Tyler is reborn into the world of Pokemon due to an angel rewarding him . follow him in his journey as he faces heartbreak and victory all while living the dream he’s had ever since he played his Pokemon game when he was 5 .
While lost in my thought I heard my sister cheering. " Way to go that was so cool, you were like a hero the way you dove and saved that poor egg." My mother was more worried that I had hurt myself considering I hadn't moved or said anything for a few moments while I was lost in thought. "Lucas are you alright sweetheart, does it hurt anywhere." "I'm alright." I responded. She just sighed letting go of her worry for me before turning to the young man who caused the situation with some anger. "And you what were you thinking and doing? You almost caused that poor Pokemon in the egg to die, if it wasn't for my son who saved it by risking bodily harm it would have." This was my first time seeing my mom this angry since the day I originally told her about being a trainer. All I could think was I never want her to yell at me like that. I swear I could see fire burning in her eyes and my whole body was shivering from the sight.
Before anything else happened I heard my father asking what happened while the sales woman he returned with looked equally confused. As my mom started to fill them in along with the man who caused the situation who was walking while texting (idiot). I got up and and went to stand by my sister. After the idiot got an earful from the woman who worked here my parents and her walked over to my sister and I. "Thank you again young man from saving the egg. I'll take it and put it back now." I flinched when she said that. "Um actually I think I want to keep it." My family looked shocked and my sister looked sad. "But brother what about Eevee." My mother and father agreed. "Yes sweetheart I thought you wanted that Eevee egg right there" my mother urged. Not wanting her living plushie to go away. "Yes Lucas I thought you got a good feeling from that egg and said you though it was special." My father asked confused by my sudden switch. " I did dad, I still think it's special and will be one of a kind Eevee but when I caught this one and looked at it I felt this one was even more special. I would like to have both but since I can only have one I will take this one " My father understanding the hidden meaning in my words only nodded and said alright. But then my oh so lovely mother chimed in. " Lucas if you feel that strongly it's not impossible to get both. Student enrolled in a trainer program are allowed up to 3 Pokemon before graduation." Yes I everything is working in my favor I had hoped for this outcome. But my father dashed my hopes. "Mary we both know that with everything going on we can't afford both eggs. The Eevee alone was pushing the budget. Son I'm sorry that as a father I can't help I feel horrible but we can't do both." I just weekly nodded a little depressed not getting the break I was hoping for. That is until the sales woman spoke up.
"You know give the situation and the fact that that egg would have been lost anyway. Let me see if I can talk my manager into giving you guys a deal." My eyes lit up and my sister who was previously on the verge of tears started happily cheering Eevee over and over. My mother also work a relieved and excited expression.while my father sincerely thanked the woman, which we all quickly followed suit. A few minutes later my family and I walked out the store with 2 eggs.
We stopped to get lunch at a burger joint. They had all sorts of burgers for sale, we alI got a beef (Miltank) burger. I definitely felt bad like I always did when I ate Pokemon no amount of doing it would stop the guilt, but damn was that burger good. After finishing lunch we decided to stop by the Cerulean gym and watch one of the sensational sisters performances. Eve loved the show and enjoyed every second, I thought it was alright but I would have been more interested in watching a gym challenge. Once the show was over my parents told me it was time for my last surprise. We then proceeded to head back to where we John dropped originally teleported us. After waiting 10 minutes or so John reappeared. Alongside 2 women who looked to be in there late 40 physically so they must be around 100. John lead them over to my family. "Is this the boy and his family" one of them asked. She and red hair and was rather short and on the plump side. John looked at them and nodded. The other woman who is a tall lanky blonde, reached her hand out to my parents and introduced them. "Hello you must be the Fairthornes, nice to meet you. My name is Fiona Scott, and this is Susan Annette. We wanted to come great the boy and give him the good news personally. It's not often the director here uses his nomination." She then turned her eyes to me Susan was now introducing herself to my parents. "Hello there Lucas ,I'm sure your very excited at the news. I also see your parents have taken you to get your first Pokemon today. I hope that luck is on your side and they hatch into splendid Pokemon." I looked at my parents who were now standing next to John all three smiling. I then glanced back to ms.Scott and asked. "Thank you for the well wishes, but im not entirely sure what's happening my parents only told me it was a surprise and that I would enjoy it." She laughed and was about to speak when ms. Annette spoke up. " I see" she said quickly glancing to the trio smirking before turning back to me with a smile herself. " well let me fill you in then. You have officially been accepted and enrolled in the 2nd best trainer school in Kanto, Cerulean Academy. It is only behind Oak academy in Pallet City in terms of prestige and shows very comparable results during the inter academy tournaments."
I took a few minutes to register what she said before looking at my parents and then back to the duo in front of me. I was speechless though try as I might I couldn't find the words. It didn't make sense we don't live in this city and I definitely didn't take any tests that must be surely needed to qualify for this place. Then I finally remembered they called John director and said he nominated me. My eyes quickly shot over to the man who must know what I'm thinking as he only nods his head back at me with a grin as soon as my gaze lands upon him. I finally speak after what seems to be minutes in my mind but was closer to only 20/30 seconds. " thank you both Ms Annette and Ms Scott. And thank you to sir" I spoke loudly before continuing " it is an honor to get in to such a prestigious school and I hope to preform well and show that the directors faith in me was well placed"
"Of course young man, and it certainly seems you quite well spoken for one so young hopefully this is an indication your advanced in other ways too." Ms Annette replied before turning to walk back to the group of adults. " yes and it was a pleasure to meat you Lucas, and you to sweetheart" Ms Scott says to my sister and I before following suit. I turn to look at my sister who looks a little confused at every thing. Before taking her back to our parents who by this point had bid farewell to the trio.
"So what do you think of the surprise,are you excited to go to such a great school?" My father asks smugly. I nod before replying, " Yes of course father,but how is this possible. We don't live here how would I travel to school everyday." My mother stiffened at my question and looked sad, while my father wrapped his arms around her in support while replying. "Yes your mother and I are both aware of that but Cerulean Academy also has dorms for students since many families send there children her from across the region." I nodded at this. My sister who grasped the situation immediately. Latched her self to me while she repeatedly said no over and over while tears leaked from her eyes. Which seemed to break the damn for my mother. Who also rushed over to us enveloping both of us in a hug with tears streaming down her face. My father also sported a melancholic look himself as he came to join the family hug. Soon I found my own eyes watering as I had truly grown to view this family like my original and was not keen on being away from them for extended periods of time for the next 7 years.
After an impromptu family bonding moment. My sister had actually cried herself to sleep. My father picked her up before calling his friend . Who by know had finished teleporting the women back to where they needed to be. Upon arrival he easily sensed the somber attitude. Whether it be my sisters puffy red cheeks , or the fact that my mother was grasping me tightly. After teleporting us back to our home I made sure to thank him whole heartedly before asking " just curious but why would you nominate me when we never met what if I don't do well." To which he just casually replied " I know your father and I know he doesn't lie or exaggerate so I trusted him when he said you were special and would be one of the greatest trainers to ever live." With that statement he just disappeared. Well looks like I have even more of a reason to reach my goal I thought.