Warning: This chapter has scenes that contain violence. If you are not comfortable with it, kindly read the summary in the author's thoughts of this chapter.
Although Mei Wang hadn't believed him, Melvin was extremely scared after last night's incident.
He felt like an invisible blade was being lowered towards his neck with each passing minute.
He had made the decision to leave the country the next day, and he didn't sleep the entire night out of fear.
The next day, when Mei Wei went downstairs, he saw all the servants in the house were looking for something, including Aman.
He frowned. He asked Aman as he went there, "Aman, what are you looking for?"
Aman greeted him, "Good morning, My Prince. We are looking for Sir Evan's passport. He has somehow lost it."
As he said this, Melvin also came, and he was ordering the servants to look for his passport at every corner.
Aman told him, "Sir, we have looked everywhere, but we can't find it."
Melvin muttered, "It must be taken by him. Yeah, right, it must be him!"
"Who, Uncle?" Mei Wei asked.
Melvin knew he couldn't tell anyone about that, so he replied, "No, nothing. Don't meddle."
Mei Wang also came downstairs with a suitcase.
Seeing him, Mei Wei and Aman walked away. He looked at Melvin and saw his haggard looks. He asked, "Why are you looking like a ghost?"
Melvin replied, "I didn't sleep last night. I was thinking about 'him' the whole night. But it's not important; my passport is lost, and I can't leave this country now. I am telling you it must be done by him."
Mei Wang looked annoyed and said, "You are still talking that nonsense. I have told you so many times that he can't come back. Now stop this rubbish."
Melvin was about to interrupt him, but his gaze swept at the suitcase in Mei Wang's hand. He asked anxiously, "Whe... where are you going?"
Mei Wang replied, "I can't live in this house; it is that brat's. I am going to have some fun."
Hearing this, Melvin told him anxiously, "No, no, you can't leave me alone in this. I have to leave this country as soon as possible, and you know that according to our country's law, a new passport will be issued only after one month if you have lost the old one. You can't leave me alone; what if he comes when I am alone?"
Mei Wang told him, now completely angry, "You have again started spouting that rubbish. I can't live with you; if you don't want to live alone, stay here. Here are many servants and that brat to accompany you."
After he said this, Mei Wang left the house and went away, leaving Melvin in the house alone.
A week has already passed, and nothing has happened.
Melvin's fear was gradually diminishing. He thought maybe it was him seeing things because of his drunkenness. After all, when he looked into the room again, he saw no one there. So he may be just imagining things.
They say that old habits die hard, and it was really true for a playboy like Melvin Evans.
A week has passed, and he hasn't had sex. For a person like him, sex was addicting, and he couldn't stay away from it any longer.
He was frustrated. Today, he hooked up with a beautiful girl on a dating app. He was going to meet her in a hotel room.
Everything was ready. He entered the beautiful honeymoon suite of the five-star hotel.
However, as he reached the room, he saw there was no one in it. He thought it was strange, so he looked into the room and found a red note lying on the bed.
'I am outside to buy some wine; I'll be back in a little bit. Freshen up yourself; after I come back, our fun will begin.'
Melvin smiled after reading the note and said to himself, "Baby, I can't wait. Let's freshen up."
And he went to the bathroom to freshen up. Then he heard someone's footsteps in the room and said, "You are back; I am in the bathroom; come here."
The sound of footsteps was becoming closer. Melvin splashed some water on his face, and when he looked at the mirror, he saw there was something written on it, and it was written with blood.
'You will feel my agony. You will feel my pain.'
Melvin saw a reflection in the mirror; it was a boy whose body was covered with darkness; only his eyes could be seen.
They were the same pair of eyes. The same blazing green eyes with vertical black pupils.
Melvin covered his face; he fell to the ground and screamed. The boy made a cut on his leg with swift action.
Suddenly, hurried footsteps could be heard. A girl rushed over to him and asked, "What are you doing on the ground? What happened?"
Melvin pointed at the mirror and said, "Look, he is back. He has written his message on the mirror, on the mirror, with... with blood."
The girl looked in the mirror and said, "Nothing is there! Look for yourself."
Melvin roared, "You... you are lying. It is there. Go...go away. You don't believe me."
