
The Tale of Revenge [BL]

Hello! My name is Aman Vasuki. I belong to the Royal Family of Vasuki Clan which is the Clan of Shapeshifting Serpents. Currently, I am working as a caretaker of a human boy named Mei Wei. Why? Because I am going to kill his father…. Aman's life was like a dream. He belonged to the Royal Family of a Clan of Shapeshifting Serpents. He had a loving family, supportive friends and riches of the world. All in all, he lived a dream like life. But one day this dream got shattered… On the night of blood moon, when he was stripped off his powers, four humans ruined him. They took what was most precious to him…. But, now he is back to get his revenge on the very people that snatched his world from him. But why does Mei Wang's son always give him a look which is filled with love? And why does his heart suddenly start feeling calm when he is close to Mei Wei? Excerpt: The cold wind was blowing with a swoosh sound. The area was dead silent despite four people being there and a fifth pair of eyes looking at them. Aman's upper human body was glistening with a little sweat, Meanwhile his lower body was turned into a fiery red snake's. The golden pattern on it shining under the moonlight. In this snake tail, he was holding a trembling human. He was trembling with fear of death. Aman brought him closer and looked at him closely. He turned back, his long red hair blowing with the wind, suddenly he laughed out loud but this laugh was not heartily but bone chilling, "I am so happy to see the fear of death in your eyes, SAGE SAETANG!" He laughed again, "I think this look of fear suits all three of you. You know, when I killed your friend Melvin he was even crying and even begging me to spare him. Unfortunately, death is inevitable. Is it not?" Aman asked Sage, as he brought him closer and rubbed his hair with his hand like a child. He was smiling but his eyes were filled with killing intent. The rub resulted in Sage's scalp becoming numb, he furiously nodded, "of course his pathetic twin brother did not fare any better. I did not get the feeling of originality, you know." Aman pouted, showing his dissatisfaction, "wailing and gaping like a fish out of water. He even offered me that he would give all of his properties to me? But what use could I have of that. This look of fear provides me with much satisfaction than any riches in the world." "And now, now the same look is in your eyes. I bet you can see death standing somewhere. But why are you not pleading? At least cry a little," Aman told Sage whose mouth was still sealed. Cold flashes in his eyes and he started tightening the coiling of his tail around Sage's body, "forget it. Do as you please. After all it's your own death. But don't blame me if Mei Wang cries louder and surpasses you when I kill him." He showed a smile that made Sage's stomach flip, "I can't wait anymore to kill-" "AMAN!!" The shout was loud enough but Aman could even feel the emotions hidden in it, shock, betrayal, disbelief and extreme hurt. His whole demeanour fell on the ground, he also changed back into a complete human. Sage also fell on the hard ground with him. Aman looked up and there he was. Standing in front of him was Mei Wei…. **** How would Mei Wei react? And will their relationship survive this? What did those four people do to destroy Aman's life? Why does he want to take revenge? Is it possible for 4 mere humans to ruin a supernatural being? Or someone entirely unexpected is the mastermind behind? Join me to witness Aman's Tale of Revenge and find out all the answers to all of your questions.... Warning:- This story contains mature scenes; explicit violence, death, rape, male pregnancy and torture. If you are not comfortable or you are underage please stay away. **Although in every mature themed chapter there is a warning and a minor friendly summary available. *the cover photo credit goes to @unlomio on twitter. Thanks @ImagineTishaD for helping me.*

themysteryboy07 · LGBT+
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186 Chs

The Consequences of Misinterpreted Message

Kevin was pacing in his room impatiently. Aman did not return his bouquet and he knew what it meant. His offer was accepted. He was ecstatic now. He always felt it was good to have consensual sex. It was much more pleasurable. That was why he was going through all this trouble. 

His body already started to heat after thinking about that. He opened his cupboard and brought out a wooden box. He opened the box and found his collection. The collection contained the pictures of his prey or he might say his victims. He looked at each of them one by one. He remembered their stories too. He looked at a blank space and smirked. This place was for his current prey. And after today he was going to put Aman's photo there. He just wanted to do that  as soon as possible.

