds". 

Tommy was part of Ortegons family who worked for the McGregors for a pretty long time and when Alistor McGregor and John McGregor found out they were embezzling the funds of Benjamin McGregor, a small bloody war took place in the hillside known as the "Wrath of McGregors", the Ortegons were heavily injured in the battle as the two savagely beat a hundred of their men , no deaths and no money was taken but still the wounds they suffered were too great that made them scared and scarred for life, they never messed with the McGregors again , but whenever the McGregors were in need of money they didn't hesitate to shake them up a little bit .

Tommy was the last of Ortegons left in the house ,and they were left pretty loaded , but the generations of the family lived with a message , because they knew it was the pity of the McGregors that day that they were left with this fortune .

'Whenever a McGregor knocks on the door never hesitate to help them whatever the cost last you suffer their wrath.'

And the family kept it, McGregors whenever in need of money didn't hesitate to use them and this was one such situation.

Tommy was a really wealthy man , had two body guards by his side and had no one to fear , except for the McGregors and the one staring at him at the camera was one of them. He could have used force to chase away John but chose not to because he remembered what the McGregors did for them.

Tommy was a young kid and when he witnessed the scene that had taken place when he witnessed the battle between the two McGregors and the Ortegons it still sent a shiver down his spine, it was a pretty bloody battle. 

But the Ortegons kind of developed a sense of respect for them after the battle , because after the bloody battle took place it was the McGregors who had supplied trucks to carry all the wounded to the hospital and they also were not after the embezzled money they did it simply to correct the mistake of embezzling money , and some of the Ortegons worked till the end for McGregors just so they could repay what they had done for them.

Tommy greeted John with great respect and invited him into the house. John explained his situation and told him that he was in need of some money and Tommy didn't even hesitate he gave John a huge amount of money enough to last the kid for an ivy league college and transferred some money online giving John a smartphone and explaining how to use it, "Don't worry your grandson will know how to use it", Every kid these days learn how to use a smartphone first and then only they learn the other things , daily use of smartphones made it like that. John left the Ortegons manor after two hours heavily loaded with money and information.

He went home and stored up the money in the locker they had in the house , a huge locker which used to house millions of dollars was now lying with empty , John carefully placed the money inside the locker and filled a part of it.

John had asked Alex to draw something around, for the time he had gone to the Ortegons. Blacksmithing required a lot, to use a hammer you need strength , to make a weapon you need creativity and stamina ,and to master a weapon you need to know how to use the weapon. John wanted all jf Alex's wounds to heal before he taught Alex how to use a sword , bows and also guns. As Alex had been wounded the stress placed on his body was lowered by John , he made sure that Alex didn't hurt himself and the wound didn't open again. 

School started after the holidays in twenty days , so Alex had to prepare for school too.

Several days went by , Alex's wounds had healed up well and Alex's routine had no change ,getting up early in the morning and exercising his body till he can, Going for school and learning his best , returning back and helping John in blacksmithing and he was also taught swordsmanship, archery, gun shooting , hunting and farming at the side by John everything was taught to him in a consistent and steady manner and Alex absorbed everything taught as a sponge absorbs water.

John dropped Alex to school for a few days until he had gotten familiar with the route to get there and after getting familiar and making sure that Alex could reach home and school without any trouble he was given the bike. Alex didn't know how to ride a bike , but John made sure to teach him how to ride it quickly and Alex was a natural he learnt how to ride the bike without falling off many a times.

In a year , he had hunted his first animal and made his first kill , it was a small rabbit, Alex proudly carried the rabbit on his arms along with the arrow which had passed right through its eye.

Alex was pretty much a natural , he mastered everything John taught him effortlessly, he was a prodigy in fact. Alex's arrows never missed a mark, his shooting was steady and precise , his swordsmanship was improving greatly every day and the animals he caught started to differ in size slowly and were becoming big. Alex knew his limits and never pushed them , so he caught only what he could get with his abilities. John was amazed at the growth of Alex and also taught him trapmaking , identifying habitats and sounds ,and all the other stuff essential in proper hunting.

Five years passed by in a jiffy , Alex had grown well , but still John only allowed him to help in the smithy and never to forge a weapon on his own. Alex patiently waited until John told him to craft, after all patience was the most necessary quality for a blacksmith.


I hope you like this chapter.Dont forget to add this book to your collection.

Gino_Kelvincreators' thoughts