
Family Matters

"I am glad to hear that... This blank sheet of paper will guide you through your journey... A dangerous journey if I may say so, you might want to find friends to help you". That's what the wizard told me.

I followed his instructions, but there was only one person I knew that would help me in my journey. It's my brother... He was the only one that stood for my dream of becoming a knightess, I am sure that he would support me on my journey as well.

That's why, right now, I was going to my family's house... After the "crime" I committed, they lost all their status, their power, and their house at the Coventry's capital, but I knew where they were living now... A humble house, quite a shocking difference if compared to their older home from when they were rich.

Walls painted white, golden details and extravagant pieces of art... Those were things of the past, replaced by simple wooden walls, no details, and little to no art at all, but these showed the effort that my father put into building this rather than the effort of paid workers.

I don't know how it's inside the house, however. The first and only time I came here before was seeking to hide from the Coventry Kingdom and as I told you before, they denied me to live here.

That might have been a little harsh on me, but it's understandable... They lost everything because of me and the worst part of that, they believe in the "truth" the Coventry Kingdom spread, that I raped the princess... It's hard to forgive someone that you think did so many bad things, so I was only expecting the worst when I see them again.

It was a long journey, but I eventually reached their home... I slowly approached the front door and then knocked on it, still a little hesitant to see my parents... I was hoping that my brother would be the one opening the door. Not only because I didn't want to see my parents, but when I came here for the first time, they did not let me see him. If my parents saw me, they would very likely not let me see my brother again. But, thanks to my great awesome luck...

"Everblade?", my father said, he had a disgusted face just from looking at me. He looked thinner than his usual self... Live without his fortune must have done this change to him... However, it seemed like in personality, he has not changed at all.

"I came to talk with my brother", I said to him.

"Huh, come when I am dead", he said and was about to shut the door closed on my face, when my mother arrived and put a hand on his shoulder... The door remained open while she started to whisper a few things to him... They had a little small argument apparently, and, after a long sigh, my father nodded and looked back at me, with a better expression at least, but definitely not his best fake happy face.

"Actually, Everblade... Come with us, we have family matters to discuss...", he said and walked inside with my mother... I followed them and looked around. It was my first time inside their new home... The handmade furniture, the dirty everywhere... It was so different and shocking although I should have already expected this just from looking at the house from outside. A little farther ahead, I saw the wooden table, my mother and father sitting on one side...

"Please, Dagger, sit...", my father said and I did so... It was very strange, I was not expecting my parents to be acting that way... Did they really change after all? I was hoping that yes, they changed for the better, but until I heard what they had to say, I would still doubt if that really was the case...

"What this is all about?", I asked them. My parents looked at each other for a second and then at me again.

"Dagger, we want to know what we did wrong...", my mother said.

"What?... You... You did nothing wrong". I said that already, but they were not to blame for their acts... They just acted based on the truth they were told, after all.

"Dagger... We are your parents, we know you for the longest time. We know who are you, the little girl in our arms, that used to have excellent grades and have lots of suitors for when the time comes... You were an example too many, we don't want to believe that you did something wrong as raping without a motive... Much less raping another girl... You must hate us, you wanted your family name to burn... Because of something wrong we did, is it not?". My father explained. I couldn't help but feel a little bit angry as he said those words... It seems like after all of this, they were still unable to see who I really was.

"Well, I... Never would rape someone, that's true, but I think it's bold of you to assume you know me. I spent most of my childhood at that school you put me in and when I came back home on the weekends, my time would be spent with my brother... You didn't even know what I wanted at that time...", I honestly said to them and now my parents seemed to be the ones getting angrier. My father, in particular, a little more.

"Of course I know what you wanted. I always supported you for your dreams and-"

"Stop speaking nonsense father. You supported me to accomplish your dream, not mine... And I tried for a long time to support your dream a lot", I said to him... I was now realizing they might have done something wrong after all... I was the one that did not remember that until now. "Look, I did what you asked, I would always wear that uncomfortable dresses, try to excel in school, and impress guys because you wanted me a suitor who would elevate our status as a family... But that's not what I wanted. What I wanted was to become a knightess, you never supported me on that... I refused suitors, I learned to fight with swords all because I wanted to live my own life as well... You're important to me, but my life is not only my family, it's my dreams as well..."

"So that's why you hate us?! That's why you wanted our family's name to burn?!"

"Stop assuming father! I might hold some grudge against you because of that past, but seriously, I never thought of revenge! I am not in favor of such a thing, I would never rape someone, much less just to burn this family's name!"

"Then why Everblade?! Why did you rape her?!"

"What if I never intended to rape her? What if the love I have for her and she has for me is something real?! She was the one in my heart and it's not you that's going to decide that!"

"But your title as knightess, our status as a family. It's not worth the silly disgusting love you two have and-"

"I don't care if it's worth it or not, it still is love and I will fight for it until the end of my life! I am tired of you trying to control my life just for the sake of your own status!"

"You! You're my daughter, in the end, you owe me your life! It's the least you should do!"

"Look...", I said and took a deep breath, calming myself down. "I am not here to hear your nonsense..."

I stood up and almost slammed one of my hands on the table.

"I am here to speak with my brother. If you want to be against my dreams and desires, fine, but I will speak with him".

With that said, I turned my back to them and walked away, ready to search for my brother wherever he was. To my surprise, he was there, standing by the front door of the house... His expression was one of surprise, shock. I, however, couldn't help but smile...

It was such a long time that I saw him...

"David...", I said, unable to hide tears of happiness "I am glad you came... I wanted to talk with you... I-"

"Dagger...", he interrupted me and put a hand on my shoulder. Not in a friendly way, however... it was a sign for me to stop where I was... For an instant, I felt afraid of what he was going to say... and then... Then, the words, like the weapon I was named after, came...

"I am sorry..."

Life without riches sure is hard, huh, father of Dagger? I tried to sneak in a few things that I have learned in school into this... My art teacher once told me that food was rare at that time, many people ended up starving to death. So be fat was, at that time, a sign of being rich... Not everyone at that time, who was rich, was fat, of course, but it was a way of thinking - Here you can see that after losing his fortune, Dagger's father has grown thin, which is kind of a reference to what my teacher said. I wonder if other teachers also taught you that, so I thought it would be interesting to add this little detail.

Aoi_Yumi_Itocreators' thoughts