He searched through the box and found the things he needed for today. He checked that there were condoms of several different flavours and types. Then he brought out the bottle of lube. 

This lube was his favourite because it was one of the best and obviously expensive lube. Of course he wanted to have the best lube for his pleasurable activity. He was not the one who got contented with some cheap stuff.

But looking at the bottle he found it was empty. He closed the box and put it back in the cupboard.

 He thought of getting a new bottle as soon as possible, moreover they also had to do that outside of the Mei Mansion. Because the young brat would definitely don't let Aman do that with him.

He thought how Mei Wei's face would look when he would tell him that he had a taste of his dear Aman. He smirked at the thought of it. That brat would probably die with heartbreak. Well, that was good too. Then Mei Wang would get all the property and he wouldn't have to look at Sage for money.

But first he had to get a new bottle of lube and book a hotel suite for them. He left the house in a good mood.


As Kevin went out, Aman barged into his room and found that the room was empty. He was enraged, "what does the fool think of himself? Sending a bouquet like this? He probably doesn't want to live anymore. Now where the hell is he? I should probably throw this bouquet on his face this time."

Aman looked into his room and found an empty bottle on the bed. He picked up the bottle and found that it was a bottle of lube. His anger reached new levels. He threw the bottle on the wall, it broke into many pieces. His eyes turned green, he grinded his teeth and thought  'that sorry piece of human! He even took out this kind of thing. Does he want to be killed? I will rather die than letting him touch me. I don't know why this human is utterly foolish.'

As he was thinking this, he heard a voice behind him, "oh my god! Who is the reason for this wrath?"

Aman turned and found Asnee looking at him with a raised eyebrow. Aman quickly composed himself and calmed down a little. 

Asnee walked towards him and asked, "who is the person that is the target of this fury. I think he would definitely not live anymore."

Aman thought in his heart, 'of course he won't.'

Aman said in a low voice, "who other than your, blinded by lust boss, Kevin Evans. He asked me to have sex with him."

Asnee made an acknowledging sound, "I am really sorry on his behalf. I am ashamed to call myself his employee." He bowed his head in shame.

Aman patted his shoulder, "it's not your fault that you are his employee. Besides he also forced you to become his employee. You don't need to say sorry on his behalf."

Asnee nodded slowly, "so what are you going to do about that?" He asked nervously. He was still shocked at seeing Aman's fury. 

Aman's anger flared up again, he clenched his fists tightly. He answered, "if he dares to think that I would ever agree to his request then he cannot be more wrong in his entire life."

"But….he went outside smirking like a psycho. I don't know what he was thinking but I don't think he has good intentions. You should be careful. I am quite worried about you," he warned Aman.

Aman replied, "don't worry about me. I can handle him all by myself. He can't do anything to me at all. I assure you."

Asnee slowly nodded his head. Both of them went silent for a few times.

Then Asnee suddenly smiled and spoke, "oh look at me! I am such a forgetful person. Even forgot why I came here originally."

Aman looked at him, puzzled.

Asnee smiled, took Aman's hands in his hands and squeezed them lightly. He displayed a grateful smile and said, "thank you so much for that amount. I know it's you who deposited the money in my account."

Aman realised what he was saying and said, "no-no what are you saying? I didn't do anything."

But Asnee caught his lie, "don't lie. I know it was you."

Aman smiled sheepishly, "okay I admit that it was me. But I hope that amount can at least do a little good to you. I am sorry I could not give you that much as that was all left in my account."

Asnee reassured him, "oh! Don't worry about that. I am so thankful to you that I can't even express it in words. I can just say this- Thank you so so much." As he said this he bowed in front of Aman.

Aman smiled and patted his shoulders. Then he left the room.

Asnee looked at his retreating back and said to himself, 'this boy is too good for his own good.' 


Aman went back to his room and found that indecent bouquet. He picked it up and looked through it. He found that these flowers were rare and had a great herbal value. He said, "well I should probably plant them. Anyway I have already lied about this to my prince."

As he said this he walked towards the gardens of Mei Mansion.


Kevin returned after reserving a suite at a hotel and purchasing a bottle of lube. The only thing left now was to take Aman with him. He searched through the Mei Mansion and found Aman in the gardens.

