
The Tale Of The Blue Wolf

Life is like a playground the gods use to play fate. Nineteen year old Velma has extraordinary and forbidden powers but is yet to wolf out making her an outcast in the society. When she finally does— at the blood moon festival, she is rejected by her mate the Alpha of Aysun because she's the wolf that was prophesied about. The coming of the Blue Wolf would be the beginning of chaos. Artemis is only an Alpha in replacement of his sister's dead mate. As Alpha he has the responsibility to protect the people and reinstate his sister back to her position. He is ready to go to any length to restore his sister's sanity and take revenge on who killed his sister's mate. When he finds out his mate is the blue wolf that was prophesied about, he must make a hard decision to abandon her in order to protect the things he holds dear to his heart. As events unfold, he realizes the deeper meaning behind the prophecy and unravels dark secrets; his enemies are closer than he thinks. Velma is the one that holds to the key to the chains that binds him but it might just be too late for him...

Inkbank · Fantasie
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202 Chs

Chapter One Hundred & Thirty Four:Who Shall Be Heir?

It took Lord Cyrus six months to be able to create a meeting for those involved in the exclusion of the princess campaign. Even then, the persons involved refused to reveal their faces and names ans so the meeting was a rather strange one with the attendants hiding beneath a mask and a voice modulator.

The meeting went thus:

"Distinguished noble men of the highest rank," started Lord Cyrus, "I would say welcome but as I do not know who called this meeting but only its purpose, I shall keep my welcome. Regardless, it is an honour to be in the same room with those who hold our dear pack to the highest expectations."

"Thank you, comrade. I greet you all," said another.

"Our purpose is clear. The throne must have a worthy candidate."

"Those who support the princess are in the wrong, especially those who say her rule will uphold the tradition of our forebears."