
The irresistible beauty

Today was a normal day in the Mei Mansion. Mei Wei and Aman were walking in the gardens of the Mansion. While walking, Mei Wei held Aman's hand and looked at their entwined fingers. Both of them were walking quietly, enjoying the pleasant weather of today. They were discussing the little daily things. 

Mei Wei was estranged to know that Aman did not know many things about daily life. That was why he kept reading different books. He was oblivious to many things. It was almost like Aman was not from this world.

 After their walk Mei Wei and Aman sat on a bench. More like Aman was sitting while Mei Wei was lying on the sofa, his head resting on Aman's lap. He was playing with Aman's hand. Aman was still reading a book with his other hand that he had carried from the house.

Suddenly, their house butler came near them and said, "sir, young mistress Mo is here. She wants to see you."

 "Let her in, and send her here uncle", Mei Wei answered politely.

Mo Chan was the same girl who had asked Mei Wei if she could write a boys' love fanfiction imagining them as the main couple. Mei Wei had given her his consent. But Aman didn't know about it.

 She has been in contact with Mei Wei and Aman since then. In Aman's eyes she was the very first friend Mei Wei made besides him. She sometimes visited their house too. She was quite a nice girl, a bit shy in social matters but a pro about bl. She was a little clumsy too. She had a tendency to always break the vases of their house. She had already broken more than 10 vases.

Since the last six months, she has been writing this novel. Mei Wei had read it. It was really a good novel and readers were really appreciating her work. And whenever Mei Wei thinks about those NSFW scenes he would always feel hot around his face. But it didn't stop him from reading it more than a few times. After all he could only live his fantasy like this…..yet.

He was still holding Aman's hand. Thinking about those scenes, a mischievous thought came into Mei Wei's mind. He put Aman's hand close to his mouth and bit his fingers.

Aman hissed in pain, he said, "ah! my prince, what are you doing? Why are you biting me? Are you that hungry that you started eating me? Hmm?"

Mei Wei answered, smiling mischievously, "yeah, I will eat you alive, from head to toe." 

Aman pinched his cheeks and scolded him not so seriously, "you stinky brat."

 Mei Wei laughed.

Both of them were sitting under a garden pavilion where two long benches were facing each other with a centre table.

Mo Chan came over. Seeing that both of them looked quite intimate, she tried to go back. Due to her clumsiness she knocked off a hanging flower pot and broke it. Hearing the noise Aman and Mei Wei looked at her. A knowing look plastered on their faces. 

She said embarrassedly, "you two.... continue.... I... I.. will come later. I didn't see anything. Carry on, carry on. Don't mind me." 

After saying this she hurriedly turned over but accidentally broke another flower pot.

She slowly turned over and spoke apologetically, "I am truly sorry."

Mei Wei smiled and said, "don't worry Mo Chan, it's nothing. Anyway they were getting old." Aman nodded and then remembered what Mo Chan was saying a few moments earlier.

Aman looked confused, "Miss Chan, what are you saying? Oh!" He realised and then said, Miss Chan we were just playing."

Mo Chan was now really embarrassed, she apologized again, "oh! I am very sorry."

 Aman smiled, "it's alright. Please be seated."

She sat on the other bench. Mei Wei was still in his previous position and it didn't seem that he was likely to get up. So she started talking, "brother Wei, today I am here because I need your help for an urgent matter. Please you must help me." 

Mei Wei thought she wanted more couple pictures of them. Mei Wei asked her, "what? You want more pics?"

 Mo Chan replied hastily, "no, no it's not about that, although some more pictures would be really great. But I am here for a different matter today." 

Mei Wei asked again, "then tell me what's the matter?"

Mo Chan answered, "brother Mei, the thing is, I have an elder cousin who lives in a far away city from here. She is coming to this city because of some business matters. We don't know how long it will take her work to finish and her father doesn't want her to live in a hotel for that long. Originally she was going to live with us. But my grandmother who lives abroad suddenly fell seriously ill, now she wants all of our family members to be present there in her supposedly fourth, last moments. Therefore my cousin can't live with us. Thus, I request you to please let her live in your house for a short period of time, when we will come back, she can live with us. Please bother Wei, I will be grateful to you. I will treat you after coming back. I could have asked brother Alex but as you know he is in another city for the last five months and he doesn't have any plan to come back. So please you must help me."

She had formed a sort of friendship with Alex too. But she couldn't ask him now.

Hearing all of this Aman's ears perked up, he thought 'so, Luo Li is Mo Chan's cousin. Hmmm interesting....'

Mei Wei thought it was not too bad. But since Aman came into his life, he never took any decision without discussing it with Aman. He asked Aman, "Aman, what do you think about it?" 

Aman answered pretending to be thinking for a moment, "I think it's not any inconvenience for us, my prince. We should help our friends, when they are in need. Besides, having a guest at home is pretty good. You may also learn some business tricks from her." 