He was standing there, a little bent with headphones. When Kevin looked clearly he found that he was watering the plants. He felt the desire welled up in him.

He went towards Aman and thought of a good plan to seduce Aman.

On the other side Mei Wei cut a call he was currently on the phone with his professor. 

His professor had called up to tell him that today's exam was cancelled due to some unusual circumstances. He informed him that now his exams were officially over and he would receive the results in a few weeks.

Mei Wei was ecstatic at this news. His education was complete and he could take over the business now. He had already started participating in the company's affairs a little by little. Of course his 'dear' father was doing everything in his power to stop him but he was not going to be defeated by his father. No matter what his father did. 

He could propose Aman too. Now, he could take care of Aman completely. He had already decided that he was going to treat Aman like a king. THE KING OF HIS HEART.

He went to search for Aman and give him this good news. He went to Aman's room and found that Aman was not there. 

Then he recalled that Aman had told him that he wanted to plant those flowers. He thought Aman was there. He went to the gardens in search of Aman.

He saw Aman was there watering the plants he had just planted.

However he frowned when he saw someone walking sneakily towards Aman. Aman's back was towards them so he couldn't see Kevin.


Aman watered the flowers after planting them. He was listening to some songs. He had to admit these humans sometimes made good music.

He suddenly felt someone embracing him from behind. He first thought it was Mei Wei. 

But then after a few seconds he realised it was not Mei Wei. Because the other person was grinding against him. His Mei Wei would never do a thing like that. He recognised the hands that were roaming around his body. It was - Kevin Evans.

His mind exploded. He turned back and pushed Kevin off of him. He yelled, "how dare you! You are molesting and assaulting me. You stupid garbage." He thought about crushing Kevin's head there.

But before he could do anything, Mei Wei came there enraged, he grabbed Kevin's collar and punched him square on his face. Blood gushed out from Kevin's nose. But Mei Wei was not satisfied yet. He threw Kevin on the ground and sat on top of him. 

He yelled, "how dare you! You touched MY Aman. Don't you want to live anymore?" He punched Kevin again, "If yes then I would grant you this wish today." He threw a heavy punch at Kevin's chest, "You touched my Aman, my Aman. You tried to molest him." 

He tried to punch Kevin again, Kevin was already in pain but he still gathered some energy, tried to protect his face with his arms and said stuttering, "h..he..he... agreed to it...he gave me…. his consent."

Aman was shocked at Mei Wei's sudden outburst. He shouted at Kevin, "I never gave you my consent. You assumed that all."

Kevin felt rage bubbling up in him, he yelled back at him, "liar!"

Mei Wei punched him again, "don't talk to my Aman like that. If I don't kill you today you might try harras my Aman if I am not there to protect him." As he said this he grabbed Kevin's throat.

Aman did not want Mei Wei to kill that scum and be a murderer. Besides Kevin was his prey. 

Thus he went towards Mei Wei and tried to get Mei Wei off of Kevin. Mei Wei was so enraged that he didn't even acknowledge Aman trying to stop him. He accidentally pushed Aman. Aman fell on the ground.

Mei Wei abruptly stopped, got off of Kevin and ran to pick Aman. He apologized to Aman, "I am so sorry Aman. I did not see you. Please forgive me."

Aman shaked his head as he held Mei Wei's hand, "don't worry about me. I am okay. Let's go inside and leave that piece of garbage here."

Mei Wei tried to cut him, "but Aman….."

Aman put his finger on Mei Wei's lips and silenced him, "please, my prince. I am in pain. Let's go inside. Please…."

When Mei Wei heard that Aman was in pain he forgot everything else and picked Aman bridal style. He started going towards their house but not before kicking Kevin one last time.

Kevin groaned in immense pain. He laid there and looked at their retreating backs, he grinned his teeth, "you will regret this, you bloody servant..."

A/N:- I know I am updating this after a very long time. But I had my things that kept me busy. Though I am not promising  that I will update frequently now.

And more importantly I am not getting enough comments from you my dear readers. Please do comment and tell me what do you think about it.