
Unknown Feelings

"So... Why do you need the element of Fire?", the criminal asked as the ship continued to sail, in an apparent attempt to befriend us. But I was still skeptical about trusting him, even if I have allowed him to come with us...

"Well... It's a bit complicated of a story... There's a secret place which will only open by a key made of the mix of the four elements...", I explained to him and he suddenly opened his eyes wide open.

"A secret treasure place?", he asked and I sighed a little... I should've expected that he would be interested in such a thing, but to his dismay, I shook my head in denial.

"Nothing of the sort... It's just in the name of love...", I said and smiled with myself a little, remembering the princess.

"Speaking of it... Could you finish what you started to tell us?", Jeffrey asked from the steering wheel of the ship while the fox nodded in agreement. I was glad to know that they were interested in it.

"Well... Sure, I will tell you a bit more of my love story...", I said and the criminal just walked away from us, clearly uninterested in the story. It's not like I could force him anyway, so I just started to tell it to who was interested...


"Hurry up, Dagger! You're my personal guard now, you need to be by my side, always", she said excitedly while pulling me with her to inside her bedroom.

"Are you really fine with that? I mean... It's just-"

"Don't worry", she interrupted me. "I was hoping to have you as my personal guard, you're the only soldier of the Coventry I can talk more freely rather than just coldly... And it just becomes very lonely when you can't have a normal conversation with those around you...", she said and I couldn't help but smile a little, seeing how important I was to her.

"Well, it's my duty to protect you, if I must scare the loneliness away, then I will"

"My knightess in shining armor", she happily said this common phrase that you use to refer to the heroes and loves of your life. It was a little bit embarrassing to be called that, but since she was probably just saying it as a joke, I could quickly recompose myself.

We would spend hours and hours together... Training during the darkness of the night, chatting away during the light of the day. One can say that have one friend only can be quite boring. But I think the opposite... Every day something new happens. Every day... Something can change. I wonder, though... When did my feelings for her change from friendship to love?

Perhaps when she told me her dreams about ruling this kingdom all by herself, not surrendering her authority to the man she marries with. On that day, I held her hand in mine and said "no matter what happens, I will be there to support you and, if possible, I will clear the path to your dreams".

Perhaps it was when we trained together... I saw her growing stronger and learning something new every day, and this often made me smile proudly for her... It was even better when she was happy with the progress she had made.

Or, perhaps, it was when something simpler happened, like the day we were in the garden behind the palace. We sat beside each other and didn't share any words... We just looked at the sunset and appreciated it, exchanging small glances of happiness every now and then.

But, speaking of the feeling itself, I only realized it far after those things happened... Her sorrow and her goodbyes to me always brought a bit of pain to my chest... Her happiness and smiles always made my heart beat faster and bring a smile to my face... But most importantly, I really was caring about her, not just because I was her personal guard...

"That can't be love", I told myself countless times... Caring, be happy when the other smiles, be sad when the other cries... That easily can be just a friendship and I convinced myself of that for a long time...

But the feelings I feel... They are much stronger than just a feeling caused by our friendship. Strange wishes would fill my mind from time to time... The desire of wanting to hold her close, feel her warmth on my skin, hold her hands... And... Touch each other lips... It was so strange, I was becoming less honorable for just thinking that.

These feelings forced my limits one day, however. I had to tell them to someone... I had to understand what was happening with me... And there's no one I trust more than the princess herself, even if she's the causer of all of this in the first place.

"... Back up here, once more. What did you want to talk about, Dagger?", she said while I locked the door behind us to make sure we would have our little alone time.

"It's just... I am really confused. I... I feel like I am lost in a maze, where there's no possible exit. I... I... Sometimes... I would look at you, Isabelle, and I would feel a strange sensation of smiling upon seeing your own smile. Crying whenever I see you sad. Protecting you when I see you in danger..."

"That's okay... I think everyone has those feelings for other people who are dear to them. There's nothing to be-"

"Wait, there's more. Do you... Do you promise you will not judge me for what I am about to say? That you will not be grossed out with me?", I asked while holding my fist tight in a failed attempt to relieve the tension and stress across my body. She was confused as well and looked at me in the eyes, while I avoided looking back.

"I promise, Dagger. Whatever happens, we're friends until the bitter end...", she said and I took a very deep breath before letting the words I needed out.

"It's just... It's just... I have... Another... Another strange feeling... Which makes me think only of you every day. Which makes me want to hold you close... Which makes me want to be the closest to you. It's not just the desire of being the special friend, it's... It's... Maybe it's love?", I said, slowing down in the last words while my voice got lower and lower towards the end. Taking a deep breath, I looked at her face... She was surprised, perhaps even shocked... That's when I regretted everything...

"Ah... Ah... I am sorry. I should... I know this is wrong, I will try to suppress my feelings better from now on and-"

"Shush...". She interrupted me, placing a finger over my mouth and then smiling just slightly at me. "Dagger... I... I also have those strange feelings you have. The desire of holding you close, the wish for us to be the closest. It's... An indescribable feeling... A feeling... That I find no better fitting name than 'love'... 'Romantic love'...", she said and at that moment, we stared deeply into each other eyes... Until we embraced each other, hugging tightly as she whispered to me in my ear.

"I... I think that even if this is wrong, what we have here is real... Isn't it? I... I am so happy, Dagger",

"I... I couldn't say it better myself...", I answered her and we stayed there for a long time.

It's a shame, however, how our relationship would only be harmed as the days passed. I no longer was her personal guard, by request of her in which I agreed to... We could get caught if we were to stay together like that every day. But the feeling we had... It never died... It only grew stronger... Until the day I wished for a single kiss.


"Even now, this feeling is still with you, isn't it? I believe many would have already given up, but here you are, defying deities, gathering the elements, and destroying a curse. In the name of love...", Jeffrey asked while I placed a hand on my chest.

"Yes... But well, here you have it, the romance of a lonely sometimes stubborn princess who cares for her people, and the knightess who swore to protect her and her dreams until the end of the days...", I said and then remained quiet, listening to Jeffrey's commentary of the story and the Beech's opinions while our ships continued to sail...