Aman was feeling guilty about lying to Mei Wei but helping Luo Li to come and live in their house was more important. Besides, she was the daughter of diamond King Luo Xi Ying. She must know a lot of business tricks.

Mei Wei looked at Mo Chan and said, "okay miss Chan, your cousin can stay at our house."

 "And don't worry, tell her father too that we will take great care of her. We will treat her as our elder sister", Aman also said. Mei Wei agreed by nodding his head. 

Mo Chan sincerely thanked them, "thank you so much. I owe you one." 

Before Mei Wei could say anything else, she suddenly looked at her watch and said, "oh my god! I am late. I have to go. Remember she will come tomorrow, her name is Luo Li and I will send you other details via text." She, then hurriedly strode away. 

Aman thought, 'this is going to be fun.'


The next day, a luxurious car stopped in front of the Mei mansion. A girl came out of it, she looked no more than 24 years old. She looked at the house in front of her and said, "so…... this is the Mei Mansion…. our battlefield. Impressive." Seeing her some servants rushed over to her. Two servants took out her luggage from her car and started to walk towards the house hurriedly, their hearts beating quite fast.

 A servant who was in charge of parking the vehicle stood there near the girl. His hand was stretched, he was motionless and mouth agape. It looked like he was shocked. The girl looked at him, seeing his stretched hand, she said awkwardly, handing him the car keys, "here.. you go." The servant clutched the keys like his life depended in them. 

The girl thought it was strange, she shook her head a little. She grabbed her silver handbag and started walking towards the house. Two servants who were gardening saw her and they accidentally collided with each other. The girl giggled sweetly at them.

It was not exactly their fault, the girl looked like a beauty model. She was wearing a tight silver dress which sparkled a little. Her black hair was curled at the end. She was walking very gracefully with her high heels and her face was most beautiful. She was the epitome of beauty and elegance. All in all she was an irresistible beauty.

When she walked in the house, she saw Aman and Mei Wei standing there with a bouquet to welcome her. Seeing her, Mei Wei's mouth was agape, he looked stunned. Aman looked at them, "aham!" he fake coughed and Mei Wei got out of his trance. He handed her the bouquet and said, "welcome to Mei mansion miss Li. I hope you will feel comfortable here."

 "Of course I will", she said while smiling and hugged him. Then she went to hug Aman as well, Aman whispered in her ear, "don't you ever dare to do your charm on my prince. He is an innocent person and I don't want to see even a scratch upon him." Mei Wei who was tasting his own medicine looked at them and too fake coughed. Both of them parted away only then he took a long breath. He doesn't like anyone touching his Aman.

Mei Wei started introducing, "hello, Miss Li, my name is Mei Wei and let me introduce you to everyone here. The person you are standing beside is my best friend Aman. Besides being my best friend he is also the patriarch of this house, and is also not interested in anyone." Mei Wei couldn't help but add the last point, although he believed that this girl is not that type of person but when it comes to Aman he can't take any risks. Thus he made this clear Aman is not interested. After that he introduced her to other servants and staff members of the house.

After some time when they were drinking tea, Mei Wei asked Luo Li, "Miss Li, may I ask what type of work are you here for?" 

Luo Li answered, "oh! both of you can call me sister Li, and about my business, you probably know my dad, the diamond king Luo Xi Ying." At Mei Wei's nod, she continued, "so yeah he wanted to expand our business to the herbal fragrance business as well. Thus he sent me here to collaborate with a few parties. In this way I can learn about this business really fast and the efficiency of our work will be great."

 Aman replied, "that's really good then. The Mei family is also in the perfume business." He informed her.

Luo Li answered, "yeah your company is one of the companies which I am collaborating with." 

Mei Wei spoke, "it's our pleasure to work with you and Luo enterprises." However, Aman continued, "Do you know my prince will also start to take part in business after his 20th birthday. I hope you can give him some tips." 

Luo Li smiled and answered, "of course I would be happy to. He looks like a promising businessman."


Everyone in the house was happy. But in their hearts each one of them was laying a different trap for someone.

Someone was thinking how lovely it would be to trap a person in a love trap.

Someone was thinking how good it would be to trap a person in a trap for people who are greedy for money.

Someone was thinking how good it would be to catch a person in a death trap.

Author's note:- if you are confused about the last lines, here is the meaning-

Mei Wei wanted to trap Aman in a love trap.

Luo Li wanted to trap the remaining culprits in a greed trap.

Aman wanted his culprits to trap in a death trap.

If you are still confused about Luo Li's birth, an Ichadhari Nag can have a child with humans. There is a reference of this in the great 'Mahabharata'. But of course that was not a case of male pregnancy. But in my story male pregnancy is possible if you are not comfortable with it please leave.

Please please do comment. I only have two comments so far. Please comment and review.

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