
The Tales of a Blacksmith who loved to Craft

A blacksmith who was on the verge of giving up on his trade finds a kid lying on his doorstep whom he grows up to be his own . He finds profound joy in growing him. He leaves his legacy out for him to follow and looks at him make out masterpieces that surpass him. The kid grows out to be strong and one of the best in the whole world and he spreads the love of blacksmithing in a new manner through a newly released VR game called "PANDORA"

Gino_Kelvin · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Chapter 3 Tour

John returned after two hours completing his hunt successfully. Even though John was old he was a really good with his dagger and using it at dissecting and butchering , he carried only the essential meat and its skin and left the head and all the other unnecessary parts .

It had been more than two hours since he saw Alex, Alex was waving at him while he made his way back to his home. John was really happy to see someone greet him home after a hunt, the last he experienced this was when his wife Jessica was alive.

"Wow !grandpa , how did you catch this big strange animal? ", Alex was surprised , he had never seen a boar in his life . 

Even though he was seeing this big of boar first time in his life without head lifeless and cut into pieces, he was not afraid as if the traumatic horrifying incident he faced had made him fearless , John was really surprised to see the kid's mental fortitude as it would have frightened any kid of his same age to see this big of a beast.

"Did you like my house ? ",John asked as he unequipped himself and loaded off the boar.

Alex slowly nodded , Alex had not gone inside the house he stood outside the house the entire time John had went for the hunt, Alex simply wandered around the house , and he really loved the outside, the house had a small garden and a farm outside which was enough for Alex to spend the entire time. 

John opened the door and took one glance at the floor , the settled dust had no foot mark , he knew Alex had not gone inside the house, so he turned back to Alex and gave him a gentle smile. Alex also smiled at him, "You never went in did you", asked John to which Alex sheepishly grinned. 

"Well, it was not good manner of me to have gone to hunt without giving you a good welcome and showing you around , maybe my old age is finally catching up to me", John laughed a bit and turned and gestured Alex to follow him , as he showed around the house.

The house was constructed using old wood style, it was pretty huge , it had a huge hall with two cozy chairs and a big couch. It had a small television with an antenna , it was too dusty as if it hadn't been used in a long time. A small table with a big book , it looked like it was the only book in the entire house. The walls of the house were decorated with stuffed heads of animals' bear, deer, boar then antlers of different types , large claws, the decorations made sure that they were in the house of a hunter.

John climbed the staircase which went a floor above. It had two rooms ,an enormous room with a huge bed filled with accessories and a big closet which looked untouched. And another room with not so big bed and little accessories. And beyond the two rooms was a third door which led to the toilet. It was a pretty spacious toilet and had all the facilities. Even though the house looked old it had lots of luxuries attached to it. John then showed where the attic was at then he also showed the basement , where there was a small laundry room with a washing machine and lots and lots of old stuff, which were mostly covered.

At last they went to the kitchen which was a door away from the way to the basement and a room away from the hall on the ground floor . John wanted to make food. It was time for lunch and it would be good to make lunch eat and then tour the other parts of the house he thought.

"Ho about we make lunch together", John said . Alex happily agreed. John told Alex to watch and only asked him to help when he needed something small and in reach of Alex.

John beautifully sliced the meat and made a good smelling curry lunch and rice for lunch. He also made some veggies with them considering Alex's health. 

John was a tall man he was nearly six foot two ,and on the other hand Alex was too small , a bit taller than average seven-year-olds but still not tall enough to watch John work so it was really hard for Alex to watch , so John took a small wooden chair and placed it by his side to let Alex watch what he was doing. 

Alex silently looked at everything and was learning it. The lunch was ready and the smell was really mouthwatering .

John went to the hall and showed Alex to a new room on the other side of the hall it was a dining room. It had a big dining table in the middle along with some stoic old chairs. 

John brought the lunch. The both had a very hearty lunch . Alex was full after half a plate , but just because there was extra food on his plate he tried to eat them all and finished it , he felt as if he couldn't move an inch after eating .

After an hour or so , John went on to show Alex the garden and the different trees , herbs and plants that grew in it. He also showed the farm and the different spices and crops he was growing in them.

He went on explaining about each species of tree, plant , herb and crops and Alex listened patiently without making any noise as if he was learning very important, he poured all his concentration in it. After John finished explaining , Alex asked him some questions to which John happily answered .

After spending time outside , John realised it was time for him to blacksmith and finish his daily routine. "Follow me Alex , I will show you something good.," John brought Alex to the small garage in the back where John did Blacksmithing.