The girl snorted, "Idiot! If you don't believe me, then don't. I also don't want to stay with a lunatic like you." After she said this, the girl stormed out.
After the girl went away, Melvin sat there for a long time. He was scared to the core.
A long time passed; it was already after midnight, but nothing happened again. Melvin gathered some courage and called Mei Mansion's driver to pick him up.
Nobody believed him; he had called Mei Wang and his other friends, who were his partners in that crime, to tell them and warn them, but they didn't believe him at all.
But now he couldn't fool himself anymore because the wound on his leg was there to prove it.
The following two weeks were really painful for Melvin.
Strange things were happening to him. Like his food suddenly turning mouldy or sudden currents of pain in his entire body.
But whenever he tried to tell people about it, suddenly everything turned back to normal.
Everything except his legs.
Every time things like this happened, there was a new wound on his legs, and these wounds were really painful.
Seeing his strange behaviour, everybody had already started thinking of him as a lunatic. But he couldn't care about it. He had to leave this country as soon as possible.
It was his last week in this country. His passport was already back, and he was going back tomorrow. After dinner, Melvin went to his room. He was getting very little sleep these days. As he opened the door, he saw the lights were off, so he put on the lights.
There he saw it—it was his dead body.
Seeing this, Melvin screamed. He accidentally knocked off a glass vase, and it broke into countless pieces.
The body lying on the ground turned into Sage's, then into Kevin, then into Mei Wang, and lastly into his again. Melvin was screaming senselessly; he covered his face with his hands.
Suddenly, his room's door opened, and many people rushed there, including Mei Wei, Aman, and some servants.
Seeing him like this, Mei Wei asked, "Uncle, what happened to you? Why are you sitting like this?" Melvin just pointed at the bed.
Everybody was now familiar with this type of behaviour, so nobody reacted wildly.
Mei Wei sighed and said through gritted teeth, "Uncle, there is nothing in the bed; see for yourself."
Melvin slowly uncovered his face, and really, there was no one there. Not even blood stains on white bedsheets.
The people around Melvin saw the broken glass and the new wound on Melvin's leg. Mei Wei ordered a servant to "take care of his wound."
He then said, "Uncle, you are going tomorrow; you should take some rest."
Melvin replied, "No, rest. I won't sleep tonight."
"Suit yourself," Mei Wei said, and she went away.
Melvin didn't sleep for an entire night. Early the next day, he had already packed his belongings and was ready to leave. He didn't even eat breakfast.
He was now sitting in the car on the way to the airport.
Suddenly, he noticed that a turn the driver took led to a jungle, not to the airport. He said, "Hey! Where are you going? My destination is not this way."
The driver stopped the car and said, "I am taking you to your right destination."
"Your last destination."
Melvin's heart dropped. "What do you mean? Who are you?"
The driver turned and said, "Who am I? Don't you know me?"
Melvin was shocked to see that person with green eyes. He couldn't believe it was him. He had never expected that it would be this person. "It's you. It was you all the way. Why are you doing this? I haven't done anything to you."
"You haven't? Don't you remember 1.5 years ago? Yeah, it was me—me—whose life you and your friends destroyed. You took everything from me, and now I will take your life from you. Remember, you held my legs, so I gave you the return gift. I will give you a really painful death, and it is just the beginning of my revenge tale."
Melvin could only watch him with fear. He couldn't have imagined this person would be him. His whole body was trembling, and he was regretting every single thing he did to him that night.
=Chapter summary==
In this chapter, as mentioned in the previous chapter, Melvin Evans was extremely scared after that incident. The next day, he wanted to go back abroad, but his passport got lost. Mei Wang does not stay with him. Thus, he started living with Mei Wei. After one week, he also started to think that the incident was only his imagination. He went on a date with a girl. But in the bathroom, he saw a warning in the mirror. After that, he went back, and strange things started happening to him. With that, he always got a wound on his legs. A day before his departure, he was met with a very shocking and frightening scene. But when everybody came to check, nothing was there. The next day, he departed for the airport, but his driver took a turn into the forest. Only then did he realise that it was not his driver but that same person from almost two years ago. The person whom he and his friends thought dead.